Дона Педро... А кто это? Как, вы не знаете имени собственного мужа? ... Это... Правда, он любил немножко выпить. Но дон Педро никогда не прикладывался к спиртным напиткам. ... Но ведь дон Педро умер. Какая неприятность..
День независимости: демистифицирует знаменитый крик Д. Педро
Хелена Торторелли и Виктор Аугусто Из методиста, в Сан-Бернардо (SP)
Reprodução/Wikimedia Commons
«Независимость или смерть» была написана Педро Америко в период с 1886 по 1888 год.
Независимость Бразилии произошла 7 сентября 1822 года. На эту дату Бразилия перестала быть колонией Португалии. Согласно сказанному, провозглашение было сделано Д. Педро I на берегах ручья Ипиранга в Сан-Паулу.
Образ Д.Педро я всадил на коня, держа в руках меч и выкрикивая «Независимость или смерть!» На берегах Ипиранги, среди огромного антуража, знают большинство бразильцев, которые изучают историю страны. Но не все знают, что эту сцену на самом деле создал человек: Педро Америко, художник картины «Independência ou Morte», находящейся сейчас в коллекции музея Паулиста (более известный как музей Ипиранги) в Сан-Паулу. «Картина была заказана для того, чтобы изобразить независимость Бразилии как героический поступок, как будто инициатива возникла из-за необходимости построить нацию, но это было не так», - говорит историк Маркос Коста. В настоящее время в школах этот предмет рассматривается гораздо шире, показывая, что, хотя Д. Педро I считается национальным героем, новые исследования, документы и доказательства, которые были обнаружены за эти годы, показывают, как все происходило на самом деле. Профессор истории Феличе Фатарелли Фаззолари и мастер и доктор социальных наук Унесп Маркос Коста, автор книги «История Бразилии для спешащих», помогают лучше понять истинные события и Откройте для себя мифы, которые были созданы в знаменитый 7 сентября, более известный как День независимости Бразилии.
Вот пять фактов, которые показывают, что в тот момент на доске не было изображено очарование:
Não era bem um cavalo imponente...
На самом деле Д. Педро ехал на муле, возвращаясь из поездки с побережья в Сан-Паулу. Животное широко использовалось в то время для больших путешествий.
На картине Педро Америко показано, что большая партия сопровождала крик «независимости или смерти» Дома Педро I, когда на самом деле на момент провозглашения присутствовало максимум 14 человек.
На снимке показано, что все присутствующие были одеты в парадную форму, что не соответствует тому, что на самом деле произошло, главным образом потому, что группа возвращается из поездки.
* Материалы, подготовленные студентами-журналистами методистского университета Сан-Паулу под руководством преподавателей Камилы Эскудеро и Элоизы Фредерико
У человека, который признался в убийстве пропавшего ребенка Итана Патца, очень короткий предохранитель, по словам его зятя, появились драматические новые подробности о знаменитом деле.
Подозреваемый, который должен предстать перед судом сегодня, на 33-й годовщине исчезновения Этана, утверждает, что выманил мальчика с автобусной остановки, пообещав ему газировку, сообщает New York начальник полиции Раймонд Келли.
New York Post.
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Пропавший без вести: Шестилетний Итан Пац (слева) исчез по дороге в школьный автобус в 1979 году и так и не был найден. Педро Эрнандес, прямо сейчас, заявил, что он убил мальчика и бросил его тело
Сцена: это сайт винодельни в Сохо, где Эрнандес утверждает, что убил Этана в 1979 году.
Мистер Лопес, 58 лет, сказал MailOnline, что не уверен, способен ли его зять на убийство, но он не исключает этого. «Вы делаете сумасшедшие вещи, когда вы моложе, Педро сделал.» был моложе, у Педро был очень короткий предохранитель, и он злился ни на что. Был один раз с его бывшей женой, когда у них был скандал, и он разбил окно, и мне пришлось прийти и починить его.
'I've known Pedro since he was about 10. When he was a teenager, when he's supposed to have done this, he was a tough guy and knew how to handle himself but he was hot blooded and he would snap.
'I used to stay out of the way of him and his wife as they would row so much. Things did not end well between them, it wasn't good.'
His wife Margarita Lopez, Hernandez's sister, said: 'If he did something he should pay for it. I have kids and if something happened to them the person that did it will have to pay.
'It doesn't matter if he's my son, my brother, my father or whatever. They would have to pay for what they did.'
'Killer': Hernandez, who was 18 in 1979, worked in a corner shop blocks from Etan's home
Home: The house in New Jersey where Hernandez currently lives with his wife
As Hernandez confessed his crime to police today, according to Mr Kelly, he seemed 'remorseful' and had a 'feeling of relief'. But he provided not motive for the killing.
Police say they consider Hernandez's signed confession to be reliable, having spent three and a half hours interviewing him on Thursday after receiving a tip-off from a source who told them that the suspect had admitted three decades ago to having 'done a bad thing and killed a child in New York'.
The source came forward after the famous case received renewed attention last month when police dug up a basement near Etan's home - however, that investigation did not lead to any new clues, and Hernandez was not involved in it, according to Mr Kelly.
Kelly added that Hernandez had never been a focus of the investigation, but his name was one of many in police documents listing those who lived or worked in the area. He had worked as a store clerk for just a month before the kidnapping.
Etan's parents, Julie and Stanley, who have never moved from the SoHo apartment where they lived at the time of his disappearance, were told about Hernandez's confession on Thursday morning.
Mr Patz was 'taken back and surprised' at the news, according to the NYPD's Christopher Zimmerman, but 'handled it very well'.
The Patz family has always maintained that the culprit for their son's disappearance was convicted paedophile Jose Ramos.
Distraught: Rosemary Hernandez, top, the wife of Pedro Hernandez, the man who claims he murdered Etan Patz, and her daughter, Becky, front, are escorted out of their apartment by a police officer in Maple Shade, N.J.
Questions: Hernandez's wife Rosemary leaves her home in Maple Shade, New Jersey after her husband's confession
Troubles: Rosemary, who also lives with their daughter, is understood to have a rocky marriage with Hernandez
New York's mayor Michael Bloomberg paid tribute to the family, saying: 'As a father, I just cannot imagine what they have gone through.
'And I certainly hope we are one step closer to bringing them some measure of relief.'
While Mr Kelly was adamant that there was 'probable cause' to arrest Hernandez, who has no previous criminal record he admitted there was no physical evidence tying him to Etan's death, nor could police find any motive for the killing.
Police do not believe that Etan was sexually assaulted before his death.
Hernandez was just 12 years older than his six-year-old victim in 1979 when he allegedly lured him with soda - Etan's mother had given her son a dollar for the treat - and strangled him.
As Hernandez had been taking supplies in and out of the bodega, the door to the basement was open, Kelly said, and he led him down.
There's no indication Hernandez knew Etan or had been following him. Kelly acknowledged the boy's remains will probably never be found.
Now aged 51, Hernandez has finally only come forward after being diagnosed with cancer which 'made him think about the skeletons in his closet', sources said.
Family: Hernandez's sister Margarita Lopez, right, and her husband Jose Lopez, left, had harsh words for the killer
Abandoned: A bottle containing cigarette butts on Hernandez's back porch on Thursday afternoon
MailOnline can also reveal that Hernandez's wife Rosemary, 51, took out a restraining order against him but recently allowed him to move back in with her and their daughter, who is in her early 20s.
Investigators swooped on Hernandez in Camden, New Jersey on Wednesday evening after a relative tipped off police that he had admitted to killing a young boy shortly after Etan vanished.
The relative only called police after investigators excavated the basement of Othniel Miller, a handyman who had known Etan, in search for evidence last month. None was found.
According to a source speaking to The New York Post, Hernandez told investigators he had enticed the boy with sweets, stabbed him, cut up his body and put him in plastic bags.
But in a conflicting report from The Associated Press, another source said Hernandez claimed he suffocated the boy and left his body in a box in a Manhattan alleyway.
After moving to New Jersey shortly after, Hernandez told family members he had killed a boy but did not mention his name, sources said. He also told a spiritual adviser in the 1980s about killing a child.
Relief: If true, the claims will be closure for Stanley and Julie Patz, pictured standing by a missing poster of their son outside their New York apartment in April 1980
Unsolved: Etan Patz vanished on the way to the school bus in SoHo, New York City in May 1978
Looking out: Police stand guard outside the SoHo home of Etan's parents, Stanley and Julie, as Hernandez claimed he had brutally murdered their son when he was just 18
The claims - which come almost exactly 33 years after Etan vanished - could solve a case that shocked America and raised awareness of the plight of missing children across the country.
The revelations come a day short of the anniversary of his disappearance; he was last seen on May 25, 1979 as he walked to the bus stop - the first time his parents had let him go alone.
It sparked an international manhunt and he became the first child whose 'missing' photo appeared on the side of a milk carton. May 25 is now National Missing Children's Day.
Hernandez was working at a bodega close to the area where Etan vanished on that fateful day in 1979. Shortly afterwards he moved to Camden in New Jersey where he has many relatives.
He has been on disability benefit since a 1993 injury ended his career as a construction worker, according to Mr Kelly.
His marriage to his wife appears to have become rocky by 2007 at which point she was living with a sister in Hamilton Township, New Jersey,
She then moved to a humble two bedroom rented property in Maple Shade, New Jersey, which cost $950 a month to rent.
Suspects: In the 1980s, Jose Ramos, right, was identified as a prime suspect but no hard evidence has ever linked him to the crime. Last month, police searched the basement of handyman Othniel Miller, left
Search: In April, police swooped on Miller's basement - under the blue tarp - in a renewed search for evidence
Mrs Hernandez's landlady, who declined to give her name, said: 'When she moved in in 2007 Rosemary told me she had taken out a restraining order against her husband but she did not explain why, and I didn't ask.
'I did not know he had moved back in and he was not on the lease so should not have been there.
'I know she worked as an insurance underwriter and their daughter is about to graduate from college. They are both deeply religious and members of the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
'She is a good person and comes in every month to pay her rent and we have a bit of a chat. She and her daughter have never given me any problems at all. They are very polite, very grateful, and deeply in love with their church.'
The landlady added that she had never met Hernandez, but that she could understand why he had confessed.
She said: 'A few months ago one of my repair guys who went into the property said he was told Mr Hernandez had cancer.
'If you were diagnosed with cancer, even if it wasn't terminal, that would make you think about the skeletons in your closet.'
Innocence: Etan's disappearance in 1979 drew the nation's attention to the plight of missing children
A neighbour added that Hernandez must have been 'in his own personal hell for the last 33 years' if he killed Etan Patz.
Dan Wollick said that Hernandez would have been 'driven nearly mad' thinking about what he had done for more than three decades - but showed no sign of it on the outside.
The 71-year-old retired truck driver said: 'You think you know your neighbours then something like this comes along.
'I could not believe it when I heard the news as this is not the Pedro I know. He is quiet, respectful and I've never had any problems with him.
'In the winter he helped me shovel the snow, in the summer we cut the grass together, he would put out the trash every Thursday. On Sundays he and his wife and daughter would dress nicely and go to church.
'In the summer and on holidays like Memorial Day he would have friends and family over and they would grill and play around. They weren't drinkers but they had lots of fun, there was food and dancing.
'If he felt that way around children then there are loads around here so I don't understand why he'd move here - the playground up the road has more than 100 on the weekends. The family across the street has four of them and they're all under six.'
Mr Wollick added: 'One thing that is a bit strange is that whilst they were pleasant, they didn't mix that much with the other neighbours. Pedro never talked about living in New York or where he was from.
'I just feel sorry for their daughter. This had nothing to do with her and if her dad did it then that's going to be hanging over her for the rest of her life'.
According to neighbours FBI agents arrived at Hernandez's home on Wednesday morning at 8.30 before leading him away to a waiting car.
Charles Diehm, a retired policeman, said: 'There were three FBI cars and three local police cars who turned up. One of the agents went inside the house and they brought Mr Hernandez out.
'He looked composed, he just stared straight ahead and was not in handcuffs. There were two agents either side of him and they put him in one of the unmarked vehicles.
'They went back and got the wife and put her in a different car, then went back for the daughter and put her in with the mother.
'Mr Hernandez has been so quiet since he moved in that when the FBI turned up I thought he was in witness protection. None of the family ever came out the house, even in the height of summer, unless they were having the parties they had every now and then.
'He would sit by his front door in a chair smoking but if I came out he would go back inside'.
Renewed search: The FBI searched the basement belonging to Miller, a handyman who knew Etan from the area, after his ex-wife claimed he had raped his niece. The search yielded no new evidence
Hope: Investigators sent off concrete, which was laid down shortly after Etan's disappearance, for analysis
Hernandez's family are originally thought to have come from Puerto Rico.
Public records show he and his wife filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2001 but the amount they were in debt is unclear.
Etan was officially declared dead in 2001. In May 2010, the Manhattan district attorney’s office said they were taking a fresh look at the decades-old case of the missing six-year-old.
Just weeks ago, police launched an intensive search for the missing boy when they dug up the basement workshop of Miller, who knew the six-year-old from the area.
Miller, now 75, was questioned several times by police after his ex-wife told them about the alleged rape of his niece. He 'sky rocketed to the top of the list' of suspects after the claims, police said.
The missing boy's mother, Julie Patz, was also said to have told agents to look again at the handyman, who befriended Etan before he vanished and hired Ramos to do odd jobs for him.
Concrete had been laid over the foundation of the basement shortly after the youngster vanished - but the search did not yield any new evidence.
When authorities told Miller cadaver dogs picked up the scent of human remains at his basement he allegedly blurted out: 'What if the body was moved?'
In light of the claims by Hernandez, Michael Farkas, Miller's lawyer, told the Post he 'has said all along that Miller had nothing to do with the case'.
'[Miller] has nothing to do with this latest suspect, that I know of,' Farkas added.
Pain: Stanley Patz, Etan's father, watched over the search from the family's home half a block away
Grief: Julie Patz watches the search for clues to her son's disappearance in April from her window
Family: After the disappearance in 1979, Julie Patz, left, appeared on a number of TV shows to try to find her son. Right, Stan Patz, holds a photo of Etan as he poses with his other son Ari
While no one has ever been arrested or charged with Etan's disappearance, Jose Ramos - a drifter whose girlfriend was the boy's babysitter - was identified as a prime suspect in 1985.
Jailed for an unrelated crime, Ramos, 68, later told a prison cell mate he knew every stop of the bus route that took Etan to school and knew the six-year-old got off at the third stop.
He admitted to taking a boy back to his apartment to rape him on the day Etan disappeared, but he said he let the boy go. He said he was '90 per cent sure' it was the same boy he later saw on TV.
No hard evidence has linked him to the crime. He is now in a Pennsylvania jail on a 20-year sentence for abusing two boys and is due to be released in November.
Etan's father has previously said: 'Jose Antonio Ramos is the man who abducted my child. We lost our child to a pedophile, and that's not comprehensible.'
Along with Etan's mother Julie, Stanley Patz watched over the search in April from their apartment just half a block away.
They have never moved from their home, in the hope their son would one day find his way back. Nor have they changed their phone number, as Etan knew it off by heart.
His father said another reason they did not want to move was because of their other two children, Shira, who was eight at the time of the disappearance, and Ari, two.
Stanley and Julie Patz have continued to fight for a legal resolution to their son’s death. In 2000 they spoke with CBS's 60 Minutes about their refusal to give up hope.
Julie Patz said at the time: 'We have his belongings all over the house. To put them away, it seems to us and to our children that he's gone and he's not coming back.'
Convinced that Ramos is guilty of the crime, Stan Patz sends him a copy of the missing child poster twice a year with the words 'What have you done with my little boy' written on the back.
Etan’s disappearance came before a time when the faces of missing children would peer out from milk cartons and TV movies explored a seeming epidemic of vanishing children.
The only small comfort his parents ever received from their son's abduction was knowing that it had become the catalyst in the search for missing children.
His disappearance prompted such an extensive search that by 1985, it had taken in the whole of America, parts of Europe and even reached Israel.
May 25, the day Etan disappeared, is National Missing Children's Day, which was named by President Reagan in 1983 in honor of the missing six-year-old.
An entire network for tracking missing children emerged since then, including Amber Alerts and pictures on milk cartons - Etan's was the first picture of a missing child to ever be put on a milk carton.
After 30 years the case is still officially open and the world has never forgotten the face of the blue-eyed, blond-haired boy who captivated a nation.
Each administration since Reagan has honored the annual reminder to the nation to renew efforts to reunite missing children with their families and make child protection a national priority.
On the day he disappeared, the school noted Etan's absence but did not notify his parents. It wasn't until 3.30pm his mother Julie realized he was missing and called police.
His father Stan, a professional photographer, dispatched black-and-white photographs of Etan in an effort to find him.
The massive search and media attention that followed focused the nation’s attention on the problem of child abduction and lack of plans to address it after it became apparent there was no coordinated effort between federal, state, and local law enforcement, no national response system in place and no central resource to help searching families.
Etan's parents have since become outspoken advocates for missing children.
For years, they refused to change their phone number, in the hope that Etan was alive somewhere, and might call. They never moved in the hope he would return home.