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Мы лгали, нам нужно изменить

когда все, что мы чувствуем, это ярость
для правительства, которую мы создаем, который не чувствует встряхнуть, если экономическая цена надувается

мы солгали, мы счастливы
Когда мы прячусь в ванной; Плача
мы лгали, мы живем, когда мы стремимся к выживанию
мы солгали, мы выращиваемся, когда нам еще рождается, мы солгали, мы сильный и здесь мы; Paralyzed

Мы солгали, мы находимся в трафике

Когда мы все еще на нашей кровати, мечтаем, мы лгали, мы установлены, когда с настройкой по умолчанию; Мы дышаем

Мы солгали, мы хотим по поводу движения
из политики Jong-un
от правительства Джона Булла
и парламенты, заполненные мастерами kungfu

мы солгали, мы влюблены в любви, когда единственное, что мы чувствуем, это жаждешь, мы лгали, мы любимы
Когда единственное чувство, которое мы закупаем, это больно

Мы лгали, мы лояльны, когда мы жаждем только после королевской,
мы солгали, мы лояльна
и когда бык горела; Мы запускаем

мы солгали, мы в раю

когда в грязстве мы поужинать
застрял в большом беспорядке, жить в аду; Но не учитывая наш бизнес

мы лгали, мы несем ответственность, когда при виде вызова; Мы бежаем
мы солгали, мы умны, тогда как мы обманываемся; COZ при виде темистылей; мы бежаем

мы солгали, мы прекрасны, когда наше сердце наполнено жадностью и ненависть
мы солгали, мы красивые, когда парень смотреть на наше лицо искусственно >

Мы солгали, мы - будущее, - говоря, что мы являемся лидерами завтрашнего дня,
мы солгали; говоря, что мы ранены, тогда как мы полностью в ловушке в полых
мы солгали, мы из капюшона, чтобы никто не разговаривал с
Coz наш образ жизни не Хорошо, и это оставляет нас в плохом настроении

мы солгали, мы хорошим, когда на глубине нашего сердца; Мы плохие, мы лгали, мы путаем, когда мы застряли и каким образом? Мы не можем заключить в себя

мы солгали, чтобы пережить прилив и от реальной части жизни; Скрываемся, говорите правду «Человек»; быть освобожденным внутри
CAM Jan 2018
Я солгал, когда я сказал, что я мог бы вернуть вам снова.
Я солгал, когда я сказал, что могу легко преследовать.
Я солгал, когда я сказал, что я говорил правду.
я солгал, когда я сказал тебе это было доказательство . Соврал, когда я сказал вам, что могу дать вам время заживать.

Я солгал, когда я тебе сказал, что я в порядке.
Я солгал, когда я сказал тебе, что никогда не солгал.
Я солгал, когда Я сказал, что не мой лучший друг.
Я солгал, когда я сказал вам, сколько времени я не трачу.
разговаривать с ним.

Я солгал, когда я тебе сказал, что я делаю Хорошо.
я солгал, когда я не лежал прямо к тебе. BR>
Я солгал, когда я держал прямое лицо.
Я солгал, когда я пробежал мимо тебя, подпрыгивая мой темп.
Я бы лежал, если бы я сказал, что не хочу тебе говорить. < BR> Но я все еще лежу, если бы не был правдой.

Я буду лгать, если бы я сказал, что я понимаю «Я думаю о тебе каждый день.
Я лгу, если бы я сказал, что я в порядке.
с тобой не быть здесь,
не зная, почему я боюсь.

я Лежа, когда я говорю, что я в порядке без тебя.
Я лежу, когда я говорю, что я закончил то, что я еще не делал.
Я лгу, когда говорю людям, я не просил Советы о вас.
Я лгу, когда говорю, что это о ком-то другом.

Я лгу, когда я говорю, что я не хочу быть с тобой.
Я лгу, когда Я говорю, что я тоже знаю тебя, как я тоже. Время.
Но я не могу перестать лежать,
когда я говорю вам, что я в порядке.

просто чтобы увидеть улыбку на вашем лице.
Это заставляет меня чувствовать себя лучше.
Я почти хорошо, когда я вижу эту улыбку.
Это почти делает все это уходить.

Если бы я увидел это больше, чем раз в год,
Может быть, у меня не было бы лгать о том, чтобы быть в порядке.

Но ты не говоришь мне, что ты тоже в порядке,
потому что мы оба знаем, что это неправда.
I'm really tired of lying.
Raquel Butler Jul 2016
Я солгал, он на самом деле имел в виду все мне. BR> Я солгал ради безопасности, но эта безопасность чувствует себя как ад.
Я солгал, и теперь я могу едва получить кровать.
я солгал, и все чувствует разные.
я солгал, потому что это было легко . > Я солгал себе, и теперь я онемел.
я солгал, неловко и влюблен.
я солгал, насколько глупо.
я солгал, насколько глупы.
Вы это старое стихотворение, которое я только что нашел, и подумал, что я опубликовал ... По большей части я над тем, что произошло в этой части.
You told me that you would never leave me
You Lied
You told me you would love me forever and never let me go
You Lied
You told me we were gonna get married and live happily ever after like in a fairytale
You Lied
You told me that no one could ever replace me
You Lied
You told me that she meant nothing to you
You Lied
You told me you could never love her as much as you loved me
You Lied
You told me that I was your one and only
You Lied
You told me that one day we was gonna have a family of our own
You Lied
You told me that you would forgive me and forget about everything I did wrong
You Lied
You told me you would never keep secrets from me
You Lied
You told me you would never lie to me
Shannon Jun 2018
You told me you loved me,
You lied to my face.
You stole my heart,
And put it in a case.

You locked it away,
So far away.
You own it, you stole it,
It can't run away.

You told me you loved me,,
You lied to my face.
You closed my mouth,
Just incase.

You told me not to tell anyone,
You made me promise.
You made me quiet,
I still broke that promise.

You told me you loved me,
You lied to my face.
You stole my mind,
and entrapped it away.

You bruised me,
You hurt me.
This isn't the way.
Why did you have to
Do it anyway?

You told me you loved me,
You lied to them.
You put on a smile,
And a facade.
They believed you,
And threw my words away.

You told me you loved me,
You still lied to the rest.
I knew you were lying,
This wasn't what was best.

You lied, you pried,
You said you wouldn't do it again.
I cried, and cried,
You still inflicted the pain.

You told me you loved me,
You lied to yourself.
You said you were sorry,
But that couldn't help.

Stop, oh stop,
You did it, nonstop.
You hit, you bit,
I just wasn't enough.

You told me you loved me,
You lied, oh you ******* lied!
You could never love,
With your demons inside.
Lefa Mzondi May 2017
I told you this would last forever
But I lied
I said things will never change
But I lied
I told you you were beatiful, even though I can't explain beauty
So I lied
I told you Red was a beatiful color
but who and what describes beauty?
For they say the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
I say it's mostly directly proportional to how you feel about a person
Excuse my mathematical jargon because I'm no Mathematician
Don't they say in the Bible that King Solom wore Purple, the color of beauty, the color of wisdom
But who am I to tell it different so, I lied
I said your skin was as smooth as silk and as beautiful as vanilla but, was it? Was it really? I know I couldn't tell the truth so, I lied

I told you your eyes are beatiful, your eyes are big, twinkly
Maybe I lied, it was just your pupil dialating when it saw my light
I told you I could give you the world,
But the world was not mine to give to begin with, but baby its what you wanted so, I lied
I also told you the sky was green, the sea was blue, and you believed every word, I'm sorry

Maybe I lie a bit too much, or maybe just enough, or maybe that's also a lie
It's mostly to protect you

Remeber that day at the park?
I held you in my arms
The world didn't seeze to exist but us
We swore to be together for life, was it a lie
You said you're mine forever and I'm yours too, or was it also a lie?
Can't keep with the lies no more

It's lie after lie because that's all what you seem to believe
Because truth to you, seems too good to be true
I remember the day you held my hand, looked me in the eye and said, "do you still love me? "
I know I used to answer that everyday with no doubt in my mind, but that day,
The answer remained the same,
As I said proudly, "I still do babe"
Guess what?...
Clair Meyrick Mar 2016
And you lied
And lied
And I believed
Your words to be true
I thought
I thought I knew you
Yes you
With the open face
The bare face
Then you lied
And lied
And I believed
Those beautiful words
How could you not
Want to live them
Breathe them
Give them to me
Then you lied
And lied
And I believed
Didn't you think
Think as they left your head
Danced on your tongue
That they would cut
Cut like a knife
Did it feel like butter
That wouldn't melt
On your tongue
Then you lied
And lied
And I believed
Was that smile
An honest smile
Upon your lips
The sparkle in your eye
A sight to behold
Was it a game
Were you teasing me
Instead of pleasing me
And then you lied
And lied
And I believed
Did you taunt me
Your words haunt me
How could you stand there
Stand and make me understand
I listened
Put yourself in my position
And then you lied
And lied
And I don't believe
In your contrition
Kas Apr 2014
I lied.
I do care that we never even held hands
I do care that I can’t ever tell my parents about you
I do care that you would wreck my life.
But I lied.
I do care for you.
I lied to you.
We broke up on facebook.
I lied when I agreed that it was going nowhere.
I lied to you.
I didn’t always drink.
I started after I told you so I wouldn’t lie.
Now when I take a swig of my whiskey, it hurts
It burns
But not as much as it did when I lied.
When I lie.
When I inhale the fumes
Of my cigarette
The smoke invades and kills my lungs
Like my emotions did to my heart
When I lied.
I do care that you are destructive to me.
You have already destroyed me
And we dated for only one afternoon.
I still care for you.
But I will play out my indifference.
I have lied to you.
I will lie to you.
My breakup story.
Lone Wolf May 2014
A lady came today
To ask me how my life is
I looked at her with desperate eyes
And lied.

With mother glaring down at me,
And this pleasant little lady
I lied.
I told her everything was fine

I lied.
I didn't mention the bruises
Or the many handprints
That mother had left on my skin

I lied
I didn't mention
My nights of hunger
Or sleep loss from the parties

I lied
I didn't mention
my new "daddy"
Nor his prying hands

I lied
I didn't mention
the stuff I see
The needles and the straws

And now? I regret it.
I wish I hadn'tve lied
But with mother glaring down at me
What else was I to do?

I couldn't tell the truth,
Not with mother watching.
Her eyes told me plainly what would happen
So I lied.
And now, I regret it.
This is a poem about a memory. The first time CPS came to my house.
I was 11.
he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

he said he loved me
and that he'd be true
but he was out last night
fraternizing with Sue

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

he thought he wouldn't get caught
out with his latest escort
but he didn't figure
that I'd have him tailed

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

they were making
a secret meeting
he was kissing  her
with a passionate greeting

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

I gave him the mail
I told him to vacate
I wasn't going to tolerate
a sundering mate

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time
Janine Anne Rojo Aug 2012
"I will protect you," you said. But you lied.
"You can count on me," you said. But you lied.
"I care about you," you said. But you lied.

"I'm not like the others," you said. But you lied.
"You can trust me," you said. But you lied.
"I love you," you said. But you lied.

"I'm fine..." I said. But I lied.
Benji James Mar 2018
You told me somewhere out there
Is my other half
Even though you were the one I loved
Yeah you lied, left me in despair
Now my heart is beyond repair
Not a day goes by I don’t think about how
I should have made more moves with you
Regretting all these things,
that is what I’m used to
All I wanted was for you to be mine
But that’s not what life had in mind

You told me that I’d find the one
Yeah you lied, you were wrong
I’m never gonna find anyone
You told me I’d find love
You told me one day a girl
Would give me her all
Should have known better
Fell for those lines before
Yeah you lied
Left me shattered across the floor
I don’t even care about feeling anymore

I’m sick and sore
Bodies aching
Suppressed my cravings
Every time I gazed upon you
You were ****** desire
Deep within the flames burn higher
Extinguished my lust
With your words
Left me feeling broken and hurt
Rejection left me depressed
And I couldn’t find a vibe
To breathe in new life
My wires were cut
Left for dead
A rusting tin man

You told me that I’d find the one
Yeah you lied, you were wrong
I’m never gonna find anyone
You told me I’d find love
You told me one day a girl
Would give me her all
Should have known better
Fell for those lines before
Yeah you lied
Left me shattered across the floor
I don’t even care about feeling anymore

All I wanted was to find a future with us
It seems you had other ideas and gave up
All I got left was a box of empty promises
A whole lot of lessons
I wish I didn’t have to learn
I’m laying in the dark
Images play upon the roof
In all the ways that I remember you
The taste of your kiss
The feel of your lips
Tracing the lines in your hands
Playing with every strand of your hair
Every touch placed upon your body
I remember every breath you took
I remember all the ways
You left me shook

You told me that I’d find the one
Yeah you lied, you were wrong
I’m never gonna find anyone
You told me I’d find love
You told me one day a girl
Would give me her all
Should have known better
Fell for those lines before
Yeah you lied
Left me shattered across the floor
I don’t even care about feeling anymore

©2018 Written By Benji James
he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

he said he'd love me
and that he'd be true
but he was out last night
fraternizing with Sue

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

he thought he'd not get caught
out with his latest escort
but he didn't figure
that I was onto his fraudulent rort

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

there they were making
an undercover meeting
he was kissing her
with a passionate greeting

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time

I gave him the mail
I told him to vacate
I wasn't going to tolerate
no sundering mate

he told too many lies
that man of mine
he lied and lied
all the time
#lies #two-timing #disloyalty
Elizabeth Burns Jul 2017
They've painted an unrealistic picture for us
Of a man
Who treats you like a treasured item
So valuable
And so exquisite
They lied

They lied, baby girl
They  lied
They lied
They lied

Those fairy tales are a lie
Those romantic stories are all wrong

No man will treat your like a jewel
You are an annoyance to him
He won't treat you like you're worthy of the greatest love
He won't make you feel special
You won't remember the scent of him on you

That passion will die
Those hungry kisses die
It all dies

They lied, baby girl
They lied
Nic Evennett Aug 2017
Never meant to be,
The flash of eye is haunting,
There's groaning in the sea
And every wave is daunting.
They never will agree;
It's lovers they are taunting.

You lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and lied.

And you said, 'Step down from the edge, my dear,
Too close to the edge, I fear.'

They're cutting all the roses down.
Darling, hold on tight, hold on tight.
And Lyssa dances through the town...
Darling, hold on tight, hold on tight.

You don't stand for me,
And I can stand ground.
The song I fired was sweet
And all the notes fell down.
Here, take my hand...
We're lifting with the sound.

We sang and sang and sang and sang and sang and sang and sang and sang and sang...

And I said, 'Step down from the ledge, my dear,
Too close to the edge, I fear.'

They're cutting all the roses down.
Darling, hold on tight, hold on tight.
And Lyssa dances through the town...
Darling, hold on tight, hold on tight.
Find the song here:

Taylor - Sweety Feb 2019
I lied when I said I came for a coffee..
I swung by your cubicle to have a peek at you;
I lied when I said that I missed the exit..
I wanted a few extra minutes with you in the car;
I lied when I said I was super hungry..
I wanted you to invite me for dinner;
I lied when I said I loved movies...
I just wanted to sit beside you for those two short hours;
I lied when I said I wanted to learn that software from you..
I just wanted a license to be around you all the time;
I lied when I said I won’t miss you
I just didn’t have the courage to ask you to stay back
But I am not lying when I say that you are in my every single thought since you left;
Now I am lying to myself every single day, that I had never loved you in the first place
i lied
i lied i lied
i lied i lied i lied
i lied i lied
i lied
what did i think this was,
some kind of fairytale?
some magic world where
all the storms in my head
could just be waved to a calm
and i could just cary on living
my life
in a normal
am i that naive,
even now?
have i not been shown
enough times just how very sick
i am?
can i not be capable of giving
a **** about myself
just once?
am i just doomed
to sit and punch myself
in the stomach again and again
and again and again and again
and again
till my knuckles turn blue
and oh, what then?
do i care?
does it matter what happens to me
when there are fifty-two reasons
it shouldn’t matter
and fifty-three
why it does?
i don’t know
i don’t know don’t know
don’t know
but it’s time to go
the heck
to sleep, so
why am i still writing?
this is a kind of a reaction to the last poem I posted I guess (???) oh man who knows
Caro Jun 2016
You lied about my sweet weight,
And you lied about my arches,
You lied about your love for the depressions in my skin,
You faked that sincerity
Of course you lied, because how else
Could you make love to my demise?

You lied about your moon and my tides,

But you tread upon on my land,
Cheer as my salt beats my rocks into sand, I never flinched at your hand,
I never quaked at your voice,
But I should’ve,
I would’ve if I had known that you would run my rivers dry,
That you would lick your lips and sigh

You’re sick in that the only thing I hold dear,
You craved to hunt.

You rip into the throat of my wild and reckless stag,
Watch it bleed as it cranes to see by whose hand it falls,
As it breathes its last breath it catches sight of your thumb,
It knows, but consciously it forgets, because
It is with this abandon that I die for you daily,
And you **** me anyway.

I should’ve quaked at your voice,
Hearkened to the screaming that ripped away my choice,
You never loved my mountains, fountains of lies I threw back and back,
You lied about my ocean that you don’t care to explore,

It was critical and fatal,
You lied about my sweet weight and that I cannot forgive.
I lied when I said I loved you,
like you lied to me too.
I lied when I said I needed you,
because I really don' need you
I lied when I said I cared for you,
I only said what  you wanted me
to say,
I lied to you when I said I loved you,
that is why I tried to send you away
There is no more tears to cry for you,
I am much better now without you,
I hope that you go back to your
ex girl friend and she takes
you back somehow.
However, if she doesn't
it is not my fault anyway,
I lied when I said I loved you
and that is why I tried to scare you
Lila Valentine Nov 2014
I promised I wouldn't anymore
I lied
I said I was happy again
I lied
I said I was content
I lied

I swore I wouldn't pick up another screwdriver again
So I did
And I swore I wouldn't dampen my pillow anymore
So I did
I also swore I loved myself
So I did

I thought we were friends
I'm not sure
She hates me now...doesn't she?
I'm not sure
Because he likes me, not her
I'm not sure

I said I was happy, yet I lied
I swore I wouldn't cry....so I did
And I thought she would always be there for me...but now I'm not sure
Well ****. Time to go die again :)
Ayin Azores May 2015
I lied
I lied when I told you that you were beautiful
I lied when I told you that I will always stick around
I lied when I told you that I want you in my life
I lied when I told you that everything is going to be alright
I lied when I told you I love you
I lied when I told you that i loved the way you ****** me and that it was wild
I lied when I told you that I will never lie to you
How can you even trust me?
Darling, I don't even have have a heart
Atul Sep 2016
What lied within your lips,
I could not read it.
What lied within your hips,
I could never treat it.
What lied within your love,
I could not sense it.
What lied within your eyes,
I could never see it.
What lied within your heart,
I could not beat it.
My HP Poem #1138
©Atul Kaushal
G Nov 2015
I lied when I said I was going to be okay.
I lied when I told you I was fine.
I lied when I told you it didn't bother me.
I lied when I told you I wasn't crying.

I lied when I told you I didn't love you anymore.
it hurts so bad
Auroleus Jan 2014
I have a cat.
I lied; I don't have a cat...

I pack heat so the ****** on the block don't **** with me.
I lied; I don't pack heat and those ****** **** with me every day...

I have oranges growing from orange trees in my greenhouse because I believe in growing my own food and living a healthy lifestyle.
I lied; I eat at McDonald's every day...

I don't do drugs.
I lied; I'm addicted to ****** and I'll abuse just about any substance you put in front of me...

I've got a lovely girlfriend who loves me just as much as I love her.
I lied; I'm single and lonely and I ******* like clockwork...

I write decent poetry.
I lied; This isn't a poem... it's a depressing heap of words I thought might pass for poetry...

I -

I'm actually extremely happy and optimistic and nothing in the world can stop me from achieving my--
Phillip ONeil Mar 2014
I went to a funeral and lied

I went to a funeral and lied
In junk and drink, no grief,
Just cowardice and pride.
Fear of losing you by my side
Losing you to the other side.
Fear that shook with the gloved murderer's hide

I went to my funeral and shied
I didn't want to sleep or hide
I just held your bloodless, jaundiced face
I couldn't help but feel a fake
As two sets of opache eyes
Did not pass a tear and cry.
Just the shivering hands that stopped your last sighs

I went to a funeral and lied
I drank and stood in black and could not cry,
I strung words and made some ineloquent speech
Loved and held but held love out of reach
Spoke in riddles, played hide and seek
With a congregation of perjured freaks.
I laughed at their blindness where my guilt sits.

Last night in our death bed where I slept
Dry-eyed like your cataract eyes
Dumb mouth fish gape
In the old flat, my eyes, dry, dry eyes.

I didn't hear the trains last night
I couldn't hear grief's knock at all
There was no knock,
There was no wake or ball, just
Your bloodless gape and jaundice face
Shining yellow plumbed and spent
****** leech-mouthed, dumb,
Your cataract eyes,
Under clumsy-ashed mascara lids
A shy pass in some gothic flick
A tetany spasm, no shock or awe.
You looked up at me and saw nothing at all.

I share some dead shark surprise;
Opache, tearless rolled-up eyes
And I lay gibbering at your side
And laughed and hated your passion and cries
King over requiem and bride
Healer, dealer, hood and pride
Addicting storm and flushed aside.

I scraped blood off your chessboard marble floors
Wiped the evidence from cold-polished claws
I burned effigies of pagan-hates
Hoodwinked the sentimental double agent spooks
And threw scent off my mistress as a ******* clown.

This morning I went to a funeral and lied
I could not spill one tear from these witness eyes
That watched the hands suffocate your traumatic sighs
I went to a funeral and lied
Conducted proceedings with the murdering hands’ whys
I wanted the last of you, my bride.
ryn Feb 2015
People cheat,
people lie

To get ahead
just to get by.

They do it out of deemed necessity
have made it a successful habit.

Some would feel bad,
some wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Some lie to protect...
Some lie to infect...

With little remorse
full blown guilt.

Either way
all they've built.

A lie is an accessory
that most tend to abuse.
A convenient mask
for the ugly truth
that most would misuse.

Lies are...
The bane of relationships
Destroyer of trust...
Conveyed by irresponsible lips.

So have I ever lied?
Have I ever desecrated
honesty's pride?
Have I ever wielded it
to save others from harm?
Have I ever employed it
to boost my charm?

No I haven't,
now that's a lie...
Spouted that so easily,
I didn't even need to try...

I am no exception...

I am no saint,
I'm only human
with an ill sense of direction.

I have lied...
How about you?

Search deep inside...
*You know you have too...
AK Neu Mar 2010
I lied when the ******* the street
asked me if I had a minute to help the environment.
I said I was running late.
I wasn’t running late.
But it was cold out,
and I didn’t want to give her any money.

I lied when the man in the hall
asked how my day was going.
I said it was going fine.
It wasn’t going fine.
But I didn’t think he really wanted to hear about my day,
and I didn’t really want to tell him about it.

I lied when the girl in the waiting room
asked if I had a pen she could borrow.
I said I didn’t have one.
I had one.
But it was my favorite,
and people often don’t return pens they borrow, even favorites.

I lied when the boy at the store
asked if I needed help finding anything.
I said I was all set.
I wasn’t all set.
But that was how I always answered that question,
and I didn’t really mind wandering around.

I lied when the friendly girl
asked if I wanted to go out for something to eat.
I said I wasn’t hungry.
I was hungry.
But I was also tired,
and I just wanted to go back to my room and eat by myself.

I lied when I sat down today
and wrote a poem.
I said a lot of things happened to me.
They didn’t all happen to me.
But some of them did,
and I’d bet the rest have happened to other people.

I lied just yesterday
while discussing truthfulness.
I said I was an honest person.
I’m not.  Nobody is.
But I don’t think that anyone noticed my lie,
and I laughed quietly to myself.
And I laughed quietly to myself.
An original work of A.K. Neu.  Please do not steal.
Timothy Brown Nov 2012
I awoke alone,
after a horrid dream.
I turned to your face
to feel something comforting.
In the spot that graced your silhouette
were sheets weighted with regret.
My misdirected inflection
coupled with the misconception,
that 1+1=1 not 2 you see,
when the correct formula
is 1+1?3

Fact is I lied.
When I pronounced "love"
with greater strength than "as long"
Fact is I lied.
When i said unconditional.
It is the beauty in song.

My regret lies in lack of earlier cognition.
This is not the first time this has happened.
Which means I never learned a lesson
inferring to my lack of a mission
or understanding,
in a man's mind muddled.
I took the position
of sitting down in the struggle.
My body fatigued, eyes bloodshot and wary
I refused to see your definition
of affection realized in the lines of the abstract.

Fact is I lied.
When I said forever;
Knowing I am temporary.
Fact is I lied.
I never finished my sentence.
A more complete thought is "one of many"

The complete truth is my love was uniform.
Designed to let any woman fill the mold.
I lacked passion.
Which gives direction in a sandstorm.
I gave up my attempts to understand why water is wet.
Returned to my dreadful fantasy
wherein my heart would contort and deform.
As I told the truth to you
in a Scarlett and Rhett fashion;
We caressed in a snowstorm.
The message cut deeper than I could ever myself.

Fact is I lied.
When I said I would be fine,smiled
and drank in the last light you would reflect.
Fact is I lied.
When I said it was me
It was the both of us I wished to confect.
Part 2 of the Kutisha series "mwongo
© November 18th, 2012, by Timothy R Brown. All rights reserved.
как нужно знать, как раз Джем Жизнь чувствовать мир проиграл, мы вещи думают, что любовь есть люди, люди, мысли, как мы думали, подумали слова длинная реальность хочется лучше оставить, заставить конец глазами день человек человеческий темный опыт помнить действительно правильный вид смерти Душа, означающая, что большая боль Домашнее небо полагают, будут менять жизнь О богов свет Выбор Бога Сознание Существование годов, потому что тяжело чувствовать мышление времена боязнь, потому что мечты спрашивают живое сердце нужно прошлые вопросные дни сенсация мечты правда истинные используют силовые знания сломанный старый история средняя головка солнца дана написание акта разницы по причине поэзия философия психика маленькая попытка коснуться глубокого величайшего удивления Выберите лекарства существуют, мы моменты счета et et en self забыть приходить надежду слово будущее мертвое желание сжечь музыку эмоции дождь остановить взгляды удовольствие стекляю Земельный участок должен помочь лежать путь, наконец, слушайте фактически тоска Вода водой холодно ищет поймать энергетическое отражение информации больше, что ищет неработающуюся информацию. Белый **** СМОТРЕТЬ СРЕДСТВА ДЛЯ УХОДЯЩИЙ УХОДЫ УВЕДЕНИИ УСЛОВИЯ SURE Frection Screm Surce Work Window Поиск шансов Л.А. взял сломанный экзистенциальный летний контент, текущая вера похвалы Empyran Empathy Discovery Chemical Aeon не смог того, кто развернут бит вопросительный глаз. У здравомыслие Принять Вселенная Объяснение Недостаток знает Свободный заставляет язык роста решить рассмотреть вопрос о временном обществе Вещими религиозной постигают частицы психоделическая метафизика, у вас энтун Абсурдия antactus Может быть, готовая судьба реализовать семью Значит вернуть идеальный участок Учить мисс Дух сомнение Отдохнуть Любимые умы здравоохранения движущиеся смертные приносящие выражение Спальные литые линии Назначение Тихое известное странное бесконечное число Внутри угадают толпу позже молчаливый прозрачный мягкий дыхание часы ненависти пыль забытые руки выпить быстрый год, забытый оружием дольше. Необходимо сегодня рельефное действие Прослушивание возможные возможные басовые генерации, лежащие машины прослушивания, прослушивания, прослушивающие продукты Да, вещество. E Skies Corimime Обязательно выращивать депрессию Написать свободную ярмарку Экстази знала мечтать мечтание человечества Волны поделиться Принято Просто Вера Играть на песках Посмотреть зиму бояться начал мудро приветствовать пониманиеизменил повторение всех винить на лабиринт, понимание мистера исследования Covs Встреча с волосами Двери Мир сердца Уничтожь слышал прогулки возле Ураган Мудрость огни Второе самоубийство Незнание свежие бодрствованные грусть Грандиозное счастье появляются поднимаясь напуганы Сохранить Приключение Неоновая на улице Покинули Свобода Частицы Чудесные Соединения Убитые Кто-то Грейс Свобода Смешанные Соединения Убившись Кто-то Грейс Действительно Близкая Компания Пустынный Мастер Вис Изгнание обдумывания благородных опасных абсурдной нации. Листья, что делает ответ, извините, светя Заработанные решили Grasp Breeze кровать начать красивый пол жил подошва песок лечение бодрствования зрелище слезы едва продолжают бегать Безопасный ромс желание предпочитать головы тумана спросили прозая блуждающие звуки воображения посмотрели час растущих Рождение квеста Возраст Весна Означает, что имена свидетелей Удивительно, что ******, несмотря на то, что начните уровень интоксикации условия начало Работал ученики Объект Объект безумии Ритм Средний Качество Погода физический ЛОЖНЫЙ процесс Разрушение индивидуальное путешествие Кодливые эффекты заброшенного канала Судья Уверенные мораль Cleanse Определить дрожь освященный плюс рассчитывает, вызванный подростковый медиа суперпозиционный наркоманный соединение Индиго этика сохранившись определение рассуждения в Интернете Обратная связь вибрация вибрация серотонина циклон Хакер Sardonic CURREALINE Virtuality Вот он Sunyata Temberality ****** эмпатос апотенлос флэш-блестящий зеленый навсегда EN Предлагаемый кормить Ya Вполне петли крючки чистые ноги отверстие бумаги флаг больной голос сжигания внимания летать полная злая дрожание бесконечные формы бесконечности говорящий шт. Заключение Птичевой рулет ******* Подавленные звонки Училили умерли определенные шины повседневные ответы Священного признания говорят, что совершенция игры Ground Spoke стояли движение движения Sway Выживая апатические цепи утверждают, что предавая наука бриллианты, просить сценарию сказки висель мощный узел лечение заживление завод Дважды болезненный дневное мастерство желания вспомнить школу осуждения Чудов на головной эммил Эмпиреаль на выходных фактический суд ценность мелом болит чудовищные потенциал кролика потенциал SSED Идеи Azure Tools Alpha Любовствование Употребление сингулярности Типфун Откровение Стимулятор Стимулятор Освобождение Применение Проектирование Преступников Связь Доход Братство Обеспечивает актуальность Звездный Эм-Этс Апотеоз Сардонизм Не против Телелология Empatheon Entheos Слышать Mydriatic Transcendence Fore Perl Cash Mink Хотите брать ночи Забыли Сказки Разрешить уничтожение денег приходит тревога созерцает ностальгическое предложение продолжить случаю чернил приносит храбрый созданный холдинг Создать громкий подсветку Обсуждение паруса философ Оставил окрашенные безумные достигнутые лоты обнаружены равнинные ядовитые улицы убийства заканчивая пробуем сеанс против бедных разума смотреть смотреть, как трава гладкая пустота падающая коробка художник сериал дети добродетели осведомленности чисто проката H залив начал расслабиться фокус смеялся стыдный стыдный злодей мелодию падение выдох выдохнует пустота происходит под победа Выбрать халаты трилл щит закончил сыновья нормальный восход солнца дорога кованые надувающие нагрузки Действия в отличие от цветов любопытные улицыВ то время как поиск Euphoria Уважаемые события химии Сообщение Сообщение Вечные массы Верования Видение Видение Честно говоря Д. Доктор Увидение Идея Домен Слава Книги Рамки Правовые права Удовольствия Ешьте Бойд Голый Блейм Поднять Сострадание Доброта Запуганные Объекты Высказали грех Объявления Ошибка Курение Барабан Небесная Честь Земли Фонтан Обновить Материальные таблетки Цель следует значительную работу романтический глядный конверт элементы идентичности Group продают глупые люксидные размеры братья должны образование в ноябре сложные признания экспресс-недвижимости Glitter, учитывая иллюзию оценить откровение резонансных приведенных трансцендентных мозгов. Ткань Endeavor ест подростков в конечном итоге вытащить Club Club Rescounts относительная порода угроза субъективность в отношении интерпретации солнцестояния позволяет рационально в конечном итоге базис выровненной заземленной коренной чарной моралью допинг Мертвые подвиги Эооны Исследования Freeman Соответствующий ион ****** Учение Учащиеся Учащиеся Участие Бриф Убил Интуитивно понятный трансцендентный эскапизм Психойдилия Метафизическая бета-бета, Без названия Meascaline Потрясающие мечтательный элемент Контекстуальный Эксперирий Симбиоз Кодекс Диссоциация Cybernetic Н возрастел Жизни, давайте зеркальным благополучком любого эндогенератора. Сумки не будет «патафизики окно миллионов пар логика хорошо» шепот каменные стены уведомляют забавную картинку губы шепчущие умирающие желания, вытягивающие потягивание оставалось детали стихи, построенные нажимающие дома варианты Юнайтед поворота, благословенные счастливчики дрейфованные здравомыслящие демоны демон Внешние медленно худшие ангелы Жидкие арочные самолеты добавляют души Вопросы ведет мерцание тысячи ласточки. Совета алфавита содержит обширную атмосферу удвоения. Уродливая обложка, объяснивший взгляд, украл, глядя в ток, поднял путешествие царапин, сыгранные женщины, апатичный завоевание ничтожество до свидания в полночь, прошедший потерю отходов упал восторг Абсолютные положительные прогулки потери в последнее время связанные терпение воспитание туман незнакомца мужчины хочет предотвратить преобразование Молящие корневые поэты Perence Pulse Nightmare Deem Commite Commite Golden INSERT MOCK невинный шепс оскорбляет низкий чай прочность за захват атаки истории базовый сустав невиновность невиновность нейронные химические вещества равнины одеяло капания отражают мигать концепции психоз сорванные приливы S страдают невысказанные существует радостный кожух по доставке презрения Bane Asonder English Harvest Возможно, отказ от того, что вынужден выпить опасность невысказанная вуаль гравитация предположить сумму получить цветение. Событие баланса Простите значимость доверие по ошибке ALTE Уплата нереальности Стоимость хронологии тщательно напоминает яркую кражу поэтической нелегала понимает, что Maelstrom Храмы среди вечного урока Патриос вот возрождается. Избегайте несовершеннолетних идентифицирующихся идентификации одиночества веб-алхимию космической рифмовой катушки пострадали греться сброшенные стандартные Серьвистые спящие подумы на поиске пара миф родины чудесно изредка от времени утешенные предприятия определение галактики возможность оправдать политическое пророчество стойкое здоровье n Глава Facebook Беспокойная бывшая борьба разрушительный джентльмен, включая убедительную прибыль Удобное Бразитное Божество Ответственное потрясение Сейфрея Урожай Безмертие кражи Урона Урона Осмотрите Доступ в реакцию ImmersiteТестовая физика величина возникает соотношение участников Акты Тема Сигнал Mire Mire Moen Planet Аплодисменты Любовь Глиняющее Бенедикция Отрегающаяся Глинт Воздержание Обновление Мифы Манифель Ночные Размышления Ограничения Подросток Натурально Материкс Columbine Giveth Inseparable Особое значение Стильтизм Когерентность Гуманные Идеалы Starlight С уважением Предостережение При возбуждении Работа Улучшенная теория Zen Reverence Arcadia Теория Реализация наборных конструкций Заявление Подстраиваемая разведочная голосование Hazy jeaper **** Streetlight Искусственное посорочное устройство Окончательное устройство превышает сложную финальность Сюрреалистическое бензиновое предложение Совокупная совокупность Первоначально повторяющаяся наркотическая комментария Сопоставленная совокупность. Сначала возмущенные эстетика пригорания повсеместной, тем не менее, переменная эксплуатация, испытывающая основной злодей Cola Rictus Ketamine Chorde Electroni Electroni c Градственно входное проявление каннабиса составляло социально пропорциональные этические наркоманы наркотики, определяющие психиатр Pixittites Cognitivity. «Эффективность мыслей Noumenon SkowsTruck Skroom Alexithymia Transstruck You - - между самодостаточной самообеспеченностью - одиннадцать лет Zed 15 11 пределы ИММАНантность Адренергические симбионы Сублималблимиливые Медина Психозащиты детерминирующие серотонергические Psudizedelos Skyglow Cickica 5-HT2A Noumena Pharmahuasca Jeans Rolly Жестокие штаммы разговор плохо нарисовать мокрую пару, призывая рот поцелуй чувства клома Хранитель рваной пауза Средняя обстановка того, что вытягивает кость Prush Flaw Prepaperse Начинание отрицать Осталось утомленное Поклонение Доверие Турбулентное беспокойство, отпуская Отсутствие ухожу на ухой ушной леди Hey Garden Boys Winning Allow Pays Hourshy Branch Song Cross incrients играет, принадлежащие известной смены. 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Состоит в 00:53, 21/09/2016, используя алгоритм «слов слов Hello Poetry». Мы не думаем, что это что-то значит.
Alicia Hurst Jul 2013
I thought this love was forever
you told me you would never forget this
you lied
and I fell into the trap
we were finished

without a second thought
you said this was the end
you lied
and I fell into the trap
this was it

we had always said we needed each other
your forever was all that I needed
you lied
and I fell into the trap
it was done

you said you didn't care what other people thought
I believed you, this was real
you lied
and I fell into the trap
for the last time
Craig Harrison Jun 2014
As I've aged I learned one important thing
the world lied to us
No perfect Christmases
No perfect relationships
No happy ever afters
The world lied to us

Our hopes and dreams
our search for the perfect thing
built up on lies
We've dreamed about our perfect weddings
our perfect days
our perfect homes
but none of it is real
The world lied to us

Our friendships end just like they began
relationships crumble like a house of cards
our hopes change more than our wardrobe
Everything we were told
everything we dreamed and hoped for
all built on lies

Caring what others think
worrying if they are angry at us
thinking about them in times of need


they don't care what we think
they never worry about us
they never think about how we are


Kathy Nguyen Apr 2015
It's almost midnight
and I'm stuck here
laying on my bed that wraps me so tight
in warmth and comfort
I wish I could stay here forever
where it is safe
where it is soft
but I'd be lying if
I told you
I wouldn't leave my bed
for you

I told myself I had a crush on you
I lied
it was no longer a crush
it was a slight obsession

I told myself I would get over you
I lied
I fell for you
I can't get out of this hell hole

I told myself that I've lost hope
I lied
There was a piece of me
that could not let you go

I told myself you would
never fall for me
but I got a something from the
way you looked at me

I told you I didn't like you
I lied
Please look into my eyes
and see my pain of lying to you
Please just see me
Notice me
Find me

I finally told you in a letter
about my feelings for you
but by now
it would be a lie
because I've given up
to prevent the pain from
eating me alive for these pass months
The difference between the sprout and the bean is a golden ring*
"It's a racket."
I really was being a snob

I never lied
I wish you weren't ashamed of me

I wish I wasn't ashamed at myself
for not hating you as much as I know I do
and for breaking my streak

I wish you didn't lie to me
Whether you lied about how much you cared
Whether you lied to yourself when you let slip that you missed me
Whether you lied to me when you let slip that you missed me
Whether you lied to me about her to make me feel bad.

I never lied.
I wish you didn't pretend I did.

"I show her that I love her.
I hug her.
I kiss her.
I tell her that I love her."

I've never loved anybody
I've never hated anybody
but now...
I might feel both at the same time
and I don't know how to handle that

"He has done nothing except make you feel like ******* ****. You are done with that *******. Done."

Now I remember.

But I also remember other things.

I hate remembering

Do you remember me?
Emma Nov 2014
I should have known you would destroy my life
But alas, I didn't
I thought you were my best friend
You told people they couldn't trust me
They believed you
You turned my real best friend against me
I found myself unable
To even talk to someone
Without them mentioning your name
I chose to be snippy
And paint you in a bad light
Because I was moving anyway
I got in trouble for being mean
Someone asked how I could be so crude
It's because I didn't know better
But now that I am gone
It turns out all the mean things I said
Were accurate
"Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared."
- Proverbs 22:24-25

— The End —
