христофор колумб на почтовых марках?
христофор колумб на почтовых марках?

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«христофор колумб на почтовых марках?» Historic Stamps — Google Arts & Culture

Historic Stamps

Stamps from the olden days and a brief description about all of them. Stamps are being removed from society because now days we have ELECTRONIC mails systems so post offices are being shut down.

5c Columbian Exposition Panama-Pacific small die proof, 1915, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
In 1992,the Columbian Exposition stamps were reissued to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the voyages of Columbus. For the first time, the United States issued stamps jointly with three other countries: Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
15c Landing of Columbus G Grill stamp, 1869, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
Inspired by John Vanderlyn's painting of the same name, the 15-cent Landing of Columbus stamp issued in 1869 was the first to depict a Hispanic event.
5c Settlement of Florida stamp, 1965-08-28, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
In 1565, Spain started the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida. This stamp commemorates the 400th anniversary of this event.
29c Coming Ashore stamp, United States Postal Service, 1992-04-24, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
The US Postal Service and the Italian Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications jointly issued a block of four commemorative stamps on April 24, 1992, to honor the historic first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492.
29c First Voyage of Christopher Columbus Approaching Land stamp, United States Postal Service, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
The US Postal Service and the Italian Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications jointly issued a block of four commemorative stamps on April 24, 1992, to honor the historic first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492.
30c Columbus at La Rabida stamp, 1893, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
In his search for a patron to finance his first voyage, Columbus went to La Rabida, where he met a ship owner named Martin Alonso Pinson. Pinson was very supportive of Columbus and his wish to sail west across the ocean. The two men became partners, and ultimately, Pinzon was the commander of the Pinta during Columbus’ maiden voyage.
29c Columbus Landing in Puerto Rico stamp, United States Postal Service, 1993-09-19, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
When Christopher Columbus returned from Hispaniola in 1493, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were eager to finance a second expedition. Plans for his return voyage were ambitious - Columbus was to be placed in charge of 17 ships manned by an all-volunteer crew of 1,200 to 1,500 men. Many were colonists who dreamed of quick wealth and a rapid return home.
$5 Christopher Columbus stamp, 1893, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
The Columbian Issue, often simply called the Columbians, is a set of 16 postage stamps issued by the United States to mark the 1893 World Columbian Exposition held in Chicago.
6c California Settlement stamp, 1969-07-16, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
Issue Date: July 16, 1969 City: San Diego, CA Quantity: 144,425,000 Printed By: Bureau of Engraving and Printing Printing Method: Lithographed, engraved Perforations: 11 Color: Orange, red, black and light blue A dual-purpose issue, this stamp marks the 200th anniversary of the settlement of California as well as the bicentennial of the city of San Diego.
1P Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City airmail stamp, 1933-10-01, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
The Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts) is one of the most prominent cultural centers in Mexico City. It is located on the west side of the historic center of Mexico City next to the Alameda Central park.
20c Ponce de Leon stamp, United States Postal Service, 1982-10-12, Владелец коллекции: Smithsonian's National Postal Museum.
A 20-cent commemorative stamp honoring Juan Ponce de Leon was issued October 12, 1982, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
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