

Ах, какие ножки

- Ах, какие ножки


французские-гугеноты?Новости & Взгляды ЖЕЛАННЫЙ Вы здесь Главная ›Добро пожаловать ›история история Христианская реформаторская церковь берет свое начало в Реформации шестнадцатого века. Мы верим, что не можем заслужить свое спасение добрыми делами и что Писание - это руководство, с помощью которого мы оцениваем нашу практику как христиан. Оглавление Мы семья. Слово Божье занимает центральное место в наших богослужениях. Мы верим, что вся жизнь управляется нашей верой. Мы твердо привержены христианскому образованию. Откуда мы пришли? Джон Кальвин Прибытие в Северную Америку Отделение от голландской реформатской церкви Авраам Кайпер Становление североамериканским Канадцы Шестидесятые Призван служить Какие у нас министерства? Другая историческая информация Мы семья. Мы верим, что церковь - это семья Бога и что мы живем как братья и сестры под властью, любовью и заботой нашего небесного Отца. Иногда у нас бывают семейные ссоры, но мы знаем, что значит быть вместе. Мы несем бремя друг друга, увеличиваем радости друг друга и обогащаем жизни друг друга. вернуться к началу Слово Божье занимает центральное место в наших богослужениях. По этой причине в наших церквях основной упор делается на открытой Библии на кафедре, а в нашем совместном поклонении - проповедь. Песни и гимны, которые мы поем в наших церквях, основаны на Писании. вернуться к началу Мы верим, что вся жизнь управляется нашей верой. Наша вера в Бога помогает нам принимать важные решения в нашей жизни не только в воскресенье, но и каждый день недели. вернуться к началу Мы твердо привержены христианскому образованию. Из-за нашей заботы о семье и нашей веры в то, что наша вера важна во всех сферах нашей жизни, мы поддерживаем христианские школы и предлагаем множество программ, чтобы помочь семьям духовно расти. Мы хотим, чтобы все члены были информированы христиане. вернуться к началу Откуда мы пришли? Исторически мы приехали из Нидерландов. Но сегодня, хотя большинство наших членов по-прежнему являются выходцами из Голландии, мы не можем честно называться голландской церковью - если мы не будем также называть корейскую церковь, церковь навахо, церковь в Юго-Восточной Азии, франко-канадскую церковь , латиноамериканская церковь, афроамериканская церковь, мозаичная церковь. Для нас более важными, чем такие этнические значки, является наше место как одна ветвь дерева, которое начало расти в Пятидесятницу почти двадцать веков назад. Ранняя христианская церковь была похожа на единственный ствол этого дерева. После примерно 1000 лет роста ствол разделился на две основные ветви - восточную и западную церкви. В 1517 году протестантская Реформация разделила западную (или римскую) церковь на несколько новых ветвей. Одна из этих Реформационных ветвей, сформированная под влиянием Мартина Лютера, была названа лютеранской церковью. Другая ветвь развивалась под влиянием Ульриха Цвингли, а затем Джона Кальвина. Эти церкви назывались «пресвитерианскими» в Шотландии и «реформатскими» в континентальной Европе. Реформатские церкви процветали в Нидерландах. В середине 1800-х годов некоторые из этих голландских реформаторов переехали в Соединенные Штаты, а в 1857 году они основали Христианскую реформатскую церковь в Северной Америке. вернуться к началу Джон Кальвин Что отличает христианскую реформатскую церковь от многих других конфессий, так это ее охват ключевых учений Джона Кальвина. Короче говоря, все они сосредоточены на суверенитете Бога. Библейские учения о предопределении и избрании дают нам утешение, потому что они уверяют нас, что никто и ничто, даже наши собственные плохие решения, не могут вырвать нас из руки Бога. И осознание того, что Бог владеет всем творением и продолжает утверждать свое правление над ним, дает нам надежную надежду на будущее. Учения Джона Кальвина процветали во многих странах, включая Нидерланды. Хотя большая часть Нидерландов оставалась римско-католической, реформатская вера утвердилась как государственная церковь. Как это часто бывает, политика и церковь плохо сочетаются. Реформаторская церковь в Нидерландах начала демонстрировать свою долю морального разложения и богословского либерализма - последний в значительной степени стимулировался Просвещением, интеллектуальным движением, которое боготворило человеческий разум за счет основанной на Библии веры. В ответ на эту тенденцию началось массовое движение среди малообразованных людей с низкими доходами, которые придерживались простой практической веры, основанной на традиционных кальвинистских доктринах. Поскольку церкви не питали такой веры, те, кто присоединился к этому движению, поклонялись в небольших группах, называемых «монастырями». Когда реформатская церковь начала активно преследовать лидеров этого движения, ряд групп под руководством преподобного Хендрика де Кока и других отделился от церкви. Эта ветвь голландского кальвинизма в конечном итоге породила христианскую реформатскую церковь. вернуться к началу Прибытие в Северную Америку Следующим ключевым событием, которое привело к образованию КПР, было решение пастора сепаратистов Альберта Ван Раальте бежать от призрака религиозного преследования и голода в Нидерландах. Ван Раальте вместе со своей женой, семьей и сорока другими людьми иммигрировал в Соединенные Штаты. В 1848 году они обосновались в том районе, который сейчас является Голландией, штат Мичиган, и основали «колонию» на американской земле, которая страстно придерживалась кальвинистской доктрины, практического благочестия и твердой приверженности жизни всей жизни во славу Божью. Это было нелегко. Неопытные и искалеченные болезнью, поселенцы не справились с изнурительной задачей извлечения жизни из неприрученной земли. Только постоянный поток новых иммигрантов сохранял их ряды пополненными и даже допускал некоторый скромный рост их численности. Через эти первые очень трудные и болезненные годы, поселенцы цепко прижались к своим наиболее ценные вещи: их вера и свобода жить, что вера в их повседневной жизни. вернуться к началу Отделение от голландской реформатской церкви Суровые условия в молодой колонии убедили Ван Раальте обратиться за помощью к голландской реформатской церкви. Эта церковь была завезена на американскую землю более столетия назад, когда голландские реформатские купцы, сопровождавшие Питера Стуйвесанта, поселились в Нью-Йорке, затем назывались Новый Амстердам. Эта линия связи между Мичиганскими церквями Ван Раальте и реформатскими собраниями штата Нью-Джерси вскоре переросла в полноценное слияние. В 1857 году из нового союза вышел небольшой фрагмент из четырех церквей, около 130 семей. Среди причин, которые они привели, были: ощущаемое отсутствие здравой доктринальной проповеди американскими пасторами; ощущаемое отсутствие благочестия и чрезмерное приспособление к американской культуре этих самых пасторов; использование гимнов в поклонении американцами - сепаратисты настаивали только на пении псалма; практика американских церквей "открытого общения", когда всем верующим было открыто приглашение принять участие в Вечере Господней; воспринимаемое отсутствие солидарности со стороны американцев с сепаратистским движением в Нидерландах. В 1857 году родилась христианская реформатская церковь. вернуться к началу Авраам Кайпер Поток голландских иммигрантов в CRC резко увеличился во второй половине девятнадцатого века. Эти вновь прибывшие разделили приверженность реформатским вероучениям и конфессиям, но они представили совершенно другое видение. Их взгляды были в значительной степени сформированы великим голландским богословом и государственным деятелем, доктором Авраамом Кайпером. Обретя простую, основанную на Библии веру тех, кто вышел из Реформатской церкви Нидерландов около пятидесяти лет назад, Кайпер вывел движение из реформатской церкви, которая присоединилась к сепаратистам. Большим вкладом Кайпера в движение сепаратистов и, через иммигрантов, в Христианско-реформаторскую церковь, была внешняя вера. Несмотря на то, что Кейпер по-прежнему твердо обоснован в Писании и исповеданиях, он хотел претендовать на господство Христа над всей жизнью. Верующие были призваны не только поддерживать святую жизнь по отношению к Богу и друг другу, они также были призваны расширять Божье Царство в обществе, в котором они жили. Верующие должны были смотреть за пределы жестких деревянных скамей и их семейных алтарей, чтобы принять мир для Христа - используя христианские школы, учреждения и организации, чтобы сделать искупительную и воссоздающую Божью работу реальностью на рынке, в мэрии и на фабрике. Новое видение, которое стало распространяться среди членов CRC, не вытеснило благочестие, оставшееся дома, но оно подстегнуло CRC младенцев всматриваться через стены своей колыбели, чтобы начать охватывать более широкий мир. вернуться к началу Становление североамериканским На рубеже веков КПР начал совершать трудный переход от голландского языка к английскому. Это не произошло в одночасье. С положительной стороны, это означало, что КПР мог выйти из своей изоляции, привлекая культуру и общество и налаживая отношения с другими христианами. С отрицательной стороны, основной элемент сплоченности КПР начал растворяться. И члены КПР, особенно молодежь, становились все более уязвимыми для опасностей и ловушек американизма. Первая мировая война ускорила этот процесс. Молодые солдаты КПР воевали за Соединенные Штаты и вернулись более решительными, чем когда-либо, американцами. КПР в целом поддерживал военные действия, и его члены становились все более лояльными к тому, что они начали видеть в качестве своей земли. После войны КПР было трудно определить себя. Он хотел стать американцем, но он также хотел цепко держаться за свои реформатские верования и обычаи, которые, по мнению многих, нашли полное выражение только на голландском языке. Это привело к разногласиям и, в типичном реформатском стиле, к отделению. Профессор семинарии Кальвина Ральф Янссен покинул КПР из-за постоянных исследований его взглядов на науку как на законный источник знаний, который мог бы внести позитивный вклад в понимание христианами мира. Отказ Германа Хоэксема от «общей благодати» вызвал отделение протестантской реформатской церкви от КПР. Годы депрессии были трудными для членов КПР. Церковь распространилась в карманах по всей территории Соединенных Штатов. Строгость выживания заставляла их смотреть больше внутрь, чем наружу. В результате они теряли связь друг с другом и со своими корнями. Редактор баннера HJ Kuiper забил тревогу, призывая членов Церкви заново посвятить себя реформатской вере. Койпера определили три фракции в КПР, что мы все еще можем определить в какой-то степени сегодня: те, кто цепко к историческому кальвинизма, те, кто поддерживает своего рода фундаментальный евангелизма, и те, кто следуют за либеральным, общение, модернистских церквей Северной Америки. вернуться к началу Канадцы Вторая мировая война послужила еще большему американизации КПР. Но это также привело к новой иммиграции голландских кальвинистов - на этот раз в основном в Канаду. В то время как церкви CRC были основаны десятилетиями ранее в таких местах, как Ноблфорд и Эдмонтон, Альберта, новые церкви возникли в одночасье в Альберте, Онтарио, Манитобе и Британской Колумбии. Большая иммиграция голландских кальвинистов в Канаду в начале 1950-х годов привела к значительному столкновению культур в КРК. В то время как голландские канадцы разделяли приверженность реформатским конфессиям, они отличались от своих американских кузенов жизненным опытом, складом ума, моральными и религиозными ценностями. Голландские канадцы имели тенденцию концентрировать свои духовные силы на выработке социальных последствий Евангелия, а не на личном благочестии. Тем не менее, обе группы разделяли искреннее желание и обязательство оставаться послушными Божьему Слову - прочной основе, на которой можно построить двунациональную церковь. вернуться к началу Шестидесятые Поток изменений в ценностях, образе жизни и социальных взаимодействиях, произошедших в 1960-х годах, глубоко повлиял на КПР. Более аккуратные образцы церковной жизни сменились растущим разочарованием и разногласиями по поводу того, как верующие должны реагировать на социальный хаос вокруг них. Хотя КПР не открыто провел расистские учения, участники обсуждали долго и упорно над путями церковь должна борьбой с расизмом - если вообще. Даже среди кайперианцев существовало сильное несогласие по поводу того, в какой степени институциональная церковь должна участвовать в решении важных социальных вопросов. Роль женщин в церковном руководстве также стала горячо оспариваемым конфликтом в шестидесятые годы. Изменение роли женщин в обществе в целом вынудило КПР спросить, следует ли разрешать женщинам служить в церковном офисе. Хотя обе стороны в этой борьбе искренне стремились быть библейски послушными и преобразованными в своей интерпретации Писания, ни одна из сторон не смогла убедить другую. Тупик привел к компромиссному решению, которое позволяет отдельным церквам рукоположить женщин в качестве старейшин и классов (если они того пожелают), чтобы позволить своим прихожанам рукоположить женщин в качестве служителей Слова. Это решение подстегнуло уход более сорока тысяч членов из КПР. вернуться к началу Призван служить Несмотря на глубоко разобщающий дух, который вызвал такую ​​боль в КПР, было также много доказательств Божьей благодати. Люди с обеих сторон достигли в прощении и любви. Хотя некоторые покинули КПР из-за своих разногласий, многие остались. И они по-прежнему стремятся жить вместе и работать вместе в этой части Тела Христова. Несмотря на разнообразие позиций и точек зрения, которые придерживаются члены КПР, деноминация по-прежнему связана глубоким обязательством реагировать на хорошие новости о том, что наш мир принадлежит и искупляется нашим верным Богом. В единстве и укреплении этого убеждения члены КПР объединяются в удивительном разнообразии и масштабах министерств. вернуться к началу Какие у нас министерства? Объединив усилия и совместное служение как деноминация, мы можем сделать гораздо больше, чем могли бы, если бы работали только на местном уровне. Эти усилия осуществляются через наши деноминационные агентства и министерства . вернуться к началу Другая историческая информация Памятные события в истории КПР Информация о ежегоднике (включает статистику членства, историю церкви и служителя и многое другое) (Эта информация взята из книги «CRC and You» , принадлежащей вам , и из руководства лидера, сопровождающего видео « Наш семейный альбом» .) Дом Исследуй 2.0 Исследуй 1.1 команда SQuAD 2.0 Стэнфордский набор вопросов и ответов гугенот Стэнфордский набор вопросов и ответов Численность гугенотов достигла своего пика примерно в два миллиона к 1562 году, сосредоточившись в основном в южной и центральной частях Франции, что составляет примерно одну восьмую часть французских католиков. По мере того как гугеноты приобретали влияние и более открыто проявляли свою веру, католическая враждебность росла, несмотря на все более либеральные политические уступки и указы терпимости от французской короны. Последовавший за этим ряд религиозных конфликтов, известных как «Религиозные войны», периодически велись с 1562 по 1598 год. В конце концов войны закончились принятием Нантского эдикта, который предоставил гугенотам существенную религиозную, политическую и военную автономию. Где было сосредоточено гугенотское население Франции? Ground Truth Answers: the southern and central parts of Francesouthern and central parts of France,about one-eighth What was the proportion of Huguenots to Catholics at their peak? Ground Truth Answers: about one-eighth the numberabout one-eighthabout one-eighth When were the Wars of Religion fought? Ground Truth Answers: from 1562 to 15981562 to 1598562 to 1598 What treaty ended the Wars of Religion? Ground Truth Answers: the Edict of NantesEdict of Nantesthe Edict of Nantes What did this agreement do? Ground Truth Answers: granted the Huguenots substantial religious, political and military autonomygranted the Huguenots substantial religious, political and military autonomygranted the Huguenots substantial religious, political and military autonomy A term used originally in derision, Huguenot has unclear origins. Various hypotheses have been promoted. The nickname may have been a combined reference to the Swiss politician Besançon Hugues (died 1532) and the religiously conflicted nature of Swiss republicanism in his time, using a clever derogatory pun on the name Hugues by way of the Dutch word Huisgenoten (literally housemates), referring to the connotations of a somewhat related word in German Eidgenosse (Confederates as in "a citizen of one of the states of the Swiss Confederacy"). Geneva was John Calvin's adopted home and the centre of the Calvinist movement. In Geneva, Hugues, though Catholic, was a leader of the "Confederate Party", so called because it favoured independence from the Duke of Savoy through an alliance between the city-state of Geneva and the Swiss Confederation. The label Huguenot was purportedly first applied in France to those conspirators (all of them aristocratic members of the Reformed Church) involved in the Amboise plot of 1560: a foiled attempt to wrest power in France from the influential House of Guise. The move would have had the side effect of fostering relations with the Swiss. Thus, Hugues plus Eidgenosse by way of Huisgenoten supposedly became Huguenot, a nickname associating the Protestant cause with politics unpopular in France.[citation needed] The term Huguenot was originally meant to confer? Ground Truth Answers: derisionderisionderision What Swiss city was the center of the Calvinist movement? Ground Truth Answers: GenevaGenevaGeneva The term may be related to what politician from Switzerland? Ground Truth Answers: Besançon HuguesBesançon HuguesBesançon Hugues What name was given to the plot to usurp power from the French House of Guise? Ground Truth Answers: Amboise plotAmboisethe Amboise plot When did this attempt take place? Ground Truth Answers: 156015601560 The availability of the Bible in vernacular languages was important to the spread of the Protestant movement and development of the Reformed church in France. The country had a long history of struggles with the papacy by the time the Protestant Reformation finally arrived. Around 1294, a French version of the Scriptures was prepared by the Roman Catholic priest, Guyard de Moulin. A two-volume illustrated folio paraphrase version based on his manuscript, by Jean de Rély, was printed in Paris in 1487. What helped spread Protestantism in France? Ground Truth Answers: availability of the Bible in vernacular languagesthe Bible in vernacular languagesThe availability of the Bible in vernacular languages When did the first French language bible appear? Ground Truth Answers: Around 12941294Around 1294 Who translated this version of the scriptures? Ground Truth Answers: Guyard de MoulinGuyard de MoulinGuyard de Moulin An illustrated, paraphrased version of this appeared when? Ground Truth Answers: 148714871487 Jean De Rely's illustrated French-language scriptures were first published in what city? Ground Truth Answers: ParisParisParis Montpellier was among the most important of the 66 "villes de sûreté" that the Edict of 1598 granted to the Huguenots. The city's political institutions and the university were all handed over to the Huguenots. Tension with Paris led to a siege by the royal army in 1622. Peace terms called for the dismantling of the city's fortifications. A royal citadel was built and the university and consulate were taken over by the Catholic party. Even before the Edict of Alès (1629), Protestant rule was dead and the ville de sûreté was no more.[citation needed] What were the towns granted to the Huguenots in 1598 collectively called? Ground Truth Answers: villes de sûreté"villes de sûreté"villes de sûreté What was the most important of these cities or towns? Ground Truth Answers: MontpellierMontpellierMontpellier What proclamation officially ended limited Huguenot autonomy? Ground Truth Answers: Edict of AlèsEdict of AlèsEdict of Alès France laid siege to Montpellier in what year? Ground Truth Answers: 162216221622 When was this proclamation issued? Ground Truth Answers: 162916291629 Individual Huguenots settled at the Cape of Good Hope from as early as 1671 with the arrival of François Villion (Viljoen). The first Huguenot to arrive at the Cape of Good Hope was however Maria de la Queillerie, wife of commander Jan van Riebeeck (and daughter of a Walloon church minister), who arrived on 6 April 1652 to establish a settlement at what is today Cape Town. The couple left for the Far East ten years later. On 31 December 1687 the first organised group of Huguenots set sail from the Netherlands to the Dutch East India Company post at the Cape of Good Hope. The largest portion of the Huguenots to settle in the Cape arrived between 1688 and 1689 in seven ships as part of the organised migration, but quite a few arrived as late as 1700; thereafter, the numbers declined and only small groups arrived at a time. Where did the first Huguenot colonists settle? Ground Truth Answers: at the Cape of Good HopeCape of Good Hopethe Cape of Good Hope What modern city is located on the original Huguenot colony? Ground Truth Answers: Cape TownCape TownCape Town Who was the first Huguenot to arrive at the Cape of Good Hope? Ground Truth Answers: Maria de la QueillerieMaria de la QueillerieMaria de la Queillerie What trading company helped settle Huguenots near the Cape? Ground Truth Answers: Dutch East India CompanyDutch East India CompanyDutch East India Company The number of new Huguenot colonists declined after what year? Ground Truth Answers: 170017001700 Barred by the government from settling in New France, Huguenots led by Jessé de Forest, sailed to North America in 1624 and settled instead in the Dutch colony of New Netherland (later incorporated into New York and New Jersey); as well as Great Britain's colonies, including Nova Scotia. A number of New Amsterdam's families were of Huguenot origin, often having emigrated as refugees to the Netherlands in the previous century. In 1628 the Huguenots established a congregation as L'Église française à la Nouvelle-Amsterdam (the French church in New Amsterdam). This parish continues today as L'Eglise du Saint-Esprit, part of the Episcopal (Anglican) communion, and welcomes Francophone New Yorkers from all over the world. Upon their arrival in New Amsterdam, Huguenots were offered land directly across from Manhattan on Long Island for a permanent settlement and chose the harbor at the end of Newtown Creek, becoming the first Europeans to live in Brooklyn, then known as Boschwick, in the neighborhood now known as Bushwick. When did Huguenots colonize in North America? Ground Truth Answers: 162416241624 Who led the North American Huguenot colonial expedition? Ground Truth Answers: Jessé de ForestJessé de ForestJessé de Forest What was the name of the first Huguenot church in the New World? Ground Truth Answers: L'Église française à la Nouvelle-AmsterdamL'Église française à la Nouvelle-AmsterdamL'Église française à la Nouvelle-Amsterdam (the French church in New Amsterdam) By what name is that first Huguenot church known today? Ground Truth Answers: L'Eglise du Saint-EspritL'Eglise du Saint-EspritL'Eglise du Saint-Esprit The Huguenots were the first Europeans to live in what modern New York borough? Ground Truth Answers: BrooklynBrooklynBrooklyn In the early years, many Huguenots also settled in the area of present-day Charleston, South Carolina. In 1685, Rev. Elie Prioleau from the town of Pons in France, was among the first to settle there. He became pastor of the first Huguenot church in North America in that city. After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, several Huguenot families of Norman and Carolingian nobility and descent, including Edmund Bohun of Suffolk England from the Humphrey de Bohun line of French royalty descended from Charlemagne, Jean Postell of Dieppe France, Alexander Pepin, Antoine Poitevin of Orsement France, and Jacques de Bordeaux of Grenoble, immigrated to the Charleston Orange district. They were very successful at marriage and property speculation. After petitioning the British Crown in 1697 for the right to own land in the Baronies, they prospered as slave owners on the Cooper, Ashepoo, Ashley and Santee River plantations they purchased from the British Landgrave Edmund Bellinger. Some of their descendants moved into the Deep South and Texas, where they developed new plantations. Where in South Carolina did Huguenot nobility settle? Ground Truth Answers: the Charleston Orange districtCharleston Orange districtCharleston Orange district From whom did the Huguenots in South Carolina purchase land from? Ground Truth Answers: the British Landgrave Edmund BellingerEdmund BellingerEdmund Bellinger Charleston settler Elie Prioleau was from what French town? Ground Truth Answers: PonsPons in FrancePons When did the Huguenots secure the right to own land in the Baronies? Ground Truth Answers: 169716971697 What southern city did the Huguenots settle near? Ground Truth Answers: Charleston, South CarolinaCharlestonCharleston, South Carolina Stadtholder William III of Orange, who later became King of England, emerged as the strongest opponent of king Louis XIV after the French attacked the Dutch Republic in 1672. William formed the League of Augsburg as a coalition to oppose Louis and the French state. Consequently, many Huguenots considered the wealthy and Calvinist Dutch Republic, which led the opposition to Louis XIV, as the most attractive country for exile after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. They also found many French-speaking Calvinist churches there. Who was Louis XIV's main rival? Ground Truth Answers: William III of OrangeStadtholder William III of OrangeStadtholder William III of Orange William would eventually gain what throne? Ground Truth Answers: King of EnglandKing of EnglandKing of England What coalition rose up to oppose Louis XIV's France? Ground Truth Answers: League of AugsburgLeague of AugsburgLeague of Augsburg With what European country did the Huguenots feel kinship for emigration to? Ground Truth Answers: Dutch RepublicDutch RepublicDutch Republic When did France and the Dutch fight in the 17th century? Ground Truth Answers: 167216721672 Renewed religious warfare in the 1620s caused the political and military privileges of the Huguenots to be abolished following their defeat. They retained the religious provisions of the Edict of Nantes until the rule of Louis XIV, who progressively increased persecution of them until he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau (1685), which abolished all legal recognition of Protestantism in France, and forced the Huguenots to convert. While nearly three-quarters eventually were killed or submitted, roughly 500,000 Huguenots had fled France by the early 18th century[citation needed]. What proclamation abolished protestantism in France? Ground Truth Answers: Edict of FontainebleauEdict of Fontainebleauthe Edict of Fontainebleau When was this edict declared? Ground Truth Answers: 168516851685 Which French kind issued this declaration? Ground Truth Answers: Louis XIVLouis XIVLouis XIV How many Huguenots fled France by the 1700s? Ground Truth Answers: 500,000500,000roughly 500,000 The Catholic Church in France and many of its members opposed the Huguenots. Some Huguenot preachers and congregants were attacked as they attempted to meet for worship. The height of this persecution was the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre when 5,000 to 30,000 were killed, although there were also underlying political reasons for this as well, as some of the Huguenots were nobles trying to establish separate centers of power in southern France. Retaliating against the French Catholics, the Huguenots had their own militia. What group specifically opposed the Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: Catholic Church in FranceCatholic Church in FranceThe Catholic Church in France What event was the worst example of Huguenot persecution? Ground Truth Answers: St. Bartholomew's Day massacreSt. Bartholomew's Day massacreSt. Bartholomew's Day massacre How many Huguenots were killed during this purge? Ground Truth Answers: 5,000 to 30,0005,000 to 30,0005,000 to 30,000 How did the Huguenots defend themselves? Ground Truth Answers: their own militiathe Huguenots had their own militia What was a non-religious reason for the massacre? Ground Truth Answers: some of the Huguenots were nobles trying to establish separate centers of power in southern Francepolitical reasonssome of the Huguenots were nobles trying to establish separate centers of power in southern France By 1620 the Huguenots were on the defensive, and the government increasingly applied pressure. A series of three small civil wars known as the Huguenot rebellions broke out, mainly in southwestern France, between 1621 and 1629. revolted against royal authority. The uprising occurred a decade following the death of Henry IV, a Huguenot before converting to Catholicism, who had protected Protestants through the Edict of Nantes. His successor Louis XIII, under the regency of his Italian Catholic mother Marie de' Medici, became more intolerant of Protestantism. The Huguenots respond by establishing independent political and military structures, establishing diplomatic contacts with foreign powers, and openly revolting against central power. The rebellions were implacably suppressed by the French Crown.[citation needed] When did these rebellions take place? Ground Truth Answers: between 1621 and 1629between 1621 and 1629between 1621 and 1629 Where did these uprisings take place? Ground Truth Answers: southwestern Francesouthwestern Francemainly in southwestern France What King and former Huguenot looked out for the welfare of the group? Ground Truth Answers: Henry IVHenry IVHenry IV Which successor to Henry resumed persecution of the Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: Louis XIIILouis XIIILouis XIII What were the civil wars caused by the Huguenots called? Ground Truth Answers: Huguenot rebellionsHuguenot rebellionsthe Huguenot rebellions Approximately one million Protestants in modern France represent some 2% of its population. Most are concentrated in Alsace in northeast France and the Cévennes mountain region in the south, who still regard themselves as Huguenots to this day.[citation needed] A diaspora of French Australians still considers itself Huguenot, even after centuries of exile. Long integrated into Australian society, it is encouraged by the Huguenot Society of Australia to embrace and conserve its cultural heritage, aided by the Society's genealogical research services. How many protestants live in France today? Ground Truth Answers: one millionApproximately one millionApproximately one million What percentage of France's population is protestant today? Ground Truth Answers: 2%2%2% What northern province in France has a large protestant population? Ground Truth Answers: AlsaceAlsaceAlsace What is the southern region where protestants are concentrated? Ground Truth Answers: CévennesCévennesCévennes mountain region What country currently has a group who call themselves Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: AustraliaAustraliaAustralia Huguenot immigrants did not disperse or settle in different parts of the country, but rather, formed three societies or congregations; one in the city of New York, another 21 miles north of New York in a town which they named New Rochelle, and a third further upstate in New Paltz. The "Huguenot Street Historic District" in New Paltz has been designated a National Historic Landmark site and contains the oldest street in the United States of America. A small group of Huguenots also settled on the south shore of Staten Island along the New York Harbor, for which the current neighborhood of Huguenot was named. What city north of New York was settled by Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: New RochelleNew RochelleNew Rochelle What town in upstate New York was settled by Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: New PaltzNew PaltzNew Paltz What Huguenot area is designated as a historical landmark? Ground Truth Answers: "Huguenot Street Historic District" in New PaltzHuguenot Street Historic DistrictThe "Huguenot Street Historic District" in New Paltz What is located within this district? Ground Truth Answers: the oldest street in the United States of Americathe oldest street in the United States of Americathe oldest street in the United States of America In what borough is there a neighborhood called Huguenot? Ground Truth Answers: Staten IslandStaten IslandStaten Island After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset. What country initially received the largest number of Huguenot refugees? Ground Truth Answers: the Dutch RepublicDutch RepublicDutch Republic How many refugees emigrated to the Dutch Republic? Ground Truth Answers: an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people75,000 to 100,00075,000 to 100,000 What was the population of the Dutch Republic before this emigration? Ground Truth Answers: ca. 2 million2 million2 million What two areas in the Republic were first to grant rights to the Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: Amsterdam and the area of West FrisiaAmsterdam and the area of West FrisiaAmsterdam and the area of West Frisia What declaration predicated the emigration of Huguenot refugees? Ground Truth Answers: the revocation of the Edict of NantesEdict of Nantesthe revocation of the Edict of Nantes In this last connection, the name could suggest the derogatory inference of superstitious worship; popular fancy held that Huguon, the gate of King Hugo, was haunted by the ghost of le roi Huguet (regarded by Roman Catholics as an infamous scoundrel) and other spirits, who instead of being in Purgatory came back to harm the living at night. It was in this place in Tours that the prétendus réformés ("these supposedly 'reformed'") habitually gathered at night, both for political purposes, and for prayer and singing psalms. Such explanations have been traced to the contemporary, Reguier de la Plancha (d. 1560), who in De l'Estat de France offered the following account as to the origin of the name, as cited by The Cape Monthly: Where was the Gate of King Hugo? Ground Truth Answers: ToursToursTours By what other name was the Gate known? Ground Truth Answers: HuguonHuguonHuguon Who allegedly haunted the gate? Ground Truth Answers: the ghost of le roi Huguetghost of le roi Huguetthe ghost of le roi Huguet By what name were the "supposedly reformed" known? Ground Truth Answers: prétendus réformésprétendus réformésprétendus réformés What time of day did these reformed supposedly gather to engage in Huguenot rituals? Ground Truth Answers: nightnightat night Other evidence of the Walloons and Huguenots in Canterbury includes a block of houses in Turnagain Lane, where weavers' windows survive on the top floor, as many Huguenots worked as weavers. The Weavers, a half-timbered house by the river, was the site of a weaving school from the late 16th century to about 1830. (It has been adapted as a restaurant—see illustration above. The house derives its name from a weaving school which was moved there in the last years of the 19th century, reviving an earlier use.) Others refugees practised the variety of occupations necessary to sustain the community as distinct from the indigenous population. Such economic separation was the condition of the refugees' initial acceptance in the City. They also settled elsewhere in Kent, particularly Sandwich, Faversham and Maidstone—towns in which there used to be refugee churches. Where did Huguenots and Walloons settle in England? Ground Truth Answers: CanterburyCanterburyCanterbury What house was the site of a weaving school in Canterbury? Ground Truth Answers: The WeaversThe WeaversThe Weavers What social construct did Huguenot refugees in Canterbury practice? Ground Truth Answers: economic separationeconomic separationworked as weavers What other English towns were sites of Huguenot settlement? Ground Truth Answers: Kent, particularly Sandwich, Faversham and MaidstoneSandwich, Faversham and MaidstoneSandwich, Faversham and Maidstone What is located on the site of The Weaving House currently? Ground Truth Answers: a restaurantrestauranta restaurant A number of Huguenots served as mayors in Dublin, Cork, Youghal and Waterford in the 17th and 18th centuries. Numerous signs of Huguenot presence can still be seen with names still in use, and with areas of the main towns and cities named after the people who settled there. Examples include the Huguenot District and French Church Street in Cork City; and D'Olier Street in Dublin, named after a High Sheriff and one of the founders of the Bank of Ireland. A French church in Portarlington dates back to 1696, and was built to serve the significant new Huguenot community in the town. At the time, they constituted the majority of the townspeople. French Church Street is in what Irish town? Ground Truth Answers: Cork CityCork CityCork City What Irish cities had Huguenot mayors in the 1600s and 1700s? Ground Truth Answers: Dublin, Cork, Youghal and WaterfordDublin, Cork, Youghal and WaterfordDublin, Cork, Youghal and Waterford Where is D'Olier Street? Ground Truth Answers: DublinDublinDublin D'Olier Street is named after whom? Ground Truth Answers: a High Sheriff and one of the founders of the Bank of IrelandHigh Sheriffa High Sheriff and one of the founders of the Bank of Ireland The French church in Portarlington was built when? Ground Truth Answers: 169616961696 The exodus of Huguenots from France created a brain drain, as many Huguenots had occupied important places in society. The kingdom did not fully recover for years. The French crown's refusal to allow non-Catholics to settle in New France may help to explain that colony's slow rate of population growth compared to that of the neighbouring British colonies, which opened settlement to religious dissenters. By the time of the French and Indian War (the North American front of the Seven Years' War), a sizeable population of Huguenot descent lived in the British colonies, and many participated in the British defeat of New France in 1759-60. What is the common term for the loss of key members of French society to Huguenot emigration? Ground Truth Answers: brain drainbrain drainbrain drain What was the name of France's primary colony in the New World? Ground Truth Answers: New FranceNew FranceNew France What persons were not allowed to settle in New France? Ground Truth Answers: non-Catholicsnon-Catholicsnon-Catholics The French and Indian War was the New World aspect of what European conflict? Ground Truth Answers: Seven Years' WarSeven Years' WarSeven Years' War When did the British defeat New France? Ground Truth Answers: 1759-601759-601759-60 The pattern of warfare, followed by brief periods of peace, continued for nearly another quarter-century. The warfare was definitively quelled in 1598, when Henry of Navarre, having succeeded to the French throne as Henry IV, and having recanted Protestantism in favour of Roman Catholicism, issued the Edict of Nantes. The Edict reaffirmed Catholicism as the state religion of France, but granted the Protestants equality with Catholics under the throne and a degree of religious and political freedom within their domains. The Edict simultaneously protected Catholic interests by discouraging the founding of new Protestant churches in Catholic-controlled regions.[citation needed] What was Henry IV known as before taking the throne? Ground Truth Answers: Henry of NavarreHenry of NavarreHenry of Navarre When did Henry issue the Edict of Nantes? Ground Truth Answers: 159815981598 What did the Edict do for Huguenots in France? Ground Truth Answers: granted the Protestants equality with Catholicsgranted the Protestants equalitygranted the Protestants equality with Catholics under the throne and a degree of religious and political freedom within their domains The edict protected Catholics by discouraging what? Ground Truth Answers: the founding of new Protestant churchesfounding of new Protestant churches in Catholic-controlled regionsthe founding of new Protestant churches in Catholic-controlled regions What religion did Henry renounce upon ascending the throne? Ground Truth Answers: ProtestantismProtestantismProtestantism The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and prohibited emigration. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. Four thousand emigrated to the North American colonies, where they settled in New York and Virginia, especially. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called "new converts". What was required of Huguenot children after the Edict was revoked? Ground Truth Answers: education of children as Catholicseducation of children as Catholicsrequired education of children as Catholics How did the revocation restrict Huguenot travel? Ground Truth Answers: prohibited emigrationprohibited emigrationprohibited emigration How many Huguenots emigrated to North America as colonists? Ground Truth Answers: Four thousandFour thousandFour thousand What were Huguenots who stayed in France eventually known as? Ground Truth Answers: "new converts""new converts"new converts Besides Britain and North America, where else did Huguenot refugees settle? Ground Truth Answers: Holland, Prussia, and South AfricaHolland, Prussia, and South AfricaBritain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa The first Huguenots to leave France sought freedom from persecution in Switzerland and the Netherlands.[citation needed] A group of Huguenots was part of the French colonisers who arrived in Brazil in 1555 to found France Antarctique. A couple of ships with around 500 people arrived at the Guanabara Bay, present-day Rio de Janeiro, and settled in a small island. A fort, named Fort Coligny, was built to protect them from attack from the Portuguese troops and Brazilian Native Americans. It was an attempt to establish a French colony in South America. The fort was destroyed in 1560 by the Portuguese, who captured part of the Huguenots. The Portuguese threatened the prisoners with death if they did not convert to Catholicism. The Huguenots of Guanabara, as they are now known, produced a declaration of faith to express their beliefs to the Portuguese. This was their death sentence. This document, the Guanabara Confession of Faith, became the first Protestant confession of faith in the whole of the Americas.[citation needed] What were the first two destinations of Huguenot emigres? Ground Truth Answers: Switzerland and the NetherlandsSwitzerland and the Netherlands.Switzerland and the Netherlands When was the French colony in modern day Brazil founded? Ground Truth Answers: 155515551555 What was the Brazilian French colony called? Ground Truth Answers: France AntarctiqueFrance AntarctiqueFrance Antarctique In what year was Fort Coligny destroyed? Ground Truth Answers: 156015601560 By what document did the Huguenots confess their faith to the Portuguese in Brazil? Ground Truth Answers: the Guanabara Confession of FaithGuanabara Confession of Faiththe Guanabara Confession of Faith Many of the farms in the Western Cape province in South Africa still bear French names. Many families, today mostly Afrikaans-speaking, have surnames indicating their French Huguenot ancestry. Examples include: Blignaut, Cilliers, de Klerk (Le Clercq), de Villiers, du Plessis, Du Preez (Des Pres), du Randt (Durand), du Toit, Duvenhage(Du Vinage), Franck, Fouche, Fourie (Fleurit), Gervais, Giliomee (Guilliaume), Gous/Gouws (Gauch), Hugo, Jordaan (Jourdan), Joubert, Kriek, Labuschagne (la Buscagne), le Roux, Lombard, Malan, Malherbe, Marais, Maree, Minnaar (Mesnard), Nel (Nell),Naude', Nortje (Nortier), Pienaar (Pinard), Retief (Retif), Rossouw (Rousseau), Taljaard (Taillard), TerBlanche, Theron, Viljoen (Villion) and Visagie (Visage). The wine industry in South Africa owes a significant debt to the Huguenots, some of whom had vineyards in France, or were brandy distillers, and used their skills in their new home. Families with French names in South Africa speak what language today? Ground Truth Answers: AfrikaansAfrikaansAfrikaans What South African industry descended from Huguenot settlers? Ground Truth Answers: wine industrywineThe wine industry Where can one find the formerly Huguenot farms in South Africa? Ground Truth Answers: Western Cape provinceWestern Cape province What characteristic identifies the French ancestry of some South Africans? Ground Truth Answers: surnamesnamessurnames Paul Revere was descended from Huguenot refugees, as was Henry Laurens, who signed the Articles of Confederation for South Carolina; Jack Jouett, who made the ride from Cuckoo Tavern to warn Thomas Jefferson and others that Tarleton and his men were on their way to arrest him for crimes against the king; Francis Marion, and a number of other leaders of the American Revolution and later statesmen. The last active Huguenot congregation in North America worships in Charleston, South Carolina, at a church that dates to 1844. The Huguenot Society of America maintains Manakin Episcopal Church in Virginia as an historic shrine with occasional services. The Society has chapters in numerous states, with the one in Texas being the largest. What Revolutionary War midnight rider was a Huguenot descendant? Ground Truth Answers: Paul ReverePaul ReverePaul Revere What signer of the Articles of Confederation was descended from Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: Henry LaurensHenry LaurensHenry Laurens In what city is the last Huguenot congregation in the US? Ground Truth Answers: Charleston, South CarolinaCharlestonCharleston, South Carolina What church in Virginia is maintained by Huguenots as a historic shrine? Ground Truth Answers: Manakin Episcopal ChurchManakin Episcopal ChurchManakin Episcopal Church In what state is the largest Huguenot Society located? Ground Truth Answers: TexasTexasTexas Some Huguenots settled in Bedfordshire, one of the main centres of the British lace industry at the time. Although 19th century sources have asserted that some of these refugees were lacemakers and contributed to the East Midlands lace industry, this is contentious. The only reference to immigrant lacemakers in this period is of twenty-five widows who settled in Dover, and there is no contemporary documentation to support there being Huguenot lacemakers in Bedfordshire. The implication that the style of lace known as 'Bucks Point' demonstrates a Huguenot influence, being a "combination of Mechlin patterns on Lille ground", is fallacious: what is now known as Mechlin lace did not develop until first half of the eighteenth century and lace with Mechlin patterns and Lille ground did not appear until the end of the 18th century, when it was widely copied throughout Europe. What industry was centered in Bedfordshire? Ground Truth Answers: lacelaceBritish lace What style of lace is erroneously believed by some to have Huguenot influence? Ground Truth Answers: 'Bucks Point'Bucks PointBucks Point What reference is there to Huguenot lacemakers in the 19th century? Ground Truth Answers: twenty-five widows who settled in Dovertwenty-five widows who settled in Dovertwenty-five widows who settled in Dover When did Mechlin lace develop? Ground Truth Answers: first half of the eighteenth centuryfirst half of the eighteenth centuryfirst half of the eighteenth century In Berlin, the Huguenots created two new neighbourhoods: Dorotheenstadt and Friedrichstadt. By 1700, one-fifth of the city's population was French speaking. The Berlin Huguenots preserved the French language in their church services for nearly a century. They ultimately decided to switch to German in protest against the occupation of Prussia by Napoleon in 1806-07. Many of their descendents rose to positions of prominence. Several congregations were founded, such as those of Fredericia (Denmark), Berlin, Stockholm, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Helsinki, and Emden. What were the two Huguenot neighborhoods created in Berlin? Ground Truth Answers: Dorotheenstadt and FriedrichstadtDorotheenstadt and FriedrichstadtDorotheenstadt and Friedrichstadt What portion of Berlin's population spoke French by 1700? Ground Truth Answers: one-fifthone-fifthone-fifth Why did Berlin Huguenots switch to German from French in their services? Ground Truth Answers: in protest against the occupation of Prussia by Napoleonin protestin protest against the occupation of Prussia by Napoleon What years did this occupation take place? Ground Truth Answers: 1806-071806-07.1806-07 What other Northern European cities had Huguenot congregations? Ground Truth Answers: Fredericia (Denmark), Berlin, Stockholm, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Helsinki, and EmdenFredericia (Denmark), Berlin, Stockholm, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Helsinki, and EmdenFredericia (Denmark), Berlin, Stockholm, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Helsinki, and Emden After this, Huguenots (with estimates ranging from 200,000 to 1,000,000) fled to surrounding Protestant countries: England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, and Prussia — whose Calvinist Great Elector Frederick William welcomed them to help rebuild his war-ravaged and underpopulated country. Following this exodus, Huguenots remained in large numbers in only one region of France: the rugged Cévennes region in the south. In the early 18th century, a regional group known as the Camisards who were Huguenots rioted against the Catholic Church in the region, burning churches and killing clergy. It took French troops years to hunt down and destroy all the bands of Camisards, between 1702 and 1709. Which central European country had a Calvinist ruler? Ground Truth Answers: PrussiaGreat Elector Frederick WilliamPrussia After Huguenots fled France, their last remaining bastion was where? Ground Truth Answers: CévennesCévennesCévennes region in the south What did the 18th century Huguenot group call themselves? Ground Truth Answers: CamisardsCamisardsthe Camisards Against whom did the Camisards rise up to fight? Ground Truth Answers: the Catholic Church in the regionCatholic Churchthe Catholic Church in the region French troops put down the Camisard uprisings between what years? Ground Truth Answers: 1702 and 17091702 and 17091702 and 1709 In 1564 a group of Norman Huguenots under the leadership of Jean Ribault established the small colony of Fort Caroline on the banks of the St. Johns River in what is today Jacksonville, Florida. The effort was the first at any permanent European settlement in the present-day continental United States, but survived only a short time. A September 1565 French naval attack against the new Spanish colony at St. Augustine failed when its ships were hit by a hurricane on their way to the Spanish encampment at Fort Matanzas. Hundreds of French soldiers were stranded and surrendered to the numerically inferior Spanish forces led by Pedro Menendez. Menendez proceeded to massacre the defenseless Huguenots, after which he wiped out the Fort Caroline garrison. There was a 16th century Huguenot settlement near what modern day Florida city? Ground Truth Answers: JacksonvilleJacksonvilleJacksonville Who was the leader who established the colony at Florida? Ground Truth Answers: Jean RibaultJean RibaultJean Ribault What was the name of the Florida Huguenot colony? Ground Truth Answers: Fort CarolineFort CarolineFort Caroline Which army attacked and destroyed this colony? Ground Truth Answers: SpanishSpanishSpanish When was the colony destroyed? Ground Truth Answers: 156515651565 French Huguenots made two attempts to establish a haven in North America. In 1562, naval officer Jean Ribault led an expedition that explored Florida and the present-day Southeastern U.S., and founded the outpost of Charlesfort on Parris Island, South Carolina. The Wars of Religion precluded a return voyage, and the outpost was abandoned. In 1564, Ribault's former lieutenant René Goulaine de Laudonnière launched a second voyage to build a colony; he established Fort Caroline in what is now Jacksonville, Florida. War at home again precluded a resupply mission, and the colony struggled. In 1565 the Spanish decided to enforce their claim to La Florida, and sent Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, who established the settlement of St. Augustine near Fort Caroline. Menéndez' forces routed the French and executed most of the Protestant captives. What was the name of the first Huguenot outpost in South Carolina? Ground Truth Answers: CharlesfortCharlesfortCharlesfort What present-day area was this settlement near? Ground Truth Answers: Parris IslandSoutheastern U.S.Parris Island Which Spanish officer established the settlement at St. Augustine? Ground Truth Answers: Pedro Menéndez de AvilésPedro Menéndez de AvilésPedro Menéndez de Avilés When did Ribault first establish a settlement in South Carolina? Ground Truth Answers: 156215621564 What European event caused the Huguenots to abandon Charlesfort? Ground Truth Answers: The Wars of ReligionThe Wars of ReligionThe Wars of Religion In 1700 several hundred French Huguenots migrated from England to the colony of Virginia, where the English Crown had promised them land grants in Lower Norfolk County. When they arrived, colonial authorities offered them instead land 20 miles above the falls of the James River, at the abandoned Monacan village known as Manakin Town, now in Powhatan County. Some settlers landed in present-day Chesterfield County. On 12 May 1705, the Virginia General Assembly passed an act to naturalise the 148 Huguenots still resident at Manakintown. Of the original 390 settlers in the isolated settlement, many had died; others lived outside town on farms in the English style; and others moved to different areas. Gradually they intermarried with their English neighbors. Through the 18th and 19th centuries, descendants of the French migrated west into the Piedmont, and across the Appalachian Mountains into the West of what became Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and other states. In the Manakintown area, the Huguenot Memorial Bridge across the James River and Huguenot Road were named in their honor, as were many local features, including several schools, including Huguenot High School. In what English colony were Huguenot settlers promised land? Ground Truth Answers: VirginiaVirginiaVirginia In what area of this British colony were Huguenot land grants? Ground Truth Answers: Lower Norfolk CountyLower Norfolk CountyLower Norfolk County What town was actually granted to the Huguenots on arrival? Ground Truth Answers: Manakin TownManakin TownManakin Town How many settlers original settled in Manakintown? Ground Truth Answers: 390390390 When were these settlers naturalized as English colonists? Ground Truth Answers: 12 May 1705170512 May 1705 Some Huguenots fought in the Low Countries alongside the Dutch against Spain during the first years of the Dutch Revolt (1568–1609). The Dutch Republic rapidly became a destination for Huguenot exiles. Early ties were already visible in the "Apologie" of William the Silent, condemning the Spanish Inquisition, which was written by his court minister, the Huguenot Pierre L'Oyseleur, lord of Villiers. Louise de Coligny, daughter of the murdered Huguenot leader Gaspard de Coligny, married William the Silent, leader of the Dutch (Calvinist) revolt against Spanish (Catholic) rule. As both spoke French in daily life, their court church in the Prinsenhof in Delft held services in French. The practice has continued to the present day. The Prinsenhof is one of the 14 active Walloon churches of the Dutch Reformed Church. The ties between Huguenots and the Dutch Republic's military and political leadership, the House of Orange-Nassau, which existed since the early days of the Dutch Revolt, helped support the many early settlements of Huguenots in the Dutch Republic's colonies. They settled at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and New Netherland in North America. When was the Dutch Revolt? Ground Truth Answers: 1568–16091568–16091568–1609 Who did the Dutch fight in the Dutch Revolt? Ground Truth Answers: SpainSpainSpain What Dutch document condemned the Spanish Inquisition? Ground Truth Answers: "Apologie"Apologie" of William the SilentApologie What leader led the Dutch Revolt and wrote Apologie? Ground Truth Answers: William the SilentPierre L'OyseleurWilliam the Silent What was the Dutch leader's religious affiliation? Ground Truth Answers: CalvinistCalvinistWalloon Both before and after the 1708 passage of the Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act, an estimated 50,000 Protestant Walloons and Huguenots fled to England, with many moving on to Ireland and elsewhere. In relative terms, this was one of the largest waves of immigration ever of a single ethnic community to Britain. Andrew Lortie (born André Lortie), a leading Huguenot theologian and writer who led the exiled community in London, became known for articulating their criticism of the Pope and the doctrine of transubstantiation during Mass. What English law made that country more welcoming to Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: Foreign Protestants Naturalization ActForeign Protestants Naturalization Act,Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act When was this naturalization act passed? Ground Truth Answers: 170817081708 About how many Walloons and Huguenots emigrated to England and Ireland in this era? Ground Truth Answers: 50,00050,00050,000 Who was the famous Huguenot theologian and writer in London? Ground Truth Answers: Andrew LortieAndrew LortieAndrew Lortie What Catholic Church liturgical belief did Lortie criticize openly? Ground Truth Answers: the doctrine of transubstantiationdoctrine of transubstantiation during Massthe Pope and the doctrine of transubstantiation Following the French Crown's revocation of the Edict of Nantes, many Huguenots settled in Ireland in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, encouraged by an act of parliament for Protestants' settling in Ireland. Huguenot regiments fought for William of Orange in the Williamite war in Ireland, for which they were rewarded with land grants and titles, many settling in Dublin. Significant Huguenot settlements were in Dublin, Cork, Portarlington, Lisburn, Waterford and Youghal. Smaller settlements, which included Killeshandra in County Cavan, contributed to the expansion of flax cultivation and the growth of the Irish linen industry. What war in Ireland featured Huguenot regiments? Ground Truth Answers: Williamite warWilliamitethe Williamite war Under which leader did the Huguenots fight in this conflict? Ground Truth Answers: William of OrangeWilliam of OrangeWilliam of Orange Which Irish cities had large Huguenot enclaves? Ground Truth Answers: Dublin, Cork, Portarlington, Lisburn, Waterford and YoughalDublin, Cork, Portarlington, Lisburn, Waterford and YoughalDublin, Cork, Portarlington, Lisburn, Waterford and Youghal Huguenots in Killeshandra and County Cavan expanded what agricultural industry? Ground Truth Answers: flax cultivationflaxflax cultivation What textile industry did the Huguenots contribute to in Ireland? Ground Truth Answers: Irish linen industrylinenIrish linen Prince Louis de Condé, along with his sons Daniel and Osias,[citation needed] arranged with Count Ludwig von Nassau-Saarbrücken to establish a Huguenot community in present-day Saarland in 1604. The Count supported mercantilism and welcomed technically skilled immigrants into his lands, regardless of their religion. The Condés established a thriving glass-making works, which provided wealth to the principality for many years. Other founding families created enterprises based on textiles and such traditional Huguenot occupations in France. The community and its congregation remain active to this day, with descendants of many of the founding families still living in the region. Some members of this community emigrated to the United States in the 1890s. Which noble helped establish the Huguenot settlement in Saarland? Ground Truth Answers: Prince Louis de CondéLouis de CondéPrince Louis de Condé Which Count did the Prince strike an arrangement with? Ground Truth Answers: Count Ludwig von Nassau-SaarbrückenLudwig von Nassau-SaarbrückenCount Ludwig von Nassau-Saarbrücken What industry did the nobleman establish with this settlement? Ground Truth Answers: glass-makingglass-makingglass-making In what era did some members of this community emigrate to the US? Ground Truth Answers: 1890s1890s1890s In what year was the agreement to allow the Saarland settlement reached? Ground Truth Answers: 160416041604 The bulk of Huguenot émigrés relocated to Protestant European nations such as England, Wales, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the Dutch Republic, the Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinate in the Holy Roman Empire, the Duchy of Prussia, the Channel Islands, and Ireland. They also spread beyond Europe to the Dutch Cape Colony in South Africa, the Dutch East Indies, the Caribbean, and several of the English colonies of North America, and Quebec, where they were accepted and allowed to worship freely. What two member nations of the Holy Roman Empire received Huguenot refugees? Ground Truth Answers: Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinatethe Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinatethe Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinate What general religious belief did the nations that received Huguenot refugees have in common? Ground Truth Answers: ProtestantProtestantProtestant What area in modern-day Canada received Huguenot immigrants? Ground Truth Answers: QuebecQuebecQuebec What area in South Africa accepted Huguenot colonists? Ground Truth Answers: Dutch Cape ColonyDutch Cape ColonyDutch Cape Colony What made emigration to these colonies attractive? Ground Truth Answers: they were accepted and allowed to worship freelyallowed to worship freelythey were accepted and allowed to worship freely Some disagree with such double or triple non-French linguistic origins, arguing that for the word to have spread into common use in France, it must have originated in the French language. The "Hugues hypothesis" argues that the name was derived by association with Hugues Capet, king of France, who reigned long before the Reformation. He was regarded by the Gallicans and Protestants as a noble man who respected people's dignity and lives. Janet Gray and other supporters of the hypothesis suggest that the name huguenote would be roughly equivalent to little Hugos, or those who want Hugo. From what French King did the Huguenot name possibly descend? Ground Truth Answers: Hugues CapetHugues CapetHugues Capet What is the theory that this King's name is the origin of "Huguenot" called? Ground Truth Answers: The "Hugues hypothesis""Hugues hypothesis"Hugues hypothesis Who is one prominent advocate of this theory? Ground Truth Answers: Janet GrayJanet GrayJanet Gray According to the theory, what does the name "Huguenot" mean? Ground Truth Answers: little Hugos, or those who want Hugolittle Hugoslittle Hugos, or those who want Hugo. Other theories of the word's origin can be generally classed as what? Ground Truth Answers: double or triple non-French linguistic originsnon-French linguistic origins Other predecessors of the Reformed church included the pro-reform and Gallican Roman Catholics, such as Jacques Lefevre (c. 1455–1536). The Gallicans briefly achieved independence for the French church, on the principle that the religion of France could not be controlled by the Bishop of Rome, a foreign power. During the Protestant Reformation, Lefevre, a professor at the University of Paris, published his French translation of the New Testament in 1523, followed by the whole Bible in the French language in 1530. William Farel was a student of Lefevre who went on to become a leader of the Swiss Reformation, establishing a Protestant government in Geneva. Jean Cauvin (John Calvin), another student at the University of Paris, also converted to Protestantism. Long after the sect was suppressed by Francis I, the remaining French Waldensians, then mostly in the Luberon region, sought to join William Farel, Calvin and the Reformation, and Olivetan published a French Bible for them. The French Confession of 1559 shows a decidedly Calvinistic influence. Sometime between 1550 and 1580, members of the Reformed church in France came to be commonly known as Huguenots.[citation needed] Who was one French pro-reform Roman Catholic of the 15th century? Ground Truth Answers: Jacques LefevreJacques LefevreJacques Lefevre Where did this pro-reform leader teach? Ground Truth Answers: University of ParisUniversity of ParisUniversity of Paris When did this leader publish a French language Bible? Ground Truth Answers: 153015231530 What leader of the Swiss reformation was a student of Lefevre? Ground Truth Answers: William FarelWilliam FarelWilliam Farel What other European Protestant leader was educated at the University of Paris? Ground Truth Answers: Jean Cauvin (John Calvin)Jean CauvinJean Cauvin In what became known as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 24 August – 3 October 1572, Catholics killed thousands of Huguenots in Paris. Similar massacres took place in other towns in the weeks following. The main provincial towns and cities experiencing the Massacre were Aix, Bordeaux, Bourges, Lyons, Meaux, Orleans, Rouen, Toulouse, and Troyes. Nearly 3,000 Protestants were slaughtered in Toulouse alone. The exact number of fatalities throughout the country is not known. On 23–24 August, between about 2,000 and 3,000 Protestants were killed in Paris and between 3,000 and 7,000 more in the French provinces. By 17 September, almost 25,000 Protestants had been massacred in Paris alone. Beyond Paris, the killings continued until 3 October. An amnesty granted in 1573 pardoned the perpetrators.[citation needed] When was the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? Ground Truth Answers: 24 August – 3 October 157224 August – 3 October 157224 August – 3 October 1572 What group killed thousands of Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: CatholicsCatholicsCatholics How many Huguenots were killed in Toulouse? Ground Truth Answers: Nearly 3,000Nearly 3,000Nearly 3,000 When was amnesty granted to those responsible for the massacre? Ground Truth Answers: 157315731573 Reports document that how many Parisien Protestants were killed by September 17? Ground Truth Answers: almost 25,000almost 25,000almost 25,000 Louis XIV gained the throne in 1643 and acted increasingly aggressively to force the Huguenots to convert. At first he sent missionaries, backed by a fund to financially reward converts to Catholicism. Then he imposed penalties, closed Huguenot schools and excluded them from favored professions. Escalating, he instituted dragonnades, which included the occupation and looting of Huguenot homes by military troops, in an effort to forcibly convert them. In 1685, he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau, revoking the Edict of Nantes and declaring Protestantism illegal.[citation needed] Who became king in 1643? Ground Truth Answers: Louis XIVLouis XIVLouis XIV How did the new king react to the Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: acted increasingly aggressively to force the Huguenots to convertaggressivelyincreasingly aggressively What was the king's first approach to the Huguenots? Ground Truth Answers: he sent missionaries, backed by a fund to financially reward convertsmissionariesAt first he sent missionaries, backed by a fund to financially reward converts to Catholicism What did the king do to regarding Huguenot education? Ground Truth Answers: closed Huguenot schoolsclosed Huguenot schoolsclosed Huguenot schools and excluded them from favored professions The practice of occupying and looting Huguenot homes was called? Ground Truth Answers: dragonnadesdragonnadesdragonnades New Rochelle, located in the county of Westchester on the north shore of Long Island Sound, seemed to be the great location of the Huguenots in New York. It is said that they landed on the coastline peninsula of Davenports Neck called "Bauffet's Point" after traveling from England where they had previously taken refuge on account of religious persecution, four years before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. They purchased from John Pell, Lord of Pelham Manor, a tract of land consisting of six thousand one hundred acres with the help of Jacob Leisler. It was named New Rochelle after La Rochelle, their former strong-hold in France. A small wooden church was first erected in the community, followed by a second church that built of stone. Previous to the erection of it, the strong men would often walk twenty-three miles on Saturday evening, the distance by the road from New Rochelle to New York, to attend the Sunday service. The church was eventually replaced by a third, Trinity-St. Paul's Episcopal Church, which contains heirlooms including the original bell from the French Huguenot Church "Eglise du St. Esperit" on Pine Street in New York City, which is preserved as a relic in the tower room. The Huguenot cemetery, or "Huguenot Burial Ground", has since been recognized as a historic cemetery that is the final resting place for a wide range of the Huguenot founders, early settlers and prominent citizens dating back more than three centuries. What present day county is New Rochelle in? Ground Truth Answers: WestchesterWestchesterWestchester Where did the Huguenots land in New York originally? Ground Truth Answers: "Bauffet's Point"Bauffet's PointBauffet's Point From whom did the Huguenots purchase the land where they settled? Ground Truth Answers: John Pell, Lord of Pelham ManorJohn PellJohn Pell What French City was New Rochelle named after? Ground Truth Answers: La RochelleLa RochelleLa Rochelle What is the name of the third, permanent Huguenot church in New Rochelle? Ground Truth Answers: Trinity-St. Paul's Episcopal ChurchTrinity-St. Paul's Episcopal ChurchTrinity-St. Paul's Episcopal Church Most of the Huguenot congregations (or individuals) in North America eventually affiliated with other Protestant denominations with more numerous members. The Huguenots adapted quickly and often married outside their immediate French communities, which led to their assimilation. Their descendants in many families continued to use French first names and surnames for their children well into the nineteenth century. Assimilated, the French made numerous contributions to United States economic life, especially as merchants and artisans in the late Colonial and early Federal periods. For example, E.I. du Pont, a former student of Lavoisier, established the Eleutherian gunpowder mills. How did Huguenots evolve their religious beliefs in the New World? Ground Truth Answers: affiliated with other Protestant denominationsaffiliated with other Protestant denominationsaffiliated with other Protestant denominations with more numerous members How were Huguenot settlers assimilated into North American society at large? Ground Truth Answers: married outside their immediate French communitiesmarried outside their immediate French communitiesadapted quickly and often married outside their immediate French communities Who was one prominent Huguenot-descended arms manufacturer? Ground Truth Answers: E.I. du PontE.I. du PontE.I. du Pont For how long did Huguenots continue to use French names? Ground Truth Answers: into the nineteenth centurywell into the nineteenth centurywell into the nineteenth century What was the name of du Pont's gunpowder operation? Ground Truth Answers: Eleutherian gunpowder millsEleutherian gunpowder mills.Eleutherian Одним из самых выдающихся беженцев гугенотов в Нидерландах был Пьер Байе. Он начал преподавать в Роттердаме, где он закончил написание и публикацию своего многотомного шедевра «Историко-критический словарь». Он стал одним из 100 основополагающих текстов Библиотеки Конгресса США. Некоторые потомки гугенотов в Нидерландах могут быть отмечены французскими фамилиями, хотя они обычно используют голландские имена. Из-за ранних связей гугенотов с руководством голландского восстания и их собственного участия, некоторые из голландских патрициатов имеют полугугенотское происхождение. Некоторые семьи гугенотов сохранили различные традиции, такие как празднование и праздник своего покровителя Святого Николая, похожий на праздник голландского Синт-Николааса (Sinterklaas). Кто был выдающимся гугенотом в Голландии? Основополагающие ответы: Пьер Байле Пьер Байле Пьер Байле Где он начал преподавать? Основополагающие ответы: Роттердам Роттердам Роттердам Какие книги опубликовал Бэйл? Основополагающие ответы: историко-критический словарь историко-критический словарь историко-критический словарь Эти книги стали основополагающим текстом для какой библиотеки? Основополагающие ответы: Библиотека Конгресса США Библиотека Конгресса США Библиотека Конгресса США Кто является покровителем гугенотов? Основополагающие ответы: Святой Николай Святой Николай Святой Николай Французская протестантская церковь в Лондоне была основана Королевской хартией в 1550 году. Сейчас она расположена на площади Сохо. Гугенотские беженцы стекались в Шордич, Лондон. Они основали крупную ткацкую промышленность в Спиталфилдс и его окрестностях (см. Петтикот Лейн и Тентерграунд) в Восточном Лондоне. В Вандсворте их навыки садоводства пошли на пользу рыночным садам Баттерси. Старый пивоваренный завод Трумэна, тогда известный как пивоваренный завод «Черный орел», был основан в 1724 году. Бегство беженцев-гугенотов из Тура во Францию ​​привлекло большинство рабочих из своих великих шелковых мельниц, которые они построили. Некоторые из них иммигранты перебрались в Норвич, где располагалось более раннее поселение валлонских ткачей. Французы добавили к существующему иммигрантскому населению, составлявшему тогда около трети населения города. Какая ранняя церковь гугенотов была основана в Англии? Основополагающие ответы: французская протестантская церковь в Лондоне французская протестантская церковь в Лондоне французская протестантская церковь в Лондоне Когда был подписан устав этой церкви? Земная Истина Ответы: 1550 1550 1550 Каково современное местоположение этой церкви? Основные правдивые ответы: Площадь Сохо Площадь Сохо Площадь Сохо Какое лондонское соседство привлекало гугенотских беженцев? Основополагающие ответы: Shoreditch Shoreditch Shoreditch Когда была основана пивоварня Old Truman? Земная Истина Ответы: 1724 1724 1724 Около 1685 года беженцы-гугеноты нашли убежище в лютеранских и реформатских государствах в Германии и Скандинавии. Около 50 000 гугенотов обосновались в Германии, 20 000 из которых были приняты в Бранденбурге-Пруссии, где им были предоставлены особые привилегии (Потсдамский эдикт), и церквям, в которых можно совершать богослужения (такие как церковь Св. Петра и Павла, Ангермюнде). ) Фредериком Уильямом, курфюрстом Бранденбургским и герцогом Прусским. Гугеноты снабдили два новых полка своей армии: пехотные полки Altpreußische № 13 (полк пешком Варенне) и 15 (полк пешком Вилюха). Еще 4000 гугенотов поселились на немецких территориях Баден, Франкония (Княжество Байройт, Княжество Ансбах), Ландгравиат Гессен-Кассель, Герцогство Вюртемберг, в Веттеровской ассоциации имперских графов, в Пфальце и Пфальце-Цвайбрюккене, в Рейн-Майн-Район (Франкфурт), в современном Сааре; и 1500 нашли убежище в Гамбурге, Бремене и Нижней Саксонии. Триста беженцев получили убежище при дворе Джорджа Уильяма, герцога Брансуика-Люнебургского в Целле. Какие протестантские религии сделали североевропейские округа безопасными для иммиграции гугенотов? Основополагающие ответы: лютеранская и реформированная лютеранская и реформированная лютеранская и реформированная Какие районы Северной Европы исповедуют эти религии? Основополагающие ответы: Германия и Скандинавия Германия и Скандинавия Германия и Скандинавия Какое провозглашение дало гугенотам особые привилегии в Бранденбурге? Основополагающие ответы: Потсдамский эдикт Потсдамский эдикт Потсдамский эдикт Какие двойные звания имел Фредерик Уильям? Основополагающие ответы: Избиратель Бранденбурга и герцога Пруссии Избиратель Бранденбурга и герцога Пруссии Избиратель Бранденбурга и герцога Пруссии Какое военное влияние оказала иммиграция гугенотов на армию Фридриха? Основополагающие ответы: гугеноты снабдили два новых полка, два новых полка снабдили два новых полка его армии Фредерик Уильям, курфюрст Бранденбурга, пригласил гугенотов поселиться в его владениях, и ряд их потомков поднялся на видные места в Пруссии. Несколько видных немецких военных, культурных и политических деятелей были этническими гугенотами, включая поэта Теодора Фонтана, генерала Германа фон Франсуа, героя Первой мировой войны за Танненберг, генерала люфтваффе и аса-истребителя Адольфа Галланда, летающего туза Люфтваффе Ганса-Иоахима Марселя и знаменитый капитан подводной лодки Лотар фон Арно де ла Периер. Последний премьер-министр (Восточной) Германской Демократической Республики Лотар де Мезьер также является потомком семьи гугенотов, как и федеральный министр внутренних дел Германии Томас де Мезьер. Какой немецкий правитель пригласил гугенотов на иммиграцию? Основополагающие ответы: Фредерик Уильям Фредерик Уильям Фредерик Уильям Какой немецкий поэт произошел от гугенотов? Основополагающие ответы: Теодор Фонтане Теодор Фонтане Теодор Фонтане Какой немецкий генерал и летчик-истребитель был гугенотского происхождения? Основополагающие ответы: Адольф Галланд Адольф Галланд Адольф Галланд Кто был последним премьер-министром Восточной Германии? Основные правдивые ответы: Лотар де Мезьер Лотар де Мезьер Лотар де Мезьер Томас де Мезьер играет какую роль в немецком кабинете? Основополагающие ответы: федеральный министр внутренних дел министр внутренних дел федеральный министр внутренних дел команда Стэнфорд НЛП Групп биография .Как развод ..

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