Памятники Москвы начинают свою историю с начала 19 века. До этого времени не было принято устанавливать памятники конкретным лицам. В память о значительных событиях или выдающихся деятелях прошлого были построены храмы или были возведены кресты. Слово %%%% памятник %%%% - это русская версия латиницы %%%% museumum %%%% (%%%% moneo %%%% означает %%%%, чтобы напомнить %%%%). Но в русских традициях также используется слово %%%% памятник %%%%, которое чаще используется для обозначения большого памятника, установленного в честь значимого события. P>
Первый памятник в Москве стал вторым во всей России (после петербургского Медного всадника). Это был памятник легендарным московским освободителям Минину и Пожарскому, установленный в 1818 году на Красной площади. Автором идеи скульптурной композиции был И. Мартос. Памятник Минину и Пожарскому планировалось установить в Москве в 1812 году, но начало войны с наполеоновской Францией помешало осуществлению его планов. Подобно польским захватчикам в далеком прошлом, французы не смогли удержать Москву, и когда памятник древнерусским солдатам наконец занял свое место на главной площади Москвы, он символизировал власть православной Руси, способность противостоять любым противник. p>
Пожалуй, самым обильным по облику памятников в Москве стал 1909 год. В то время в Москве были открыты памятники Гоголю, первопечатнику Ивану Федорову, Льву Толстому и некоторым другим. Последний памятник, который был установлен в Москве до революции 1917 года, является обелиском к 300-летию династии Романовых. P>
Рабочий и колхозница в Москве
Впервые мир увидел работы скульптора на Международной выставке в Париже в 1937 году. Огромная, мощная и в то же время необычайно легкая скульптура была построена на павильоне Советского Союза по проекту архитектора Б.М. Иофан. Юноша и девушка держат высоко над головами символы труда - серп и молот. Ткань юбки и шарфа развевается на ветру алым знаменем - героя советских парадов и демонстраций.
Вся композиция тогда была изготовлена из нового материала - хромоникелевой стали. Части скульптуры были выбиты по деревянным лекалам, а затем сварены и закреплены на мощном каркасе из балок. Это было новое слово в скульптуре. За воплощение скульптуры в новом материале ответил инженер ЦНИИ машиностроения П.И. Львов. И он отлично справился со своей задачей.
На выставке в Париже скульптура Мухиной имела огромный успех. Фотографии статуи напечатали все ведущие газеты, ее копии тиражировали на различных выставочных сувенирах.
После парижской выставки скульптуру перевезли обратно в Москву. Поначалу не собирались восстанавливать его дома, но в 1939 году он занял свое место перед Южным входом на Выставку достижений народного хозяйства. Долгие годы скульптура стояла на невысоком постаменте, который Мухина назвала %%%% пень %%%%. Только в 2009 году, после нескольких лет реставрации, скульптуру вернули на площадь. Сегодня% ldquo; Рабочий и колхозница% rdquo; стоит на здании уступом вверх.
Адрес: Адрес: проспект Мира, 123Б
Памятник покорителям космоса в Москве
Памятник был открыт 4 ноября 1964 года - в седьмую годовщину успешного запуска советского искусственного спутника Земли, вошедшего в историю как первый шаг в освоении человеком космического пространства. Памятник представляет собой ракету, взлетающую в небо и оставляющую после себя серебряный шлейф, облицованный полированными титановыми пластинами. На всю высоту памятник представляет собой уникальную конструкцию с высотой 100 м под углом наклона 77 градусов; его вес 250 тонн. Расположение памятника таково, что его видно с любой точки ВДНХ.
Плюм с ракетой установлен на стилобате, облицованном полированным гранитом. По бокам - многофигурные бронзовые горельефы, на которых изображены советские люди всех профессий, участвовавшие в многолетней истории освоения космоса. Также на стилобате воспроизводятся тексты сообщений ТАСС о важнейших этапах освоения Вселенной.
На фасаде стилобата вырублены стихотворные строки Н. Грибачева: %%%% И наши старания были вознаграждены // что за вымогательство беспредел и тьма, // мы выковали пылающие крылья // своим страна и наш век! %%%% И далее -% ldquo; В ознаменование выдающихся достижений советского народа в освоении космоса установлен этот памятник% rdquo ;. Памятник основоположнику космонавтики К.Э. Перед памятником установлен Циолковский, завершающий Аллею космонавтов. Статуя, сделанная из светло-серого гранитного блока, изображает образ вдохновленного ученого, увлеченного смелой мечтой о космических полетах, которая сегодня стала реальностью.
Памятная надпись на постаменте: %%%% Циолковский - основоположник космонавтики. %%%%
Адрес: пр. Мира, д.111
Памятник Минину и Пожарскому в Москве
Предложение о создании памятника руководителям Второго ополчения, освободившим Москву в 1612 году от польского вторжения, было внесено в начале XIX века Вольным обществом любителей литературы, науки и искусства. Памятник изначально предполагалось установить не в Москве, а в Нижнем Новгороде - на родине ополченцев. Макет памятника по собственной инициативе в 1804 году изготовил скульптор Иван Петрович Мартос - один из самых известных скульпторов России. В 1811 году первоначальное решение было изменено: от установки памятника в Нижнем Новгороде отказались в пользу Москвы, главной площадки Второго ополчения. А после окончания Отечественной войны 1812 года памятник Минину и Пожарскому приобрел новое значение: как символ победы над захватчиками и изгнания их из Москвы.
Памятник создан после сбора пожертвований, в котором принимала участие буквально вся страна: царская семья, дворяне, купцы, торговцы. Торжественное открытие памятника состоялось на Красной площади 20 февраля 1818 года в присутствии императора Александра I и при огромном скоплении народа.
В первые годы после революции существовала угроза разрушения памятника; были предложения по его переплавке. В результате в 1931 году памятник героям Второго ополчения %%%% перенесен %%%% из центра Красной площади в собор Василия Блаженного, где он находится сегодня. В 2010% ndash; 2011 была проведена комплексная реставрация памятника, позволившая его укрепить и предотвратить разрушение.
Адрес: Красная площадь
Могила Неизвестного солдата в Москве
Мемориал «Могила Неизвестного солдата» находится в Москве в Александровском саду, у северной стены Кремля. Композиция представляет собой надгробие, на котором покоится бронзовое боевое знамя. На боевом флаге изображены солдатский шлем и лавровая ветвь, тоже из бронзы.
В центре мемориала расположена ниша, в центре которой в бронзовой пятиконечной звезде горит Вечный огонь Славы. Рядом с огнем надпись% ldquo; Имя твое неизвестно, подвиг твой бессмертен% rdquo; изготовлен из лабрадорита (С. В. Михалков).
Слева от монумента стена из малинового кварцита с надписью:% ldquo; 1941 Павший за Родину 1945% rdquo ;, а с правой стороны - гранитная аллея, вдоль которой расположены блоки темно-красного цвета. порфир. На каждом блоке вырезано имя города-героя и изображена медаль «Золотая звезда». Внутри блоков находятся капсулы с землей, привезенной из этих городов. Справа на постаменте лежит гранитная стела - это новый элемент мемориала, появившийся здесь в 2010 году. Стела сделана из красного гранита, ее высота около метра, а длина 10 метров. Стела тянется почти до паха Руины. Слева от него вы видите позолоченную надпись %%%% CITIES OF WARRIOR GLORY %%%%, а вдоль постамента - названия 27 городов воинской славы.
На протяжении многих лет памятник продолжает оставаться одним из самых известных во всей стране. Взрослые и дети приезжают сюда не только в День Победы. Молодожены, иностранные делегации и главные лица России возлагают цветы к Вечному огню, проявляя безмерное уважение к безымянным героям.
Адрес: Александровский сад
Триумфальная арка в Москве
Триумфальная арка - памятник героям Отечественной войны 1812 года. Расположена на Кутузовском проспекте и вместе с Кутузовской избой и музеем-панорамой Бородинской битвы образует единый мемориальный комплекс на площади Победы в районе Поклонной горы.
Первая каменная Триумфальная арка по проекту архитектора О. И. Бове была открыта в сентябре 1834 г. на Тверской заставе. Арка простояла 102 года, но в 1936 году ее разобрали при перепланировке площади Белорусского вокзала. Разобранная арка пролежала в запасниках музея архитектуры около 20 лет. В 1966 году его восстановили в первозданном виде и разместили на Кутузовском проспекте. В 2012 году была проведена масштабная реконструкция памятника, и теперь Триумфальная арка встречает москвичей и гостей города во всей красе.
Пилоны арки из белого камня дополняют шесть пар чугунных колонн высотой 12 метров. Между колоннами размещены скульптуры воинов в старинных доспехах. Выше горельефы, на которых изображены сцены победы русских воинов над врагами, и статуи богинь Победы. Венчает композицию колесница, запряженная шестью конями. Арка гармонично вписывается в городской пейзаж и в то же время эффектно выделяется на фоне окружающих построек.
Адрес: Кутузов проспект
Памятник маршалу Жукову в Москве
Памятник маршалу СССР Георгию Жукову был создан к юбилейной дате - 50-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Автор композиции - Вячеслав Михайлович Клыков, скульптор, народный художник, заслуженный деятель искусств России. Скульптура находится на Манежной площади, рядом с Историческим музеем.
Георгий Константинович Жуков был известным советским полководцем, Маршалом Советского Союза. Четырехкратный Герой Советского Союза, обладатель двух орденов %%%% Победы %%%% и ряда других советских и зарубежных наград.
Маршал Жуков изображен сидящим на коне, копытами которого попирают знамена поверженного врага. Общий вес памятника составляет 100 тонн, скульптура отлита из бронзы, а постамент - из гранита. Правая рука маршала слегка приподнята, будто в следующий момент он будет чествовать героев патриотов XVII века.
Несмотря на критику, в том числе скульпторов Зураба Церетели и Александра Рукавишникова, по мнению большинства историков, Вячеслав Клыков сумел передать не только свою внешность, но и образ и характер великого полководца, принесшего Победу своей Родине.
Первоначально планировалось установить памятник на Красной площади напротив Храма Василия Блаженного и памятника Минину и Пожарскому. Однако установить памятник Жукову на Красной площади не удалось, так как в 1990 году Московский Кремль и Красная площадь были внесены в Список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, правила которого запрещают изменение архитектурного облика охраняемых мест. .
Адрес: Манежная площадь
Памятник Юрию Долгорукому в Москве
Год основания Москвы - 1147 (первое упоминание города в летописях), а ее основателем был суздальский князь Юрий Долгорукий. Памятник князю был установлен во времена правления Никиты Хрущева, но с наибольшим почтением к личности князя и его заслуги в Москве стали относиться только с приездом мэра Юрия Лужкова, на котором прошли торжества в честь Основание российской столицы стало ежегодным.
Впервые идея о необходимости установки памятника Юрию Долгорукому возникла в конце 40-х годов. Накануне празднования 800-летия основания Москвы в 1946 году был проведен конкурс, на котором лучшим был признан проект скульптора Сергея Орлова, также получившего Сталинскую премию. Первый камень в фундамент будущего монумента был заложен в день празднования 800-летия, однако памятник был возведен в 1954 году. Работы по созданию памятника затянулись по нескольким причинам: из-за творческих разногласий у автора. rsquo; разочарование группы s, авторов с властями и недостаточным финансированием (в конце концов, памятник князю был зданием более низкого приоритета, чем, например,% ldquo; Сталин% rsquo; небоскребы% rdquo ;, которое также началось в конец 40-х - начало 50-х годов).
Никто не знал, как выглядел князь Юрий Долгорукий, поэтому на Тверской площади на коне восседает эпический русский рыцарь в княжеских одеждах. Принц% rsquo; казалось, что правая рука s указывает место, где будет основана новая крепость. И конская сбруя, и княжеские доспехи выполнены в деталях. Верхняя часть каменного постамента украшена орнаментом, в котором прослеживаются славянские и византийские мотивы.
Адрес: Тверская площадь
Памятник А.С. Пушкин в Москве
Памятник А.С. Пушкина воздвигнут в Москве на Пушкинской площади в 1880 году ко дню рождения поэта. Скульптура Пушкина выглядит очень естественно: правая рука кладется на край пиджака, левая отводится небрежным жестом, он держит шляпу. Слегка выдвинутая вперед левая нога создает иллюзию медленного движения, поэт вот-вот спустится с пьедестала к нам. Его голова наклонена; его грустные живые глаза смотрят на нас с незапамятных времен. Постоянное впечатление, что Пушкин в творческом мышлении: на лбу появляются морщинки, лицо совершенно отвлеченное - мысли о чем-то своем.
Невозможно представить памятник Пушкину без окружающей его площади. По обе стороны от монумента установлены изящные чугунные фонари того времени. Это дает весь колорит 19 века. Вокруг памятника, как лавровый венок, вокруг головы поэта, цепочка в виде лавровых листьев, прикрепленная к бронзовым большим пальцам. Со всех сторон территория окружена деревьями, кустами - все это создает особый мир, особую атмосферу, в которой до сих пор живет наш Пушкин.
Проходят времена, приходят новые поколения на смену старым, а Пушкина вспоминают как нечто очень близкое, сокровенное. В его честь воздвигнуто множество известных памятников, каждый из которых уникален, о каждом можно рассказать и рассказать. Но все же лучший из памятников - это тот, который никто не может разрушить. Этот памятник живет в его стихах, произведениях, в наших сердцах.
Адрес: Пушкинская площадь
Памятник Юрию Гагарину в Москве
Специально к Московской олимпиаде 1980 года был установлен памятник Ю.А. Гагарину работы П.И. Бондаренко. Фигурка имеет высоту 42,5 метра и вес 12 тонн и изготовлена из титана, который использовался при строительстве космических кораблей. Ребристый постамент имитирует столб пламени, вырывающийся из сопла отправляющегося в полет космического корабля. У подножия монумента находится копия спускаемого аппарата корабля %%%% Восток %%%%, на котором 12 апреля 1961 года Гагарин совершил первый полет в космос в истории человечества.
>Памятник установлен именно на Ленинском проспекте, потому что Гагарин въехал в город из аэропорта Внуково по этой дороге после своего первого полета в космос. Кроме того, площадь Гагарина - одна из самых больших в Москве, и по задумке архитектора устремленный вверх памятник должен быть виден даже с МКАД.
Скульптура Гагарина стала первым в мире титановым памятником больших размеров. Он состоит из 238 литых сегментов, соединенных болтами с помощью сварки. Самым сложным было сделать лицо космонавта - самый крупный цельный сегмент.
Площадь Гагарина получила свое название в 1968 году. Здесь 14 апреля 1961 года москвичи встретили первого космонавта мира. С площади Гагарина открывается вид на два необычных здания, образующих главный вход в город, с 14-этажными башнями, украшенными скульптурами, и колоннадой.
Адрес: Ленинский проспект, 39
% nbsp; Памятник князю Владимиру в Москве
4 ноября 2016 года в Москве состоялась торжественная церемония открытия памятника святому равноапостольному князю Владимиру.
Памятник в полном смысле слова можно назвать популярным; он был создан на средства Российского военно-исторического общества и частных пожертвований. Собрано более 100 миллионов рублей.
Памятник Владимиру установлен на Боровицком холме, его высота вместе с постаментом составляет 17,5 метра. Скульптура изготовлена из бронзы, постамент - из гранита, авторы проекта - художник Салават Щербаков и скульптор Игорь Воскресенский.
Следует отметить, что изначально общественность и эксперты опасались, что фигура князя Владимира станет похожей на Петра Великого в исполнении Церетели на Крымской набережной. Не исключено, что именно из-за этих сомнений ранее запланированная высота в 24 метра была существенно снижена.
По мнению большинства историков и простых граждан, памятник Владимиру удался. Создавая его, авторы не хотели, чтобы памятник напоминал икону, и поэтому созданный ими бронзовый князь был не только святым, но и воином и политиком. Это спокойный и сильный, отважный и уверенный в себе правитель и воин.
Три барельефа рассказывают нам о жизни и подвигах князя. Это настоящие скульптурные картины. Первый из них прославляет князя Владимира как правителя и строителя городов русских. На втором барельефе мы видим крещение Владимира, а на третьем - крещение Руси.
Адрес: Боровицкая пл.
% nbsp; Памятник Булату Окуджаве в Москве
В 2002 году у поклонников Булата Шалвовича Окуджавы было свое место встречи в одном из переулков Арбата. 9 мая к дню рождения поэта в Плотниковом переулке, рядом с домом 43 на Арбате, где родился и вырос основоположник песни, торжественно открыли памятник творчеству скульптора Георгия Франгуляна.
Постановление об увековечении памяти поэта было подписано практически сразу после его смерти в 1997 году, конкурс на проект памятника проводил Минкультуры РФ, тогда же было определено место в Плотниковом переулке. .
Георгий Франгулян решил перенести арбатский двор в пространство переулка, чтобы не ограничиваться одной фигурой, а создать целый комплекс или квадрат, двор со столом и скамейками, из которых выходит поэт. Запечатлеть то, что было близко по духу Булату Окуджаве, о чем он писал в своих стихах и песнях, называя себя %%%% эмигрантом с Арбата. %%%% В то же время это памятник самой арбатской культуры, ее интеллигенции, и разрушенные дворы Арбата.
Поэт изображен 40-летним, полным сил:% ldquo; Он в лучшей форме. Он уже Булат, и он силен и впереди еще много,% rdquo; - сказал Георгий Франгулян на открытии памятника. На арке позади Булата Окуджавы, словно дворовое граффити, слова из его стихов.
Вся композиция поднята на небольшую ступеньку, вымощен невысокий постамент, с двухметровой фигуры поэта падает длинная тень, Окуджава словно выходит на свет. Общее пространство памятника включает участки газонов и даже деревья; отсутствие забора делает его неотделимым от улицы.
Адрес: переулок Плотникова, 43
% nbsp; Памятник Петру I в Москве
Одно из величайших произведений искусства во всем мире - великолепное творение Церетели - памятник Петру Великому, расположенный в столице России, на Москве-реке. Установленный в конце девяностых годов, почти на два десятилетия впечатляющий памятник стал родным для москвичей.
Культовая скульптура российского императора возвышается над землей на 98 метров и считается самой высокой в стране. Памятник установлен на специально оборудованной площадке на берегу Москвы-реки и представляет собой фигуру Петра Великого, твердо стоящего на палубе корабля. В свою очередь корабль опирается на постамент из нескольких фрегатов меньшего размера. Вокруг помоста бьют фонтаны.
Из-за огромных размеров памятника его установка проходила по частям. Сначала был построен железобетонный фундамент; На нем возведена прочная площадка, которая является основой всей конструкции. На постаменте были размещены постамент, корабль, фигура императора, а также мачта и паруса с подвижными тросами из металлических тросов.
Каркас конструкции очень прочный, так как полностью состоит из нержавеющей стали. Облицовка сделана из бронзы и установлена на стальном каркасе. Каждая бронзовая часть памятника тщательно обрабатывается специальными средствами и покрывается лаком для защиты поверхности скульптуры от неблагоприятных погодных явлений.
Адрес: Крымская наб.
%nbsp;Памятник Юрию Никулину в Москве
Юрий Никулин - клоун всесоюзного и мирового масштаба, фронтовик, замечательный актер и незаурядный человек, который для многих поколений стал не просто кумиром, а светом во тьме повседневных трудностей и жизненных испытаний. < / p>
3 сентября 2000 года на Цветном бульваре перед Московским цирком Никулина открыли памятник, в котором увековечен образ доброго и отзывчивого человека, способного рассмешить любого, даже самого серьезного зрителя.
Монумент был разработан известным скульптором А. Рукавишниковым, который, работая над своей идеей, изучил множество фотографий, посвященных творчеству Никулина. Памятник представляет собой статую великого клоуна в его незабываемом цирковом костюме, который стоит ногой на подножке кабриолета, известного зрителю по самому популярному фильму Леонида Гайдая «Кавказский пленник». На номерном знаке автомобиля есть надпись %%%% Юрий Никулин %%%%.
Изготовлением памятника Никулину руководил цирк на Цветном бульваре, который благодарен за свое существование Юрию Владимировичу, прошедшему в поисках средств на его капитальную реконструкцию более одного километра служебных коридоров. Бронзовая статуя клоуна отлита в Италии, а автомобиль - в Минске, общий вес композиции составил 3,5 тонны.
Для москвичей памятник Никулину стал своеобразным талисманом на удачу, а прохожие в поисках удачи потирают в творческой жизни разные места статуи клоуна, особенно носа, ставшего незаменимым элементом образа. изображение.
Адрес: Цветной бульвар, 13
% nbsp; Памятник Владимиру Маяковскому в Москве
Памятник величайшему советскому поэту ХХ века Владимиру Владимировичу Маяковскому установлен на площади Маяковского (до 1992 года прежнее название до 1935 года - площадь Старых Триумфальных ворот), которая сейчас называется Триумфальной площадью. p>
Создатель памятника скульптор Александр Кибальников. За свои работы он был удостоен Ленинской премии. Кибальников работал над памятником шесть лет, начиная с 1952 года. 28 июля 1958 года состоялось торжественное открытие памятника. На открытии присутствовали представители общественности, писатели и художники. Многие из присутствующих поднялись на сцену и произнесли торжественные речи.
Сам памятник представляет собой огромную статую поэта, которая установлена на невысоком постаменте. Маяковский держит в руках тетрадь и, похоже, вот-вот начнет читать свои стихи своим живым и громким голосом.
Скульптор сумел точно отразить в памятнике всю значимость творчества писателя, а также качества его персонажа: героизм и патриотизм Маяковского в его стихах.
Также на постаменте есть строки поэта:
И я, // как родник человечества, // рожденный // в труде и в битвах, // пою // свое отечество, // свою республику!
Памятник и по сей день продолжает украшать и одновременно олицетворять Москву.
Адрес: 1-я Тверская-Ямская ул., 2
% nbsp; Памятник Пушкину и Гончаровой в Москве
Памятник установлен перед музеем% ldquo; Мемориальная квартира А.С. Пушкин% rdquo; на Старом Арбате. В 1831 году Александр Сергеевич и его молодая жена Наташа провели здесь самые счастливые дни своей жизни - медовый месяц.
Они жили в этом% ldquo; гнездо% rdquo; на только около 3 месяцев, что было достаточно для потомков, которые удостоили Пушкина% rsquo; талант s как самое большое наследие русской культуры для того чтобы сделать это здание постоянным местом их ldquo%; rdquo паломничества% ;. Памятник установили только в 1999 году, в день 155-летия свадьбы великого русского поэта. Авторами бронзовой группы на постаменте из мрамора стали братья-скульпторы Иван и Александр Бургановы, а также архитекторы А. Кузьмина и Е. Розанова.
Памятник Пушкину и Гончаровой на Старом Арбате изображает молодоженов, выходящих из храма Вознесения Господня после венчания. Лица молодых серьезны и вдохновлены любовью, их руки нежно соприкасаются, а глаза устремлены в сторону. На скульптурах изображена влюбленная пара в натуральную величину, при этом заметно, что Гончарова немного выше своего мужа. Правда, авторы немного приукрасили действительность. На самом деле Александр Сергеевич был ниже жены, чуть больше - на 9 сантиметров.
Но фигура Наташи изображена максимально точно. Эта стройная девушка, которая младше своего жениха на 13 лет, одна из самых обаятельных молодых аристократов России, не обиженная вниманием многих достойных мужчин, тоже влюблена в этого невзрачного вида, очень бедного и неодобрительного царей. rsquo; поэт. Не секрет, что этот брак стал роковым для Александра Пушкина.
Адрес: ул. Арбат, 46, корп. 6
% nbsp; Памятник Александру II в Москве
Памятник Александру II в Москве был открыт в 2005 году на площади между Волхонкой, проездом Всех Святых и Пречистенской набережной рядом с Храмом Христа Спасителя. Он был создан по инициативе общественности при непосредственном участии Правительства Москвы. Авторы памятника - скульптор Александр Рукавишников, архитектор Игорь Воскресенский и художник Сергей Шаров.
В Мосгордуме, Комиссии по монументальному искусству несколько раз обсуждался вопрос о том, где в городе поставить памятник. Изначально планировалось сделать это в Александровском саду, но установить скульптуру высотой более шести метров на территории Московского Кремля и в его окрестностях не удалось. Тогда было решено установить памятник там, где он находится сейчас.
Торжественное открытие состоялось 7 июня 2005 года. Памятник освятил Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II. В церемонии приняли участие министр культуры России Александр Соколов, мэр Москвы Юрий Лужков, митрополит Калужский и Боровский Климент, глава Московского Патриархата, митрополит Омский и Тарский Феодосий, архиепископ Истринский Арсений, епископ Дмитровский Александр, а также а также государственные, политические и общественные деятели, представители творческой интеллигенции.
Александр II изображен в полный рост в мундире и в царской мантии. Царь-освободитель смотрит на Храм Христа Спасителя со стороны Всех Святых% # 39; проход. Бронзовая фигура императора высотой более шести метров и весом семь тонн установлена на трехметровом мраморном постаменте, где перечислены его заслуги перед Россией.
Адрес: ул. Волхонка, 13
% nbsp; Памятник Александру I в Москве
Памятник Императору Александру I - бронзовая скульптура в центре Москвы в память Императора Всероссийского Александра I работы Народного художника Российской Федерации, скульптора Салавата Щербакова и Заслуженного архитектора Москвы. РФ Игорь Воскресенский. Он был открыт 20 ноября 2014 года в Александровском саду у Боровицких ворот. Это первый памятник Александру I в Москве.
Памятник представляет собой скульптуру Александра I в полной форме, стоящую на постаменте. Император держит в руках меч, под ногами лежит вражеское оружие, а на плечи накинут плащ. Напротив установлены бронзовые барельефы с изображениями Бородинского сражения, других сражений и полководцев Отечественной войны 1812 года, а также Александра, Серафима Саровского и двух храмов - Храма Христа Спасителя и Казанского собора. памятник.
Проект памятника был определен по результатам конкурса, в котором приняли участие 8 скульпторов, в том числе Зураб Церетели. Конкурсанты представили несколько вариантов. В августе 2014 года были определены финалисты конкурса. Финальный проект памятника был выбран из произведений Салавата Щербакова, Андрея Ковальчука и Александра Рукавишникова путем закрытого голосования.
Адрес: ул. Манежная
% nbsp; Памятник Есенину в Москве
В Москве есть несколько памятников Сергею Есенину, один из них находится на Тверском бульваре. Во времена Есенина на Тверском бульваре было кафе, которое было постоянным местом сбора поэтов и их почитателей. Именно этот факт стал основанием для выбора места установки памятника.
Этот памятник Есенину появился в Москве в 1995 году благодаря работе архитектора А. Бичукова. Памятник поэту расположен на классическом круглом постаменте. Сергей Есенин изображен в полный рост с сосредоточенным взглядом вдаль. Характерный момент удачно передан Бичуковым, характерным для Есенина взъерошенным и решительным видом, его открытостью.
Адрес: Тверской бульвар, 19
% nbsp; Памятник жертвам теракта в Беслане в Москве
Памятник жертвам трагедии в Беслане на улице Солянка напоминает москвичам и гостям города о страшной трагедии в осетинском городе Беслане, где 1 сентября 2004 года террористы в обычном режиме взяли в заложники 1128 человек. школы, из которых 331 погиб в результате штурма и освобождения школы, в том числе 186 детей.
В 2010 году у входа в церковь был установлен памятник жертвам Беслана работы Зураба Церетели. Высота бронзового памятника 5 метров. % ldquo; Памятник символизирует души детей, погибших в Беслане, которых ангелы уносят в небо. Вокруг памятника валяются брошенные игрушки: трехколесный велосипед, Пиноккио, поезд, плюшевый мишка. И души детей летят в рай,% rdquo; - сказал Церетели. На постаменте установлена мемориальная доска с надписью:% ldquo; В память о жертвах трагедии в Беслане. Северная Осетия, Беслан, школа 1. 1–3 сентября 2004 г. 1127 заложников, 334 погибших, 186 из них - дети. Автор З.К. Церетели.
Предложение установить этот памятник в Москве было сделано руководством Северной Осетии; инициативу поддержало правительство Москвы. Конкурс на проект памятника проводился Комитетом архитектуры Москвы совместно с Департаментом культуры Москвы, Российской академией художеств, Московским союзом художников и Союзом московских архитекторов при непосредственном участии постоянного представителя. Управление Республики Северная Осетия-Алания при Президенте Российской Федерации. По результатам открытого конкурса предпочтение было отдано скульптурной композиции Зураба Церетели.
Адрес: Солянка, 5 / 2с4
% nbsp; Памятник Евгению Леонову в Москве
Памятник замечательному актеру Евгению Леонову, к сожалению, стал объектом внимания злоумышленников. В октябре 2015 года памятник был украден со своего места на Мосфильмовской улице, а затем обнаружен распиленным на части на пункте приема лома цветных металлов. Преступники были найдены, но Московская Аллея Звезд потеряла одну из своих, пожалуй, лучших достопримечательностей.
Актер театра и кино Евгений Леонов известен многими своими работами - среди них - роли в масштабном фильме о жизни рабочей молодежи% ldquo; Big Change% rdquo ;, образ несчастного тренера в фильме Полосатый полет, и даже голос Винни-Пуха в мультфильме Федора Хитрука. Однако для создания памятника скульптор Екатерина Чернышова выбрала не менее яркий образ - роль доцента из комедии% ldquo; Джентльмены удачи% rdquo ;, снятой по сценарию Георгия Данелии и Виктории Токаревой. / p>
Бронзовый адъюнкт-профессор повторил знаменитый жест Леонова со сцены в тюремной камере, где доброму и нежному директору детского сада нужно было предстать перед местным% ldquo; public% rdquo; как безжалостный преступник% ldquo; авторитет% rdquo ;. Памятник установлен в 2001 году, через тридцать лет после съемок фильма и его выхода на экраны.
10 сентября 2016 года на том же месте состоялось открытие нового памятника. Второй памятник является точной копией предыдущего, воспроизведен с сохранившегося скульптором гипсового оригинала. Новый памятник получил незначительные улучшения, у героя появилось более доброжелательное лицо и исправлена улыбка.
Адрес: Мосфильмовская улица
% nbsp; Скульптура уступает место утятам в Москве
Один из самых интересных и самобытных памятников Москвы находится у пруда возле Новодевичьего монастыря. Бронзовые скульптуры утки-матери и 8 утят% ldquo; прогулка% rdquo; по тротуару. Памятник появился здесь в 1991 году и посвящен героям одноименной сказки писателя Роберта Маклосского.
По сюжету этой сказки одна утка вместе со своими утятами жила на берегу водохранилища в Бостоне. Но однажды пруд и их гнездо разделяла скоростная трасса. Полицейский Майкл приходил на помощь птицам и останавливал движение каждый раз, когда утка приводила своих детенышей к пруду.
Точно такой же памятник с 1978 года украшает один из парков города Бостон. В начале 90-х Михаил Горбачев с женой прибыли в США с дружеским визитом. Прогуливаясь по парку Бостона, паре государственных деятелей понравился памятник% ldquo; Утята% rdquo; очень. А через несколько лет супруга американского президента Барбара Буш привезла в Москву в подарок точную копию бостонского памятника, который решили установить в парке Новодевичьи пруды.
Итак, памятник из детской% # 39; сказки% ldquo; Дайте дорогу утятам!% Rdquo; стал своеобразным символом примирения и дружбы двух крупнейших государств.
Адрес: парк "Новодевичьи пруды".
% nbsp; Памятник Грибоедову в Москве
Памятник поэту и драматургу Александру Сергеевичу Грибоедову появился в Москве в год 130-летия его трагической гибели в Персии. 30 января 1829 года тысячи восставших персов убили всех, кто находился в посольстве. Тело Грибоедова было настолько изуродовано, что его можно было опознать только по следу на его левой руке, полученному во время дуэли с Якубовичем в 1818 году.
Памятник установлен на Чистопрудном бульваре, хотя дом, в котором родился Александр Сергеевич, на самом деле скорее реплика, чем оригинал (реставрация 1970-х годов, пожар, уничтоживший верхний этаж, относится к тому же времени) находится на Новинском бульваре. Экономист Б.Л. Маркус напомнил:% ldquo; Где-то в середине тридцатых годов на бульваре напротив Дома Грибоедова был установлен огромный гранитный валун. Мне, мальчик, тогда он казался очень большим. Неотёсанные, шершавые, с широким основанием и сужающимся кверху. На лицевой стороне этого валуна, чуть выше среднего, по краям была неровная полоса, в которую глубоко врезанными буквами был начертан автограф Грибоедова. И ничего больше. Не похоже на памятник, но я уже слышал, что на этом месте кладут камень, потому что именно здесь со временем будет построен настоящий памятник с фигурой самого Грибоедова. % rdquo; Однако впоследствии памятник, как известно, на Новинском бульваре вообще не поставили.
Памятник на бульваре представляет собой фигуру Грибоедова, установленную на постаменте-колонне, так что образ драматурга выглядит очень величественно и парадно. Внизу пьедестала авторы поместили героев не просто самой известной пьесы писателя% ldquo; Горе от ума% rdquo ;, но и той, по которой Грибоедова часто называют писателем одной книги% rdquo ;. Петр Чаадаев писал о спектакле, что ни один народ не подвергался такому бичеванию; никогда ни одна страна не таскалась в грязи, как та, никогда не бросала столько жестоких оскорблений в лицо% rsquo публики, и, однако, никогда не достигала более полного успеха. Игра была буквально разобрана для цитат и пока любой образованный человек легко продолжит фразы% ldquo; вся ложь ...% rdquo ;,% ldquo; пропустите нас через все наши печали и ...% rdquo ;,% ldquo; какая комиссия, Создатель ...% rdquo; и% ldquo; счастливые часы ...% rdquo;
Адрес: Чистопрудный бул., 2
% nbsp; Памятник братьям Лихудам в Москве
В 2007 году 31 мая в Москве в Богоявленском переулке перед алтарем Богоявленского монастыря был установлен бронзовый монумент в честь братьев Иоанникова и Софрония.
Братья Лихуд родом с греческого острова Кефалония, потомки византийской княжеской семьи королевской крови. Они были православными монахами, окончили Падуанский университет, где получили докторские степени. Братья Иоанникий и Софроний - первые преподаватели Славяно-греко-латинской академии - первого официально утвержденного высшего учебного заведения в Российском государстве.
Лихуды прибыли в Москву 6 марта 1685 года и в том же году начали преподавать в Богоявленском монастыре, где под их руководством первоначально обучались 6 учеников. В 1687 году братская школа была передана Славяно-греко-латинской академии. Первоначально в академии обучались 30 человек, позже их количество увеличилось и к Рождеству 1687 г. их было 76 человек, а к Пасхе 1688 г. - 64 человека. Риторика, диалектика, логика, физика преподавались на греческом и славянском языках; Грамматика и поэтика - только на греческом. Также преподавали типографику. В Академии учились многие выдающиеся деятели России: М.В. Ломоносов, Л.Ф. Магнитский, В.К. Тредиаковский, Д.Н. Бантыш-Каменский, Д.И. Виноградов и другие.
В 1694 г. лихудам запретили преподавать в академии из-за обвинения в ереси и выселили в Московскую типографию. С 1697 года братья по велению Петра I начали преподавать итальянский язык. В 1698 году снова по ложному обвинению в распространении католицизма их перевели в Новоспасский монастырь, а в 1704 году - в Костромской Ипатьевский монастырь. После долгих лет скитаний братья приступают к благоустройству в Новгороде славяно-греко-латинской школы, количество учеников в которой достигло 153 человек.
Братья Лихуд внесли огромный вклад в дело духовного просвещения России. Их деятельность сильно повлияла на развитие образования, поскольку они составляли учебники по грамматике, поэзии, риторике, логике, физике, теологии, писали литературные произведения, переводы и проповеднические произведения, редактировали и исправляли славянский текст Ветхого Завета. Иоанников и Софроний Лихуды стали учителями многих первых русских ученых, которые в будущем стали руководителями и профессорами академии, таких как: Федор Поликарпов, Николай Семенов, Алексей Барсов, монахи - Косма, Богослов, Иов, Палладий Рогов, доктор Постников. , а позже Федор Максимов.
Адрес: Богоявленский пер., 6
- % nbsp; Памятник проводам Славянки в Москве
В 1912 году трубач кавалерийского полка Василий Агапкин написал музыку марша% ldquo; Прощание Славянки% rdquo ;, а спустя сто лет этому произведению поставили памятник, установленный недалеко от Белорусского вокзала.
Памятник был открыт накануне празднования Дня Победы в мае 2014 года. Инициатива по его созданию принадлежала Российскому военно-историческому обществу и ОАО «РЖД». Двухметровый бронзовый памятник выполнен по проекту скульпторов Сергея Щербакова и Вячеслава Молокостова, архитектора Василия Данилова и народного художника РФ Салавата Щербакова.
Основой скульптурной композиции послужил каркас проводов добровольцев к фронту из известного фильма% ldquo; Летят журавли% rdquo; Режиссер Михаил Калатозов. Место возле Белорусского вокзала было выбрано по той причине, что сюда во время Великой Отечественной войны уходили поезда в направлении фронта. Кстати, памятник% ldquo; Прощание Славянки% rdquo; Это не единственная достопримечательность, связанная с Великой Отечественной войной, на Белорусском вокзале. Также здесь можно увидеть портрет маршала Победы Георгия Жукова и мемориальную доску в честь первого исполнения песни% ldquo; Holy War% rdquo; в июне 1941 года.
Однако в памятнике% ldquo; Прощание Славянки% rdquo; есть память не только о Великой Отечественной войне, но и о Первой мировой войне. В состав входит щит с датой %%%% 1914 %%%%, фрагменты оружия времен Первой мировой войны. Бронзовый солдат, с которым прощается девушка, тоже одет в форму образца 1914 года. И% ldquo; Прощание Славянки% rdquo; Сам марш получил первую известность и первые слова во время Первой мировой войны.
Памятник% ldquo; Прощание Славянки% rdquo; посвящен женщинам, которые когда-либо сопровождали своих родственников и друзей на войну.
Адрес: пл. Тверская застава, 7
% nbsp; Памятник Станиславскому и Немировичу-Данченко в Москве
Памятник Станиславскому и Немировичу-Данченко открыт в Камергерском переулке 3 сентября 2014 г .; Скульптура находится возле здания МХТ имени Чехова.
Константин Станиславский (1863-1938) и Владимир Немирович Данченко (1858-1943) были русскими и советскими театральными режиссерами и педагогами, театральными реформаторами. Сам будучи актером, Станиславский разработал знаменитую актерскую систему (%%%% Станиславскую систему %%%%), которая уже более 100 лет пользуется большой популярностью в России и за рубежом. Немирович-Данченко прославился как талантливый драматург и писатель. Сформулировав новаторскую театральную программу, Станиславский и Немирович-Данченко совместно основали МХАТ.
В скульптурную композицию вошли бронзовые фигуры режиссеров, одетых в аутентичную одежду начала ХХ века. Статуи демонстрируют портретное сходство с оригиналом; бронзовая рука Станиславского лежит на стилизованном под старину алтаре, на обратной стороне которого находятся театральные маски и написано начало монолога Нины Заречной, переведенное на латинский язык: %%%% Люди, львы, орлы и куропатки , рогатый олень, гуси, пауки, молчаливая рыба ... %%%% от Антона% # 39; s play Chekhov% # 39; s %%%% Чайка %%%%. Скульптура установлена на высоком постаменте из серого финского гранита, ее общая высота составляет 5,2 метра (высота фигур 2,9 и 2,6 метра).
Автор памятника скульптор и архитектор Алексей Морозов. Работа над памятником велась в Италии около 2 лет: бронзовые фигуры отливали в городе Пьетрасанта (литейный завод Массимо дель Кьяро); Гранитный постамент изготовлен в Вероне.
Адрес: Камергерский пер., 1
- % nbsp; Памятник Шерлоку Холмсу и доктору Ватсону в Москве
Он был учрежден в 2007 году в Москве возле посольства Великобритании в честь 120-летия выхода в свет первого романа о лондонском сыщике Артура Конан Дойля.
Пять советских фильмов режиссера Игоря Масленникова о Шерлоке Холмсе, снятых в 1979-1986 годах, заслужили любовь и признание не только в России, но и в самой Англии. В 2006 году королева Великобритании Елизавета II приказала присвоить Василию Ливанову звание кавалера Ордена Британской империи %%%% самого авторитетного Холмса в мировом кинематографе. %%%%
Памятников Шерлоку Холмсу много - в Швейцарии, Японии, Шотландии и, конечно же, на Бейкер-стрит в Лондоне. Мемориальные доски отмечены знаковыми местами, связанными с Ватсоном, например, в Афганистане, где вымышленный герой был ранен в руку. Таблички висят в баре Criterion на Пикадилли, в химической лаборатории больницы Св. Варфоломея, где персонажи впервые встретились, недалеко от Швейцарского водопада в Райхенбахе.
В России знаменитая пара персонажей Конан Дойля всегда была олицетворением безупречного, образцового английского стиля. Их основные черты - яркий ум, элегантный юмор, самоирония, аристократизм, неподкупность, идеальный стиль - превратились в эталонный образ британского джентльмена. Исторически сложилось так, что российско-британская дружба лучше всего складывалась именно благодаря взаимному культурному интересу, а памятник Ватсону и Холмсу в посольстве Великобритании в Москве является символом диалога между двумя странами.
Адрес: Смоленская наб., д. 10
- %nbsp;Памятник Майе Плисецкой в Москве
В Москве на Большой Дмитровке в пятницу, 20 ноября, торжественно присвоили название новой площади, появившейся здесь после реконструкции улицы. Зеленая зона получила имя Майи Плисецкой к 90-летию именитой танцовщицы, не дожившей до этой даты всего за полгода.
Как рассказал собравшимся руководитель Департамента культуры Москвы Александр Кибовский, Плисецкая при жизни любила этот зеленый уголок. Напротив него украшенный граффити дом с портретом балерины, а по случаю ее юбилея на фасаде здания была добавлена бронзовая мемориальная плита. Чиновник пообещал, что в парке и его окрестностях будет еще больше балетной тематики - уже предложены конкретные варианты: украсить еще один дом по соседству с Плисецкой, установить памятник великой балерине и русский балет в зеленой зоне.
Заместитель мэра столицы Леонид Печатников выразил сожаление, что к юбилею Майи Михайловны поклонникам придется встретить ее талант без нее, и напомнил, что Плисецкая успела принять активное участие в организации торжеств по этому поводу. В частности, сама балерина составила программу% ldquo; вечера памяти,% rdquo; который состоится на сцене Большого театра до конца месяца.
Майя Плисецкая скончалась 2 мая 2015 года, находясь в Европе. Продолжительность ее профессиональной биографии составляла около 60 лет, и большую часть из них великая танцовщица была сотрудницей Большого театра в столице.
Адрес: ул. Большая Дмитровка, 14
- % nbsp; Памятник Карлу Марксу в Москве
Памятник Карлу Марксу на Театральной площади - гигантский гранитный памятник, возведенный в 1961 году напротив Большого театра и, как ни странно, одна из самых значимых достопримечательностей Москвы. Несмотря на смену идеологического курса, гранит Маркса до сих пор не теряет своей актуальности, оставаясь примечательной точкой для туристов на карте города.
Карл Генрих Маркс (1818 - 1883) - известный немецкий философ, социолог, экономист и общественный деятель, внесший значительный вклад в мировую экономическую науку. Автор фундаментальной работы% ldquo; Capital% rdquo ;. Критика политической экономии %%%% и - в сотрудничестве со своим другом и единомышленником Фридрихом Энгельсом - %%%% Манифест Коммунистической партии %%%%, который лег в основу идеологии зарождающихся коммунистических партий и организации в Европе.
Памятник Карлу Марксу вырезан из огромного монолитного блока из серого гранита (вес скульптуры 160 тонн): за трибуной, как бы обращаясь к публике, изображен бородатый мыслитель в расстегнутом пальто. В то же время, заостренный на валуне в валуне, он, кажется, сносит камень в решающем порыве; правая рука сжата в кулак, левая сжимает книгу. На лицевой части памятника лозунг% ldquo: «Работники всех стран, соединяйтесь!% Rdquo; резной; сбоку подпись% ldquo; Карл Маркс от Коммунистической партии и народов Советского Союза% rdquo;
По обе стороны от скульптуры гранитные пилоны с изображениями серпа и молота, на одном из которых написаны слова Энгельса %%%% Его имя и переживет век %%%%, на другом - Ленин% # 39; s фраза %%%% Учение Маркса всемогуще, потому что оно истинно. %%%%
Адрес: Театральный проспект, 1/4
% nbsp; Фонтан-памятник Принцессе Турандот в Москве
Напротив Театра Вахтангова в Москве находится фонтан Княгини Турандот, который соответствует атмосфере Старого Арбата.
Этот фонтан-памятник был построен в конце 1990-х годов скульптором Александром Бургановым и установлен возле Театра имени Вахтангова в ознаменование семидесяти пяти лет со дня постановки первой постановки по знаменитой сказке итальянского драматурга принцессы Турандот. Образ своенравной принцессы выступает символом Московского театра, а благодаря оригинальному сценическому решению спектакль воспринимается совершенно по-новому. Как вы знаете,% ldquo; Принцесса Турандот% rdquo; была поставлена в 1922 году, когда художественный руководитель театра Евгений Багратионович Вахтангов уже тяжело болел.
В центральной части овальной чаши помещен трон, на котором восседает блестящая позолоченная принцесса Турандот. Памятник окружает каменная скамья, на которой любят отдыхать многие гуляющие по Арбату. Несколько лет назад вандалы, очевидно, обманутые позолоченным металлом, из которого была сделана статуя, отпилили руку принцессы% Rsquo; s, но вскоре ее полностью восстановили.
Адрес: ул. Арбат, 26
% nbsp; Памятник Хо Ши Мину в Москве
В 1985 году в Москве торжественно установили памятник Хо Ши Мину. Памятник установлен на пересечении улиц Дмитрия Ульянова и Профсоюзной. Место выбрано не случайно, ведь Черемушкинский район всегда считался международным.
Видимо тогда цены на работы не были секретом и после того, как общественность узнала, что на создание и строительство памятника было выделено 1 060 090 рублей (к 1976 году) и на этом можно было построить дом на 150 квартир. Деньги. Были протесты и заявления, но чиновники просто разводили руками, что строителям уже дали деньги на благоустройство сквера.
С памятником Хо Ши Мину было много неприятностей. Во-первых, точная дата неизвестна, одни настаивают, что в 1985 году, другие - в 1990 году. Следующая проблема заключается в том, что Хо Ши Мин упоминает в каждом из своих завещаний, что он не хочет, чтобы кто-либо когда-либо воздвигал памятник. ему. Но советское правительство относилось к этому иначе, мол, раз у них есть памятник Ленину, значит, у нас должен быть памятник их вождю.
Памятник Хо Ши Мину - это поднимающийся с колен вьетнамец перед изображением Хо Ши Мина. В народе его называют памятником летающей тарелке.
На бронзовой основе надпись% ldquo; Нет ничего дороже независимости и свободы. Хо Ши Мин% rdquo ;. А в качестве альтернативы памятнику в его честь Хо Ши Мин сказал, что было бы намного лучше, если бы они построили какую-нибудь большую беседку, в которой люди могли бы просто сидеть и отдыхать.
Адрес: пр. 60 лет Октября, 31/18, корпус 1
% nbsp; Памятник: Дети - жертвы пороков взрослых в Москве
Памятник Михаилу Шемякину %%%% Дети - жертвы пороков взрослых %%%% установлен на Болотной площади 2 сентября 2001 года. Проект инсталляции скульптурной композиции разработан архитекторами Вячеславом Бухаевым и Андреем Ефимовым. P >
В скульптурную композицию вошли: фигурки детей - мальчика и девочки, застывшие в движении с завязанными глазами, у их ног книги:% ldquo; Народные русские сказки% rdquo; и, как. Пушкин %%%% Сказки %%%%, полукругом расположены фигуры, олицетворяющие пороки или пороки современного мира - наркоманию, проституцию, воровство, алкоголизм, невежество, лженауку, безразличие, пропаганду насилия, садизма, орудие пыток с подписью %%%% за бездумных ... %%%%, эксплуатацию детского труда, бедность и войны.
Вот что рассказал об истории создания памятника сам Михаил Шемякин:
%%%% Получилась вот такая символическая композиция, где, скажем,% # 39; s разврат пороков изображает лягушку в платье, необразованность - танцующего осла с погремушкой. И так далее. Единственный порок, который мне пришлось переодеть в символическую форму, - это наркомания. Потому что %%%% Благословенное время %%%% никогда не страдали от этого порока дети. Этот порок в виде ужасного ангела смерти, протягивающего пузырек с героином, возник в этом ужасном собрании пороков. %%%%
Адрес: Болотная пл., 10
% nbsp; Фонтан вдохновения в Москве
28 апреля 2006 года в Лаврушинском переулке в Москве состоялась торжественная церемония открытия Фонтана Вдохновения, также известного как Фонтан искусств. Запуск был приурочен к празднованию 150-летия Третьяковской галереи, что послужило идеей для другого названия - Третьяковской галереи, которое фонтану дали москвичи.
По убеждению скульптора А. Рукавишникова, в его творении нет загадки, предназначение фонтана - возможность отдохнуть от городской суеты, получить покой и вдохновение, как творческим людям, так и людям. жители и гости города.
Фонтан Вдохновения имеет квадратный постамент, в центре которого стоит чаша с растущим из нее голубым деревом, окруженная тремя картинами. В изображенных полотнах легко угадать сюжеты известных произведений художников В. Васнецова, А. Куинджи и И. Машкова, подлинники которых хранятся в Государственной Третьяковской галерее. Ночью фонтан подсвечивается разноцветными огнями, создавая завораживающее зрелище из падающей воды.
Адрес: Большой Толмачевский переулок, 3с4
% nbsp; Памятник Сергею Образцову в Москве
Памятник установлен в память Сергея Владимировича Образцова (1901 - 1992) - известного русского актера, режиссера и создателя крупнейшего в мире театра кукол. Памятник расположен рядом со зданием Государственного академического центрального театра кукол имени С. Образцова на Садовом кольце, по ул. Садовая-Самотечная, д. 3.
Памятник создан в 2001 году, к 100-летию со дня рождения С.В. Образцов. За основу памятника была взята фарфоровая статуэтка, изображающая молодого, сорокалетнего Мастера, с одной из самых любимых героинь - куклой Кармен. Эта работа известного скульптора Ильи Слонима, созданная в начале 1950-х годов, очень понравилась самому Образцову.
Адрес: ул. Садовая-Самотечная, 3
% nbsp; Памятник героям фильма Офицеры в Москве
Еще одним из множества новых памятников, появившихся в последнее время в Москве, является памятник героям фильма "Офицеры".% Rdquo; Его поставили 9 декабря 2013 года на Фрунзенской набережной. Его здесь можно найти не случайно: ведь недалеко от памятника находится здание Минобороны России.
Фильм% ldquo; Офицеры% rdquo; был снят достаточно давно - в 1971 году. Популярность была чрезвычайно высока - в прокате собрало 53,4 миллиона зрителей. Сюжет фильма о событиях 1920-1960 годов, а местом действия был выбран СССР. Основное внимание уделяется офицерским семьям, дружба которых проходит испытание временем и расстоянием% mdash; это то, что заставляет службу, по делам которой они оказываются в разных уголках страны и даже за ее пределами. Советские зрители полюбили фильм и, конечно же, забрали его за цитаты, самой известной из которых стала фраза %%%% Есть такая профессия - защищать Родину %%%% (%%%% Защищайте Родину. Есть такая профессия, взвод %%%%).
Памятник, установленный на Фрунзенской набережной, - встреча после долгой разлуки: уже знакомые боевые товарищи. Памятник открыл министр обороны Сергей Шойгу, присутствовали также Василий Лановой и Алина Покровская - те же актеры, которые были в фильме. Конечно, они сфотографировались на память рядом со своими персонажами. Помимо двух главных героев, у них родился еще один супруг и внук.
Сам памятник был изготовлен в мастерской военных художников имени Грекова, а открытие было приурочено ко Дню Героев Отечества, а скульптурная композиция изображает финальную сцену Офицеров. На скамейке возле двух героев можно сесть и сфотографироваться, а руки присевшей героини никогда не бывают пустыми - в них часто можно встретить красные гвоздики.
Адрес: Фрунзенская наб., 22
% nbsp; Памятник Мойдодыру в Москве
В столичном парке «Сокольники» открыт памятник знаменитому Мойдодыру. Рядом с мини-зоопарком и детским городком на Песчаной аллее стоит главный умывальник% rdquo ;. Автор памятника - петербургский скульптор Марсель Коробер.
Нос Мойдодыра, представляющий собой алый кран, по цвету отличается от самой скульптуры. Все дело в том, что все маленькие аккуратные человечки стремятся прикоснуться к носу любимого героя; это считается хорошим знаком.
Бронзовый Мойдодыр вышел хоть и строгий, но отнюдь не злой - брови хмурятся, а на губах застыла добрая улыбка.
Адрес: Песочная аллея, дом 3, корпус 2
- % nbsp; Памятник Репину в Москве
Памятник Илье Ефимовичу Репину, открытый в 1958 году, установлен в центре Москвы, недалеко от сокровищницы живописи - Третьяковской галереи, на Болотной площади, носившей ранее имя этого выдающегося русского художника.
Полотна художника ценятся во всем мире, а в России с его творчеством знаком каждый школьник.
Памятник Репину создан из бронзы скульптором Мэтью Генриховиусом Манизером и расположен на высоком гранитном постаменте в живописном сквере. Это фигура художника, запечатленная в творческой обстановке: с вдохновляющим взглядом, кистью и палитрой в руках он, кажется, видит новое изображение, готовое для захвата на пустом холсте.
Адрес: Болотная площадь.18
%nbsp;Monument to Nansen Fridtjof in Moscow
The monument to Fridtjof Nansen - a Norwegian traveler, oceanographer, public figure, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1922 - is located in Bolshoy Levshinsky Lane opposite the Russian International Red Cross building.
The monument depicts Nansen and the girl standing next to him, exhausted and holding bread in her hands.
The choice of location of the sculpture composition, its embodiments are not accidental. Nansen was not only a great traveler who went through the entire plateau of Greenland on skis, which helped to learn more about the locals, make new anthropological discoveries, replenish scientific information about physical geography, made a trip to the North Pole, which contributed to the birth of oceanography, helped make many discoveries in this area and disprove the myths about the North Pole that existed at that time. In addition to these travels, adventures that show intelligence, fortitude, research talents, Nansen was also a public figure who acted in this field with no less enthusiasm and benefit. So, at the end of the First World War, he was the representative of Norway to the USA, in 1920%ndash;1922, the High Commissioner of the League of Nations for the repatriation of prisoners of war from Russia. In 1921, on the instructions of the International Red Cross, he created the Committee %%%%Help for Nansen%%%% to rescue the starving Volga region. He helped post-revolutionary Russia to establish relations with Europe. In 1922 he became High Commissioner for Refugees and established the Nansen Passport Bureau, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and in 1938 the Nansen International Refugee Agency in Geneva, founded in 1931, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Address: Bolshoy Levshinsky Lane
%nbsp;Monument to I. A. Krylov in Moscow
The picturesque place Patriarshie Ponds is notable for its beautiful architecture; there are many monuments and sculptural compositions. A monument to the fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov is erected in the square on Malaya Bronnaya Street.
The creators of the monument are the sculptors A.A. Drevin, D.Y. Mitlyansky and architect A.G. Chaltykyan. An unusual ensemble appeared in the square on September 17, 1976. On a low but wide pedestal there is a bench with a memorial inscription, on which a fabulist sits. The external similarity of the figure of the poet is striking; the authors of the pedestal were able to accurately convey its image. A little confused by the appearance of Krylov, many contemporaries say that he gave little value to clothes, he was more interested in inner harmony.
Along the avenue, there are compositions of four opened books, on the pages of which there are images of the characters of his fables, 12 especially popular characters. This and the Pug with an elephant, frivolous crow with cheese, musical quartet, wolf with lamb and others.
The monument is surrounded by benches where you can sit down to relax or admire sculptures and views of the pond.
Address: st. Small Bronnaya, 34
%nbsp;Monument to S. Rakhmaninov in Moscow
The sculptural composition dedicated to the greatest composer S. Rakhmaninov appeared in Moscow towards the end of the autumn of 1999. A monument was erected in a beautiful and picturesque place in the middle of Strastnoy Boulevard, opposite one of the historical buildings. By the way, the sculpture was placed here not by chance. After all, Sergey Vasilyevich lived for 12 years (1905-1917) in the house at number 5, where today you can see the corresponding memorial tablet.
Such well-known sculptors as A. Kovalchuk and O. Komov became the creators of this magnificent monument. Also a great help in the development of the sculpture project was provided by the architect Y. Grigoriev.
The result of their teamwork exceeded all expectations. The bronze figure of one of the most talented pianists towers on a pedestal of polished granite slabs. The maestro, dressed in a strict concert costume with a bow tie, proudly sits on a chair. The whole image of Rachmaninoff is as if saturated with some kind of internal tension. In a word, looking at the sculpture, it immediately gives the impression that the musician is present at the premiere of his new work!
Separately, about portrait similarity. It is simply amazing. And how the details are worked out! One glance at the spiritualized face and long, thin fingers is enough to understand what kind of profession the hero of the monument chose for himself.
Address: Strastnoy Blvd.
%nbsp;Monument to Sergei Mikhalkov in Moscow
On May 28, 2014, the ceremonial opening of the monument to the famous figure of Russian and Soviet literature, children%#39;s writer, public figure Sergei Mikhalkov took place.
The creator of the monument is the famous Russian sculptor A. Rukavishnikov, who has created a whole series of Moscow monuments in his creative history. The sculptural composition depicts Sergei Mikhalkov at that moment when, immersed in his own thoughts, he sits on a bench, squeezing his famous cane in one hand, and leaning the other on the back of the bench. The monument is erected on a pedestal made of granite.
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at the opening ceremony, noting Mikhalkov%rsquo;s tremendous contribution to the culture of our country, his patriotism and love of country. According to Putin, the relevance of the works of Mikhalkov, the relationship of past and future in his work is a characteristic feature of the writer. And the opening of the monument on the eve of Children%#39;s Day is also very symbolic: after all, today Mikhalkov is one of the most famous and popular children%#39;s writers.
Address: Povarskaya St., 33
%nbsp;Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Moscow
The monument to Cyril and Methodius was opened in Ilyinsky Square near Slavyanskaya Square on May 24, 1992, on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.
Cyril and Methodius (9th century AD, in the world - Constantine and Michael) - the legendary creators of the Old Slavonic language and alphabet, as well as Christian preachers, canonized and revered as saints. The brothers were born in the city of Solun (Thessaloniki) and, having received a good education, later more than once took part in missionary missions. Having systematized the Slavic language and the alphabet, Cyril and Methodius translated church books from Greek into Slavic and taught the citizens of Moravia and Bulgaria to read, write, and conduct services in it.
The monument depicts two brothers holding a scroll with the Old Slavonic alphabet and the Bible, at the page of which the first line of the Gospel of John is written in Old Slavonic (%%%%In the beginning was the Word ...%%%%); with one free hand, one of them supports a large cross. The appearance of Cyril and Methodius was recreated according to the references in the manuscripts. At the foot of the monument, the Everlasting Lampada is installed.
On the obverse side of the pedestal, the words of gratitude are written in Old Slavonic: %ldquo;To the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles primary teachers Slavic Methodius and Cyril. Grateful Russia%rdquo;.
The inscription became a stumbling block: although the monument is a symbol of Slavic writing, after installing the monument, it counted as many as 5 spelling mistakes (of which 2 were in the word %%%%Russia%%%%), and in the scroll with the alphabet in the hands of one of the brothers, the letter %%%%H%%%%.
Address: Lubyansky pr-d, 25 building 1
%nbsp;Monument to the pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov in Moscow
In the spring of 1564 the first book was printed in Moscow. This event was recorded in historical documents, so it is considered to be the beginning of book printing in Russia. The first published printed, not handwritten, book was the Apostle, and the first printer was Deacon Ivan Fedorov. The book was published in the Printing House, which was created in the 50s of the XVI century by decree of Ivan the Terrible. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a monument to Ivan Fedorov was erected next to the building of the former Gosudarev Printing House. During the past century it was transferred twice: in the 30s with the expansion of the Theater Passage and in the 90s with the construction of a shopping complex.
Sculptor Sergey Volnukhin and architect Ivan Mashkov became the authors of the monument to the first printer. Sergey Volnukhin with his project won a big competition, in which other famous architects of Moscow (Ivan Zholtovsky and Nikolai Andreev) and even their foreign colleagues participated. Fundraising for the construction of the monument has been going on for thirty years on the initiative of the Moscow Archaeological Society. And only in 1901, Sergei Volnukhin began to create a bronze statue of Ivan Fedorov. The opening of the monument took place in October 1909.
About how Ivan Fedorov looked, the creators of the monument could only guess, since the images of the first printer were not preserved. Despite the fact that Fedorov was a deacon, he was depicted in the clothing of an artisan. In one hand, the master holds the printed page of the book, while the other holds the typesetting board into which the letters were inserted. The statue is placed on a high pedestal of black polished stone, on one side of which is a printed mark of the master, cast in bronze, and on the other - his motto.
Address: Theater Prospect
%nbsp;Monument to Lenin in Moscow
One of the last monuments to the organizer and leader of the October Revolution of 1917, Chairman of the Council of People%#39;s Commissars of the RSFSR, USSR, founder of the Soviet state V.I. Lenin.
It was established on November 5, 1985 in the center of October (now Kaluzhskaya) Square.
On a high cylindrical pedestal of red granite stands a full-length bronze figure of Lenin. The multi-figured sculptural composition below around the pedestal represents active participants and defenders of the revolution. Above all in the center stands a woman against the backdrop of a waving flag - this is the personification of the Revolution itself. She is guarded by a group of armed men: sailors, soldiers, workers, and peasants. Among them there are representatives of various nationalities. The rear of the revolution (ie, behind the granite column) is represented by the figure of a woman with two children. One child in her arms, an older boy standing nearby, he is holding a pile of revolutionary newspapers.
The author of the monument is the sculptor Kerbel, the last of the muralists of the creators of Leniniana. He devoted several decades to this topic. In his own words, he %ldquo;sculpted images, not specific people,%rdquo; which can be fully attributed to this monument.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, most of the monuments of V.I. Lenin, both in Russia and in other countries and former Soviet republics, were dismantled. The monument on Kaluga Square is one of the few surviving; it is an excellent example of Soviet monumental art.
Address: Kaluga Sq.
%nbsp;Monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow
At the moment of inspiration, Tchaikovsky, recording music and conducting himself %mdash; such an image of the great Russian composer was created in the 50s by sculptor Vera Mukhina. This monument is located near the building of the Moscow State Conservatory on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street. The Conservatory was founded in the second half of the XIX century; Peter Ilyich was one of its teachers since its foundation. In 1940, this educational institution was named after Tchaikovsky, and in 1954 a monument was erected to it.
It is worth noting that Vera Mukhina before this monument created another sculptural image of the composer. In 1929, she completed a bust for the home-museum of Peter Tchaikovsky, which is located in the city of Klin. Work on the monument to the conservatory continued since 1945, and only the second project submitted by the sculptor was approved. To implement the first option, in which Vera Mukhina wanted to portray Tchaikovsky as the conductor of an invisible orchestra, a large area was required, and a small conservatory yard was identified as the place where the monument was erected.
The figure of Tchaikovsky, sitting in a chair in front of the desk, was cast in bronze; the high pedestal is made of red granite. A bench made of marble and a bronze lattice in the form of a musical staff were installed near the monument, on which fragments of the composer%#39;s immortal works are recorded %mdash; the ballet Swan Lake, the opera Eugene Onegin and others. Also on the lattice you can see openwork forged monograms with Tchaikovsky%#39;s initials, dates of his birth and death, and images of harps.
Address: Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, 13
%nbsp;Monument to M.I. Kutuzov in Moscow
Bronze sculpture depicts a commander in full dress uniform, on horseback, as if inspecting the battlefield.
The sculptural composition includes 26 figures of officers, soldiers, militias - participants of hostilities against the French. They embody images of specific historical persons, conveying a portrait resemblance to the heroes of 1812. Among them there are the generals P.I. Bagration, A.P.Ermolov, M.I.Platov, N.N.Raevsky, partisans and the poet D.V. Davidov. The inscription on the pedestal: %ldquo;To Mikhail Illutriovich Kutuzov, the glorious sons of the Russian people, who won the Patriotic War of 1812.%rdquo;
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (the Most High Prince Golenishchev-Kutuzov) - Field Marshal General, one of the greatest Russian military leaders. He was born in the family of a military engineer; he studied at the Artillery and Engineering School. He commanded a company in the Astrakhan Infantry Regiment, was adjutant to Revelsky Governor-General. In 1770 he was transferred to the 1st Army and took part in the Russian-Turkish war under the command of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Then he took part in the decisive battles of Larga and Cagula and he was promoted to prime minister. In 1772 he moved to the 2nd Crimean Army. In Crimea, Kutuzov was wounded in the temple and right eye, after which he was treated abroad for several years. Returning to Russia, he served again in the Crimea, in the troops of Suvorov. He received the rank of major general in 1784.
In 1962, after the opening of the Museum of the Battle of Borodino on Kutuzov Avenue, it was decided to erect a monument to Kutuzov there.
Address: 39 Kutuzovsky Ave.
%nbsp;Monument to V.G. Shukhov in Moscow
The monument to the talented engineer Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov was opened on Sretensky Boulevard in Moscow in December 2008. The monument was created by the architect and sculptor S.А. Shcherbakov. Place for the monument was not chosen by chance. For a long time Shukhov lived in a house located at the intersection of the Boulevard Ring and Myasnitskaya Street, therefore Sretensky and Chistoprudny boulevards were his favorite places for walks and rest.
Vladimir G. Shukhov was an outstanding engineer, known for his work on the construction of the first Russian oil pipelines, oil tankers and oil refineries using oil cracking. On his account there were more than 400 projects of railway bridges, the overlapping of such buildings as GUM, the Main Post Office, the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, as well as a unique structure - the Shukhov Tower, also known as the Shabolovskaya Radio Tele tower.
The sculptural composition consists of a 10-meter bronze figure of Shukhov. A cape is thrown over the engineer%rsquo;s shoulders, and with his right hand he holds rolls with drawings. The massive pedestal of the monument is made in the form of the Shukhov Tower. There are vertical friezes on four sides, on which elements of structures created by Shukhov can be viewed, as well as compositions from books, working tools, and details of technical units.
Three massive bronze benches are installed around the monument; they are now called the %%%%Benches of Science%%%%. Two benches are made in the form of split logs. On top of the logs there are vices, hammers, and other joinery tools. The third bench is an original design of the wheels.
Address: Sretensky Boulevard
%nbsp;Памятник Мстиславу Ростроповичу в Москве
Памятник Ростроповичу Мстиславу Леопольдовичу открыли в Москве в 2012 году, 29 марта, недалеко от так называемого Дома композиторов в Брюсовом переулке, где музыкант проживал со своей женой, великой оперной дивой Галиной Павловной Вишневской. P >
Торжества по случаю открытия памятника прошли в дни празднования 85-летия со дня рождения известного музыканта и дирижера.
Авторы скульптурной композиции - скульптор Александр Иванович Рукавишников в тандеме с архитектором Игорем Николаевичем Вознесенским.
Виолончель, смычок и струнные из бронзы, а также динамизм в образе Ростроповича создают впечатление, что с пьедестала вот-вот заиграет божественная музыка. Рукавишников в одном из интервью заявил, что скульптурная композиция смогла высвободить необузданную энергию музыканта, которая помогла ему успешно реализовать любое свое начинание.
Мстислав Леопольдович был прекрасным виолончелистом и талантливым дирижером. Благодаря своим организаторским качествам, он умело продвигал современную камерную музыку и немало сделал для популяризации нынешних российских композиторов.
В репертуаре музыканта звучала не только классика, но и сочинения, написанные для него такими известными композиторами, как Прокофьев, Шнитке, Бриттейн, Мессиан, Шостакович, Хачатурян, Дютые и другие.
Адрес: Брюсов переулок
% nbsp; Памятник Ф. М. Достоевскому в Москве
% nbsp; Памятник Ф. Достоевского скульптора С.Д. Меркуров - один из самых первых памятников советской эпохи.
Памятник Ф. Достоевский был установлен в 1918 году. Но идея скульптора С. Меркурова с 1905 года воплощала в себе мысли художника о роли пространства и времени в пластическом искусстве. Скульптор определил памятник Достоевскому как фигуру с двумя осями и одним центром, находящуюся вне статуи. Силуэт писателя меняется при смене ракурса, как у актера пантомимы. В качестве натурщика пригласили А. Вертинского не случайно. Меркуров вспоминал:% ldquo; Он сразу понял мой план, принял правильную позу. А как он держал свои изумительные пластмассовые руки! % rdquo;
Когда Советское правительство в 1918 году приняло постановление о памятниках историческим деятелям, Меркуров предложил специальной комиссии памятник Достоевскому. Первоначально памятник был установлен на Цветном бульваре, затем, в 1936 году, когда здесь проложили трамвайные пути, памятник перенесли на площадь Мариинской больницы, где когда-то работал отец писателя и родился Достоевский. Сейчас в левом крыле этой больницы находится музей-квартира Достоевского.
20 лет скульптура стояла на земле. В 1956 году архитектор И.Френч возвел его на пьедестал из темного гранита. С тех пор эта %%%% движущаяся статуя %%%% приобрела собственные %%%% строительные леса %%%%.
Адрес: ул. Достоевского, 2
% nbsp; Ростокинский дворник в Москве
Ростокинский дворник - одна из достопримечательностей Москвы, основанная в 2006 году на Малахитовой улице в Ростокинском районе.
Во время летних Олимпийских игр 1980 года на площади у пересечения Малахитовой улицы и улицы Бажова располагалась деревянная детская площадка: чудо-избушка, резные ворота, дощатая ладья и довольно большой дракон с перепончатыми крыльями, высокий холм или хижина. на куриных ножках. Именно на этом месте в 1981 году был снят киносюжет 27 номера юмористического журнала «Ералаш». Вскоре деревянный двор стал жертвой вандализма, поэтому долго не простоял.
В 2006 году глава администрации Ростокинского района Петр Поволоцкий высказал идею создания памятника дворнику. Торжественное открытие творения членов Московского союза художников Андрея Асерьянца и Владимира Лепешова под названием% ldquo; Ростокинский дворник% rdquo ;, состоялось в День города на холме на площади у Ростокинского акведука. Там временно установлена скульптурная композиция; все жители могут говорить о желаемом месте его постоянного размещения. Памятник стал довольно популярным в столице, а Москва вошла в число городов, где установлены памятники в честь дворника.
Трехметровый памятник Ростокинскому дворнику полностью сделан из железа: сам дворник и вся его одежда, в том числе фартук и метла, крепко зажатая в его руках, неотъемлемые части этой профессии, сделаны из ржавого железа. , а его глаза, растрепанные кудри и усы - все от разных гаек и болтов.
Адрес: ул. Малахит и св. Бажовский перекресток
% nbsp; Памятник И. А. Бунину в Москве
Выдающийся русский писатель конца XIX - начала XX века Иван Бунин стал первым русским писателем, удостоенным Нобелевской премии. В 1933 году Нобелевский комитет отметил мастерство Ивана Алексеевича, продолжающего традиции классической русской прозы.
Иван Бунин впервые приехал в столицу в 1895 году. В Москве он познакомился со своей возлюбленной Верой Муромцевой, вошел в круг московских писателей, дружил с Леонидом Андреевым, Максимом Горьким, Александром Куприным и другими. Московский период его творчества включает такие прозаические произведения как% ldquo; Антоновские яблоки% rdquo ;,% ldquo; Мистер из Сан-Франциско% rdquo; и% ldquo; Легкое дыхание% rdquo ;, несколько поэтических сборников.
В Москве памятник писателю поставили в районе Нового Арбата на Поварской улице, возле дома № 26, в котором жил Иван Бунин до отъезда из столицы и отъезда сначала в Одессу, а затем во Францию. В 1993 году на этом доме установили памятный знак.
Открытие памятника состоялось в день рождения писателя - 22 октября 2007 года, когда отмечалось его 137-летие. Автором бронзового памятника стал скульптор Владимир Бурганов, создавший также памятник Бунинскому, установленный в Воронеже, родном городе писателя. Архитектор Виктор Пасенко также участвовал в работах над памятником Москве.
Бронзовая фигура писателя установлена на постаменте из гранита. Казалось, Иван Алексеевич вышел погулять по Поварской улице, снял пальто, перекинул через руку и задумался.
Адрес: ул. Поварская, 30/36
% nbsp; Памятник К.А. Тимирязева в Москве
Раньше, чтобы попасть на площадь Никитских ворот с бульвара, приходилось обходить дом князя Гагарина, стоявший в начале (нумерация с площади) Тверского. Однако в годы Октябрьской революции этот дом был фактически разрушен, а в 1923 году на его месте устроили сквер, где 4 ноября того же года был установлен памятник Клименту Аркадьевичу Тимирязеву.
12 апреля 1922 года, через два года после смерти ученого, вышло постановление Президиума Моссовета об установке памятника Клименту Аркадьевичу Тимирязеву.
Памятник открыли 4 ноября 1923 года в торжественной обстановке. % ldquo; Праздник, несмотря на пасмурную погоду, собрал множество делегаций ученых, учебных заведений и организаций, а также несколько тысяч отдельных граждан, в основном преподавателей и студентов высших учебных заведений. Представители различных рабочих% # 39; организации, ведомства и учреждения с венками, члены Президиума Моссовета, профессора и коллективы детей школ имени К.А. Тимирязев и др. Под звуки %%%% Internationale %%%% от памятника, изображающего фигуру покойного К.А. Тимирязев высечен из цельного куска гранита, во весь рост, пеленой спал ... %%%% (%%%% Новости ЦИК %%%%)
В ночь на 5 августа 1941 года перед памятником Тимирязеву взорвалась 1000-фунтовая фугасная бомба. Образовалась воронка диаметром около 30 метров и глубиной более 10 метров, перекручены рельсы, снесены подземные коммуникации, разрушены ближайшие постройки. Самое удивительное, что скульптуру отреставрировали за несколько часов. В нижней части мантии и у левой подножия скульптуры сохранились выбоины от обломков.
Адрес: Малая Никитская ул., 2/1, корпус 1
% nbsp; Памятник Багратиону в Москве
Он установлен на Кутузовском проспекте в Москве в 1999 году. Петр Иванович Багратион - легендарный полководец, герой Отечественной войны 1812 года. Умер от ран, полученных в Бородинском сражении.
Москва Багратион, запечатанный в бронзе, верхом на коне бесстрашно ведет войска в атаку. Таким он запомнился современникам в своей последней битве под Бородино. Памятная надпись: %%%% Петру Ивановичу Багратиону благодарное отечество. %%%% Высота скульптуры более 6 метров, а вместе с постаментом около 10 метров.
Князь Багратион, потомок грузинской царской семьи, стал настоящим героем России. Его полководческий талант восхищал современников, о его отваге ходят легенды. Его называли %%%% львом русской армии %%%%, а военные заслуги генерала подчеркивали и Кутузов, и Наполеон. При этом Багратион не получил не только военного, но и вообще никакого академического образования, а его успех был, скорее, плодом интуиции и воли, отваги и упорства. Князь вырос в Кизляре (где есть музей Багратиона, а также улица его имени) и в этом же районе начал свою военную службу: рядовым Астраханского пехотного полка.
В дальнейшем служил в киевских кавалерийских полках и полках Софийских карабинеров, участвовал в русско-турецкой войне 1787-1792 гг., Польской кампании 1794 г., итальянской и швейцарской кампаниях А.В. Суворова 1799 г. Во время похода против Наполеона 1805 г. Багратион находился в арьергарде марша-маневра армии Кутузова от Браунау до Ольмутса и провел ряд успешных сражений. В битве при Аустерлице он командовал силами правого крыла союзной армии. Сам Наполеон называл Багратиона лучшим русским генералом.
Адрес: проспект Кутузова
% nbsp; Памятник Иосифу Бродскому в Москве
В последний день весны 2011 года в сквере между домами 22 и 28 на Новинском бульваре установили памятник Иосифу Бродскому, поэту, которого на одном дыхании читает новое поколение, человеку, удостоенному Нобелевской премии. Премия по литературе, но не была признана существующей тогда государственной властью.
Памятник расположен прямо напротив американского посольства, что весьма символично. Ведь в свое время, когда при советской власти Бродского считали недостойным человеком и устраивали всевозможные проверки и допросы, он уехал в Америку, оставив родителей, друзей и всю свою жизнь в России.
Несмотря на то, что Иосиф Бродский родился и жил в Санкт-Петербурге, памятник установили в Москве. Это настоящий жест признания его достижений в отечественной и мировой литературе; это дань его таланту со стороны государства.
Скульптор Георгий Франгулян стал автором памятника Иосифу Бродскому. Среди его творений - памятник Булату Окуджаве на Старом Арбате, памятник Араму Хачатуряну в Брюсовом переулке, памятник Пушкину в Брюсселе и памятник Борису Ельцину в Екатеринбурге.
Адрес: Новинский бульвар, 22
% nbsp; Памятник В.И. Ленин на ВДНХ в Москве
Памятник основателю Советского государства В.И. Ленина П.П. Яцыно был открыт на ВДНХ в 1954 году. Памятник установлен возле Центрального павильона напротив главного входа на выставку.
Фигура вождя выполнена в традициях соцреализма. Художник изобразил Ленина решительным и величественным. Владимир Ильич стоит немного вперед левой ногой. В правой руке свернутый лист; левой рукой он держит верх плаща. Спокойное лицо Ленина обращено в светлое будущее. Скульптура установлена на невысоком гранитном постаменте.
Интересный факт: оригинальный памятник В.И. Ленин стоял в паре с памятником Сталину (работа А.П. Кибальникова). Скульптуры располагались симметрично по сторонам от входа в павильон. После разоблачения культа личности Сталина памятник %%%% Отцу Наций %%%% был демонтирован, а скульптура Ленина перенесена в Центральный павильон.
В 1967 году, когда отмечалось 50-летие Октябрьской социалистической революции, перед Центральным павильоном снова был установлен памятник Ленину.
Адрес: проспект Мира, 119
- % nbsp; Памятник М.Ю. Лермонтова в Москве
В 1941 году площадь Красных ворот, рядом с которой находился дом поэта Михаила Лермонтова., переименована в Лермонтовскую. Примерно тогда же была высказана мысль, что поэту необходимо поставить памятник. Планы увековечения памяти Михаила Юрьевича нарушили начало Великой Отечественной войны и вернулись к реализации этой идеи только спустя много лет после ее окончания. Кстати, после войны дореволюционное здание возле площади Красных ворот было снесено, а на месте дома, где родился Лермонтов, одна из так называемых высоток %%%% сталинских% # 39; s %%%% был построен.
Открытие памятника поэту состоялось только летом 1965 года. Над сооружением памятника работал большой творческий коллектив, в который входили несколько архитекторов (Николай Миловидов, Григорий Саевич, Анатолий Моргулис) и скульптор Исаак Бродский. < / p>
Исследователи искусства Лермонтова отмечают, что романтизм был присущ его произведениям, особенно ранней лирике, поскольку мрачный романтик предстает перед читателем своим Печориным - центральной фигурой героя нашего времени. А сам Лермонтов был, скорее всего, романтиком. Возможно, поэтому памятник ему сейчас называют одним из самых романтичных в столице. Бронзовый поэт изображен с задумчивым выражением лица, воротник пальто приподнят, края его одежды развеваются на ветру. На каменном постаменте авторы цитировали строки поэта, в которых он признается в любви к Москве.
Скульптурную композицию площади Лермонтовского дополняют каменная скамья и решетчатая стела с изображениями героев других его произведений - стихов% ldquo; Демон% rdquo; и% ldquo; Мцыри% rdquo ;, стихотворение% ldquo; Парус% rdquo ;. При создании этого памятника авторы использовали приемы, характерные для монументального искусства 60-х годов. В настоящее время памятник Лермонтову признан объектом культурного наследия федерального значения.
Адрес: Лермонтовская площадь
% nbsp; Памятник Мичурину на ВДНХ в Москве
Памятник И.В. Мичурин установлен в Мичуринском саду на территории ВДНХ в Москве.
Мичуринский сад существует с 1954 года. В саду растут яблони, груши, сирень и вишня. А в 1954 году в центре питомника установили бронзовый памятник Ивану Владимировичу Мичурину, почетному академику АН СССР, талантливому биологу и ботанику, одаренному селекционеру и создателю новых сортов различных плодово-ягодных культур. . В его честь, в память о заслугах и назван этот сад.
Бронзовый мужчина в пальто и шляпе вот уже 60 лет стоит на высоком гранитном пьедестале. Одной рукой он опирается на трость, а во второй держит бронзовую книгу. Задумчивый взгляд направлен куда-то вдаль, и кажется, что Мичурин осматривает свой сад. На постаменте размещена табличка, украшенная пальмовой ветвью с памятной надписью. Создателями памятника являются скульптор Д. Жилов и архитектор В. Артамонов.
Адрес: проспект Мира, вл. 119
%nbsp;Памятник Н.В. Гоголю в Москве
Этот памятник (скульптор Н. Томский, архитектор Л. Голубовский) появился в 1952 году в конце Гоголевского бульвара, в год 100-летия со дня смерти Гоголя, на месте другого памятника (скульптор Н. Андреев, архитектор Ф. Шехтель) ко дню рождения писателя в 1909 году, переехавший во двор дома-музея Гоголя на Никитском бульваре.
Известно, что И. Сталину не понравился% ldquo; mournful% rdquo; Гоголя работы скульптора Н.Андреева, архитектора Ф.Шехтеля, мимо которых ему регулярно приходилось проходить.
А 2 марта 1952 года состоялось торжественное открытие нового памятника. Образ писателя предстал в новой интерпретации: полный сил, стоящий на высоком пьедестале, улыбающийся и излучающий оптимизм. Постамент нового монумента был украшен обширной надписью: «Великому русскому художнику, слова Николая Васильевича Гоголя от правительства Советского Союза 2 марта 1952 года».
Сам Н. Томский не оценил это собственное произведение:% ldquo; Из всех монументальных произведений, созданных мною за последние годы, я считаю самым неудачным памятник Н. В. Гоголю в Москве, который я сделал в необычайной для писателя спешке % # 39; годовщина.% Rdquo;
Вскоре после открытия памятника его копия была установлена в вестибюле московской школы № 59 (бывшая Медведниковская гимназия). Воспитанники этой школы стали победителями Всесоюзного конкурса творческих работ, посвященных творчеству Гоголя, за что 9 февраля 1952 года учебному заведению было присвоено имя писателя.
Адрес: бульвар Гоголя
% nbsp; Памятник Дмитрию Донскому в Москве
Конный памятник Дмитрию Донскому появился в Москве на пересечении Николо-Ямской и Яузской улиц только в 2013 году. Открытие этого памятника состоялось только в мае 2014 года, а фундамент на месте будущего памятника находится здесь с тех пор. 2003 г. Работы по созданию памятника были приостановлены на несколько лет в связи со смертью главного автора - скульптора Вячеслава Клыкова.
Дмитрий Иванович Донской, князь Московский и Владимирский, известен как собиратель русских земель вокруг Московского княжества. Одной из главных его военных побед была победа в 1380 году на Куликовом поле над войском хана Мамая. Перед тем, как двинуться в эту битву, русское войско и ополчение во главе с князем собрались на этом месте на берегу реки Яузы, где спустя почти семь веков был установлен этот памятник.
Князь изображался в боевом облачении, сидящим на коне. В руке Дмитрий Донской развевает знамя с гербом Великого княжества Московского. Бронзовый князь готов идти в бой, возглавить воинов и победить, что освободит русские земли от татаро-монгольского ига. На постаменте памятника можно увидеть посвящение святому князю Дмитрию Донскому, освободителю земель русских.
Открытие памятника было приурочено к 700-летию со дня рождения преподобного Сергия Радонежского, благословившего князя на битву с ханом Мамаем. Памятник освятили Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл, в церемонии открытия также приняли участие премьер-министр Дмитрий Медведев и мэр столицы Сергей Собянин.
Адрес: Яузская ул.
%nbsp;Памятник Араму Хачатуряну в Москве
Памятник Араму Хачатуряну - памятник выдающемуся советскому армянскому композитору, дирижеру и педагогу, народному артисту СССР Араму Ильичу Хачатуряну. Он установлен в центре Москвы рядом с домом, в котором композитор долгое время жил.
Памятник открыт в 2006 году. Монументальная бронзовая композиция, изображающая Хачатуряна в момент его вдохновения в окружении различных музыкальных инструментов, установлена без постамента на квадратной гранитной платформе. Авторы памятника - архитектор И. Воскресенский и скульптор Г. Франгулян.
Адрес: Брюсов переулок, 8
% nbsp; Памятник Ходже Насреддину в Москве
В 2006 году День дурака, традиционно отмечаемый 1 апреля, был отмечен торжественным открытием еще одного необычного памятника - известного философа и поэта Востока Ходжи Насреддина.
Имя Ходжи Насреддина как-то всем знакомо. Славился хитростью, добрым юмором и одновременно глубокой мудростью и борьбой за справедливость. Примечательно также, что Насреддина они считают своим национальным героем на Кавказе, в Средней Азии и на Востоке.
Автор памятника - российский скульптор Андрей Орлов. В скульптурной группе нет ничего лишнего: бронзовый Ходжа Насредди в одной руке держит книгу, а в другой - дело своего верного друга и соратника, осла. Любопытно, что композиция отличается несколько нарушенными пропорциями - ослик крупный. Да и выглядит он, в отличие от самого Насреддина, фигура которого очень реалистична, комично - вылитая ослик из мультфильма% ldquo; Шрек% rdquo ;. Но все эти неточности не только не бросаются в глаза и не портят картину, а наоборот, придают памятнику определенный шарм.
Подойдя ближе, вы обязательно заметите, что седло осла как-то особенно отполировано. Объясняется все очень просто: на обратной стороне спутника Ходжи Насреддина стоит знак, что стоит сфотографироваться, и удача повернется к вам в лицо.
Адрес: Ярцевская ул. 25А
% nbsp; Памятник А.Т. Твардовского в Москве
Памятник известному фронтовому поэту и советскому классику Александру Твардовскому появился в Москве всего пару лет назад. Памятник был открыт 22 июня 2013 года. Дата его открытия была приурочена к 22 июня - началу Великой Отечественной войны и практически совпала с датой рождения писателя - Александр Твардовский родился 21 июня 1910 года в г. одно из хозяйств Смоленской области.
Памятник установлен на Страстном бульваре рядом со зданием редакции литературного журнала %%%% New World %%%% - пожалуй, главного литературного журнала в советское время. Александр Твардовский был ее главным редактором в 50-70-е годы с небольшим перерывом. Он занял этот пост после того, как написал свои самые известные произведения% ldquo; Василий Туркин% rdquo; и% ldquo; Дом у дороги% rdquo; и трижды был лауреатом Сталинских премий разной степени. Твардовский был лишен этой должности, в том числе за попытку опубликовать произведения Александра Солженицына.
Образ Александра Твардовского в бронзе был создан группой скульпторов и архитекторов, среди которых был московский скульптор, народный художник Российской Федерации Владимир Суровцев. Он известен своими работами на патриотическую тематику, некоторые его скульптуры украшают улицы других городов мира, а в Москве, в частности, он создал памятник Анне Ахматовой на Большой Ордынке. Средства на создание памятника Твардовскому предоставил миллиардер Алишер Усманов. Также в создании памятника принимал участие заслуженный архитектор РФ Виктор Пасенко.
Владимир Суровцев изобразил Александра Твардовского во время прогулки по Страстному бульвару - и писателю очень понравилось гулять по нему. Для постамента была выбрана цитата из стихотворения 1955 года% ldquo; Ты дурак, смерть: ты угрожаешь людям ...% rdquo ;, как будто написано почерком автора% rsquo; s.
Адрес: Страстной бульвар
%nbsp;Monument to the dead policemen in Moscow
The monument to the dead police officers on Trubnaya Square in Moscow is located at the southern exit of the Trubnaya metro station (Central Administrative District, Meshchansky District).
The monument was solemnly opened on November 11, 1994. The work was performed by sculptor A.A. Bichukov, architect A.V. Kuzmin. The monument to the dead policemen on Trubnaya Square is a column with a total height of 32.5 meters, made of bronze and mounted on a granite pedestal. A statue of St. George the Victorious, striking a serpent towers above the column, and at the base of the stela are sculpted bas-reliefs, one of which depicts a grieving mother leaning over the body of her deceased son. The inscription reads: %%%%Grateful Russia to the soldiers of law and order who died in the line of duty%%%%.
Every year, on Police Day, soldiers, police officers and ordinary people gather at the monument to the dead policemen on Trubnaya Square to lay flowers in memory of those who gave their lives for the peace of citizens.
Address: Trubnaya Square
%nbsp;Monument to Prince Daniel of Moscow
Among Moscow streets there are several named Danilovskys: there is an alley, a square, a quay, a street, which were named because of its proximity to the Danilov Monastery. The monastery was founded by the Grand Duke Daniel of Moscow, who lived in the XIII century, was the son of Prince Alexander Nevsky and inherited from him a small principality with the small city of Moscow.
The memory of Daniel of Moscow was immortalized by the installation of a monument in the square that bears his name. A more precise location of the monument is at the Tulskaya metro station, at the intersection of Lyusinovskaya and Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya streets.
The opening of the monument took place in September 1997 and was timed to the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow. The ceremony was held with the participation of the mayor of the capital Yury Luzhkov and the patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II.
A ten-meter bronze statue placed on a granite cylindrical pedestal was created by sculptors Alexander Korovin and Vladimir Mokrousov and architect Dmitry Sokolov. Prince Daniel Alexandrovich was depicted by them in full growth, in traditional princely garb. In one hand of the prince there is a sword in the sheath, in the other he holds the temple. Such an image was supposed to convey the merits and basic traits of the prince, thanks to which he entered the history of Russia as a religious, peace-loving ruler who expanded the boundaries of the Moscow principality and founded several monasteries.
In 1998, in front of the monument, the chapel of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, which was demolished in the 20s of the last century, was rebuilt in its former place. In 2013, the ensemble of the square complemented the granite fountain of the cruciform shape, located near the monument.
Address: Serpukhovskaya Square
%nbsp;Monument Fountain Clowns in Moscow
Clowns - the so-called unusual monument-fountain, which is located opposite the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow. It was opened on June 14, 2002 by Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov. The author of the sculptural composition is Zurab Tsereteli.
The bowl of the fountain is covered with a bronze grate through which water jets are beating. In the center there is a bronze clown figure on a unicycle. In one hand, the clown holds an umbrella along which streams of %%%%rain%%%% flow, and in his other hand he has a suitcase. The suitcase is opened, and a second clown falls out of it. Which, apparently, was to appear before the audience only in the arena.
Next to the fountain there are some more interesting figures. One clown saddled the top of another, the third one is depicted preparing for a somersault, and the fourth sits on the square, as if watching what his colleagues are doing. Here are made of copper suitcase, hat, walking stick and shoe - inseparable satellites of the clown. The monument is dedicated to the memory of the beloved artist Yuri Nikulin.
Address: Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 13
%nbsp;Monument to the creators of the Russian railways in Moscow
The monument to the creators of the Russian railways in Moscow was opened on August 1, 2013, on the Day of the Railway Man, which is celebrated on the first Sunday of August. The monument was erected in front of the entrance to the Tsar%#39;s Tower of the Kazan Station. The author of the monument is the national artist of Russia Salavat Shcherbakov.
On the granite pedestal there is a sculpture made of bronze. In the center there is the bust of Emperor Nicholas I, during the reign of whom railways appeared in Russia. He is surrounded by figures of prominent figures: Efim and Miron Cherepanovs (father and son), Franz Anton von Gerstner, Pavel Melnikov, Mikhail Khilkov, Sergei Witte. On the reverse side of the monument there is an inscription: Emperor All-Russian Nicholas I, on February 12, 1842, signed a decree on the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg railway.
Address: Kazan station square
- %nbsp;Monument to Patriarch Hermogenes in Moscow
The monument to Patriarch Germogen was unveiled in the Alexander Garden on May 25, 2013. The opening of the monument took place on the day of the 100th anniversary of the glorification of Saint Hermogenes. The consecration of the monument was made by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.
Patriarch Hermogenes, or Yermolai, was born in about 1530. This is the second Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. In 1587, after the death of his wife, whose name has not been preserved by history, he became a monk in the Chudovo Monastery in Moscow.
This is not just a church leader of that time, but also the spiritual leader of the Russians.
The work of the creative team led by the national artist of Russia Salavat Shcherbakov and honored architect of Russia Igor Voskresensky.
Address: Alexander Garden
%nbsp;Monument to the first Russian soldier of the Life Guards of Preobrazhensky Regiment S.L. Buhvostov in Moscow
The monument to the %ldquo;First Russian Soldier%rdquo; was opened on August 20, 2005 on Preobrazhenskaya Square. Peter I in 1721 ordered Carl Rastrelli to make a bronze bust of the %ldquo;First Russian Soldier%rdquo; for services to the Fatherland.
Unfortunately, the sculpture was not preserved.
Surprisingly, the bust of Sergey Bukhvostov by Carlo Rastrelli was the first sculpture monument, as well as the first monument in his lifetime in Russia. The current monument is made by an engraving of M. I. Makhaev, which, in turn, was created with that sculpture.
Address: Preobrazhenskaya Square
- %nbsp;Monument to Mahatma Gandhi in Moscow
The sculptural figure of Mahatma Gandhi, the work of the famous Indian sculptor G. Pal, was presented as a gift to Moscow from the government and the people of India.
The monument was opened on July 8, 1988 at Gandhi Square at the intersection of Lomonosovsky and Michurinsky avenues (the authors of the installation and pedestal project are Moscow architects V.V. Pasenko, I.P. Kruglov and designer V.Ye.Korei).
The sculptural part of the monument is extraordinarily expressive in plastic and figurativeness: a person walking with a wide decisive step with a pilgrim staff, wearing the traditional clothes of a hermit, personifies high spiritual asceticism, selflessness in the search for truth.
The portrait features and the interpretation of the figure are extremely naturalistic. The external dynamics of the composition is complemented and enhanced by the internal movement that permeates the image. It seems that the posture and mimicry of an expressive face, pitted with deep wrinkles, is changing before our eyes.
Such a composition came to the place on the noisy Lomonosovsky Prospect, covered by the multilateral movement of cars and people.
Address: Indira Gandhi square
- %nbsp;Monument to M.V. Lomonosov in Moscow
Young Mikhail Lomonosov went to Moscow in January 1730. After 25 years in the capital, he established Moscow University, which two hundred years later began to wear his last name. Mikhail Lomonosov was, as they would say now, a universal scientist. His interests covered a variety of scientific fields: chemistry, physics, geography, geology, astronomy, philology and history. At the same time, Lomonosov was not a stranger to the visual arts, versification, and also entered Russian history as an outstanding enlightener.
The name of Lomonosov was given to Moscow State University in 1940, when the university marked 185 years since its foundation. The monument to the outstanding scientist was erected in front of the main building of Moscow State University on Knowledge Day - September 1, 1953. The square on which the monument stands is also called Lomonosovskaya.
The authors of this bronze figure of Mikhail Vasilyevich were sculptor Nikolai Tomsky and architect Vladimir Rudnev. They portrayed Lomonosov in an image close to the students %mdash; young, with a pen and paper in their hands, on which the rules of the university he founded are written. A scientist stands on a gray stone pedestal of a round shape with a tablet on which his years of life are stamped.
This monument is considered one of the symbols of Moscow State University, on the steps of its pedestal one can often see seated students. And representatives of the two faculties (chemical and physical), between the buildings of which the monument stands, have long been in dispute over what would find out whose department is located closer to the bronze founding father.
Address: Sparrow Hills
- %nbsp;Romanovsky Obelisk in the Alexander Garden in Moscow
The Romanovsky obelisk in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the House of Romanov is an amazing memorial erected in the Alexander Garden in 1914. Originally devoted to the Romanov dynasty, in Soviet times it was converted into an obelisk monument to outstanding thinkers and leaders of the struggle for the emancipation of the working people, and in our days it is practically lost when trying to restore the original appearance; Thus, the modern obelisk is an inaccurate copy of the historical.
The tetrahedral obelisk is made of granite and mounted on a massive cubic base. On the face of the cube, a dedication is carved: %%%%In memory of the 300th anniversary of the accession of the Romanov dynasty%%%%, and also depicts George the Victorious and the small emblems of the Russian principalities, provinces and regions in shields: Moscow, Kazan, Polish, Siberian, Astrakhan, Georgian, Khersonotavric, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod and Finnish (some of them are combined). The top of the obelisk is crowned with a gilded two-headed eagle, under which the patrimonial coat of arms of the Romanov boyars is placed %mdash; a griffin with a sword and shield, and below the full height of the monument there are the names of the kings and emperors from the Romanov dynasty from Michael Fedorovich to Nicholas II.
On the obelisk only the name of Ivan VI Antonovich is missed - the baby emperor, who reigned at the age of 1 year, then was overthrown and spent his whole life imprisoned until, at 23, he was killed.
Address: Alexander Garden
%nbsp;Monument to Alisher Navoi in Moscow
The monument to the outstanding Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi is a gift from the government of Uzbekistan and the administration of Tashkent to the Russian capital. The monument was made in Uzbekistan and delivered to Moscow by plane. Its grand opening took place in November 2002, Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov and government officials from the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the ceremony.
In the capital of Russia, the monument was installed in the square of Serpukhov Square, which overlooks the Garden Ring. The figure of the poet was cast from bronze; its height is 4.5 meters. The poet is depicted in traditional folk clothes reading his works. The statue was placed on a high pedestal of granite. The creation of the monument involved the international creative team, which included a sculptor, People%rsquo;s Artist of Uzbekistan Ravshan Mirtadzhiyev and Russian architects Alexander Kuzmin and Igor Voskresensky. Ravshan Mirtadzhiev created one more figure for Alisher Navoi for the city of Baku.
Alisher Navoi, at birth named Nizamaddin Mir Alisher, lived in Iran in the second half of the 15th century, was not only a poet, but also a philosopher and politician. His creative legacy includes about three dozen philosophical works, more than three thousand lyrical works, five epic poems, including the most famous %ldquo;Leyli and Mejnun%rdquo;, historical and philological treatises. The works of Alisher Navoi had a great influence on the work of writers and poets who wrote in the Turkic language.
Address: Serpukhovskaya Square
%nbsp;Monument of Le Corbusier in Moscow
The Le Corbusier Monument is located in front of the Tsentrosoyuz building on Myasnitskaya Street - the only building erected by an architect%rsquo;s project in Moscow. The sculpture was opened on October 15, 2015.
Le Corbusier (1887-1965, real name: Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gri) is a renowned French architect of Swiss origin, one of the pioneers of architectural modernism and functionalism, a bright representative of the international style in architecture and, moreover, an artist. Le Corbusier is called one of the most significant architects of the 20th century: the buildings according to his projects were built in different countries of the world - France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, USA, Brazil, India and others, and their characteristic features became usual methods of modern construction. At the same time, Le Corbusier is called an apologist for a rational approach and a mystic, a public leader and a hermit - despite the contradictory nature of his personality, he created unique buildings, whose eccentricity influenced the development of 20th century architecture and brought the author the glory of an architectural revolutionary.
In the sculpture, the architect is imprinted in his characteristic image: a lanky man in a strict suit and round horn-rimmed glasses, a bow tie on his neck. Sitting on a chair in the most imposing posture that can be conceived for a person in the middle of the sidewalk, the bronze Le Corbusier examines the %ldquo;ideal city%rdquo; project drawn on the granite slab, the idea of which he tried on different cities - including Moscow. Interestingly, the shape of the pedestal also refers to the work of Le Corbusier. It consists of two plates: the lower one lies on the sidewalk - the plan of the %ldquo;ideal city%rdquo; is inscribed on it, while the upper one is made in the form of a remote console, as if hanging in the air. The layout of the plates demonstrates one of the characteristic techniques of the architect, who often used volumes-blocks elevated above the ground.
Address: Myasnitskaya st., 41
%nbsp;Monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union Gastello Nikolai Frantsevich in Moscow
Gastello Monument is a memorial dedicated to the famous pilot of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Nikolai Frantsevich Gastello, who died on the fourth day of the war, sending his plane to a column of fascist tanks. The monument was erected in 1985 in Moscow, at the beginning of Gastello Street (Sokolniki district), not far from its intersection with Rusakovskaya Street.
Monument to N.F. Gastello is a bronze bust of the pilot, flying helmet on his head, glasses, and behind the sculpture of the head there are flames. The bust is mounted on a pedestal, made in the form of a cylindrical column tapering downwards, where two granite wings are located. At the top of the column there is an inscription in large letters %%%%Gastello%%%%.
One day, while walking down the street Gastello, Boris Alekseevich Machkov decided that a monument was needed there that would perpetuate the heroic act of the pilot Gastello. At the district meeting the draft of the sculpture was presented, it was not missed; a number of comments were made. Boris Alekseevich took into account all the comments and created the image of Gastello, which to this day adorns the street of the same name. This sculpture, like many of his other sculptures, was donated to the Sokolniki district (from the memories of Nina Alekseevna%rsquo;s younger sister).
Address: st. Gastello, 22
- %nbsp;Monument to Valentina Grizodubova in Moscow
The monument to Valentina Grizodubova, a military pilot, a hero of the Great Patriotic War who was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union and the Hero of Socialist Labor, is installed on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, a historic road to the west along which invaders have always come to Russia, not far from other monuments of military glory, which Kutuzovsky Prospect is rich in: Victory Park, the Triumphal Arch, the Borodino Panorama and the monument to Kutuzov.
The bronze figure of the celebrated female pilots, mounted on a granite pedestal with a commemorative inscription, is located at the entrance to the Moscow Research Institute of Instrument Engineering (now the Radio Engineering Concern %%%%Vega%%%%), where Gryzodubova worked for a long time. The legendary woman is depicted in uniform flight overalls, in which she performed combat missions.
Address: Kutuzovsky Ave., 34s12
%nbsp;Monument to Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky in Moscow
The monument depicts K. K. Rokossovsky on horseback %mdash; in the form commanded by the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, 1945. The Russian military-historical society initiated the creation of the monument. In the competition for the project of the monument, the work of A.I. Rukavishnikov won. The opening of the monument to Rokossovsky is a continuation of the tradition of renaming Moscow streets in honor of the defenders of the capital during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (Ksaveryevich) (1896-1968) is Soviet military leader and statesman, one of the most prominent commanders of the Second World War.
In the memory of people communicating with K.K. Rokossovsky, he remained as a tall, stately, charming man, sincere and intelligent. G.K. Zhukov noted: %%%%It is difficult for me to remember a more thorough, hardworking and gifted person.%%%%
Address: Marshal Rokossovsky Blvd, 12
- %nbsp;Monument to Nizami Ganjavi in Moscow
The monument to the medieval poet (XII century) Nizami Ganjavi is installed in Lenotievsky Lane, in the square of the house number 16, which is occupied by the Azerbaijani Embassy. Since the city of Ganja, where the poet was born and lived, is located on the territory of modern Azerbaijan (although the state itself did not exist in the 12th century), Azerbaijanis are entitled to consider Ganjavi to be their Azerbaijani poet.
Nizami is depicted in traditional oriental dress, sitting with books in his hands. On the pedestal there is an inscription in Russian: %%%%Nizami Ganjavi%%%%.
Nizami Ganjavi is one of the most eminent poets of the medieval East. He was not just a poet, but also a humanist philosopher. They say about him like this: %%%%Ganjavi united the pre-Islamic and Islamic East in his works.%%%%
The most famous works of Nizami Ganjavi: %%%%Seven Beauties%%%%, %%%%Leyli and Majnun%%%%, %%%%Iskander-name%%%%.
Address: Leontievsky per. d.16
%nbsp;Monument to Ataman Matvey Platov in Moscow
One of the attractions of the park Cossack glory in Lefortovo is a monument erected in honor of the ataman of the Great Don Matvey Platov. Commander of cavalry regiments, he became famous during the battles of the war of 1812 with the army of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Not far from the monument in honor of Matvey Platov there are numerous historical and architectural monuments: the Catherine Palace, the Officers%#39; Club, the Red Barracks. In addition, in the South-Eastern district of Moscow there is a community of Old Believers, one of the largest in the capital, which is also symbolic, because the famous Cossack general supported the Old Believers. In one of the temples in the Rogozhskaya settlement there is a camp canvas cloth, which was presented to the parishioners by M.I. Platov personally.
The author of the sculpture was K. Chernyavsky, who portrayed Platov after defeating the enemy. He stands, having taken off his shako, next to a horse of the Don breed. His hand is on his chest, and his eyes are thoughtful, as if with a pain in his heart, he recalls the dead comrades. The monument is cast from bronze and mounted on a granite pedestal. On the front of the pedestal there is a cartouche with the inscription %%%%Donskoy Ataman, cavalry general, Count Matvey Ivanovich Platov.%%%% The left part of the pedestal is decorated with a sculptural image of the attack of the Cossack troops, on the right - the triumphal entry of the Cossacks into Paris. The upper part is decorated with a map with the directions of the Cossacks during the war of 1812-1814.
Address: 1st Krasnokursansky Ave, 3/5
%nbsp;Monument to the Russian guardsman of the Semenov regiment in Moscow
The opening of the monument to the Semyonov guards in Moscow took place on October 11, 2008 and was timed to the 325th anniversary of the Semenov regiment. The monument became the second monument of the capital, established in honor of the guardsmen of the Petrine era. In 2005, a monument to the soldier of the Preobrazhensky regiment S. L. Bukhvostov was opened on Preobrazhenskaya Square.
The monument is installed on Semenovskaya Square - the territory of the former Semenovskaya settlement. The regiment, formed in 1683 in the suburban village of Semenov, originally bore the name of %%%%funny Semenovtsy%%%%, from 1687 was called the Semenov regiment, from 1700 - the Life Guards Semenov regiment.
The regiment participated in the Kozhukhov maneuvers (1694), the Azov campaigns (1695, 1696), during the Northern War participated in the Narva campaign (1700), the storming of Noteburg (1702), the Battle of Lesnoy (1708), the Poltava battle (1709).
The full-length bronze figure of a guard in the uniform of the Semenov regiment is placed on a high pedestal of light gray granite, having the shape of a truncated pyramid with a square at the base. Semyonovtsy relies on fusee, his left hand holds a telescope.
The metal cartouche on the front side of the pedestal is decorated with attributes of military glory - crossed branches of laurel and oak and flowing sash. Under the relief image of the coat of arms of Russia a text made in gold overlays is placed: %ldquo;Monument to the Russian Guardsman / Semenov Regiment / We faithfully served under the Russian tsars / fought with glory and honor in battles / fear the enemies of our old flags / Russia has known us since the time of Peter / (From the regimental song of the Semenov regiment). On a similar board, mounted on the reverse side of the pedestal, under the emblem of Moscow is the text of the following content: %ldquo;Established in 2008 / in honor of the memory of the Russian Guard. / For courage and heroism shown in campaigns / and battles / 1700-1721. - Northern War / 1805 - Austerlitz / 1812 - Patriotic War - Borodino / 1828-1829 - Russian-Turkish war / 1941-1945 - The Great Patriotic War%%%%.
Address: Semenovskiy per., 21
%nbsp;Monument to Andrei Rublev in Moscow
Andrei Rublev, a Russian icon painter and master of monumental painting, was canonized in 1988. Shortly before this event, in 1985, a monument to this great artist was erected at the entrance to the territory of the Museum of Old Russian Art.
Place of installation of the monument was not chosen by chance. In the XIV century, the Spaso-Andronikov monastery was located in the walls of today%#39;s museum, in which the famous icon painter served as a monk, creating wall murals and icons. Here Rublev was buried under the building of the bell tower.
The sculpture is made of bronze and depicts Rublev at work. Currently, the museum stores works belonging to the icon painter, restored by museum staff. Today the collection of the museum is constantly updated with old icons that are collected from all over the country.
Address: Andronevskaya Square, 10
%nbsp;Monument to Taras Shevchenko in Moscow
The monument to the most famous representative of the Ukrainian nation, Taras Shevchenko, %ldquo;grew up%rdquo; near the Ukraine Hotel in 1964. The construction of the monument was initiated by N.S. Khrushchev, also a Ukrainian by nationality, who at that time led a huge country.
The sculpture has a height of 5.6 meters and is installed on a pedestal made of granite. The poet himself here looks bright, expressive, winged ... The authors of the project managed to give it certain dynamism. At the same time, the sculpture seems to be grown into the ground, which, according to the plan of architects, should personify the connection of the poet with his native land and the common people.
There is one legend that explains why such a large monument to an outstanding Ukrainian cultural figure appeared on the Moscow Embankment. The fact is that in 1963, Nikita Khrushchev learned that the Shevchenko monument was planned to be opened in Washington. After that, the odious leader of the USSR urgently announced a competition for the creation of a similar monument in Moscow. As a result, in the capital of the Soviet Union, a monument to Shevchenko was opened 8 days earlier than in the United States. Thus, even in this area, two superpowers competed with each other! And in this case, Nikita Sergeevich really %%%%caught up and overtook ...%%%%
Another interesting detail: an exact copy of the Moscow monument adorns the city of Mirgorod in the poet%#39;s homeland.
Address: Taras Shevchenko emb.
%nbsp;Sculpture composition %ldquo;Requiem. 1941. To my classmates who died in the war%rdquo; in Moscow
On June 22, 1971 in the courtyard of the school number 110 named after Miguel Hernandez a monument was opened (sculptor D. Yu. Mitlyansky, architects E. A. Rosenblum, P. I. Skokan). The monument to the sculpture depicts classmates of the author Yuri Divilkovsky, Igor Kuptsov, Igor Bogushevsky, Grigory Rodin and Gabor Raab. On the pedestal the inscription was made: %ldquo;Be the worth of memory of the fallen. 1941-1945%rdquo;.
In the winter of 1993, the monument was reconstructed (the dimensions of the sculptures were reduced) and mounted on the wall of the school building, which overlooks Kzhovny Lane. The authors of the reconstruction project are D.Yu. Mitlyansky and B.S. Markus.
Address: Stolovy per., 10/2
- %nbsp;Monument to the 100th anniversary of long-range aviation in Moscow
Monument to Long-Range Aviation Pilots was opened in the Maiden Field Park on November 12, 2014 to the 100th anniversary of Long-Range Aviation. The Day of Long-Range Aviation in Russia is celebrated on December 23: on this day in 1914, Emperor Nicholas II approved the decision to form a squadron of heavy aircraft, which included the first Russian long-range bombers Ilya Muromets.
The sculpture depicts 3 aviators of different epochs: the pilot of the First World War, the Soviet pilot of the Great Patriotic War with orders on his chest and the modern Russian pilot. The figures are depicted in the authentic form of their time. Similarly, the location of the pilot%rsquo;s figures on the sculpture depicts the bombers of their respective epochs: %%%%Ilya of Murom%%%%, Pe-8 and Tu-160. Pilots stand on the background of the globe, which is framed by a wreath of oak leaves and the motto of long-range aviation pilots: %%%%Mastery. Bravery. Dignity. Honor.%%%% The composition is crowned by a two-headed eagle.
As planned, the sculpture symbolizes the 3 epochs of development of the domestic Long-Range Aviation and demonstrates the continuity between different generations of Russian pilots and air combat vehicles.
The authors of the monument are the sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov and the architect Igor Voskresensky. The monument was erected on the initiative of the Command and the Council of Veterans of Long-Range Aviation with the participation of the Russian Military Historical Society; the square of the Maiden%#39;s Field was chosen as an installation site not by chance: the headquarters of the Long-Range Aviation is located here.
Address: Maiden Field Square
%nbsp;Monument to Marina Tsvetaeva in Moscow
The monument to the poetess Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva is located in Borisoglebsky lane. The monument was opened to the 115th anniversary of the poetess. The place to install the monument was not chosen by chance - Marina Tsvetaeva lived in the house opposite for eight years. In this house, which she loved very much, her happiest years of life passed. The poet has devoted many poems to this house. From this house she went into exile, leaving the city, which she loved, where she was born.
The monument to Marina Tsvetaeva is not only a tribute to the talent of the poet, but also a monument to a person who glorified Russian language forever.
The sculptor is Nina Matveyeva, the architects are Sergey Buritsky and Alexander Dubovsky.
Address: Borisoglebsky lane
%nbsp;Monument to Alexander Blok in Moscow
The famous Russian poet, author of the %ldquo;Twelve%rdquo; and poems about the Fair Lady, Alexander Blok was born in St. Petersburg and spent his whole life there. His wife Lyubov Mendeleeva was also born and lived in the northern capital, but the poet and his Fair Lady met at the estate of Shakhmatovo near Moscow, located near Solnechnogorsk and belonged to the mother%rsquo;s poet%rsquo;s grandfather Andrey Beketov. In the estate, Alexander Blok spent the summer months, and his future spouse and muse rested in the nearby Boblovo estate, which belonged to her father, the famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev.
In Moscow, Alexander Alexandrovich and Lyubov Dmitrievna spent two weeks after the wedding in January 1904. Then they stopped at Spiridonovka, in the apartment of the poet Sergei Solovyov, Blok%rsquo;s second cousin. Here Alexander Blok met another poet Andrei Bely, who, like Blok, is called one of the most prominent representatives of symbolism. Next to this house on Spiridonovka in 1993 a monument to the poet was erected.
The author of the monument is the famous sculptor and artist Oleg Komov. They also created monuments to other famous writers (Pushkin, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Lermontov), artists, science and politics. One of his works - a monument to Yaroslav the Wise in Yaroslavl - is depicted on the thousandth banknote. Monument to Blok was one of the last works of the sculptor. Also architect Vladilen Krasilnikov took part in the work on these monuments.
Address: st. Spiridonovka, 6
%nbsp;Poklonny cross in honor of St. Euphrosyne in Moscow
The memorial cross in honor of the patron saint of Moscow, St. Euphrosyne, is made in the form of the Novgorod cross with the ends enclosed in a circle. The memorial cross is one of the types of Templar crosses, made of black stone. In the center of the cross you can see the image of St. Euphrosyne of white stone.
On the pedestal of the worship cross there is a gilded commemorative inscription, %ldquo;This worshiped cross was installed with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia in the summer of 2012 from Christ in memory of St. Patroness Euphrosyne of Moscow - in the world Grand Duchess of Moscow Eudoxia Dmitrievna (1353-1407), by the will of which, in 1395, the miraculous Vladimir icon of the Mother of God was transferred to Moscow, saving Russia from the invasion of Tamerlane. %rdquo;
A memorial cross in honor of the patron saint of Moscow, St. Euphrosyne, was installed on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, opposite the house number 12 in 2012.
Address: Rozhdestvensky Boulevard
%nbsp;Monument to N. K. Krupskaya in Moscow
Sretensky Boulevard in Moscow is decorated with monuments imbued with a revolutionary spirit. Some of them are dedicated to Nadezhda Krupskaya, the wife of the great revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
The monument is a figure of a young girl who stands in the middle of the public garden and is wrapped in a huge scarf, trying to hide from the cold. The statue was made in 1975, when softer and romantic images came into vogue, and the old, %ldquo;severe%rdquo; style became obsolete.
As conceived by the author, young Nadezhda timidly but firmly takes the first steps in a new state. The face of the revolutionary is the main expression of that time, sullen decisiveness and firmness: %%%%We will not stand for the price.%%%%
Behind the monument there are two large stone slabs that look like open doors, from which a girl comes out.
In fact, Nadezhda Krupskaya played a significant role in the revolutionary-democratic movement. Being a zealous adherent of radical views, she was also a moral support for the leader of the revolution.
Address: Sretensky Boulevard, 1
%nbsp;Monument to K.E. Tsiolkovsky in Moscow
The monument to Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (installed in 1964 by sculptor A.P. Faydysh-Krandievsky), located at the foot of the famous Monument to the Conquerors of the Cosmos, is not immediately noticeable to numerous visitors of the VDNH. Meanwhile, without this unique and surprising scientist, perhaps, there would not be such a bright take-off of the national astronautics. So let us turn to the sources of great scientific achievements.
Few know that the great scientist was self-taught. For unknown reasons, without having become a student at the Moscow Higher Technical School, he spent days and hours studying the exact sciences in the Chertkovo Public Library. Meanwhile, he then lived ninety kopecks a month, after 3 days buying bread for nine kopecks. From 1873 to 1876, Tsiolkovsky mastered almost the entire university program and could start working as a provincial teacher. So it happened that the Great Russian thinker worked on his brilliant ideas in Vyatka, in Ryazan, in a small provincial Borovsk, and for the last 40 years in Kaluga.
The next time Tsiolkovsky arrived in Moscow only in 1887. At a meeting of the Physics Department of the Society of Natural Science Lovers in the Polytechnic Museum in the presence of N. Ye. Zhukovsky and A. G. Stoletov, he talks about the project of a full-metal frameless airship. As a result, in 1892, the first book of K.E. Tsiolkovsky%#39;s %ldquo;Metal controlled balloon%rdquo; was published in Moscow.
Tsiolkovsky once again arrived in Moscow in 1903. %%%%Scientific Review%%%% prints one of the most important works of Tsiolkovsky - %%%%The study of world spaces with jet instruments,%%%% in which the scientist for the first time demonstrates the reality of the use of liquid fuel rockets, hydrogen and oxygen, for flights into space.
In 1923, Tsiolkovsky lectures at the Academy of the Air Fleet, in 1925 speaks at a dispute in the Polytechnic Museum, in 1926 participates in the discussion of his own dirigible project, and in 1932 in Moscow there are anniversary celebrations on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
Three years later, the great scientist was gone, and after 26 years the ship %%%%Vostok%%%% soared into the sky with Yuri Gagarin on board, proving the truth of the scientific aspirations of Tsiolkovsky.
Address: VDNH
%nbsp;Monument to N. G. Chernyshevsky in Moscow
The monument to Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky, a philosopher, revolutionary, literary critic, writer, was opened in 1988. The monument was installed in the park, next to the street Pokrovka, which previously bore his name.
One of the founders of populism, Chernyshevsky became widely known not only because of his social activities, but also as the author of the novel %ldquo;What is to be done?%rdquo;, Which brought him the most popularity.
The monument to Chernyshevsky is located on a circular platform in the middle of the square, which forms the main part of the Pokrovsky Gate area. The bronze monument is located on a low granite slab.
The author of the monument, sculptor Yu.G. Neroda, portrayed him thoughtful and focused. Chernyshevsky is sitting on a bench, one hand is on his knee, and the other is on top of it. A little sloppy hairstyle, round glasses on the nose and traditional clothes of that time - a lionfish.
Behind the sculpture there is a granite wall with %%%%mooring%%%% rings, on the side there are low parapets. Where lanes adjoin the site, there are four lanterns stylized as lamps of the 19th century.
Address: Pokrovsky Gate Square
%nbsp;Monument to Fyodor Cherenkov in Moscow
The monument to the legendary football player of the Moscow %ldquo;Spartak%rdquo; and the USSR national team Fyodor Cherenkov was opened on Monday at Spartak Stadium in Moscow.
The sculpture of Fyodor Cherenkov is made of bronze: it is depicted as a 24-year-old; just at this age in 1983 the football player was recognized as the best in the USSR. The monument was authored by Philip Rukavishnikov, who had previously executed the monument to the Starostin brothers, which was installed at the Discovery Arena in 2014.
In addition to the monument to Fyodor Cherenkov, a mosaic with the image of the legendary Spartak football player was also opened on the southern stand of the stadium.
%ldquo;We always got real pleasure from Cherenkov%rsquo;s game,%rdquo; recalls Nikita Simonyan, vice president of the RFU. %ldquo;His contribution to the Spartak style of play is priceless. It was an amazing person. He was modest. He didn%rsquo;t enter one door without knocking, although he could open any of them with my foot. %%%%
Fedor Cherenkov began the career in %ldquo;Spartacus%rdquo; at age 18. Already in his first full season, Cherenkov won the USSR championship in 1979, repeating this achievement in 1987 and 1989.
In 1983 and 1989, Cherenkov was recognized as the best football player in the country. In 1990, together with Spartak%rsquo;s long-time partner Sergei Rodionov, who now heads the Cherenkov Academy, the footballer left for France, where he never managed to play successfully as part of the Red Star club. Returning back, Cherenkov, in his 34 years, had a great 1993 season in Spartak, became the champion of Russia, and then ended his career.
Fyodor Cherenkov holds the record for the number of matches played for Spartak (515). Cherenkov played 34 matches for the USSR national team and scored 12 goals. Cherenkov died at the age of 56 on the night of October 4, 2014.
Address: Volokolamskoye Highway 69
%nbsp;Monument to Alexander Suvorov in Moscow
The sculptor Oleg Komov, while creating the monument to Alexander Suvorov, tried to adhere to the traditions of realism and take into account all the minor nuances of his image. So, Suvorov is depicted with only one Order of St. Anne - and in his life the great commander, who had other awards, usually wore only it. Also Oleg Komov exactly conveyed the features of Suvorov%#39;s appearance and character.
Other authors portrayed Suvorov with great pathos, in particular, the author of the monument in St. Petersburg Mikhail Kozlovsky portrayed the commander in the image of the god of war Mars, which, however, was in line with the spirit of the end of the XVIII century and the trends adopted in the art of the time.
In Moscow, a monument to Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov was erected on the square, which has been bearing his name since the 90s of the last century. The square is located in the Meshchansky district of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. Among its landmarks, in addition to the monument to Suvorov, there is also a monument to Mikhail Frunze by Yevgeny Vuchetich, samples of Stalinist architecture, the Saltykov estate of the 18th-19th centuries.
The decision that the monument to Alexander Suvorov is necessary for the capital was made by the USSR Council of Ministers in 1977. Three years later, the 250th anniversary of the commander%#39;s birthday was celebrated, and a competition was held in which the project of Oleg Komov and architect Veniamin Nesterov won. The statue and the pedestal were made in just two years, and in February 1982, the grand opening of the monument took place.
Address: Suvorov Square 2, Building 1
%nbsp;Monument to Anton Chekhov in Moscow
The surnames of many famous writers, cultural and art figures are connected with the history of Kamergersky Lane, but only some of them were erected in the alley monuments. This honor was awarded to the writer and playwright Anton Chekhov and the founders of the Moscow Art Theater Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. The monument to the founders of the Maly Art Academic Theater was installed in September 2014, and the monument to Anton Chekhov - in 1998. Its installation was dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Moscow Art Theater.
The troupe of the theater, next to which is a monument, in the late 80s of the last century, was divided into two parts. One of them began to be called the Small Art Theater named after Gorky, the second - the name of Chekhov. It is worth noting that at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, plays written by Anton Pavlovich made up the repertoire %%%%core%%%% of the theater. Some of the works Chekhov wrote specifically for the Moscow Art Theater stage are the plays The Seagull, The Three Sisters, The Cherry Orchard and Uncle Vanya. The image of the seagull on the curtain was one of the symbols of the theater.
In 2013, the head of the Chekhov Theater Oleg Tabakov proposed to move the monument to the writer to a more suitable place closer to Bolshaya Dmitrovka.
Address: Kamergersky lane, 4с1
- %nbsp;Monument to dog Laika in Moscow
Not far from the Institute of Military Medicine there is a sculpture commemorating the memory of the first living creature that went into space - a dog named Laika.
This monument is made of bronze in the form of a large rocket, turning into an open palm, on which a figurine of a dog is mounted. Little fearless pooch openly and proudly looks at the world, not even knowing what a terrible fate awaited her. It was known in advance that Laika would not return from flight alive, if only because at that time they had not yet developed a landing technology for a satellite in which a passenger in it survives. It was supposed that Laika would spend a week in orbit, but the dog died from overheating a couple of hours after takeoff. The details of the Laika flight and its death were carefully hidden, and they officially announced that they had to put the dog to put down after landing.
Remarkably, the monument to the dog-cosmonaut Laika is set in a museum located on the island of Crete. Well, in our homeland cartoons and songs are devoted to her. It is believed that the monument to Laika brings good luck: stroke it, put a modest flower on a pedestal, and much should be improved in your life.
Address: Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Alley, 12a
- %nbsp;Monument Blessed in centuries the friendship of the peoples of Russia and Armenia (%%%%Single Cross%%%%) in Moscow
The Monument Blessed in centuries, the friendship of the peoples of Russia and Armenia (the author%rsquo;s name is %ldquo;The Single Cross%rdquo;) was opened on August 29, 1997, on the days of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The monument was presented to Moscow for the 850th anniversary of the capital by its Armenian community, which has existed for more than three hundred years. Sculptors: Lenin Prize winner Fried Sogoyan and Vahe Sogoyan.
The Monument Blessed in centuries, the friendship of the peoples of Russia and Armenia is a symbol of friendship between two great nations, Russian and Armenian, is a statue of white marble, two female figures clinging to each other, and between them is a cross. They are united by common fate and pain, common hope, and together they protect the cross, the symbol of age-old friendship and spirituality. Two female figures personify the friendship of Russia and Armenia, held together by the eternal power of %%%%common faith%%%%.
The monument is made of white stone and located under the firs; the monument looks very tender and touching. It is located in a cozy public garden in the very center of Moscow near the benches, which make it possible to sit, relax and admire the view of the monument.
The history of Russian-Armenian relations has ancient traditions. It can be described as a constant rapprochement between the two peoples. For centuries, Russia has played an important role in the fate of the Armenian people. We have no right to limit the history of our friendship to the achievements of the past, and our goal is to pass on to our descendants the experience and fruits of this cooperation, thus laying the foundation for future relationships based on the principles of Christian love, brotherhood and mutual understanding.
Address: st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, d. 36
%nbsp;Monument First Satellite in Moscow
On October 4, 1957, Soviet scientists launched the first artificial Earth satellite into space. A new, space era began. The successful launch of an artificial satellite of the Earth went down in history as the first step in the conquest of outer space by mankind.
At the ground station lobby of the Moscow metro station %%%%Rizhskaya%%%% there is a monument called %%%%First Satellite%%%%. It appeared here in 1985. The authors of this work are the architect VN Kartsev and the sculptor S. Ya. Kovner.
The seven-meter bronze sculpture is a full-length worker%#39;s figure, which holds a spherical figure in its hands - the first artificial satellite of the earth. The monument is dedicated to an important milestone in the development of human space. The hands of the worker are wide open; the clothes %ldquo;flutter%rdquo; in the wind. With one foot, he relies on a stone block, which allows the monument to be perceived not as static, but with full movement.
The pedestal, on which the sculpture is located, is decorated with a laudatory inscription: %ldquo;To the creators of the first satellite of the Earth%rdquo; and marked the year of this significant event - 1957. This monument was depicted on the USSR stamp.
By the way, a similar composition was established in the city of Rostov-on-Don on one of the main squares.
Address: Riga Sq.
%nbsp;Monument to Rabindranath Tagore in Moscow
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) is a Indian writer, poet, composer and social activist, whose work has formed the literature and music of Bengal. Raised in the key of humanism and love for the Motherland, Tagore spoke in favor of the independence of India and, in addition to lyrical works, wrote essays and novels on social and political themes.
The writer became the first non-European awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1913). Today, Tagore%rsquo;s verses are hymns of India and Bangladesh.
The monument to Rabindranath Tagore (sculptor Gautam Pal, architect Yuri Konovalov, engineer Victor Korsi) is a gift from India to Moscow, established in 1991 in the Friendship Park on the Leningrad highway.
Address: Festivalnaya st., 3
%nbsp;Monument to Muslim Magomayev in Moscow
In 2009, the next year after the death of Muslim Magomayev, the Moscow City Duma commission on monumental art decided to erect a monument in Moscow in Leontievsky Lane. It was assumed that the work will be funded by Crocus International (now the Crocus Group), after which the monument will be donated to Moscow. The place where the monument was installed was not chosen by chance: it is located next to the Azerbaijani embassy, not far from the house where the singer lived.
On February 3, 2010, a foundation stone was laid in Moscow on the site of the future monument - a granite cube with carved words:
A monument to an eminent singer and musician Muslim Magomayev will be erected here.
Widow Tamara Sinyavskaya, Elena Obraztsova, Lyubov Sliska, President of Crocus International Aras Agalarov and friends of Muslim Magomayev took part in laying the stone.
A year later, on September 15, 2011, the grand opening of the monument took place. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, Abulfaz Karayev, Elena Obraztsova, Bedros Kirkorov, Yevgeny Gerasimov, Yuri Nikolaev, Tatyana Tarasova, and the author of the monument, Alexander Rukavishnikov.
The monument was created by sculptor A. I. Rukavishnikov and architect I. N. Voskresensky. The widow of singer Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya also took part in the creation of the monument. At her insistence, Muslim Magomayev is depicted young - the way he remembered the audience, although Rukavishnikov planned to portray him as tragically sad. The monument was cast in bronze and set on a granite pedestal. The whole composition is on the site of polished granite, made in the form of a grand piano. At the sidewalk in front of the monument granite balls were placed.
Address: Voznesensky Lane, 16
- %nbsp;Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in Moscow
The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky on Strastnoy Boulevard was installed in 1995 - the fifteenth anniversary of the death of the Russian poet, bard, theater and film actor. It was solemnly opened on the Petrovsky Gates Square, contrary to the words from one of his songs, %ldquo;they will not erect a monument in the park, somewhere near the Petrovsky Gates ...%rdquo;.
It is symbolic that in sculpture there is no such detail as the band on which the guitar should hold. It seems that the instrument is mysteriously glued to the back of the artist. In symbolic terms, this can be read, as the inextricable link of his soul and songs, music.
The sculptor of the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky Raspopov portrayed the poet with his arms spread out in different directions and his head turned towards the sky. Behind his back there is a constant companion of his life - an acoustic guitar. Seats are located around the pedestal; it seems that the bard is standing on the stage of the ancient amphitheater. At the monument on Strastnoy Boulevard almost always there are flowers.
Address: Strastnoy Boulevard, 15 a
%nbsp;Monument Fairy of Accounting in Moscow
In the heart of Sokolniki Park, a graceful girl soars with abacus in her hand, the personification of the accounting profession. The fairy is cast from bronze and covered with gold, and its honeycombs are made of shiny cubes shimmering in the sun. Each cube is a piece of work for an accountant. There are many of them, but they are arranged in strict order. In addition, the main accounting terms are applied to cubes - debit, credit, balance, balance, profit, etc. The guests of the park already have their own sign: if you rub a cube with the inscription %%%%Money%%%%, then there will always be order with cash.
Every tree, every bench in the Money Garden resembles the attributes of accounting work. So, the Fairy is surrounded by spherical shrubs - a reminder of the knuckles of an account. And at the entrance to the garden, guests are greeted by bushes of trimmed thuja: a rectangular perimeter and cylindrical %%%%buttons%%%%. This is a reminder of a more modern accountant tool, a calculator. Along the avenue there are benches on which financial aphorisms flaunt: %%%%Only philosophers and accountants calmly relate to money%%%%, %%%%Making money is courage, saving it is wisdom, and spending is art.%%%%
A special decoration of the garden is a hedge with two carved metal inserts in the form of trees. Another sign: if you tie a ribbon to a branch and tell the garden about your dream, everything will come true. A prerequisite is that desire must be material.
Address: Maysky prosek, 2 building 1
%nbsp;Resting Pushkin in Moscow
In the courtyard of the workshop of the famous sculptor A. Rukavishnikov located not far from the New Arbat there is a very curious monument to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.
We are accustomed to the fact that figures made in the form of monuments of celebrities are standing, walking, %nbsp;or sitting. This monument is notable for the fact that Alexander Sergeevich lies on the couch in a very relaxed position with his legs thrown back.
The creator of the monument to the resting Pushkin Rukavishnikov is no less famous in Moscow than Zurab Tsereteli. He is the author of many Moscow monuments: Yuri Nikulin, in front of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Vysotsky at the Vagankovsky Cemetery, Dostoevsky and other prominent cultural and art figures. The famous poet, made in bronze, is clearly immersed in his own thoughts and rests, having renounced all the pressing problems.
Address: st. Bolshaya Molchanovka, 10
Monument to the Zamoskvorechye militia in Moscow
More than 18,000 people left the area for the Great Patriotic War.
On April 24, 2015, at 15-00, a monument to the Zamoskvorechye militia of 1941-1942 was unveiled on Novokuznetskaya Street. The author of the monument is the national artist of Russia Salavat Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov, who created more than 40 monuments, most of which are located in Moscow.
Address: st. Novokuznetskaya, 33
Monument to Osip Mandelstam in Moscow
A monument to the poet Osip Emilievich Mandelstam was opened in Moscow in 2008 on October 28 on the eve of the tragic date - the 70th anniversary of his tragic death, which falls on December 27.
The winners of the competition for the installation of a bust monument announced in 2007 were won by sculptors Dmitry Mikhailovich Shakhovskoy and Elena Vladimirovna Munts. The architect was Alexander Savich Brodsky.
The composition of the monument-bust is made of bronze and four black basalt cubes, composed into a pedestal. The look of the bronze poet, proud and happy, is directed upwards. An association is being created that the poet as if ponders what he read, or concentrates on listening to the new poetic lines sounding in his soul.
On the front plane of the pedestal, the verse lines of Mandelstam himself are carved obliquely: %ldquo;For explosive valor from the coming centuries.%rdquo;
%nbsp;Osip Emilevich was born in 1891 in Warsaw. He became one of the pioneers of such a direction in literature as Acmeism. He is the author of collections of poems %%%%Tristia%%%% and %%%%Second Book%%%%, as well as the stories %%%%The Egyptian Mark%%%% and %%%%The Noise of Time%%%%.
In Moscow, a lot of places are associated with the life of the poet. One of them was chosen for the installation of the monument - in the public garden at the corner of Zabelin Street, where his brother lived in the house number 3 in a communal apartment, and Starosadsky Lane.
It is worth noting that the monument-bust of Osip Mandelstam in Moscow was the third established in the country, after Vladivostok and Voronezh.
The monument organically fit into the usual for that era urban environment, where old trees still remain untouched, which, perhaps, remember this talented poet.
Address: Zabelina st., 5
Monument to Korolev in Moscow
The monument to Sergei Korolev is a monument to a Soviet scientist, design engineer, chief organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons in the USSR, the founder of practical cosmonautics, Sergei Korolev. Established in 2008 on the Cosmonauts Alley. The authors of the project, which was developed for a year and a half, are sculptors Salavat and Sergey Shcherbakov, as well as architects Kuzmin Alexander and Igor Voskresensky. The work was financed by the International Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations and the Government of Moscow.
The five-meter bronze statue depicts a scientist looking into the distance to his full height and with his left hand set aside. The sculpture was installed on a granite pedestal with bas-reliefs of the first artificial Earth satellite in orbit, the Vostok rocket took off and the cosmonaut took off for the first time in the world in outer space.
In 2006, the commission on monumental art agreed on the installation of the monument, until then the Moscow authorities had applied for its construction, but they were refused. The Commission changed the decision after studying a detailed plan for the reconstruction of the Alley of Astronauts, the monument was timed to the centenary of the birth of Korolev (1906 old style and 1907 new). The Moscow government ordered the sculpture to be installed in 2007, but the opening of the monument took place only on September 3, 2008, together with the renovated memorial complex.
Address: Cosmonauts Alley
Monument to E.F. Gnesina in Moscow
The monument to E.F. Gnesina was installed in front of the building of the Concert building of the Russian Academy of Music named after the Gnesins in Moscow. The sculptural composition, the author of which was the national artist of Russia A.N. Burganov, creates a vivid image - the plastic of the movements of the pianist turns into %ldquo;flying%rdquo; music.
The solemn opening of the monument took place on September 22, 2007 and was dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the amazing Russian pianist and enlightener - Elena Fabianovna Gnesina. This event also coincided with the 60th anniversary of the music school created by the Gnesin sisters.
It was Elena Gnesina who developed a unique technique for children learning to play the piano. At various times A. Khachaturian, L. Oborin and many others became her students. It is impossible to ignore the fantasy of the author of the monument, by which the image of the pianist was conveyed - the girl sitting at the winged piano creates a feeling of musical flight.
Address: Small Rzhevsky per., 1
Monument to Rasul Gamzatov in Moscow
The monument to the national poet of Dagestan, the Hero of Socialist Labor and the laureate of Lenin, international and state awards Rasul Gamzatov in Makhachkala is one of the main attractions of the city. The grand opening of the monument to the Dagestan poet took place after his death in September 2010. Earlier, the monuments to Rasul Gamzatov were erected in Moscow and in his homeland in the mountain aul of Tsad.
The opening of the monument in Makhachkala was timed to the traditional holiday dedicated to the poet - Gamzatov Days. The ceremony was attended by a huge number of admirers of the poet.
Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov was born in 1923 in the Avar village of Tsad in the family of the national Dagestan poet Gamzat Tsadasy. He began to write prose works and poems at the age of nine. In 1943 he published his first book, written in Avar language. In 1947 a collection was published in Russian. In addition, the poet was engaged in active social activities. R. Gamzatov died on November 3, 2003.
The bronze monument is located on the street that bears the name of R. Gamzatov, near the building of the Russian Drama Theater named after M. Gorky not by chance. According to his works, a lot of performances and ballets were staged; besides, some verses of Rasul Gamzatov became famous hits of such Soviet pop stars as S. Rotaru, I. Kobzon, M. Bernes, V. Leontyev and many others.
The creative work of R. Gamzatov played a large role in the development of Dagestan literature and other genres of art - painting, cinema, theater, sculpture, music and book graphics. The poet%rsquo;s significant contribution to the development of world and national literature, to the strengthening of international friendship and great services to his homeland were marked by the most prestigious awards and titles, as well as high public and state awards.
Address: Blvd. Yauzsky
Monument to A. Tolstoy in Moscow
The monument to A. Tolstoy was erected in Moscow, in the square in front of the main entrance to the Great Ascension Temple, on Bolshaya Nikitinskaya Street. The grand opening of the monument to the writer, cast in bronze and installed on a small pedestal of black Labrador, was held on July 3, 1957. The authors of the project were the sculptor G. I. Motovilov and the architect L. M. Polyakov.
The figure of the writer, sitting in a chair with the same pencil in his hand, according to the author, reflects the spirit of hard work of thought and creative flight. Looking closer, you can see an unexpected edge of the image, with all, seemingly the standard composition of the monument. A relaxed, somewhat imposing posture of the writer, hairstyle, deliberate carelessness of clothes, inspired facial expression - all these features are more characteristic of young, impetuous authors, novice writers of the Silver Age. But it is the author of the concept of %ldquo;monumental realism,%rdquo; the luminary of Russian literature, which gives the monument a special character.
Address: Bolshaya Nikitinskaya Street
Monument to Vasily Surikov in Moscow
A monument to the artist Vasily Ivanovich Surikov was opened in Moscow in 2003. The ceremony was attended by the then mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov and Zurab Tsereteli, the president of the Academy of Arts.
The authors of the project are the sculptor Pereyaslavets Mikhail Vladimirovich and the architect Semenov Alexei Mikhailovich.
The sculptural composition is cast in bronze and mounted on a pedestal of red granite. Their height is 2.6 and 1.84 meters, respectively.
The sculptor captured Surikov with a proud bearing, noble features and an open look. This is not just a sculptor%#39;s fantasy in the transfer of the image, but a desire to show the real essence of the artist. Here it would be appropriate to quote the words of Maximilian Voloshin from his Biographical Materials:
%%%%Surikov was of medium height, strong, broad-shouldered, youthful, despite the fact that he was under seventy... In his simple appearance, popular, but not peasant, he felt as strong, hardened: he was bound for the northern, Cossack ... %%%%.
Next to the growth figure, on the pedestal, there are eternal companions of the artist - an easel, a palette, as well as brushes.
Vasily Ivanovich Surikov is a talented artist. He was especially famous for his large-scale paintings dedicated to historical figures and events. Among them there are Boyarya Morozova, Suvorov%rsquo;s Crossing the Alps, Menshikov in Berezovo, Conquest of Siberia by Yermak Timofeyevich, Stepan Razin and many others.
Address: Prechistenka Str. 30
Monument to Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna in Moscow
The monument to Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova was established on the territory of the Martha-Mariinsky Convent, founded by the Grand Duchess in 1909.
After the death of the spouse, Moscow Governor-General Sergei Alexandrovich (killed by the terrorist Ivan Kalyaev in 1905), Elizaveta Fyodorovna withdrew from social life, sold out family jewels and founded the monastery of sisters of charity with the proceeds.
In 1918, together with other members of the royal family, the princess was arrested, taken out of Moscow and shot near Alapayevsk. She is listed as a saint.
The monument is a figure of a fragile woman in monastic attire on a low pedestal. The inscription on the pedestal: %%%%Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna with repentance.%%%% The monument was erected in 1990, when the activity of the monastery was not yet restored (this happened in 1992). The erection of the monument, one might say, served as the first sign of its revival.
Address: Bolshaya Ordynka St., 34
Monument to A.M. Gorky in Moscow
In 1951, one of the sights of Moscow appeared at the Belorussky railway station - a monument to Maxim Gorky. Sculptors - V. Mukhina, I. Shadr, N. Zelenskaya, Z. Ivanova. Architect monument - Z. Rosenfeld. Maxim Gorky is an outstanding writer, playwright and poet who worked at the turn of the 19-20 century. Few people know that %%%%Maxim Gorky%%%% is the pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. However, the 4-sided pedestal of the monument contains the pseudonym of the great classic. From above, on the pedestal is a sculpture of Maxim Gorky, in an open coat with a cane and a hat in his hands. That was exactly how Gorky was remembered when he returned to Moscow from Italy in 1928.
Looking at the monument, it creates the feeling that Maxim Gorky was waiting for his return to his native land after a long separation. In 2005, due to the reconstruction of the Tverskaya Zastava Square, the monument was roughly dismantled and moved to the Museon Art Park, where it lay in snow and mud for over a year. Later, financial means were allocated for the reconstruction of the monument, and in 2007, the sculpture of Maxim Gorky took place in the Museum of Art Park on Krymsky Val. According to the authorities, after the completion of the reconstruction of the Tverskaya Zastava Square, the monument to Maxim Gorky will be moved to its original place.
Address: Belorussky Station
Monument to motorist heroes in Moscow
Monument to the heroes-motorists is installed on Leninsky Prospekt near the metro station %%%%Troparevo%%%%.
The authors of the sculptural composition were the national artist of Russia, the sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov and the honored architect of Russia Igor Voskresensky.
The center of the composition is the figure of the driver leaning on the steering wheel. Behind there is a granite wall with the names of workers in the transportation industry %mdash; war heroes. The names of 26 heroes of the Soviet Union and 49 heroes of Socialist Labor are carved on it. At the bottom of the memorial there are the main stages of transport development.
The monument was created at the expense of the city trade union of workers of automobile transport and road facilities, voluntary donations of transport enterprises of the capital, as well as ordinary citizens.
Address: Leninsky Ave.
Monument-bust to N.Ye. Zhukovsky in Moscow
The monument - a bust of Zhukovsky was opened in 1953 on the Sparrow Hills on the Alley of Scientists, created by sculptor M. G. Manizer.
From the main building to the slope of Sparrow Hills there is a spacious alley with rose bushes and a pool with fountains, along which granite monuments of prominent figures of national science and culture are installed.
The sculptural ensemble is formed by 12 monumental sculptures to the Great Russian scientists - representatives of various fields of knowledge. The monument - bust of Zhukovsky in Moscow is also located in this alley. All of them are designed in a single style key and are purely official, ceremonial portrait images of canonical typology, equally decorated monuments are installed on identical granite pedestals, each of which is composed of two parallelepipeds arranged vertical on horizontal. Typology borrowed from the arsenal of gravestone grafting. It should be noted the solemn, majestic appearance of the Alley, the edification of its figurative content, plastic perfection and expressiveness of the portraits.
Nikolai Egorovich is an outstanding Russian scientist, the creator of aerodynamics as a science, a professor at Moscow University; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (now the Russian Academy of Sciences) in the category of Mathematical Sciences. The monument - bust of Zhukovsky in Moscow was erected for outstanding achievements in the field of aerodynamics.
Address: Leningradsky Prospect, 40
A memorial plaque to Yuri Vizbor in Moscow
In Moscow, a memorial plaque to Yury Vizbor appeared at number 5 in Ananyevsky Pereulok. Here the childhood and youth of the famous bard, journalist, actor, one of the founders of the art song were spent. He dedicated several songs to his beloved street. Friends and fans of Yuri Vizbor came to the opening ceremony of the memorial plaque.
Tatiana Vizbor, daughter of Yuri Vizbor: %ldquo;The infinite charm of his image, his masculinity, the ability to make friends and surrender to this friendship, and he had so many friends, that no one will gather true, honest, true friends for the life.
The authors of the memorial plaque were sculptor Andrei Zabaluev and architect Mikhail Korsi. The decision to establish the name mark was made in June of last year, when the 80th anniversary of the birth of the bard was celebrated. Vizbor said: %ldquo;I have the deepest pleasure when I hear or see a person singing. He does not work, does not come out, does not earn a living, but creates art - living, exciting, his own %rdquo;. Yuri Vizbor wrote several hundred songs, played roles in the films %ldquo;Red Tent%rdquo;, %ldquo;Belorussky Station%rdquo; and %ldquo;Seventeen Moments of Spring%rdquo;.
Address: Ananievsky Lane, 5
Monument to the heroes of the First World War in Moscow
The monument to the heroes of the First World War was opened in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill on August 1, 2014 - the centenary anniversary of Russia%#39;s entry into the First World War.
The central figure of the composition is a simple Russian soldier who had fulfilled the duty to protect his Homeland and became the St. George Cavalier: the figure of a soldier ascended to a high pedestal column decorated with a St. George cross. On the back of the pedestal there are the sign battles and dates: 1914 - Gumbinnen, 1914 - Warsaw, 1915 - Przemysl, 1915 - Osovets, 1916 - Erzerum, 1916 - Brusilovsky breakthrough. Over the man%rsquo;s shoulder, the overcoat of his greatcoat and rifle are thrown, his gaze is fixed on the distance. As conceived by the sculptor, the figure of a soldier is a collective image of a Russian soldier of the early 20th century, who could theoretically go through all the wars of that time: from Russian-Japanese to Civil and Great Patriotic, although the monument is dedicated to the First World War.
Behind the soldier bilateral multi-figured composition is settled. The front side of the composition shows two plots: the first - against the background of the Russian flag, the officer raises a detachment of soldiers to the attack, behind them is the sister of mercy with the wounded; second, women escort men to war. Differences in clothing (in the plot with wires, soldiers are shown with overcoats in a roll over the shoulder, with an attack %mdash; dressed in an overcoat) suggest a chronological connection between the subjects. Among other figures, one can see references to real people: for example, Kozma Kryuchkov, the first Cavalier of the First World War, became the prototype of one of the soldiers, and the image of sister of mercy is Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna, who became famous for her disinterested charitable work and help to wounded soldiers. On the %%%%back%%%% side of the monument there are horsemen with swords and lances.
Address: Kutuzov Avenue, Victory Park
Monument-Bust to N.S. Stroev in Moscow
Bust to N.S. Stroyev, a scientist in the field of aviation, the head of the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, is installed in Aviators Park in the north of Moscow.
The bust is located on a pedestal with the inscription: %%%%Hero of Socialist Traud Stroyev Nikolay Sergeevich. For outstanding achievements in creating the new technology by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 19, 1982 he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second %ldquo;Sickle and Hammer%rdquo; Gold Medal.
A remarkable fact: the bust was installed during the life of a scientist, in 1987; he died 10 years later, in 1997.
Address: Leningradsky pr., 59
Monument to Alexander I. Herzen in Moscow
In the courtyard of the house number 25 on Tverskoy Boulevard, near the famous Literary Institute, there is a monument to Herzen of the sculptor M.O. Milberger and architect K.M. Sapegin.
The choice of location for the monument is explained by the fact that the building of the institute is known as the %%%%Herzen%#39;s house%%%%. The fact is that the estate at the beginning of the XIX century belonged to Senator A.A. Yakovlev - the brother of A.I. Herzen. In this house, the illegitimate son of Yakovlev and German %nbsp;Henrietta-Wilhelmina-Louise The Hague was born and spent the first five months of his life (last name given by the father of the German word %%%%heart%%%%). When adult, Alexander Ivanovich came to this house to visit his cousin.
At the end of October 1959, a monument to A.I. Herzen was opened in a former manor.
The bronze figure of the writer, cast in full-length bronze, is set on a low pedestal of black polished granite. The authors of the monument portrayed the writer as somewhat tense, apparently due to the fact that Herzen%rsquo;s life was associated with revolutionary activities. In his left hand he holds the galleys of the famous %%%%Bell%%%%, the release of which he was engaged.
Address: Tverskoy Boulevard, 25
Monument to Pavel Melnikov in Moscow
The monument to Pavel Petrovich Melnikov, the first Minister of Railways of Russia, is located on Komsomolskaya Square, in Moscow. It was made of bronze by sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov, and the grand opening of the four-meter monument took place on August 2, 2003. The monument is a figure of P. Melnikov in the ceremonial uniform and with orders.
Pavel Petrovich Melnikov was a talented engineer, one of the authors of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway project, and in 1865-1869 he was the first Minister of Railways of the Russian Empire. The monument to P.P. Melnikov was made at the expense of the Ministry of Railways of Russia.
Special attention was given to the fact that on the opening day of the monument, Komsomolskaya Square, where the monument is located, should have been renamed into the Square of the Three Railway Stations. The official renaming did not take place, but the new name stuck in the people and is used to this day.
Address: Komsomolskaya Square
Monument to L.N. Tolstoy in Moscow
House number 52 on Povarskaya Street in Moscow entered the history of Russian literature as a mansion of the Rostov family, described by Leo Tolstoy in the novel War and Peace. In fact, this classic mansion, built in the XVIII century, was owned by the princes Dolgorukov. Later, the mansion turned out to be connected with several other surnames known in the literary world. Thus, in the second half of the 19th century, the poet Ivan Aksakov and Anna Tyutcheva, the daughter of Fyodor Tyutchev, were married at the mansion at the mansion. Nina Chavchavadze, the widow of Alexander Griboyedov, stopped here, and Fyodor Sologub was the owner of the estate for a short time. In the 30s of the last century the Union of Soviet Writers was located in the house, headed by Maxim Gorky.
In 1956, a monument to Leo Tolstoy was erected in front of this mansion - in this way, Ukrainian writers made a gift to their capital colleagues in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Russia and Ukraine. The sculptural image of the Great Russian writer was created by sculptor Galina Novokreschenova and architect V.N. Vasnetsov. It is possible that the portrait of Leo Tolstoy, written by Ilya Repin in 1887, served as a source of inspiration for the sculptor. Both in the portrait and in the bronze of the monument, Lev Nikolayevich is depicted sitting in a chair approximately in the same pose, in one hand he holds a book, and the other hand rests on the arm of the chair. The difference lies mainly in the inclination of the writer%#39;s head and the direction of his gaze.
On the pedestal there is an inscription in the Ukrainian and Russian languages %ldquo;To the writers of brotherly Russia in commemoration of the holiday of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine and Russia from the writers of Soviet Ukraine%rdquo;.
Address: Povarskaya st., 25
Monument to the pilot Mikhail Vodopyanov in Moscow
Mikhail Vodopyanov (1899-1980) was the famous Soviet pilot, member of the rescue of the steamer Chelyuskin crew and the sixth Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation, member of the Arctic expeditions, member of the Central Election Commission of the USSR and the Union of Writers of the USSR.
Pilot Vodopyanov was one of those people who were an example of imitation for the Soviet boys, demonstrated civil courage and during his lifetime became legendary personalities among the inhabitants of the USSR.
In February 1918, Vodopyanov voluntarily joined the Red Army and fought against Wrangel and Kolchak, then, starting with an assistant driver, gradually grew, becoming an aviation mechanic, and then a flight mechanic. He graduated from the flight school %%%%Dobrolet%%%% and the Moscow flight-technical school and became a brilliant pilot. One of the first to receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for participating in the rescue of the %ldquo;Chelyuskinites%rdquo;, having completed a flight of almost 6,500 kilometers on an R-5 plane from Khabarovsk to Vankar; Vodopyanov flew three times from Anadyr to the distress and brought 10 people. In 1936-1937 he took part in arctic and high-latitude expeditions, during one of which he landed for the first time in the world on ice near the North Pole using a braking parachute; thanks to Vodopyanov, a group of wintering men was brought to the North, who organized the world%#39;s first drifting research station, the North Pole-1. After the war, Major General Aviation Vodopyanov participated in expeditions to the North, and then began to actively engage in writing, covering the topic of flights and aviation in the stories.
The monument to Mikhail Vodopyanov was installed on Khodynsky Boulevard in 2013. The 3.3-meter-high bronze statue is mounted on a 1.5-meter stepped pedestal in the form of a block of ice: the sculpture depicts a plot from the life of a pilot %mdash; landing on the ice of the North Pole. The author of the composition is sculptor Alexander Golovachev. The sculpture is located on the so-called Alley of hero pilots on the Khodynka field: it was assumed that the monument to Vodopyanov would be the first of a series of monuments installed here, but so far it has remained the only one.
Address: Khodynskoe field
Monument to Charles de Gaulle in Moscow
The monument to Charles de Gaulle in Moscow was opened in front of the Cosmos Hotel on May 9, 2005. The place to install was chosen not by chance: in 1990, the square in front of the hotel received the name of Charles de Gaulle, and 15 years later it was decided to perpetuate it with a monument.
Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle (1890%ndash;1970) is a French military and statesman, general, symbol of the French Resistance during the Second World War, as well as the founder and first president of the Fifth Republic (President of France). Despite his personal dislike of communism, de Gaulle established close relations with the Soviet Union and concluded a number of important agreements, including cooperation in science and space exploration, which made the USSR and France strategic allies.
The monument is made with a portrait likeness and depicts the French leader in a somewhat constrained, but in a military manner, a strict posture: having stooped a little, he simply stands straight with his arms down. Sharp shoulders slightly upturned, and on the face as if frozen deep sadness; narrowing his eyes, the bronze de Gaulle looks off into the distance. The general is dressed in a typical military uniform: a tunic, a belt, an army cap with two generals stars on his head. A small badge with a cross on the jacket draws attention - this is the Lorraine cross, the symbol of the %%%%Gaullist%%%% branch of the Resistance movement. The figure is erected on a high cylindrical pedestal on which the name and title are engraved in Russian and French: %%%%General Charles de Gaulle. President of the French Republic%%%%.
Address: Prospect Mira, 176
Monument to Abai Kunanbayev in Moscow
The monument to Abai Kunanbayev is located on Chistoprudny Boulevard in Moscow, not far from the Embassy of Kazakhstan. This is a gift from Kazakhstan, and its official opening, held on April 4, 2006, was attended by Presidents Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The Kazakh poet and composer Abai Kunanbayuly, who later changed his surname to Kunanbayev, was born on July 29, 1845 in the family of the bai Kunanbay Oskenbayev. Being engaged in self-education, he soon felt a passion for composing poetry, and after years became an innovator of Kazakh poetry, enriching it with new dimensions and rhymes. Abai Kunanbayuly was also a talented composer, who wrote about two dozen melodies, known among his compatriots in our days.
The decision to install the monument was made during a business meeting of Nursultan Nazarbayev with Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Kazakhstan fully took over the financing of the project, the total cost of which exceeded 160,000,000 tenge, which is approximately one and a half million US dollars. The monument depicts the poet sitting on a white granite pedestal, which is located in the center of a small circular platform.
Address: Chistoprudny Boulevard, d.12S1
Alley of Love in Moscow
%ldquo;Alley of Love%rdquo; in Kolomenskoye, in Moscow, is an amazing place that is imbued with love, joy and romance. Here you can do everything: make a cherished wish, confess your love to your soulmate, and perpetuate your feelings on the stones. Young couples here can formally exchange the solemn vows of eternal love and hold a marriage ceremony. The alley is decorated with nominal stones, which are left by lovers as a symbol of their love.
%ldquo;Alley of Love%rdquo; appeared in the Kolomenskoye estate museum near an old oak tree. Excellent landscape design: decorative heart, small pond, flower beds, well-groomed paths, white benches. During the day, on weekdays, mothers with children walk here, and on the weekends there are wedding couples. This is a romantic place where you can perpetuate love in stone, which will be embedded in the walkway, or make a beautiful engraving on a park bench. And the famous lock of love can be attached to forged grilles specially installed for this purpose.
On the Alley of Love you can not only make a wish and confess your love, but also take a picture and just have a great time.
Address: pr. Andropova, 39
Diver-Lighthouse in Moscow
The sculpture %%%%Diver-lighthouse%%%% on Pushkin Embankment in Gorky Park was opened on May 5, 2016 - on the day of the diver.
The author of the sculpture - artist Leonid Tishkov - was guided by the conceptual idea of the famous Soviet sculptor Vera Mukhina. In 1937, Mukhina, who had already become famous thanks to the monument %ldquo;Worker and Kolkhoz Woman%rdquo;, worked on the heroic image of the %ldquo;epronovets%rdquo;. EPRON is an Expedition of special purpose underwater work, created in 1923 to lift sunken ships and submarines. The history of EPRON began with a particularly secret assignment: divers were sent to Balaklava Bay to search for the English frigate %ldquo;Prince%rdquo; sunken in 1854; the young Soviet government hoped that on board a ship sunken during the time of the Crimean War, treasures could be hidden with which to replenish the treasury devastated by the Civil War. They did not find the treasure, but in the first 2 years of work, the destroyer and 2 submarines were lifted from the bottom of the Black Sea, which were later repaired and transferred to the fleet. In 1941, the EPRON was fully incorporated into the Navy as an emergency rescue service.
Vera Mukhina, inspired by the image of the %%%%conqueror of the elements%%%%, conceived an unusual sculpture of a diver 40 meters high, which would also be a lighthouse at the same time. In her letter to the head of EPRON Fontiy Krylov, the sculptor clarified that there is a suitable place near Balaklava where a lighthouse is required, and she would like to make this lighthouse in the form of a diver. Glitter would become associated with wet clothes, and the helmet can accommodate the necessary equipment for the beacon. Unfortunately, the avant-garde idea of Mukhina did not materialize.
Leonid Tishkov%rsquo;s Lighthouse Diver, installed on Pushkinskaya Embankment of Gorky Park, is made on a much smaller scale (about 3 meters), but has all the attributes of a real beacon: a rhythmically flashing lamp is lit in its helmet, which lights up with city lighting. The bronze diver is made in the style of the 1930s, and the shape and black and white color of the pedestal are inspired by the Kyz-Aul lighthouse, which stands on the Kerch Peninsula.
Address: Pushkinskaya Emb.
Monument to V.V. Vorovsky in Moscow
The monument to Vatslav Vorovsky was erected in Moscow at the intersection of Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most in May 1943, a year after the death of Vorovsky. The sculptor Yankel Katz became the author of the monument.
In 1923, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR in Italy, Vatslav Vatslavovich Vorovsky, was part of the Soviet delegation at the Lausanne Conference in Switzerland. On May 10, in the Cecil restaurant, Vorovsky was shot dead by former White Guard Maurice Conradi. The court issued the acquittal of the murderer and his accomplice Arkady Polunin, citing crimes committed by the Bolsheviks in the USSR. This led to the rupture of diplomatic relations between the USSR and Switzerland.
This monument is considered to be one of the most curious in Moscow. Vorovsky is depicted in a rather absurd pose, his clothes are untidy. Muscovites gave this monument many nicknames; it is called the %ldquo;radiculitis monument%rdquo;, %ldquo;the dancing lame%rdquo;, %ldquo;the drunk lame%rdquo;. But Vorovsky%rsquo;s contemporaries said that this was exactly what comrades plenipotentiary looked like in the heat of a dispute: head, holding the other hand strap on the pants.
Address: st. Big Lubyanka 12/1
Memorial plaque to A.I. Gorgolyuk in Moscow
A plaque to the pilot of the Soviet Union Hero Alexander Gorgolyuk was solemnly opened on November 25, 2015 at 17 Tverskaya Street. He took part in the battles of Moscow, Kursk. In one of the fights, he lost his sight.
Alexander Gorgolyuk was born on August 27, 1919. In July 1943, he commanded the 30th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Division of the 16th Air Army of the Central Front. By the time Alexander Gorgolyuk made 376 sorties.
On June 2, 1943, in the battle near Kursk, he personally shot down two planes and damaged another, but was seriously wounded. Seeing nothing, he jumped out of the plane with a parachute and landed successfully. However, due to injury the pilot lost his sight forever.
After the war, Alexander Gorgolyuk worked as deputy director of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.
The honored artist of Russia, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Igor Burganov worked on the memorial plaque to the hero. He depicted the bust of a pilot against the background of a peaceful landscape, and a plane is visible high in the sky on which Alexander Gorgolyuk fought.
Address: st. Tverskaya, 17
Solovetsky stone in Moscow
The Solovetsky Stone is one of the first and, perhaps, the main monument today to the victims of the totalitarian communist regime in the Soviet Union. Installed on October 30, 1990 in the park near the Polytechnic Museum on Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow, a granite boulder was brought by Memorial activists from the village of Solovetsky, from Tamarin pier.
The Solovetsky stone then, in 1990, resisted not only to House 2 in Lubyanskaya Square, where the VChK-NKVD-MGB-KGB was located since 1918, is the heart of the Communist terror machine in the USSR, but also to the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky in the center of the square, the founder and the first head of this %ldquo;death machine%rdquo; (%ldquo;Iron Felix%rdquo; was demolished on August 22, 1991).
Since 1919, the concentration camp has been located on the Solovki archipelago, since 1923 - the Solovki special-purpose camp (SLON), and in 1937%ndash;1939 - the Solovki special-purpose prison (STON). Stone for the monument from the Big Solovki Island in Arkhangelsk was brought by sea, and then taken by rail to Moscow.
At the foot of the pedestal there is the inscription %%%%This stone was delivered by the Memorial Society from the Solovetsky special-purpose camp and installed in memory of the victims of the totalitarian regime.%%%% And this is also symbolic: in the late 1980s, %ldquo;Memorial%rdquo; was perhaps the most massive independent social movement in the USSR %mdash; the return of historical truth was recognized as a necessary condition for the return of the values of law and morality to politics.
Address: New Square
Monument to sculptor Vera Mukhina in Moscow
The monument to Vera Mukhina is installed near her workshop in Prechistensky lane. The opening took place in 1989, on the centenary of the artist%rsquo;s birth. The authors of the project were sculptor Mikhail Anikushin and architect Sergey Hadjibaronov.
The statue is made of bronze and depicts a middle-aged woman. The figure is shown knee-deep; the head is raised and turned to the left, the face is calm and serious. The sculpture is placed on a pedestal of red granite with a memorable inscription: %%%%Vera Ignatievna Mukhina%%%%.
The sculptor Vera Ignatyevna Mukhina was born in 1889 in Riga. Her family came from a very wealthy merchant family who settled in Latvia after the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1937, at that time, an already well-known master discovered an inheritance of about 4 million lats.
In 1923, a novice sculptor designed a pavilion for the newspaper Izvestia at the 1st All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Industrial Exhibition. The co-author of the project was Alexander Exter.
The sculptor Vera Mukhina came to the galaxy of outstanding masters of the 20th century after the World Exhibition in Paris. It was there, in the Soviet pavilion, that her most significant work was presented - the monument %ldquo;Worker and Collective Farm Girl%rdquo;, which today is located near one of the entrances to the All-Russia Exhibition Center-VDNH.
Address: Prospect Mira, 123B
Monument to the Hungarian-Soviet friendship in Moscow
In 1975, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the liberation of Hungary from the fascist invaders by the Red Army, the Friendship Park was laid out in Budapest and a monument to Hungarian-Soviet friendship was erected. During the grand opening of the monument, it was announced that a copy of it would be presented to the Soviet Union. And a year and a half later, in September 1976, the %ldquo;twin%rdquo; of the Hungarian monument was installed in the Moscow Friendship Park near the River Station.
After the change of political system in Hungary and, as a result, the revision of many values, including attitudes to the Great Patriotic War, the monument in Budapest Friendship Park was dismantled (it is now located in the %%%%Monument Park%%%%, an analogue of the Moscow Art Park). In Moscow, the monument to the Hungarian-Soviet friendship is in its place to this day.
The monument is a 10-meter-high stele stepped into the interior with a bas-relief depicting two women (obviously, Russian and Hungarian), releasing doves into the sky. The inscription under the bas-relief says: %%%%Eternal Hungarian-Soviet friendship is the key to our freedom and peace!%%%%
Address: Festivalnaya st.
Monument to the Enlightened Gautama Buddha in Moscow
The statue was opened by the Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Udayang Viratunga on August 12, 2011 in honor of the 2600th anniversary of the Buddha%rsquo;s enlightenment. The statue is located on the territory of the embassy.
In accordance with the rules of the Russian language, the word %%%%Buddha%%%%, written with a capital letter, means a specific historical figure - Siddhartha Gautam, heir to the noble family of Shakyev, who belonged to the caste of soldiers and rulers.
Siddhartha Gautama is a key figure in Buddhism. Stories about his life, his sayings, dialogues with disciples and monastic covenants were summarized by his followers after his death and formed the basis of the Buddhist canon - %%%%Tripitaki%%%%.
Address: st. Shchepkina, 24, p. 1
Bust of Victor Hugo in Moscow
The monument to bust of Victor Hugo in the Hermitage Garden is located in Moscow, in close proximity to the Sphere Theater. The bust is located in the western part of the garden since 2000; it is the creation of the sculptor Laurent Marquista. The monument was made in 1920 and was presented to the Hermitage Garden by the French government.
Victor Hugo is an outstanding French poet, prose writer and playwright, the founder of French romanticism. His brilliant works, such as %ldquo;Les Miserables%rdquo;, %ldquo;Notre Dame de Paris%rdquo;, are known and loved by many generations of aesthetes from different countries, and the novel %ldquo;The Last Day Condemned to Death%rdquo; had a great influence on the work of Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.
The bust of the brilliant French poet, prose writer and playwright is surrounded by a picturesque flower bed and is an invaluable decoration of the most romantic garden in Moscow.
Address: Karetny Ryad Street
Monument to Gabdulla Tukai in Moscow
The monument to Gabdulla Tukai, an outstanding Tatar national poet, literary critic, translator and publicist, was opened on April 26, 2011 at the intersection of Novokuznetskaya Street and Tatarsky Pereulok in Moscow. The grand opening of the sculpture was dedicated to the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding person.
This event Moscow Tatars waited for a very long time. The monument was donated to the capital of Russia by the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. The author of the sculpture is Salavat Shcherbakov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
The monument to Gabdulla Tukai is a figure of a Tatar poet squatting down to rest, cast in bronze. Marble benches were installed near the sculpture by a semi-ring, so that the visitors of this monument had the opportunity to feel themselves in the same %ldquo;company%rdquo; with this talented person.
Address: st. Novokuznetskaya, 11, p. 2
Monument to Lev Yashin at Dynamo in Moscow
On October 23, 1999, near the Dynamo stadium in Petrovsky Park, the opening ceremony of the monument to Lev Ivanovich Yashin, timed to coincide with the seventy-year anniversary of the great goalkeeper, was held. Veterans of football gathered on the square in front of the entrance to the northern tribune, many of whom took to the pitch with Yashin.
The sculptural composition, called the %ldquo;Goalkeeper - the legend of the century%rdquo;, is the famous Yashin flight after the ball. The author of the monument is A.I. Rukavishnikov.
Until 2009, the monument was located next to one of the stands, but after the start of the reconstruction of the stadium, it was moved to the park, closer to the southern lobby of the Dynamo metro station.
Address: Leningradsky Ave.
Monument to student omens in Moscow
The monument is a large round granite platform, in the center of which there is a large penny (a symbol of good luck for students during the session). And in concentric circles on the site abbreviations of universities are written. Also on the site are a student%#39;s record book and two shoes, which lie on the penny.
It was decided to install the monument in the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow in Marino. As a result of the competition, which was attended by 500 students of architects, the monument was supposed to have all the symbols of good luck that students believe in on the eve of the session. Also, the monument should be original and technologically simple. As a result, a group of students from Moscow Architectural Institute won.
Everyone knows that students are very superstitious and believe in omens. One of them will take it on the eve of the exams to come to Revolution Square and rub the dog%#39;s nose; this will surely bring good luck in the exams. But until 2008 there was no monument to the student, to which it was possible to come and make a wish. But now such a monument has appeared in Marino, and it continues the traditions of students. It is enough to get up on this coin and make a wish and rub the shoes, and then the session will be easy and there will be only %ldquo;five%rdquo; in the record book.
Address: st. Porechnaya, d. 15
Monument to Peter Stolypin in Moscow
The monument to Peter Stolypin was opened on the Square of Free Russia near the House of the Government of the Russian Federation on December 27, 2012 in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian reformer.
Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin (1862-1911) was a statesman of the Russian Empire, in different years served as prime minister, minister of internal affairs, Grodno and Saratov governor, as well as the county leader of the nobility in Kovno. In Russian history, he is known as a reformer, whose name is associated with a large-scale agrarian reform, %%%%mastering%%%% the eastern part of the country and Siberia by resettling peasants from the European part of Russia, changing the electoral system in the State Duma, repressions against revolutionaries and terrorists and other significant time questions. Stolypin is a very controversial figure in Russian history, his actions are often discussed within the framework of historical discussions, and those who are discussing do not have a common opinion about who the reformer really was - a great benefactor or a bloody tyrant. One way or another, Peter Stolypin became a symbol of his era. During his life he suffered 11 attempts, from the last of which he died.
The sculpture depicts Stolypin standing to his full height with a prize sword, without which he did not appear in public, and orders on his chest. The reformer%#39;s right hand on the sculpture is pressed to the body, and this also makes sense - in life his right hand did not move well after being seriously wounded (the nerve was broken) received in a duel with Prince Ivan Shakhovsky. A plate with a quote from Stolypin%rsquo;s speech is set on the pedestal: %%%%In the defense of Russia, we must all unite, coordinate our efforts, our duties and our rights to maintain Russia%#39;s one supreme right - to be strong!%%%%
Address: Konyushkovskaya Str.
Monument to Baron Munchhausen in Moscow
This interesting monument was created by sculptor Andrei Yuryevich Orlov in the framework of the project %ldquo;Folk heroes in sculptural compositions%rdquo;. As well known, Baron Munchhausen was a real man who lived in Tsarist Russia for 10 years and participated in the Turkish war. He became famous precisely because he was able to tell extraordinary stories with a fair amount of humor and fiction, which in fact glorified him.
The monument to Baron Munchhausen was installed on August 28, 2004 in Moscow on Yartsevskaya st. near the metro station Molodezhnaya. The opening of the monument was very merry and festive; the baron%#39;s admirers came to the opening in 18th century dresses, that is, in long dresses with a crinoline and funny hats.
Munchhausen is made in full size and is depicted at the exact moment when he pulls himself, sitting on a horse by a pigtail from a swamp, while on his face there is an eternal smile, which many consider to be similar to the smile of Jankovsky. Near the monument on a special stand, the most famous sayings of Munchhausen, which over time sent winged phrases from several generations of Russians, are displayed.
This fairytale hero with real roots is loved not only in Moscow, but also in many countries of the post-Soviet space and monuments to him in different situations have been established in many other cities. Perhaps he is loved precisely for his positive and naivety, as well as for the simplicity and wisdom of his sayings in the most extreme conditions.
Address: Yartsevskaya St., 25A
Monument to Miguel de Cervantes in Moscow
In Madrid and Moscow you can see two completely identical monuments to the famous Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes. Only the Madrid monument is original and was installed back in 1835, and in Moscow its exact copy appeared in the 80s of the last century.
The place where the monument to the author of %ldquo;Don Quixote%rdquo; is located is the Friendship Park on the Leningrad Highway. In Moscow, this %%%%Spaniard%%%% appeared in the framework of cultural exchange between Spain and the USSR. A monument to Alexander Pushkin, created by sculptor Oleg Komov, went to Madrid, and the Soviet capital received a copy of the monument that Antonio Sol created in the 19th century. In Moscow, in the surrounding area of the monument was inscribed by the efforts of architects Igor Voskresensky and Yuri Kalmykov.
The most %%%%thin spot%%%% in the bronze image of the Spanish writer is the sword. Moscow Miguel Cervantes several times lost this attribute of belonging to the nobility - it was constantly broken off by attackers. According to the status (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra came from a family of impoverished nobles) he is supposed to be with a sword, but for anti-vandal reasons the monument has been standing for some time without it.
The novel %ldquo;The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha%rdquo; is considered the most famous work of Cervantes; he also tried himself in writing plays, short stories, poems.
Address: Flotskaya, 1
Monument to the Frontier Guards of the Fatherland in Moscow
The obelisk to the frontier guards of the Fatherland is located on the Yauza Gate Square, where the Boulevard Ring ends, resting on the Moskva River, which in itself is very symbolic, previously one of the borders of Moscow was held here.
Despite the large number of connecting streets, two rivers, several bridges, the square is very cozy and quiet (as far as possible in the noisy center of the city) square, decorated with a monument to border guards.
The monument was opened in May 1997 and it is an obelisk in the form of an ancient border pillar of red polished granite, mounted on a rectangular pedestal with bronze bas-reliefs, which depict scenes from the border service. The monument is crowned with a golden double-headed eagle, on the chest of which the imperial crown and the emblem of Moscow are engraved.
The inscription on the monument says: %%%%Defenders of the Fatherland. Debt. Honor. Fatherland.%%%% The obelisk looks bright against the background of the public garden, nearby churches, and against the backdrop of the majestic Stalinist skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment.
Address: Yauza Gate Square
Monument to Walt Whitman in Moscow
Walt Whitman was the American poet of the XIX century, the most revered compatriots, you can say %%%%American Pushkin%%%%. Although in Russia he, of course, is not so famous. His most popular work is Leaves of Grass. Some of his poems were translated into Russian by Turgenev himself.
The monument to the American poet is installed on the territory of Moscow State University, in front of the humanitarian building. The sculpture depicts the writer in full growth, in the background - a column, crowned with Pegasus.
A remarkable fact: the author of the sculpture, Alexander Burganov, nine years earlier (2000) cast the monument to A.S. Pushkin, which was donated by Russia to the United States and installed in Washington. The Whitman Monument is a reciprocal gift from the City Hall of Washington to Moscow.
%ldquo;The choice made is not accidental. Two great poets of Russia and the United States are related by true nationality and at the same time humanity - if you use the words of Fyodor Dostoevsky - their work,%rdquo; Lavrov said. %ldquo;If Pushkin is ours, then Whitman, as they called him contemporaries, %ldquo;the poet of America, he is America itself.%rdquo; %ldquo;Like Alexander Pushkin, who possessed the %ldquo;ability of worldwide responsiveness,%rdquo; the reformer of American poetry Whitman combined in himself an outstanding creative talent with a deep philosophical vision of history and understanding the unity of human civilization, - said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
In turn, at the opening ceremony of the monument, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton noted that %%%%as Pushkin and Whitman%%%% reset %%%%the poetry of their days, so the United States and Russia%%%% reset %%%%relations and, importantly, between the two nations.%%%%
Address: Lomonosovsky Prospect, 1S5
Monument to the Militia of the Proletarsky District in Moscow
The opening of the monument took place on May 6, 1980 on the eve of the 35th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
The majestic 15-meter-high sculptural and architectural composition, towering in the center of Avtozavodskaya Square in Moscow, was built in memory of residents of the Proletarsky district who died while defending Moscow and during the Great Patriotic War.
The unity of the front and rear, which became the foundation of the great Victory, is the semantic meaning of the multi-figure high-relief composition of the memorial to the working people of the Proletarian District of the capital.
The complex sculptural form of the memorial in the form of a symbolic banner bears on itself high-relief groups of soldiers of the Soviet Army and militia workers, who stood to the death in the harsh autumn of 1941, defending Moscow. The inscription on the monument says: %%%%The proletarians who fell for the freedom and independence of the motherland will forever be remembered in the memory of the people. Eternal glory to the heroes! 1941-1945%%%%.
The memorial is made of wrought copper sheet, on a steel frame, with polished granite stepped base.
The authors of the monument are sculptors F.D. Thebes, N.G. Skrynnikova, architects - PP Zinoviev and I.M. Studenikin, engineer B.M. Dubovoy.
Address: st. Avtozavodskaya 9/1
Monument to soldiers of the Fatherland of the 20th century in Moscow
On May 9, 2005, a monument to the soldiers of the Fatherland of the 20th century was solemnly opened in Moscow. The monument is amazing because it was set up in a residential area of Moscow and after the %ldquo;wave%rdquo; of memory to the victims.
The main number of monuments devoted to military subjects was established from 1975 to 1995. And after that they rarely paid attention to the military theme in the monuments, more and more cats, dogs and janitors.
The monument to the soldiers of the Fatherland of the 20th century was installed in the Bibirevo microdistrict at the intersection of Plescheev and Leskov streets. Sculptor I. Studenikin presented the memory of the soldiers in the form of three broken blades of swords. And if on vacation soldiers of the past centuries set swords with a hut, then it is clearly shown that swords are thrust into the ground, saying that they have served their weapons and will not use them anymore.
Address: Pleshcheeva Street, 30
Monument to A. Shchusev in Moscow
The monument to famous architect Shusev Alexey Viktorovich is installed in Granatniy Lane opposite the Central House of Architects. The project of the monument belongs to the architect B. I. Thor, and the execution to the sculptor I. M. Rukavishnikov.
A.V. Schusev participated in the development and implementation of many famous architectural creations. For example, this is a well-preserved Moscow Martha-Mariinsky Convent with the Church of St. Martha and St. Mary in the hospital building (1909) and the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin, which became the composition center of the entire ensemble (1908%ndash;1912), and Schusev won the custom competition on the complex of buildings of the Kazan station in Moscow and at the end of 1911, it was officially approved by the chief architect of construction.
In the Soviet period, Shchusev%#39;s talent was also in demand - in 1918%ndash;1923 he led the development of the %ldquo;New Moscow%rdquo; master plan. This plan was the first Soviet attempt to create a realizable concept for the development of the city in the spirit of a large garden city. The project was aimed at a clear zoning of the territory, preservation of the historical center and many separate old public buildings and temples, the development of %%%%green wedges%%%% from the center to the periphery, the reconstruction of a number of highways, the Moscow river port and railway junction, etc. Also Shchusev designed the mausoleum on Krasnaya square.
Address: Granatny lane, 7
Monument to Ernst Telman in Moscow
The monument to Telman in Moscow is located on the territory of the Airport district of the Northern administrative district of the capital, installed on the square named after him on Leningradsky Avenue near the Aeroport metro exit.
The monument to Telman in Moscow, a German anti-fascist, the chairman of the German Communist Party, Ernst Telman, appeared on the square named after him in 1986 in connection with the 100th anniversary of his birth. The work was performed by sculptors Vl. A. Artamonov, V. A. Artamonov and architect V. A. Nesterov. The sculpture, like many monuments of the Soviet era, was made in a revolutionary spirit: a courageous figure dressed in simple clothes and a strong weighty fist - an epoch-making image of an ardent communist.
In the conditions of modernity, when communism has already lost its former position, many pedestals for revolutionary figures were destroyed. The same fate awaited the monument to Telman in Moscow, however, the public, having learned about such sentiments of the authorities, strongly came out in his defense, arguing that Telman, first of all, opposed fascism and the Nazis, and this is relevant to this day.
Address: Leningradsky pr., 62A, building 1
Monument to F.I. Chaliapin in Moscow
In 1910, the famous opera bass Fyodor Chaliapin bought a house in Moscow located on Novinsky Boulevard, and lived in it with his family until his departure from Russia in 1922. In the late 80s, Fyodor Ivanovich%#39;s museum was opened in this house, and at the beginning of this century a monument to the singer was erected in front of the museum.
The installation history of this monument can be called an adventure undertaken by sculptor Vadim Tserkovnikov, the author of the project. The monument was erected in the summer of 2003 without coordination with the authorities, under cover of night, but, nevertheless, is still in place. The work of the Churchman was offered to be demolished and moved to another place, for example, to the Bolshoi Theater, in which Fyodor Chaliapin was a soloist.
The singer is depicted sitting on the ground, leaning his back against the trunk of a fallen tree. The artistic value of this work was criticized - the land on which Chaliapin sits, more reminiscent of the critics of dirt, and the singer himself - a drunkard, who does not hold his legs. Although the author, of course, put a completely different meaning into his work: both the earth and the bare roots of the tree were to become a symbol of Chaliapin%#39;s longing for homeland. In addition, Vadim Tserkovnikov took as a basis the famous Chaliapin posture, in which the singer was portrayed by his contemporary, the artist Ilya Repin. The sculptural composition was placed on a low pedestal, and in general the height of the entire monument does not exceed two and a half meters.
Fyodor Chaliapin died in Paris in 1938 at the age of 65. His opera career began in 1899. In his Moscow opera career a big role was played by philanthropist Savva Mamontov, who offered the main parts to the singer in his theater. After the Mammoth Theater, Fyodor Shalyapin sang on the stages of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters, but the Mammoth period was considered one of the most important in his work.
Address: Novinsky Boulevard, 25
Monument to the Panfilov Heroes in Moscow
In mid-November 1941, the fascist troops launched their second attack on the capital of the Soviet Union. In the area of Volokolamsk, they dealt the main blow at the front line, a breakthrough of which would have allowed the enemy to continue moving towards Moscow. But near the village of Nelidovo, at the railway junction of Dubosekovo, on November 16 a fierce battle took place, which the fascists were given by the fighters of the 316th rifle division of General Ivan Panfilov. This was a group of tank destroyers of the 4th company under the command of political officer Vasily Klochkov. This is his famous words: %ldquo;Russia is great, and there is no place to retreat %mdash; Moscow is behind!%rdquo;, Which became the motto of Soviet soldiers in the battle for Moscow.
In this battle, 28 soldiers of the Panfilov division shot down 18 enemy tanks and died. All of them were awarded posthumously the title %%%%Hero of the Soviet Union.%%%% The victims who died at the junction began to be called Dubosekovo heroes by Panfilov; their feat was immortalized in the names of streets, in documentary and artistic literary works. 28 Panfilov monuments were installed in different cities of the Soviet Union.
In 1975, when the 30th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was celebrated, a memorial complex was erected near the village of Nelidovo near the mass grave of Panfilov: six full-length stone soldiers rose on the battlefield to meet the enemy and not to let it go to Moscow. The concrete strip symbolizes the line that the fascists could not overcome. The complex includes a granite wall with a description of the Panfilov%rsquo;s feat and a granite platform with a pedestal in the shape of a star for laying wreaths. A group of sculptors and architects worked on the creation of the memorial, which included Alexey Postol, Nikolai Lyubimov and others. For Postol, this work became a thesis project.
A few years earlier, in 1967, the Museum of Panfilov Heroes was opened in Nelidovo, in which things of fighters and political instructor Klochkov, front letters, documents, photos, newspapers are kept. One of the exhibits, the field bag of General Panfilov, was handed over to the museum in 2006 by Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev.
Address: Panfilov Heroes st, 12
Monument fountain George the Victorious in Moscow
The monument-fountain is installed between the Leningrad and Yaroslavl stations, opposite the exit from the surface lobby of the Komsomolskaya metro station. For many years there were stalls here, in 2011 in their place appeared well-groomed playground, lined with paving tiles, with benches, tubs with living trees, lanterns and a round fountain with a monument to St. George.
The opening of the fountain took place on September 4, 2011 and was timed to the celebration of the Day of the City.
The fountain-monument is a granite basin, in the center of which is a monumental sculpture of St. George the Victorious, the work of S. Shcherbakov. George the Victorious, striking a snake, from four sides adorn small multi-tier fountains, beating vertically upwards. Around the fountain lined plates with the names of all the stations of Moscow and the cities - points of arrival.
Address: Komsomolskaya Square, 3-5
Abduction of Europe
In 2002, near the Kiev railway station, an unusual fountain was opened, called the %ldquo;Abduction of Europe%rdquo;. The fountain is located on the square of Europe. This is one of the youngest squares in Moscow, and until 2002 was part of the Kievsky railway station square. Initially, the erection of the fountain was not planned by the city authorities.
However, by the opening of the Europe Square, the mayor of Brussels presented Moscow with an unusual sculpture, called the %%%%Abduction of Europe%%%%. The sculpture is a structure with a height of 11 meters. It is made in an abstract style and shows a scene from the mythology of ancient Greece. Zeus, in the form of a bull, kidnaps the girl Europe. This is what the creator of the sculpture Olivier Strebel depicted.
By decision of the authorities, the sculpture was placed on the square of Europe, and a wonderful fountain was built around. The fountain %ldquo;Abduction of Europe%rdquo; itself is designed in the form of 5 round bowls located in each other. In the upper bowl there is a sculpture, around which a multitude of jets is continuously beating. The author of the fountain Y.P. Platonov managed to complement the sculpture of Strebel, creating a unique mythological image of the legendary scene of the abduction of Europe.
Address: Europe Square
Monument to Shostakovich in Moscow
In the capital, at the Moscow International House of Music, the first monument to the composer Dmitry Shostakovich was opened. The event was timed to the 40th anniversary of the master%#39;s death, the 70th anniversary of the Victory and the 15th anniversary of the Cherry Orchard festival.
The author of the bronze monument is Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Georgy Frangulyan. Muscovites are already familiar with his works: these are monuments to Aram Khachaturian in Bryusov Lane, Joseph Brodsky on Novinsky Boulevard, Bulat Okudzhava on Old Arbat.
The opening ceremony was attended by the composer%#39;s son, Maxim Shostakovich, the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the former Minister of Culture, Mikhail Shvydkoi, a children%#39;s doctor, Leonid Roshal, and others.
After the opening of the monument, the concert of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia %%%%Dedication to Dmitri Shostakovich%%%% began, Vladimir Spivakov stood behind the conductor.
Address: Kosmodamianskaya nab., 52с6
Monument to Sholom Aleichem in Moscow
Sholom Aleichem, whose real name is Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich, is a famous Jewish writer, playwright and educator, one of the founders of Yiddish literature, including children%#39;s. The writer%#39;s works have been translated into dozens of languages, including Russian and English. The monument to the most prominent Jewish writer was unveiled on September 10, 2004 in Birobidzhan.
The first competition for the project of the monument to Sholom Aleichem in Birobidzhan was announced in 1988, but then the plan did not materialize, since the decision on where to place the monument was not made. The competition was brought to a logical conclusion for the second time: Moscow approved the version of the monument to the writer of the Birobidzhan author Vladislav Abramovich Tsap. He made sketches and layouts of the monument and bas-reliefs, and the Chinese sculptor Qiu Weigui embodied his plan into reality.
The two-meter sculptural image is a copper figure of the writer on a stone pedestal. The bronze bas-reliefs depict scenes from the life of the Jews a century ago, that is, what Scholom Aleichem wrote about. The monument is located in the square on the main street of the city, which is named after the writer.
Address: st. Sholom Aleichem
Monument to the fighter pilot V. V. Talalikhin in Moscow
Monument to the military pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Talalikhin was opened on December 4, 2001. The event was timed to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the counteroffensive operation under the city of Moscow in December 1941.
Sculptor Andrei Balashov and Moscow architect Igor Voskresensky worked on the monument.
Sculpture of aviator V.V. Talalikhin presented in full growth. The military uniform on it corresponds to the uniform of the flight personnel of that era. The figure is directed upwards, thus emphasizing the courage and heroism shown by the pilot hero in the battles in the sky near Moscow.
The sculpture stands on a granite pedestal, on which gold letters are stamped out: %%%%To the fearless defender of Moscow, Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin 1918-1941%%%%.
Victor Vasilyevich began serving in the Red Army as early as 1937. He graduated from the aviation school of military pilots in Borisoglebsk.
He accomplished his feat - the first night ram - in 1941, on the night of August 6-7, thus shooting down an enemy aircraft at an altitude of 4.5 thousand meters. Having been wounded in the arm, the brave pilot continued to fight.
In total, until his death in October 1941, a military fighter pilot destroyed 4 Finnish aircrafts. The title of Hero was awarded posthumously.
Monument to the military pilot Viktor Talalikhin in Moscow was installed in a quiet Moscow park, located at the intersection of Malaya Kalitnikovskaya Street and the street bearing his name.
Address: settlement Rogovskoe, village Lopatino
Monument to the Chernobyl heroes in Moscow
In Moscow, on Poklonnaya Hill, they unveiled a monument to the heroes of Chernobyl. In the center of the monument there is a sculptural composition, behind it - a wall in three quarters of a circle. The missing part symbolizes the reactor destroyed by the explosion. Some of the funds for the monument were collected by the liquidators themselves. They were the initiators of his installation, first of all, in order to perpetuate the feat of their fallen comrades, at the cost of life saved humanity from the terrible consequences of the disaster.
%ldquo;It was our war, as we called it, but at the same time, our victory. The victory over the fact that in parallel the other preserved blocks were put into operation, the first, second, third. All this happened in the shortest period in order to restore the country%#39;s energy system, and we are proud of it today, because we are alive, but at the same time we mourn those who are not with us today,%rdquo; said the President of the Chernobyl Union of Russia Vyacheslav Grishin.
Address: Poklonnaya Mountain
Monument to S.S. Prokofiev in Moscow
The Prokofiev Monument was created by the Russian Military History Society and the Glinka All-Russian Museum Association of Musical Culture. It was installed near the house 6/5 in Kamergersky Lane, where Prokofiev lived his last years. The author of the monument was the national artist of Russia, sculptor Andrei Kovalchuk.
2016 in Russia was dedicated to the work of the famous musician. About 1900 events dedicated to Prokofiev took place in the world.
He is depicted walking down the street to his house. %%%%I love being on the move%%%% are the words of Sergei Prokofiev. It is in this image - walking down the lane among passers-by, wearing a coat, a hat, glasses, hands in his pockets (a copy of a Chicago photo of 1921), depicted Prokofiev in a monument. In his hands there are notes on which %ldquo;Serge Prokofiev%rdquo; is written - this is the score of his opera %ldquo;The Player%rdquo;. People%rsquo;s Artist of Russia, the sculptor Andrei Kovalchuk meant this metaphor to convey the essence of the composer%rsquo;s attitude to creativity and life. Prokofiev was an innovator, a risk-taking player and not paying any attention to the loud whistle rushing from the audience. He continued to create and became a great classic and at the same time an innovator of the twentieth century.
Sergei Prokofiev took a worthy place in the pleiad of the Great Russian composers and managed to say his new word in music. He is the author of numerous symphonic works, operas, and ballets. Prokofiev was very serious about making music for children and for movies.
Address: Kamergersky Lane
Monument to George Dimitrov in Moscow
The monument to the leader of the communist movement in Bulgaria was installed in 1972 at the intersection of Bolshaya Polyanka and Bolshaya Yakimanka streets. From 1956 to 1992, Bolshaya Yakimanka Street was renamed Dimitrov Street, therefore the place for the monument was chosen next to the street named after it. Another argument in favor of the place where the monument was erected was the fact that the House on the embankment, where Dimitrov lived from 1934 to 1945, was located nearby.
In communist Bulgaria, Georgi Dimitrov was revered as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the USSR. It is noteworthy that the monumental figure of G. Dimitrov, proudly towering above the flower beds of the square, is dressed in the same clothes as V.I. Lenin. The leader of the Bulgarian people is depicted as courageous and self-confident.
On the granite pedestal, on which the figure is installed, there is a memorial inscription: %%%%George Dimitrov. An outstanding leader of the international communist movement 1882-1949.%%%%
Address: Bolshaya Polyanka St., 20
Monument to pilots of the Normandie-Neman regiment in Moscow
Monument to the pilots of the regiment %%%%Normandie-Neman%%%% in Lefortovo is installed in Krasnokursantskom Square on the 1st Krasnokursantskom travel area of Lefortovo. This place was not chosen by chance, since it was here, at the Vvedensky cemetery, that the dead pilots of the Normandie-Neman air regiment were buried.
The first monument to the pilots of the famous regiment was installed in the suburbs of Paris - Le Bourget. The opening ceremony of the monument, held in 2005, was attended by the presidents of Russia and France.
The monument to the pilots of the Normandy-Neman regiment in Lefortovo was solemnly opened on October 10, 2007. The guests of honor during this ceremony were presidents V.V. Putin and N. Sarkozy, who represented two countries associated by a long history - Russia and France.
Address: Krasnokursantsky Square
Monument-bust of Dante Alighieri in Moscow
The monument to Dante Alighieri in the Hermitage Garden was installed in Moscow, and was donated to the city from the Italian government in 2000. This bust was made by Italian sculptor Rinaldo Piras.
Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet who had a serious influence on the development and formation of the modern literary Italian language. He wrote the famous %%%%Divine Comedy%%%%, written in the period from 1307 to 1321, which is popular among connoisseurs of poetry today. Literary critics call this work the quintessence of medieval culture.
The quote from the Divine Comedy translated by the Russian poet Mikhail Leonidovich Lozinski, carved on the monument: %%%%He desired freedom so precious, as everyone knows who gives life to it,%%%% became a dedication to Dante himself and his high aspirations.
Address: st. Karetny Ryad, 3
Monument to Sholokhov in Moscow
On May 24, 2007, on the birthday of M.A. Sholokhov, a monument was erected not far from the house where the writer lived. The sculpture depicts Sholokhov with oars on the bow of a boat crossing the Don. Horses are swimming across the river around him, the heads of red horses are looking in one direction, the heads of white horses are looking in another, and only one foal does not know where to swim. On the other side of the boulevard there is a bench with bas-reliefs of the plots of the civil war.
They wanted to install the monument to Sholokhov on Gogol Boulevard back in the 80s, but the project was frozen. Then the competition for the monument to Sholokhov was won by Julian Rukavishnikov, the father of the current sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov. In 2007, the son completed the work of his father, with whom he won the new competition.
In the winter, passersby often hares stuck together from snow into the boat to Mikhail Aleksandrovich, because of which the monument is sometimes ironically called the monument to grandfather Mazay.
Address: Gogol Boulevard
Monument to Ivan Shmelev in Moscow
Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev was an outstanding Russian writer, journalist, Orthodox thinker.
In 1917, Shmelev first enthusiastically embraced the February Revolution; repeatedly spoke at rallies, campaigning for the %%%%marvelous idea of socialism.%%%% Pretty soon, however, he was faced with the reverse, black side of the revolution, massacres, famine and other disasters. The October Revolution Shmelev already met with an ardent opponent of Bolshevism.
Shmelev left Moscow for the Crimea, then still unoccupied by the Red Army. In 1920, when the Crimea also fell under the onslaught of the Bolsheviks, the only son of Shmelev, an officer of the Russian army, was arrested and shot. Shmelev himself was not touched.
Shmelev returns to Moscow, seriously thinks about emigration. Ivan Bunin is actively calling him abroad, promising full support. As a result, in 1923, Shmelev left for Paris forever, where he will live 27 years.
Died Shmelev in 1950 in France, buried in the Paris cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois.
50 years after the writer%#39;s death, at the intersection of Lavrushinsky and Bolshoy Tolmachevsky lanes, near the building of the former gymnasium, where Shmelev studied, his monument was erected.
The monument is a bust of the writer, made in Paris during the life of Shmelev, on a low pedestal in the form of a flute column. The pedestal is decorated with a laconic inscription: %%%%Russian writer Ivan Shmelev%%%%.
Address: Bolshoy Tolmachevsky Lane, 3
Monument-bust to V. N. Volkov in Moscow
The monument to the Soviet space pilot Vladislav Volkov was installed on August 7, 1975 on a street named after him. The monument recalls the tragic event of June 30, 1971 - the death of all members of the crew of the Soyuz-11 descent vehicle, which included Vladimir Volkov.
The bronze bust of the pilot is located on granite polished granite pedestal, which bends around the terminating %%%%orbit%%%%, symbolizing the cosmonaut%#39;s last flight. The inscription on the monument: %ldquo;Pilot-cosmonaut Volkov Vladislav Nikolayevich,%rdquo; below there are awards he received - two medals of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
The reason for the death of the crew was a small hole the size of 5 kopecks. According to the official version, it was formed as a result of unforeseen circumstances; however, some scientists consider it to be the result of an error in design calculations. Theoretically, the lethal hole could be plugged by any means at hand; however, the depressurization occurred in a matter of seconds, preventing cosmonauts from doing anything. Dobrovolsky only managed to pull off his seat belts.
After the tragedy, a number of recommendations were urgently developed to eliminate the negative consequences in case of depressurization of the descent vehicle, as well as special suits for astronauts that guarantee the safety of the crew.
Address: st. Cosmonaut Volkov
Monument to the shipbuilder A.N. Krylov in Moscow
The monument to the outstanding Russian shipbuilder, mechanic, mathematician and academician was installed in 1960 near the main building of the Northern River Station. The monument is the work of sculptor L.E. Kerbel and architect Yu.I. Goltsev.
Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov was an outstanding mathematician and mechanic, engineer and inventor, a wonderful teacher and popularizer of scientific knowledge. Krylov lectured on the theory of shipbuilding to future engineers. He actively participated in the design and construction of the first Russian battleships, created the theory of pitching, important practical importance was his work on the unsinkability of the vessel, and all this brought him worldwide fame.
Address: Park of the North River Station
Sculpture Bread in Moscow
In 1937, the sculptor Vera Mukhina created her own sculpture, Bread. Almost 40 years later, in 1976, an exact copy of the monument was installed in the Friendship of Peoples Park, but only by another sculptor.
On the one hand, this seems quite natural, but it%rsquo;s almost impossible for any self-respecting sculptor to make other people%#39;s creations repeat. Most likely, even some sculptors study the works of great masters and in the workshop they are trained to create or reproduce the like, thus honing their skills. But in order not to be in a workshop, but to cast a full-fledged monument, and even leave your authorship on it, it is almost impossible. There is, of course, the option that a person wanted to attach himself to someone else%rsquo;s glory, or even give his work as the best in comparison with the original, but knowing the history and spirit of the Soviet era, you can be sure that the sculptor A.M. Sergeyev was thoroughly forced to do this.
The monument to the bread in Moscow by sculptor A.M. Sergeev can be found in the Park of Friendship of Peoples (near the metro station River Station).
In those early years (presumably in 1957), a whole park was created on the occasion of the Sixth World Festival of Youth and Students. Then they somehow tried to be friends, even parks were created for this, and in order that the park was not only beautiful, but also cultural, orders were made to various sculptors forcibly. And already the guests of the capital saw beauty and cultural sights everywhere, wondering little about who had to do all this and how quickly so that everything looked like an idyll.
Address: Leningrad highway | Friendship Park
Monument to all the Lovers in Moscow
The monument to all lovers in the Hermitage Garden is located in the western part of the garden, located on Karetny Ryad Street, in Moscow. The monument is a heart made of 70 meters of stainless steel pipes, and the idea for its creation was the heart pattern found on the wall of Juliet%#39;s house in Verona.
So, on February 14, 2005, during the celebration of Valentine%#39;s Day on the territory of the most romantic garden of the capital, the Silver Rain radio station received a photo of the heart and a year later the opening of this unusual monument took place.
The monument to all lovers is surrounded by a picturesque flower bed, and in the center of the heart Japanese bells hang playing a delicate melody with each wind. Many traditions are associated with the monument, lovers and newlyweds are taking pictures of it with pleasure, and on Valentine%#39;s Day an unusual competition for the most passionate and long kiss takes place here.
Address: st. Karetny Ryad, 3
Bust of a surgeon and cardiologist A.N. Bakulev in Moscow
A bronze bust-monument to A. N. Bakulev, an outstanding surgeon and cardiologist, was erected in front of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after him (Leninsky Ave., 8).
Alexander Nikolaevich Bakulev (1890-1967), the founder of cardiovascular surgery in our country, the author of scientific works on neurosurgery, surgical treatment of the lungs, heart diseases and large vessels, was a versatile specialist and founder of the Soviet school of surgeons.
A.N. Bakulev was the first in the Soviet Union to undergo an operation for congenital heart disease. For work on heart surgery, problems of pulmonary surgery, the scientist was awarded the Lenin and State Prizes.
During the Great Patriotic War, A. N. Bakulev was the chief surgeon of Moscow evacuation hospitals. From 1953 to 1960, he was President of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1956, he created the Institute of Thoracic Surgery (now Cardiovascular Surgery named after him) and steadily led it until the last days of his life. In 1981, one of the streets of the Brezhnevsky district was named after him.
The authors of the monument are sculptor G. I. Ozolina, architect S. M. Molchanov. The opening took place on June 24, 1976.
Address: Leninsky prospect, d.8 / 7
Monument-bust to K.E. Tsiolkovsky in Moscow
The bust of the eminent scientist and inventor, founder of modern cosmonautics Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was installed in Petrovsky Park near the Petrovsky Travel Palace on the spot where the Left Palace Avenue begins from Leningradsky Prospect. The choice of location for the monument is explained by the fact that for 75 years, until 1998, the Air Force Engineering Order of Lenin and the October Revolution, the Red Banner Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky was housed in the Palace of the Palace.
The monument is a granite bust of a scientist on a high granite pedestal with the inscription: %%%%Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky 1857-1935.%%%% The opening of the monument took place in 1957, the year of the centenary of the birth of the famous Russian scientist.
Address: Left Palace Alley of Petrovsky Park
Monument to a seasonal worker in Moscow
%%%%Seasonal worker%%%% is one of the famous sculptures of Ivan Shadr, installed in the park on Lermontov Square (behind the monument to Lermontov) in 1930; also known as the %%%%seasonal worker monument%%%%.
A seasonal worker is a person employed in jobs that, due to natural, climatic or any other reasons, are not performed all year round, but only during a certain period (season), in a broad sense - a worker who came to the city from a distance for the sake of temporary earnings. Nowadays, such workers are often called the dry and slightly contemptuous word %%%%guest worker%%%%.
Shadr%#39;s sculpture depicts a seasonal man as a lonely person in working clothes with sleeves rolled up over his shoulders and worn-out boots. The worker looks tired and exhausted: his body is hunched, his eyes are thoughtful and filled with melancholy, and with his left hand he nervously twists a strand of hair of an already fallen beard. His appearance is so meaningful, thoughtful and focused, as if the sculpture depicts not a seasonal worker, but a wise ancient Greek philosopher. High anatomical shape attracts attention: wrist and elbow joints, hands and fingers, muscle relief and even large veins, cheekbones look so realistic as if it is a living person of flesh and blood. The sculpture is made of Ural marble and erected on a cubic granite pedestal.
The location for the installation was not accidentally chosen: not far from here, in Orlikovy lane, in the 1920s there was a labor exchange, where seasonal workers who came to Moscow flowed.
Address: Lermontovskaya Square
Sculpture Disc Thrower in Moscow
Since the 1930s, a whole ensemble of various sculptures has been located in Gorky Park, including replicas of world famous antique statues. Among them was the statue of sculptor Myron %%%%Discoball%%%%.
Subsequently, the statues were dismantled, and more recently, in 2010, a modern sculpture appeared on one of the alleys of the park leading from the light-music fountain to Pushkin Embankment. It also shows a man throwing a disk, but it looks completely different than the sculpture of Miron. This is a copy of the original sculpture of the master Manizer, created in 1927-1935, for two parks at once - the Central Park of Culture and Culture of Moscow (Gorky) and Leningrad (Kirov).
Address: Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Gorky. Central alley
Monument to Shurik and Lida in Moscow
The place of interest is a fifteen minute walk from the Tekstilshchiki metro station.
Fans of Soviet films well remember one of the funniest episodes in the movie %ldquo;Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik%rdquo;, when Shurik and Lidochka, while preparing for exams, read together one synopsis. This moment was reproduced in the sculpture, installed at the Moscow Economic Institute in 2012, just on January 25, when student%#39;s day is celebrated.
The only difference is that Shurik is on the left and not on the right hand, as it was in the film, but this is the only difference. In all other respects, the figures of %ldquo;eternal students%rdquo; completely repeat the frame from the film - Lidochka in a light dress with hair gathered in a tail, Shurik in his famous glasses with an armpit book looks over her shoulder, trying to read as much as possible, there are no emotions on their faces except extreme concentration - just like in the movies! Natalya Selezneva, who played Lidochka in the film, came to the opening of the monument; admirers of his work come to see the heroes of the comedy of Gaidai, but for the students it became a symbol of the successful passing of the session.
Address: st. Artyukhina, 6, 1
Monument to Gleb Zheglov and Vladimir Sharapov in Moscow
A monument to the heroes of the Soviet film %ldquo;The meeting place cannot be changed%rdquo; Gleb Zheglov and Vladimir Sharapov were installed near the entrance to the main building of the Moscow police on Petrovka, 38.
The monument in the form of a sculpture composition of two figures and a height of more than 2 meters is made in bronze. Figures of Zheglov and Sharapov are facing each other on the steps of the main building of the Moscow police. The opening ceremony of the monument was attended by the creator of the sculpture, Alexander Rukavishnikov, the leadership of the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, as well as police veterans.
%%%%These heroes are a symbol of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. They are endowed with qualities such as courage, patriotism, dedication to duty, integrity and honesty,%%%% said retired police chief Vasily Kuptsov at the ceremony. According to him, Zheglov and Sharapov charged not only the entire Soviet militia, but also ordinary citizens with cheerfulness and patriotism.
Address: Petrovka St., 38G
Monument to Friedrich Engels in Moscow
The monument to Friedrich Engels, an outstanding politician, one of the founders of Marxism, a friend and co-author of Karl Marx, was installed in 1976 in a public garden near the Prechistensky Gate square.
The authors of the monument are the sculptor I. Kozlovsky and the architects A. Zavarzin and A. Usachev depicted Engels in the pose of the thinker. Arms crossed, he gazes into the distance. A large bronze figure is set on a relatively low granite pedestal on which it is written: %%%%Friedrich Engels%%%%.
Why a monument is installed exactly on the Ostozhenka and Prechistenka arrow is not entirely clear. Nothing connected with the one or the other street of the German philosopher.
In the nineties of the last century, it was planned to dismantle it, following the monuments of other leaders of the proletariat, but the mayor of the city, Yuri Luzhkov, decided to leave the sculpture in place.
Address: st. Prechistenka, 4c2
Sculpture %ldquo;Peace to the World!%rdquo; in Moscow
The monument %ldquo;Peace to the World!%rdquo; was established in 1957 on the square of the Novodevichy Convent, not far from the convent in Khamovniki. Sculptor Savitsky worked on the monument. Its opening was held in honor of the Seventh World Festival of Students.
It represents three people of different nationalities, in whose hands there is a globe. This composition explains that there should be no hostility between countries. To date, there are two people left, the girl standing on a pedestal bent on its side due to foot corrosion, and then disappeared.
Address: B.Pirogovskaya ul., 53/55
Courage Square in Moscow
Memorial complex %%%%Square of Courage%%%% was created in Izmailovsky Park in 1968 in memory of the fact that during World War II it was here, in the park, that the Moscow 85th Guards Mortar Regiment %%%%Katyusha%%%% was formed. In memory of this and the role played by the %%%%Katyushas%%%% in the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and a memorial was created.
On high pedestals on the square of Courage, samples of military equipment were installed that went all the way to Berlin, and of course the legendary Katyushas and the T-34 tank occupy the main place in the open-air exposition. There is also a monument to the workers of the Izmailovo Park who died during the war, commemorative steles in honor of the units that took part in the hostilities and a memorial obelisk in honor of the partisan detachments. The Square of Courage is a favorite place for walking, as well as a place where anyone can stop, think about those terrible years and pay tribute to the memory of all who have contributed to the great Victory.
Address: Izmailovsky Park, Alley of the Big Circle, 7
Monument to the soldiers of the internal troops in Moscow
The monument to the soldiers of the internal troops in Moscow was installed on November 10, 2002 opposite the Central Museum of Internal Troops, on the territory of the Krasnokursantsky public garden, on the 1st Krasnokursantsky passage.
Since over the past ten years in the line of duty, more than 2,000 servicemen of the internal troops have lost their lives, it was decided to perpetuate the memory of them, as well as all the generations who died during the military duty of the soldiers. For this purpose, a memorial was installed, which consists of a nine-meter granite stele and a sculpture of a grieving mother standing next to it.
Address: st. Krasnokazarmennaya, 9 A
Monument to aviators who died on the Khodynka field in Moscow
In 2008, during the inauguration of the Aviators%#39; Park (the renovated and renamed Chapayevsky Park), a memorial stone was installed at its entrance - the Monument to the Aviators who died on the Khodynka Field.
Recall that since the beginning of the twentieth century and up to 2003, an airfield has been located on the Khodynka field, since 1926, the airfield named after T. Frunze. Over the years, during various tests, 108 pilots died at the aerodrome. Among them was the famous Valery Chkalov.
In place of the stone is supposed to erect the Chapel of the Archangel Gabriel in memory of the fallen aviators. It, in turn, will be devoted not only to the pilots who died on Khodynka, but also to 35,000 pilots who died in the Great Patriotic War, as well as to all aviators who died in peacetime.
Address: Leningradsky prospect, 59
A memorial plaque to Anna Politkovskaya in Moscow
Адрес: Потаповский переулок
A memorial plaque to the journalist of %ldquo;Novaya Gazeta%rdquo; Anna Politkovskaya, who was killed on October 7, 2006, was opened in 2013 in the office of the editorial office in Potapovsky lane.
%ldquo;You will see today a memorial plaque - the talented work of the young sculptor Ivan Balashov and architect Peter Kozlov, you will see three sheets torn out of Anya%rsquo;s combat notebook,%rdquo; said the editor-in-chief of the Novaya Gazeta Dmitry Muratov. %ldquo;So I hope, I want the fourth sheet to appear next to them - with the names of customers and anyone who will be punished for this murder.%rdquo;
Address: Potapovsky Lane
Monument to Pilot Popkov in Moscow
The monument to Popkov was made during the life of the famous pilot, twice hero of the Soviet Union. Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov was born in Moscow in 1922. After studying, he was sent to the army in the field. During the war, V.I. Popkov made 475 sorties, conducted 117 air battles, personally shooting down 41 enemy aircraft, the pilot was twice the Hero of the Soviet Union.
%ldquo;Quiet and modest on the ground, he fights with all the hatred and stubbornness in the air, smashes the fascist invaders and always emerges as the winner of the most difficult air battles,%rdquo; describes Vitaly Popkov his combat performance. Being the leader of the squadron, he never raised his voice to subordinates; the pilots said that their team was the friendliest in the regiment.
The monument is a bronze bust of Pilot Popkov, Hero of the USSR, standing on a granite pedestal. Vitaly Popkov was captured in his youth; it is known that at the end of the war the pilot was only 23 years old. The pilot is depicted in uniform with all the awards. On the front side of the pedestal there is a bronze plate with the text of the decree awarding V. I. Popkov the second Gold Star medal and an order to erect a monument in his honor.
Address: Samotechny Square
Monument to Lesia Ukrainka in Moscow
The monument to the great poet Lesia Ukrainka was opened in Moscow to the Day of the City in 2006. This original sculpture has become a real decoration of the Ukrainian Boulevard, which connects the space between the square in front of the Kiev railway station and the Ukraine Hotel, which is considered one of the most beautiful high-rise buildings in the capital.
The monument to Lesia Ukrainka brings a fabulous lyrical mood. The figure of the poetess is depicted against the background of a spring tree with birds. This composition represents the poetry of Ukraine. Lesya Ukrainka is depicted as if the young poetess under the canopy of a golden tree listens attentively to the singing of the bird, holding an open book in her hands.
Address: Ukrainian Boulevard
Memorial sign in honor of 400 years of the liberation of Moscow
A memorial sign in honor of the 400th anniversary of the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612 by the second national militia under the leadership of Prince D.M. Pozharsky and Zemsky headman K. Minin.
It was here, at Rostokinsky Hill, at the intersection of the Yauza River and the Trinity Road (today Mira Avenue), the track camp of the Minin and Pozharsky people%#39;s militia was stationed in 1612. From here the army moved to the storming of the China-city, as a result of which Moscow was liberated from the invaders.
Stela is a 8-meter granite column, topped with the emblem of Russia - a bronze double-headed eagle. The column is made in the form of a dark brown hipped form on a small pedestal. In the lower part along the circumference relief images of the scenes of 1612 are placed: Minin and Pozharsky, the tents of the Russian troops at Yauza, the campaign of militia soldiers, the walls of the Kremlin, the patriarch Hermogenes.
The project was executed by a team of authors under the leadership of A. Kovalchuk, a national artist of Russia. Opened on November 3, 2012.
Address: Park Aqueduct
Monument %%%%Tree of Love%%%% in Moscow
The idea of creating a monument, symbolizing eternal love, a famous sculptor and painter Grigory Pototsky had many years bearing. Thus, the sculpture %ldquo;The Tree of Love%rdquo; appeared in the Moscow Park %ldquo;Trubetskoy%#39;s Estate in Khamovniki%rdquo;. The three-meter stone composition resembles a tree and depicts a young man and a girl who are merged together, who, as if with flexible branches, firmly intertwined with each other with their hands, bodies, and souls.
In a dense crown, among the branches of an unusual tree, bright images of angels protecting gentle feelings, birds giving wings to lovers, hands creating strong relations are guessed.
Despite the size and massiveness, the sculpture looks very light and airy. This is where the deep philosophical meaning of the author%rsquo;s idea lies. He represents love as something great and omnipotent, but at the same time very gentle, fragile and vulnerable. The work of the artist calls to think about the bright and beautiful feeling that is not easy to find and so easy to lose. It is not by chance that the sculptor united a tree - a symbol of eternal life on earth, with a reverent image of two loving hearts, emphasizing the eternal value of human relationships.
Sculpture as if directed forward, to the bright dream, to a happy future. It charges with positive emotions and gives hope that each of us will meet his soul mate.
Address: st. Usacheva, 1a
The sculptural ensemble %%%%Signs of the Zodiac%%%% in Moscow
The Moscow sculptor Andrei Aseryants became the author of this unusual ensemble. He decided to move away from generally accepted standards and use improvised material for sculptures, which he sought out in the neighboring garbage dumps: rusty pipes and broken iron pieces, an ejected compressor from the refrigerator, broken parts of various mechanisms, suspension from the old BMW. It should be noted that the sculptor already has experience in creating sculptures from a similar material: The signs of the zodiac were preceded by monuments to the Janitor and Lomonosov.
It is not surprising that, passing in the morning in the traditional gloomy mood through the square residents of the surrounding houses begin to smile at the sight of Zodiac Signs from scrap metal. A horns-packed Capricorn superbiker stands near a heaped motorcycle. A Sagittarius in the form of a bully-boy, not hesitating to passers-by, aims at the nearest lantern. Aries proudly sits on the drum, and the Virgin is depicted as a gentle schoolgirl holding a balloon in her hand. And what can we say about Aquarius!
And each Sign must have a flashlight: at Capricorn - in a motorcycle headlamp, at a maiden - in a balloon, at Scorpio - on the tail. Alas, over the years the composition of the lanterns or broke, or simply stolen.
Address: st. Yeniseevskaya / New Beringov pr-d
Eiffel Tower in Moscow
The Eiffel Tower in Moscow is located not far from the Aviamotornaya metro station in the territory of one of the manufacturing enterprises - the Moskabelmet plant. An exact copy of the world architectural celebrity was built by the workers of this plant themselves. If we compare this Eiffel Tower, say, with a five-story house, then it will be approximately the same height. For reference, the height of the original Paris Eiffel Tower is 324 meters.
However, all those who want to touch a piece of Paris can face with for not a pleasant surprise. The fact is that a designer miracle created from metal structures is located on the territory of a regime enterprise, and therefore it is not so easy to see and even touch it with your own hands. To get on the territory of the Moskabelmet plant, you must have an appropriate pass with you. Such passes are handled by the company%rsquo;s administration, and, as a rule, passes are issued only to its employees.
However, there are still ways to fulfill your dream. How to do this without violating the law, you can consult with the administration of the enterprise itself or look for relevant information on thematic forums specializing in Moscow sights.
Despite all the austerity, the administration and security service of the Moskabelmet plant sometimes still goes forward. There are not rare cases when the lucky ones still get their way and arrange a photo shoot near the Moscow Eiffel Tower.
Address: 2 Kabelnaya st. 2,. 2
Monument to Janka Kupala in Moscow
In the biography of the Belarusian writer and poet Yanka Kupala, a short period is associated with Moscow, during which he studied at the people%#39;s university of the gold miner and philanthropist Adolf Shanyavsky. In Moscow, Kupala spent about a year, and then was called up for military service.
A monument in the Russian capital was installed in the summer of 2007 on Kutuzovsky Prospect in the Dorogomilovo district. The installation of the monument was timed to the 125th anniversary of the poet. The initiative to install the monument came from the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and was supported by Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov. Casting bronze sculpture was made in Belarus. Moscow Square, in which it was planned to erect a monument, was landscaped: a small mound hill was made for the monument, the paths were tiled, and a fountain was also installed near the monument. Around the hill boulders of granite were laid.
The height of the monument along with a stone pedestal was seven meters. The poet was depicted standing near a low hedge, on which an open book lay, and next to the hedge sculptors placed a large sheet of fern, apparently appealing to the pseudonym of the poet (the real name of Yanka Kupala is Ivan Lutsevich). The poet%#39;s face is thoughtful, arms crossed over his chest.
In addition to poems and prose, Yanka Kupala wrote dramatic and journalistic works, translated books of Russian writers into the Belarusian language. His work was marked by the highest state awards of the USSR - the Stalin Prize and the Order of Lenin.
Address: Kutuzov Avenue, 30
Sculpture News in Moscow
Sculpture %%%%News%%%% is the author%#39;s creation of sculptors A.B. Lyagin and S.E. Molkova. It was installed in 2008 in a small square in Moscow, in Bryusov Lane, next to the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhok. The sculpture is a figure of a lion, on which an angel sits with his hands up.
The author A.B. Lyagin himself speaks about the meaning of the sculpture: %ldquo;It is always inexplicable,%rdquo; he says, %ldquo;something seemed to dream, something was remembered, something was thought, a vision had arisen ... The idea comes almost from nowhere. So %%%%News%%%% appeared. Angel is sitting on a lion. The lion is the king of beasts, the symbol of the flesh. The angel is a symbol of spirituality. A composition appeared in which I, as an author, decided for myself the questions of being and the world order. %rdquo;
Address: Bryusov Lane, 4
Sculptural composition %%%%White City%%%% in Moscow
The sculptural and spatial composition %%%%White City%%%% is located on the territory of the business center %%%%White Square%%%% near the Belorusskaya metro station.
The composition consists of seven figures made of stainless steel using collage techniques, each of which has a height of 3.5 meters, approximately 2 human heights.
Gigantic figures of men and women are installed in the pedestrian zone between the buildings of the business center %%%%White Square%%%%. According to the idea of the author of the project, sculptor George Frangulian, this composition with its shape and size will help pedestrians feel comfortable among high-rise buildings and become a transitional scale between people and the surrounding buildings.
This is the first attempt to install a sculpture composition in the city, which is not an illustration of a specific event and is not dedicated to a specific person. These are people in the city.
Address: Lesnaya ul., 5
Monument-bust to aircraft designer Yakovlev in Moscow
Monument %ndash; bust to aircraft designer A.S. Yakovlev is located in a public garden near Chapaevsky Lane, at the entrance to Aviators Park. It depicts the famous Soviet aircraft designer, Colonel General of Aviation in the form of a military man, with his regalia.
The opening of the monument took place on August 18, 1976, during the lifetime of A.S. Yakovlev. It is made of bronze and a memorial inscription is carved on the pedestal of the monument. The authors of this monument are the architect A.A. Zavarzin, the sculptor M.K. Anikushin.
Soviet aircraft designer Yakovlev Alexander Sergeevich is the creator of the legendary Yak aircraft. Under the leadership of A.S. Yakovlev more than 200 types and modifications of aircraft were designed and produced.
Address: Leningradsky Prospect, 59 Aviators Park
Monument to A.N. Radischev in Moscow
Monument to A.N. Radishchev, a Russian writer and poet, a famous philosopher, director of the Petersburg Customs, a member of the Commission on drafting laws, was installed on Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya Street.
This bust, the author of which is sculptor V.I. Usov, appeared in this part of the capital in 1995. The place was not chosen by chance - it was along this street that Alexander Nikolaevich was driving in 1797, when he was returning home after long years of Siberian exile.
Bronze bust of A.N. Radishchev is set on a high, column-like, cylindrical pedestal, which is decorated with a cartouche. If we compare the monument with the portraits of Alexander Nikolayevich that have come down to our days, then it is noticeable that the master executed very accurately the image of Radishchev. The writer is depicted dressed in a frock coat, and his neck is framed by a fashionable jabot at that time.
Address: Verkhnyaya Radischevskaya ul., 16
Monument to the memory of the revolution of 1905 in Moscow
The installation site of the monument %ldquo;Monument to the memory of the revolution of 1905%rdquo; on the Krasnopresnenskaya outpost square near the 1905 metro station was not chosen by chance. In the Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow every street, every lane is a witness of the rebellious December days of 1905. At that time, Presnya became the center of an armed uprising in Moscow. It was on its streets that the fiercest and bloodiest battles of the first Russian revolution took place between representatives of the working class and the royal troops.
Designed by the sculptors O. A. Ikonnikov, V. A. Fedorov and architects M. E. Konstantinov, A. M. Polovnikov, V. N. Fursov in honor of the 75th anniversary of the December armed uprising of 1905, it was solemnly opened February 17, 1981.
The monument became a symbol of proletarian courage and revolutionary steadfastness shown by the Presnensky workers in the heroic days of the first Russian revolution.
On a low, long pedestal of polished red granite, three five-meter bronze sculptural groups are located. In the center of the composition there are workers-combatants with arms in their hands under the fluttering banner. One of them raises a rifle to heaven in a triumphant gesture.
The right of them captures the battle of an unarmed worker and girls with a gendarme on a horse rearing up - in memory of an episode when young weavers from Trekhgorka Maria Kozyreva and Alexander Bykov (Morozov) with a red banner rushed towards the Cossacks and made them turn back.
Address: Krasnopresnenskaya outpost
Monument to the volunteer militia in Moscow
The monument to the %ldquo;Volunteers of the 13th and 6th divisions of the national militia defending Moscow%rdquo; is a memorial located at the entrance to the Ostankino Park.
The memorial is a marble slab, standing vertically, on which bronze bas-reliefs are reinforced depicting soldiers in helmets and with weapons in their hands, battle flags and fire. The height of the whole composition is about 5.5 meters.
The monument is dedicated to the heroes who fell in the battles for Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. Every year on Victory Day here they honor veterans and the lay solemnly the wreaths.
Address: 1st Ostankinskaya Str., 5
Monument to the heroic warriors in Moscow
The opening of the monument to %ldquo;Heroes, participants of barricade battles on Krasnaya Presnya%rdquo; was held in December 1981 near the Gorbaty Bridge. This is the place of the uprisings and fierce battles of the workers with the police during the beginning of the revolutionary actions in the country. Authorship belongs to the sculptor D. B. Ryabichev and architect V.A. Nesterov.
The monument is made in the form of three figures. The first is a girl carrying a flag waving in the wind, the second is a man who, dropping to one knee, is holding a weapon, and the third is a young guy leaning behind a stone. The basis for the composition is a powerful granite pedestal.
Krasnaya Presnya Street, which is located near these places, has gone down in history because of the defensive battles that took place on it. Other nearby streets are Barrikadnaya and Ulitsa 1905, which got their name because of the revolutionary events.
Address: 2 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment
Monument to Fyodor Poletayev in Moscow
The monument to Fyodor Poletayev, a Soviet soldier and participant in the Italian Resistance movement during the Great Patriotic War, is located in Moscow at the intersection of Yesenin Boulevard with a street named after the hero himself.
The monument consists of two parts: the bust of the hero, mounted on a column with carved name and surname, and a plate on which the years of his life and a brief description of his feat are shown. Both parts of the monument are made of red granite, and the area around is paved with paving slabs.
This monument is a landmark of Esenin Boulevard. People come here to honor the memory of the Soviet hero, not only local residents, but also guests of the capital. Near the monument you can often find fresh flowers and wreaths.
Address: Yeseninsky Boulevard
Monument Bird of Happiness in Moscow
The monument is located opposite the Moscow Choral Synagogue in Bolshoy Spasoglinischevsky Lane. The sculptural composition depicts a hand releasing a dove, which symbolizes the friendship of peoples, the desire for peace and harmony between them. On the side of the sculpture is a small wall of crushed bricks - such a piece of the Wailing Wall in Moscow.
The monument was opened on May 16, 2001, sculptor - Igor Burganov.
Address: Big Spasoglinischevsky lane
Monument of the 7th Bauman division of the national militia in Moscow
The 7th Division of the People%rsquo;s Militia of the Bauman District was formed in early July 1941.
The 7th division of the people%#39;s militia in October took the fight on the outskirts of Vyazma, where most of the fighters died. The monument was built in honor of the 13,000 baumans who died during the Great Patriotic War. A three-meter-high vykolotnaya sculpture depicts a woman with a photo of a dead soldier in her hands and a little girl standing to her right. The woman%rsquo;s face is turned in the direction of the Epiphany Cathedral.
Address: Crossing Street. - N. Basmannaya and S. Basmannaya
Monument to the Tree of Life in Moscow
The Tree of Life Monument was opened in Moscow on October 11, 2004. The author of the monument is the famous sculptor Ernst Unknown. This monument has a very long history and difficult fate. For 50 years, the authorities did not give permission for its installation.
For the first time, the model of the monument was presented by Ernst Unknown at an exhibition in Moscow on November 26, 1962. At first, negotiations were held on the installation of a monument on Arbat, opposite the city hall building. It was planned that the Tree of Life would be a building 150 meters high, and it would house the interior. However, the sculptor was denied, arguing that the monument looks like a nuclear explosion, although its outlines exactly repeat the shape of the human heart. As a result, the foundation of the Tree of Life monument was established, which for several years fought for the right to establish it.
The sculptor himself explained that the idea of a monument is to unite in a single composition all the existing religions of the world, even little-known ones. The branches of the tree look like Mobius ribbons, and personify the mathematical and architectural essence of life.
After lengthy negotiations, the monument was allowed to be established, although the height of the monument in the end is only seven meters, and you can see the Tree of Life on the Bagration Bridge.
Address: Kutuzov Avenue
Monument to Nikolay Starostin in Luzhniki in Moscow
Monument to the founder of the football club %%%%Spartak%%%% and the outstanding Soviet football player N.P. Starostin is installed on the alley of sports Glory in Luzhniki.
The author of the bronze sculpture A. Rukavishnikov portrayed an athlete sitting after a difficult match in the locker room. The footballer has just started to change clothes - he has a towel on his shoulders, a boot on the bench, and the Spartak club jersey is on the floor. Probably, remembering the acute moment of the game, he thoughtfully raised his head up and put his right foot on the ball.
The monument does not have a pedestal and is located directly on the ground, which makes it quite real; from a close distance you can take the figure of a football player for a real person. Near the monument there is a stone with the inscription: %ldquo;Starostin Nikolai Petrovich%rdquo;.
Address: Luzhnetskaya nab., Alley of sports Glory
Monument to Manas the Magnanimous in Moscow
The Kyrgyz epos about Manas - the bogatyr who united the Kirghiz - is the largest epos of the Kirghiz people and the longest epos in the world: the legends about the exploits of the bogatyr, his son and grandson are 2 times longer than the ancient Indian Mahabharata and cover a significant historical period.
The sculpture %%%%Manas the Magnanimous%%%% in Moscow Friendship Park, which depicts a hero on horseback, was installed in 2012 - as a gift from the Kyrgyz Republic to Moscow. Sculptors J. Kadraliyev, D. Zholchuev, B. Sydykov and T. Mederov, as well as architects D. Yryskulov, A. Nasirdinova and M. Sklyarov became the authors of the monument.
Manas is a hero of the Kyrgyz epos describing the struggle of the Kirghiz against external (in the face of Chinese and Afghan invaders) and internal (in the face of traitors and intriguers) enemies. The plot begins with the death of the Kyrgyz Khan Nogoy, after which the Chinese, taking advantage of the weakness of his successors, seize the Kyrgyz lands and drive them out of the Talas Alatau (Ala-Too). The younger son of Noah, Jacquel, falls on Altai, where he lives among Kalmyks and, being a hard-working man, earns a fortune. At first, fate refuses to send him a son, and in the hope of a miracle, he prays to the Almighty and travels to holy places; diligence was rewarded, and a son was born, named Manas - an extraordinary strength and mind of a child, the fame of which spread far beyond the borders of Altai. Performing military exploits, Manas unites many Kalmyk and Kyrgyz tribes and Manchu tribes and becomes Khan. Subsequently, having collected an army, he liberates the lands of his people from invaders.
Address: Leningradskoye sh. 88
Monument to a stripper in Moscow
The graceful statuette of a fragile girl dancing on a pole, between heaven and earth, in the very center of the capital, during the day reminds all passersby of the city%rsquo;s vibrant nightlife.
The monument is located opposite the men%#39;s club-bar %%%%Polar Bear%%%%, around banks, shops, cars rush past, and the girl made of iron and copper gracefully dances, causing only aesthetic pleasure. Beautiful and without vulgarity, as in a museum. The statuette plays in gold or silver when the sun shines. Expressive face, thin arms, long legs - all according to the club canons of beauty. Despite the fact that the girl is all metal, she seems to be alive, but indifferent to all this urban bustle.
Address: Ave. Mira, d. 116a
Bust of V.A. Zhukovsky in Moscow
In St. Petersburg on June 4, 1887, a bust of V. A. Zhukovsky was set up in the Alexander Garden. Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky was a translator, Russian poet, educator of the heir to the throne, author of the text of the national Russian hymn %%%%God Save the Tsar.%%%%
Architect is A.S. Lytkin, sculptor is V.P. Kreitan. Materials: bust in bronze; pedestal of granite, red Finnish. The height of the monument pedestal is 2.25 meters; the height of the poet%rsquo;s bust is 1.15 meters.
The opening of the bust was held specifically for the centenary of the birth of the great poet. The installation site for the monument was not accidentally chosen, because Zhukovsky was one of the tutors of the future Tsar Alexander II, and was very close to the whole imperial family.
Address: Lyalin Lane, 28/19
Monument to the Defenders of the Fatherland at the Holy Lake in Moscow
In the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district of Moscow, on December 27, 2014, a monument was opened to soldiers who defended their homeland from the time of the Mughal-Tatar yoke to the present day.
In the center of the memorial complex there is a stele, in the upper part of which is the Russian coat of arms, at the foot of the %%%%Eternal Flame%%%% - a five-pointed star framed by a laurel wreath. In the middle of the obelisk there is the inscription: %%%%Glory to the defenders of the Fatherland.%%%% On both sides of the stele there are images devoted to various wars: the Battle of Kulikovo, the Patriotic War of 1812, the Crimean War of 1853, the First World War, the Great Patriotic War, and participants in all local (small) wars.
The monument is located on the shore of the Holy Lake, near the chapel, near the Orthodox Church of the Trinity.
The monument was erected on the initiative of members of the Union of Afghanistan, the Council of Veterans of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district and local residents.
Address: Orangereynaya Street
Monument to student construction teams in Moscow
One of the numerous monuments that is easy to find on the territory of Moscow State University is called the %ldquo;Monument to student groups%rdquo;. The opening date of the monument also became the XXI century - in fact it was in 2009 that the 50th anniversary of the movement called %%%%Student Construction Squad%%%% was celebrated. And MSU, of course, was the first to enter this list: after all, the first such detachment was created in 1959 here, at the Faculty of Physics. Therefore, the monument was placed on the site, not far from the academic building.
A. Rukavishnikov worked on the monument. He depicted the students standing in a circle, while they are shown back to each other. They hold hands. Of course, the students almost immediately came up with a nickname to the monument - %ldquo;a monument to green men%rdquo; because of the bronze that gives this color. A curious fact - until recently, there was not a single monument on the territory of Moscow State University to the most frequently encountered person here - a student. Ivan Shuvalov, Mikhail Lomonosov, Walt Whitman - there are monuments to these famous personalities on the territory of Moscow State University, but there was no simple monument to a student. At the grand opening of the monument, the banner was held by that same student detachment, which in the summer of 2009 traveled to the homeland of M. V. Lomonosov. At the opening ceremony, the wish was also expressed that there would be more and more student groups in Russia.
Address: Leninskie gory, 1 building 2
Monument to Amur tigers in Moscow
A monument to Amur tigers was discovered on Myasnitskaya Street, 40, Building 1. Two bronze tiger cubs and a hedgehog hid between the trees. On the place where the monument stands, there was a stall before.
The author of the sculpture is the Far Eastern wildlife researcher Peter Chegodaev. Especially for this work, he spent more than one hour in the taiga and watched the real tigers.
The weight of each tiger is 150%ndash;200 kilograms. They are installed not just on the ground, but on natural stone. The monument was cast in Krasnoyarsk, in the workshop of the famous sculptor Konstantin Zinich. And the sculpture was opened by Denis Astapkin, director of the Amur Tiger Center, in front of which the monument was erected.
In addition to tigers the composition of the sculpture got a hedgehog ...
%ldquo;The fact is that this is a collective image of young predatory animals that first came out of the shelter and saw a hedgehog,%rdquo; Denis Astapkin explained. - Though they are dangerous, they are still kind and playful, like any children.
Peter Chegodaev hopes that the monument will help draw attention to the problem of preserving the Amur tiger.
%ldquo;If you don%rsquo;t think about animals today, then it may be late,%rdquo; he says.
Address: st. Myasnitskaya 40
Monument to the Moscow people%#39;s militia
Militias are warriors who are convened by the state only for the duration of hostilities (as a rule, for the purpose of defense). Most often, these are people either already serving in the army or for one reason or another discharged from service in the permanent troops. Along with regular troops and partisan detachments, the militia also contributed to the victory over fascism, playing a significant role in the Great Patriotic War.
The monument to the Militiamen was established in 1974 in the square at the intersection of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and the Narodny Militia Street in honor of the national militia divisions that fought against the fascist hordes near Moscow.
The sculptural composition is a group of militias, fully equipped and ready to fight. Only in Moscow during the first four days of the war, 12 divisions of the people%#39;s militia were created, in memory of which in 1964 the people%#39;s Militia street was named.
Address: Ave. Marshal Zhukov
Good Angel of World in Moscow
The architectural complex %%%%Good Angel of the World%%%% is located in Moscow, in the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, along Porechnaya Street. It was opened on June 8, 2007, and its creator is Peter Stronsky - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
The complex is a marble column, almost 11 meters high, with an angel figure at the top, and the angel is holding a burning heart, which is considered a symbol of self-sacrifice. The column is located at the center of the intersection of four alleys, each of which is named after the motto %%%%Word, Deed, Glory, Honor!%%%%.
The main part of the stele is located in the center of the marble ring, which supports nine marble columns. The inscription %ldquo;Good Angel of the World%rdquo; is printed in gold letters on the ring. The total area of the composition is more than one and a half thousand square meters. Sponsor of the creation of the monument was the International Charitable Foundation %%%%Patrons of the Century.%%%%
Address: st. Porechnaya
Monument-bust to Komarov in Moscow
Vladimir Komarov is one of the first cosmonauts of the Soviet Union. In 1964, during the space flight of the Voskhod ship, the crew of which he headed, several historical events occurred at once: the Voskhod ship became the first multi-vessel ship in history - the crew for the first time consisted of three people. For the first time, astronauts were aboard without spacesuits. For the first time, a soft landing system was used.
The flight was completed successfully, for which Vladimir Komarov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, and was also awarded the Order of Lenin and the Red Star Medal. But the second flight, in 1967, ended tragically. The Soyuz-1 ship, piloted by Komarov (this time he was on board alone), crashed during landing. Vladimir Komarov died.
The monument-bust of Vladimir Komarov was installed on the Cosmonauts Alley in 1967 as part of a sculptural group of five monuments. In addition to the monument to Komarov, it includes the busts of Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Pavel Belyaev and Alexey Leonov.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to Leonov in Moscow
A.A. Leonov was a Soviet cosmonaut number 11. In 1965, he made the first in the history of mankind out of the ship into open space.
The bust monument to Alexei Leonov was installed in 1967 on the Cosmonauts Alley as part of a sculpture group consisting of five sculptures: busts of Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova and Pavel Belyaev to the right of Leonov, and Vladimir Komarov%rsquo;s bust on the left. All sculptures are made in a similar manner.
In 1981, the bust of M. Keldysh (sculptor Y. Chernov) was installed on the alley, and in 2001 - the bust of V. Glushko (sculptor A. Bichukov).
On April 9, 2017, the alley was replenished with four new bust in honor of the twice heroes of the Soviet Union, cosmonauts Alexander Alexandrov, Valentin Lebedev, Svetlana Savitskaya and Vladimir Solovyov. The authors of the monuments were the architects V. Perfilyev and A. K. Tikhonov, the sculptors A. V. Balashov, A. S. Zabaluev, I. N. Novikov and E. I. Kazanskaya.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to Belyaev in Moscow
Pavel Belyaev was a Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR No. 10. In 1965, he headed the crew of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft, consisting of two people (the second cosmonaut was Alexey Leonov). In the course of this flight, the first man%rsquo;s exit from a ship into open space took place. This man was Yevgeny Leonov, however, it%rsquo;s also not worthwhile to diminish the merits of Pavel Belyaev as the head of the crew. Moreover, already during the landing of the ship, the unexpected happened: the navigation instruments refused, Belyaev had to land the ship almost manually. And if it were not for his clear and correct actions, the historic flight could have ended in tragedy - the members of the heroic crew could not have returned to Earth alive.
The monument to Pavel Belyaev, located on the Cosmonauts Alley, is part of the sculptural group consisting of five busts installed in 1967: on the left of Belyaev there are sculptures of Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, on the left - Alexey Leonov and Vladimir Komarov. All monuments are made in a similar manner.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to Tereshkova in Moscow
The bust of V.V. Tereshkova, installed in 1967 on the Cosmonauts Alley, was opened in honor of the first woman cosmonaut and Hero of the USSR.
The authors of the monument are the sculptor George P. Postnikov and the architects A. N. Kolchin and Mikhail Osipovich Barsch. Monument to the pilot of the spacecraft outwardly is a bronze bust portrait, erected on a granite pedestal.
The figurative expressiveness of the portrait is laconic, made in a heroic spirit and effective in its plastic form.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to Gagarin in Moscow
The monument-bust of the first-ever cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin is installed on the Cosmonauts Alley, located near the northern entrance hall of the VDNKh metro station.
The bust of the work of Lev Kerbel is included in the sculptural group consisting of five monuments to outstanding astronauts, performed in a single manner. Next to Yuri Gagarin there are sculptures of Valentina Tereshkova, Pavel Belyaev, Alexey Leonov and Vladimir Komarov.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to Solovyov in Moscow
The monument-bust twice to the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Solovyov was opened on the Alley of Astronauts on April 9, 2016 as part of a sculptural group, where, besides Solovyov%rsquo;s bust, there were busts twice to Heroes of the Soviet Union Alexander Alexandrov, Valentin Lebedev and Svetlana Savitskaya. The event was timed to the Day of Cosmonautics, and the heroes of the cosmos themselves took part in the opening of sculptures.
The sculptural composition is set near the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics at the obelisk %%%%To the Conquerors of Space%%%%. All sculptures are made in the same style. Architects V.V. worked on the project. Perfilyev and A.K. Tikhonov and sculptors A.V. Balashov, A.S. Zabaluev, E.I. Kazan and I.N. Novikov.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to Alexandrov in Moscow
The monument-bust twice to the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut Alexander Alexandrov was opened on the Cosmonauts Alley on April 9, 2016 as part of a sculptural group, where besides Alexandrov bust included the busts of Valentin Lebedev, Svetlana Savitskaya and Vladimir Solovyev. The event was timed to the Day of Cosmonautics, and the heroes of the cosmos themselves took part in the opening of sculptures.
The sculptural composition is set near the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics at the obelisk %%%%To the Conquerors of Space%%%%.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to Savitskaya in Moscow
The monument-bust twice to the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya was opened on the Alley of Cosmonauts on April 9, 2016 as part of a sculptural group, where besides the bust of the world%#39;s second female cosmonaut entered busts twice to Heroes of the Soviet Union Alexander Alexandrov, Valentina Lebedev and Vladimir Solovyov. The event was timed to the Day of Cosmonautics, and the heroes of the cosmos themselves took part in the opening of sculptures.
The sculptural composition is set near the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics at the obelisk %%%%To the Conquerors of Space%%%%. All sculptures are made in the same style. Architects V.V. worked on the project. Perfilyev and A.K. Tikhonov and sculptors A.V. Balashov, A.S. Zabaluev, E.I. Kazan and I.N. Novikov.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument-bust to V. V. Lebedev in Moscow
The monument-bust twice to the Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Valentin Lebedev, was opened on the Cosmonauts Alley on April 9, 2016 as part of a sculptural group, where besides Lebedev%#39;s bust included busts Alexander Alexandrov, Svetlana Savitskaya and Vladimir Solovyov. The event was timed to the Day of Cosmonautics, and the heroes of the cosmos themselves took part in the discovery of sculptures.
The sculptural composition is set near the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics at the obelisk %%%%To the Conquerors of Space%%%%. All sculptures are made in the same style.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Sculptural composition %%%%Solar System%%%% in Moscow
The sculptural composition %%%%Solar System%%%% appeared on Alley of Cosmonauts in 2008, during the capital reconstruction of the alley.
In the center of the composition there is the Sun, which is surrounded by 9 planets. The position of the planets relative to each other coincides with their real location in space at the time of October 4, 1957. It was on this day that the first launch of an artificial Earth satellite was made. On Earth, the dot indicates the location of the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
A remarkable fact: in 2006, two years before the creation of the sculpture, Pluto was officially excluded from the list of planets in the solar system and added to the category of %%%%dwarf planets%%%%. Despite this, the layout of the planets is still nine.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument to Glushko in Moscow
The monument to V.P.Glushko was opened on the Cosmonauts Alley in 2001 in honor of the famous engineer and scientist in the field of rocket and space technology.
Valentin Petrovich is the founder of the Russian rocket engine, based on the work of the fluid, and the general designer of the %%%%Energy-Buran%%%% complex.
Authorship of the monument belongs to the national artist and sculptor A.A. Bichukov. Its discovery was timed to the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first flight into space. Externally, it is a granite bust mounted on a pedestal about 2 meters high. The scientist is depicted wearing a jacket and tie. His gaze is focused and fixed on passing by.
Address: 1st Ostankinskaya St., 55A
Monument to M.V. Keldysh in Moscow
The monument to M.V. Keldysh was opened in 1981 in honor of three times Hero of Socialist Labor, a scientist in the field of mechanics and aero-gas dynamics of aircraft.
Monument to Mstislav Vsevolodovich was created from gray granite by sculptor Yuri Lvovich Chernov. It is a bust, made in hard plastic, which gives only a general idea of portrait similarity.
The bust was installed in the year of the 20th anniversary of the first manned flight into space. The monument fits well into the memorial ensemble of the Alley of Astronauts.
Address: Prospect Mira 111. Alley of Astronauts
Monument to Malchish-Kibalchish in Moscow
Back in 1972, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet pioneer organization, a monument to the young hero and ideal of the children of that era was erected on the main alley of the Palace of Pioneers located on the Sparrow Hills. It personifies all the strength and courage of the Soviet people, the readiness to stand up for the defense of their ideals, to give their lives in the struggle for justice. The main character of Gaidar%rsquo;s work was familiar to any child at that time. Malchish-Kibalchish possessed all the qualities of a real hero: being an orphan, he did not spend time with friends; he defended his native village from enemies, was captured, withstood terrible torture, but still did not betray military secrets.
The author of the monument is sculptor V. Frolov. The appearance of the boy is characteristic of young revolutionary heroes: frayed short pants and a shirt, an indispensable budenovka and lack of shoes. And at the same time in one hand he holds a sword, and in the other - a forge. It is noteworthy that even today the sculptural composition is of great interest not only among the representatives of the Soviet generation, but also among the youth.
Address: st. Kosygin, 17 building 8A
Monument to Ivan Yarygin in Moscow
Alexander Yarygin, famous freestyle wrestler, two-time Olympic champion, multiple winner of World and European Championships is cast in bronze in the Olympic village on Udaltsova street.
A full-length athlete%#39;s sculpture is set on a low pedestal, symbolizing the winners%rsquo; pedestal. Yarygin, of course, ranks first - the highest step of the pedestal.
The fate of the athlete is tragic. He died in a car accident at the 50th year of life in 1997 r. And only a year after his death, in 1998, in the Olympic Village, a tribute to the memory of an outstanding wrestler and a remarkable man was paid. The Olympic Village was named after Ivan Yarygin, and a monument was unveiled on his birthday on November 7.
Address: Udaltsova St., 50
Monument to the crew of the Kursk nuclear submarine in Moscow
The monument is a figure of a sailor with a cap in his hand against the background of the nuclear-powered submarine Kursk lying at the bottom.
The sculptural composition is located on a pedestal, made in the form of a stylized St. Andrew%#39;s flag. The inscription on the monument: %%%%In memory of the crew of the nuclear submarine cruiser Kursk, who died while performing a combat mission.%%%%
The memorial was erected not far from the museum of the Armed Forces in the neighborhood of another bright and no less tragic monument - a monument to the paratroopers of the Pskov division.
The atomic submarine cruiser Kursk died in the Barents Sea in August 2000 as a result of an explosion, the circumstances of which are still unclear, at least to wide circles. The ten-day rescue operation gave no results, and one hundred and eighteen members of the Kursk crew were killed. The death day of the Kursk team, on August 23, 2000, was declared a day of mourning in Russia. Only a year later, the Kursk was towed to shore, and in May-June 2002, the first compartment of the boat was lifted.
At the opening of the monument, Admiral Viktor Kravchenko, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, said that %%%%one of the best crews of submariners of the Northern Fleet died%%%% %%%%This is a monument to courage, heroism and grief,%%%% said the admiral.
Address: Soviet Army st., 2
Sculpture %%%%Yandex Horses%%%% in Moscow
Sculptures of horses at the main office of the company %%%%Yandex%%%% are two painted horse %%%%Clown%%%% and %%%%Evening Moscow%%%%. They are painted by children of Moscow boarding schools engaged in the Children of Mary studio.
Founder and first CEO A. Volozh purchased them at a charity auction in 2004. Now they are an integral part of the team - caring owners even took them from the old office and moved them to the new one. And for the people passing by, these horses are an interesting decoration of the territory of the business center and another reason to get a camera.
Address: Lev Tolstoy, d. 16
Monument to A.V. Alexandrov in Moscow
The monument to Alexandr Vasilyevich Alexandrov, a Soviet composer, choirmaster and conductor, founder of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army, the People%rsquo;s Artist of the USSR, was opened in the Agricultural Lane in April 2013.
The event was timed to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Alexandrov.
A.V. Alexandrov is the author of a number of well-known song compositions, but his most famous works are the music of the official anthem of the USSR, which has now become the music of the anthem of Russia, and the famous song of the times of the Great Patriotic War %%%%Holy War%%%%.
The authors of the monument - sculptor Alexander Taratynov and architect Mikhail Korsi - captured Alexandrov at the moment when the conductor in military uniform of the times of the Great Patriotic War, with a gesture that is on the rise, leads the orchestra.
In the foundation of the monument %%%%Time Capsule%%%% was laid - a letter to descendants from the current prominent cultural figures and art.
Address: Zemledelchesky Lane, 20
Monument to the soldiers who defended peace and freedom in the fight against fascism in Moscow
The monument, located in the Catherine Square, near Suvorov Square, was erected on the initiative of the Prefecture of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. It is dedicated to the residents of the Central Administrative District, participants of the Great Patriotic War. And those who fought on the fronts, and workers in the rear.
A sculpture composition is installed on a granite pedestal: a Soviet soldier in a cloak-tent, returning home after the war, and in front of him - three children holding hands, they all rejoice the Great Victory. The inscription on the pedestal is inscribed: %%%%To the Soldiers who defended peace and freedom in the fight against fascism.%%%% On the sides of the sculpture there are two stone slabs with dates of the beginning and end of the war.
Address: Durov st., 2
Monument to Koroviev and Begemot in Moscow
The writer Mikhail Bulgakov has enriched Russian literature with many fantastic characters that are perceived as absolutely real personalities. The former regent of Fagot and the hooligan cat Begemot are especially loved by the people. This merry couple was perpetrated several times by artists and sculptors. Here and in the courtyard of the house number 10, known to all Bulgakomans as %%%%302-bis%%%%, on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street in front of the entrance to the Bulgakov Museum guests are greeted by a monument to Koroviev and Behemoth by the work of the famous sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov.
The author created it in 1999, but the place was found only 11 years later. In fact, the whole architectural ensemble at the Patriarch%#39;s Ponds was conceived, where in addition to the above-mentioned monument there should have been a car with a driver-rook, carrying the queen from the ball, walking along the water of Yeshua, Pilate and even a giant primus stove. But the project remained unrealized, the car and the statue of the soaring Master and Margarita, together with their faithful companions, stood for a long time in the courtyard of the Rukavishnikov studio. In the anniversary year of the 120th anniversary of the writer%#39;s birth, inseparable friends took their present place.
Not all tourists realize that there are two Bulgakov Museums in the courtyard. The sculpture stands near the entrance to the %%%%Bulgakov dom%%%% on the first floor, here once lived a residential office, the lair of Schwonder. And the Museum %ldquo;Bad Apartment%rdquo; is located in the neighboring entrance on the 5th floor in the former communal apartment No. 50, the first dwelling of Mikhail Afanasyevich in Moscow.
Address: Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, 10
Monument to soldiers-paratroopers in Moscow
The monument to the soldiers-paratroopers who died during the fulfillment of the military duty was erected in late October 2002 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation near the Central Museum of the Armed Forces (2 Soviet Soviet Army Street). The monument was made by sculptor Mikhail Pereyaslavets, designed by architect Igor Voznesensky.
A memorial sign dedicated to the dead soldiers of the paratroopers of the 6th company, the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division.
On March 1, 2000 in the Argun gorge immediately after the landing they were forced to take an unequal battle with the superior forces of the enemy. 84 fighters were killed by the death of the heroes, but they did not retreat, according to official data, they managed to eliminate about 1,500 militants. The paratroopers did not flinch, did not retreat, fulfilled their military duty to the end, and blocked their way to the enemy at the cost of their lives, displaying courage and heroism.
Every year, officers of the landing troops gather near the monument to celebrate their professional holiday.
Address: st. Soviet Army, 2
Monument to St. Alexis the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia in Moscow
Monument to St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, was established in Moscow, in 2011, at the main gate of the Zachatiev Women%#39;s Stavropigalny Monastery. The project of the monument was made by the architect A.S. Zabaluev.
The figure of the metropolitan is made in full growth, his hands are directed forward, in his right hand Alexis is holding a model of the main monastic church - the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. It is known from history that Metropolitan Alexis was not only a church minister; he was a diplomat, a statesman. The metropolitan undertook a lot of forces to strengthen the Moscow principality and unite the Russian lands around it. Under Alexis, the construction of the stone Kremlin began in the 14th century.
Address: 2nd Zachatievsky lane, 2
Monument to F.I. Tolbukhin in Moscow
Monument to the outstanding commander of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal of the Soviet Union F.I. Tolbukhin was installed in 1960 in the Samotechny Square.
The growth bronze figure of the marshal is located on a pedestal of polished labradorite with a commemorative inscription: %%%%Marshal of the Soviet Union Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin 1894 - 1949%%%%.
The author of the monument, sculptor L. E. Kerbel, depicted Tolbukhin in military uniform, in a raincoat and with gloves in his hands. The commander is a little restrained, but at the same time filled with dignity.
Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich, a participant in the First World War, during the Great Patriotic War, fought in the Caucasus, Stalingrad, commanded the troops of the Southern, 4th Ukrainian, 3rd Ukrainian Fronts. Troops under the command of Tolbukhin participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, in the liberation of Ukraine and the Crimea, in the Yassy-Kishinev operation, in the liberation of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Austria. Freeman of Sofia (1946) and Belgrade (1947). He was buried in Red Square near the Kremlin wall.
Address: Olympic Avenue, 4
Monument to P.M. Tretyakov in Moscow
The monument to Tretyakov in Moscow is a monument dedicated to a well-known patron of the arts, erected in front of the building of the Tretyakov Gallery.
Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov became famous for the fact that on May 28, 1856 he founded the Tretyakov Gallery, where at present one can find the works of many masters.
This monument was opened on April 29, 1980. The sculptor of the monument was Alexander Pavlovich Kibalnikov, and the architect was Igor Evgenievich Rozhin.
The granite monument to Tretyakov looks very lively, as if he is the eternal director of the gallery named after the Tretyakov brothers, who, although he does not participate in meetings and does not solve current issues, is also a senior comrade here for all employees.
Address: Lavrushinsky Lane, 10
Monument %%%%Reunion%%%% in Moscow
The monument was erected in Moscow, on the eastern stylobate of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The composition depicts His Holiness Patriarch Alexis II of Moscow and All Russia and the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, the Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York Lavr, standing on a broken globe and holding the Christ the Savior Cathedral in their hands and the Act of canonical communion signed - the reunification of Russian and foreign parts of the Orthodox Church.
In 2017, the 10th anniversary of the restoration of the unity of the local Russian Orthodox Church was celebrated; the opening of the monument was timed to coincide with this anniversary. On June 18, 2017, after the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia consecrated the sculpture composition.
Address: Eastern stylobate of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
Monument to N.F. Filatov in Moscow
On the territory of the square of the Maiden%#39;s Field in Moscow there is a monument to Professor of the Moscow University Nil Fedorovich Filatov. The monument was erected in 1960 near the clinic of children%#39;s diseases. The monument to the famous pediatrician is made of bronze on a granite pedestal. The idea of the monument is to show N.F. Filatov, as a doctor, to whom, asking for help, the child nestles. Nil Fedorovich Filatov is the founder of pediatrics in Russia.
There is an inscription on the monument: %ldquo;To a friend of children, Nil Fedorovich Filatov.%rdquo; The project of the monument N.F. Filatov engaged sculptor V.E. Tsigal and G.I. architects Gavrilov and E.I. Kutyrev.
Address: Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street, Square Maiden%#39;s Field
Monument of N. A. Semashko in Moscow
Nikolai Ivanovich Semashko was an outstanding Soviet doctor and statesman, one of the organizers of the health care system in the Soviet Union. From 1918 to 1930, he bore the title of People%rsquo;s Commissar of Health.
Monument-bust to N.I. Semashko is installed on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street, near one of the administrative buildings of the Center named after I.M. Sechenov.
The monument is made of a single piece of granite with a pinkish tinge and is a pedestal, which goes up to the bust of the scientist. The sculptor accurately conveyed the appearance of Semashko. The inscription on the pedestal: %%%%Nikolai Semashko, the first people%#39;s commissar of health of the RSFSR%%%%. The total height of the monument is 4.1 meters.
Address: Bolshaya Pirogovskaya ul., 2S6
Monument to I.M. Sechenov in Moscow
In April 1958, exactly in front of the building of the First Moscow Medical Institute named after Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, a monument was erected to this outstanding and talented Russian scientist. The innovative techniques of the sculptor help to perceive the monument not as a half-figure, but as an image of a whole person, as the scientist is depicted here as if in a chair when he is giving a lecture.
I.M. Sechenov is recognized as %%%%the father of Russian physiology%%%%. His scientific works allowed substantiating the nature of the reflexes of unconscious and conscious human activity. His research helped to understand that certain physiological processes are at the basis.
In the name of I.M. Sechenov, two higher educational institutions are named - the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the USSR and the Moscow Medical Academy.
Address: Pirogovskaya Big st., 2, 13
Monument to Pirogov in Moscow
In 1897, the grand opening of the monument to the famous Russian surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov took place on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street. Nikolai Pirogov is a remarkable surgeon, anatomist, teacher, member of the Academy of Sciences. Thanks to his dedicated work, he introduced surgery in a new light and turned it into a science. He carried out surgical activity in 1855, during the Crimean War. In 1870, he also took part in the Franco-Prussian War. In 1877, being already in respectable age, he was at the front during the Russian-Turkish war.
The eminent surgeon is the first person in the world to use ether anesthesia in field situations. Nikolai Pirogov was awarded the title of honorable citizen of Moscow, and after the surgeon%rsquo;s death a monument to sculptor V. Sherwood was unveiled. Pirogov is depicted sitting in a chair, in one hand a skull, and in the other a surgical instrument. The creators of the monument managed to show all the dedication and perseverance of Pirogov to his work of life - surgery.
Address: Malaya Pirogovskaya St. 1A
Monument to the heroes of the film %%%%They Fought for the Motherland%%%% in Moscow
The monument to the heroes of the film %%%%They Fought for the Motherland%%%% was opened under the fence of the Ministry of Defense complex on Frunze Embankment on November 30, 2016.
%%%%They Fought for the Motherland%%%% - a feature film by Sergei Bondarchuk based on the novel by Mikhail Sholokhov, released on Soviet screens in 1975. The film tells about the life and exploits of Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, about how they and the civilian population relate to the war and how they interact with each other. The film fell in love with domestic viewers and was named the best film in 1976 by the Soviet Screen magazine poll.
The sculptural composition depicts five heroes of the film, following each other on the hard rocky soil: Nikolai Streltsov, Ivan Zvyagintsev, Peter Lopakhin and Alexander Kopytovsky, as well as common soldier Nekrasov. Soldiers are dressed in Soviet military uniforms and carry weapons and ammunition. Streltsov and Zvyagintsev go forward in silence, Lopakhin and Kopytovsky are discussing something, but Nekrasov stopped, turning back and as if assessing the path traveled. The monument is made of bronze in a realistic manner, in the image of the characters depicted the actors who played them: Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Sergey Bondarchuk, Vasily Shukshin, Georgy Burkov and Yuri Nikulin.
Address: 22/2 Frunze Embankment
Monument to Richard Sorge in Moscow
The monument to the famous intelligence officer Richard Sorge is located at the intersection of the street of the same name (Sorge Street) with Khoroshevskoye Highway, not far from the Polezhaevskaya metro station.
The monument is a human figure, as if passing through a wall. A scout with a stern expression confidently strides forward. He has a long coat; his hands are in his pockets. The figure is set on two granite slabs. On the sculpture there is a commemorative inscription: %%%%To the Hero of the Soviet Union, Richard Sorge.%%%%
Address: Khoroshevskoe Highway 92
Sculptural composition Song in Moscow
The sculpture %%%%Song%%%% appeared in the center of Tsvetnoy Boulevard in 1958. Three Russian peasant women (obviously, from the breed of those who %%%%stop the horse at a gallop, enter a burning hut%%%%) sing a song in the shadow of the picturesque trees of the boulevard.
The composition creates the impression of a rustic spirit, taking it from the center of Moscow to nature, in harmony with the color flowerbeds and greenery of Tsvetnoy Boulevard.
The short distance between the first and second girls is the best for sharing a photo with them.
Address: Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 16
Monument to Romulus and Remus in Moscow
The Moscow Metro station %%%%Rome%%%% is known for the fact that the most deep-lying monument of the capital is located on its territory. At a distance of more than fifty meters from the earth%#39;s surface, a sculptural group is set up - figures of two nude babies - Romulus and Remus. The sculptures of the future founders of Rome are made of porcelain. One boy sits on a pedestal, which looks like the ruins of collapsed columns; the second is considering something among them. The brothers look surprisingly naturalistic. The immediacy and inquisitiveness inherent in their age is very accurately conveyed by the authors.
This is not just a monument; it is also a fountain, which, however, does not hit the sky. The sculpture is beaten with flowing streams of water. This is a unique phenomenon for the Moscow subway: %%%%Roman%%%% is the only station where you can find a fountain.
The authors of this sculpture are the architect L. L. Berlin, as well as sculptors of Italian origin J. P. Imbrigue and A. Kuatrocci.
Not far from the monument there are four medallions made in this technique and supporting the general theme of the station decoration. One of them, for example, depicts a she-wolf, which nursed and raised the future founders of the Eternal City.
Address: Roman metro station
Monument to the participants of the Moscow December armed uprising of 1905 in Moscow
The monument to the participants of the Moscow December armed uprising of 1905 was opened in 1957 in the Perovsky Park of Culture and Recreation. Sculptor is V. Glebov.
The monument is a bronze sculpture of a worker holding a rifle and a banner flying in the wind. The figure is made in full growth and in motion. This is a collective image of a fighter in a given historical period in the life of our country. The sculpture of the worker is set on a granite pedestal, on which bronze bas-reliefs depicting moments of clashes with the autocracy are located on the sides. On the front side of the pedestal is a bronze plaque with a memorable inscription: %%%%To the participants of the Moscow December Uprising of the 1905 revolution of the working people of the city of Perovo, November 1956.%%%%
The December Uprising is the culminating episode of the 1905 Revolution. The insurgents %rsquo;speech began on December 7, when at many large enterprises in Moscow the workers did not go to work; meetings were held under the protection of armed guards. On December 9, the first barricades appeared in Moscow, and on December 10 their construction unfolded everywhere. Vigilantes focused on Presnya, which government troops subjected to artillery shelling. The Semenov regiment was called to Moscow, consisting of about 2 thousand soldiers and the uprising was suppressed.
Address: Perovsky Culture and Recreation Park
Monument to Uncle Styopa in Moscow
If Stepan Stepanov is a giant in Sergey Mikhalkov%#39;s poem, who lived %ldquo;in the house 8/1 at the Ilyich%#39;s outpost%rdquo;, than bronze uncle Styopa in Moscow in 2008 settled completely at a different address: Locksmith lane, 1, near the Moscow Regional Department of Traffic Police.
The traffic police for a long time hatched this idea. They turned to the sculptor Alexander Rozhnikov. And he proposed to perpetuate the image of perhaps the most positive and famous traffic controller - Stepan Stepanov.
Three-meter bronze giant, together with a small pedestal were cast at the Khimki fabric of Artworks. At first, the heroes were to be dressed in the old Soviet uniform, but in the end they settled on the modern Russian one. As conceived by the sculptor, it speaks of the continuity of generations.
Next to Uncle Stepa they planned to put two children. But they refused from such an artistic decision and chose a traffic light and a bird. Here, as in the cartoon of the same name, the guard Stepanov frees the bird that has flown into the device, and repairs the traffic light.
Address: Slesarny per., 1
Monument to the cat Vasily in Moscow
The monument is installed in the courtyard of the residential complex %ldquo;Houses on Taganka%rdquo; located at the intersection of Talalikhin and Broshevsky Lane and itself is not large, not more than a meter in height, but the color of the character does not leave anyone indifferent.
This funny sculptural character is loved by many Muscovites, as it is a prototype of the cat Vasily from the cartoon %ldquo;The Return of the Prodigal Parrot%rdquo; known from childhood. Looking at him you hear %%%%We are well fed here too.%%%% The cat Vasily imposingly settled down near the picturesque flower bed, leaning with one paw on the ground, and in the second holding the famous sausage.
Unfortunately, it is not known who was the author and the protagonist of this project, as well as the history is silent about the small details, but it is known that this monument was added to the list of the most unusual sculptures of the capital and that numerous tourists take pictures of the famous cat with pleasure.
Muscovites themselves are very positively disposed towards the monument, considering it amusing and at the same time folk as it symbolizes a whole era in which so much good has remained, including our Soviet cartoons with a hidden parody of the citizen%rsquo;s daily life and with a slight irony of themselves.
Address: Talalikhin Street, 8
Monument %%%%Explosion%%%% in Moscow
%ldquo;Explosion%rdquo; is a monument in honor of the heroism of 11 hero-engineers of the 8th Guards Rifle Division, General I. V. Panfilov. The grand opening of the monument took place on October 31, 1981, to the fortieth anniversary of the battle for Moscow. The memorial was installed at the 114th kilometer of the Volokolamsk highway in the Volokolamsk district of the Moscow region. Architect - A. Veselovsky.
The monument is an architectural composition: in the center of the memorial square there is a granite bollard with engraved dates %%%%1941-1945%%%% and a memorial tablet. On solemn days the Eternal Flame was lit here, the technical possibility of this is preserved. The line of concrete trenches, posts and rifle cells, which runs along the perimeter of the square, symbolizes the defensive position of the sappers. Opposite each of the cells is a memorable granite pedestal with the names of the heroes. The dominant composition is the %%%%explosion%%%%, the rays of which reared the Nazi tank. The starboard car dug into the ground, from the left side of the %%%%explosion%%%% tore the caterpillar and tore off the track rollers.
The monument was erected by engineering troops in 1981 at the 114th kilometer of Volokolamsk Highway. When it was created for authenticity, a real enemy tank was looking for a long time. Thanks to the residents of Volokolamsk, Shakhovsky, Lotoshinsky and Istra districts of the Moscow region, the military and the group of Veselovsky managed to establish that two German tanks lay in the swamp near the village of Podmarkovo, on the border of the Moscow and Kalinin regions. A special team pulled the car from the bottom of the swamp, the ammunition, which was in it, removed and disarmed. The tank was a German self-propelled artillery installation StuG III. She was conceived by the architect %%%%stopped%%%% by breaking a mine at the line of defense of the sappers. The monument was solemnly opened on October 31, 1981 in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the battle for Moscow.
Address: 114th kilometer of Volokolamsk Highway
Monument to N.A. Nekrasov in Moscow
The monument to N. A. Nekrasov is located on the Kosmodamianskaya Embankment of the city of Moscow. Its discovery occurred in June 1960. Originally, the monument was erected in front of school No. 613, which was named after him. But for the last few years, due to the repair work carried out on the school%rsquo;s territory, he stood covered with building boards, and in 2010 the commission of the Moscow Duma on monumental art decided to transfer it to another place. So, in 2011, the bust of Nekrasov was transported and installed next to the branch of the Central City Public Library, also named after him.
The authors of the project of the monument are sculptor I. Chaikov and architect A. Usachev The bust of the poet is made of bronze and mounted on a granite pedestal on a profiled base. The overall composition of the monument looks very harmonious and proportionate.
Address: Kosmodamianskaya nab.
Monument to the Winners in Moscow
The sculptural composition %%%%Winners%%%% was opened in 1975 on Veshnyakovskaya Street. The authors of the composition are the sculptor O. S. Kiryukhin; the architects are V. V. Lebedev and I. N. Voskresensky. The monument is set in a small public garden with a cast-iron fence and a beautiful flower garden.
The monument is a composition of three male figures; two are dressed for the worker, in robes and helmets, with safety chains. A peasant, wearing a shirt and trousers tucked in boots, has a cap on his head, just behind the workers. Together they hold a banner flying in the wind.
This monument is not to specific individuals, but the fact that together you can emerge victorious on the labor front and on the military, so one worker%rsquo;s hand is raised up, as if saluting victory.
The sculptures are set on a high granite pedestal, lined with marble tiles with a bronze plate on which is written: %ldquo;Winners. Sculptor: O. S. Kiryukhin. Architects: V. V. Lebedev, I. N. Voskresensky. 1975
Address: st. Stariy Gay, 9
Monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Yevgeny Mikhailov in Moscow
Mikhailov Evgeny Vitalyevich (1922%ndash;1944) was a Soviet fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, guard lieutenant. He was born in the village Chuhlinka, now within the precincts of Moscow, in a working class family. Russian. Graduated 9 classes, flying club. In the Soviet Army from 1940. He graduated from the Kachin military aviation school of pilots in 1941.
On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War from March 1943. The senior pilot of the 32nd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (3rd Guards Fighter Aviation Division, 3rd Air Army, 1st Baltic Front) Guards Lieutenant Mikhailov by March 1944 made 92 combat sorties in 22 air battles shot down 5 enemy aircraft.
On March 17, 1944, in the area of the Idritsa railway station (Sebezhsky District, Pskov Region), he sent his shot down plane into the enemy echelon with fuel. At the cost of life, he disabled the enemy%#39;s supply station. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded posthumously on October 26, 1944. He was also awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, and World War 1 degree.
Forever enrolled in the lists of the military unit. The monument to the Hero is installed at the railway station in the village of Idritsa. His name is a street in Moscow. A memorial plaque is installed on the building of the Moscow school number 786, where Hero studied.
Address: pos. Idritsa
Monument to Eduard Bagritsky in Moscow
The monument to the poet Eduard Georgievich Bagritsky was unveiled on November 18, 1982 in the territory of the Western District of Moscow.
The sculptural composition was performed by sculptor Valentina Georgievna Shatunovskaya. The architectural project belongs to the architects Vadim Vyacheslavovich Bogdanov and Vitaly Petrovich Sokolov.
The monument to the poet is made on the model of a high-relief portrait emerging from the depth of a granite stone raised on a pedestal. The five-pointed star carved next to the face of the poet is intended to indicate the ideological component of his poetry, which is close to the revolutionary-romantic pathos.
The monument to the poet Eduard Bagritsky stands on the street named after him.
Eduard Dzubin (Bagritsky - creative pseudonym) was born in Odessa in 1895. In the civil war he fought as part of a special partisan detachment as an instructor of the political department. From 1925 he lived in the settlement of Kuntsevo, which today is part of Moscow.
His work began with the writing of romantic poems dedicated to the October Revolution of 1917. This list includes works, among which the most famous are %%%%Front%%%%, %%%%February%%%%, and also %%%%Liberation%%%%.
In 1926, Eduard Georgievich presented his significant work to the public - the poem %ldquo;The thought about Opanas%rdquo;, the events described in which relate to the dramatic period of civil confrontation in Ukraine.
Address: st. Bagritsky
Monument to the consumer and creator in Moscow
The unusual Monument to the consumer and the creator is located next to the gallery of the artist of Yu.A. Mirakova, 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street in Moscow. The monument is a cube standing on one of its corners. The cube is wrapped with iron wire. This amazing sculpture was created by Russian artist and sculptor Yuri Mirakov. He is the main artist of the Foundation of Lev Ivanovich Yashin.
Now the sculpture adorns the entrance to the workshop and gallery of Mirakov more than 10 years. The sculpture was installed in 2002. On the pedestal of an unusual sculpture the words are written %%%%DEDICATION TO THE CONSUMER AND THE CREATOR%%%%.
Address: 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, 12 k2
Monument to M.V. Frunze in Moscow
The monument to M.V. Frunze on the Maiden%#39;s Field in Moscow was installed in 1927. Its author is the famous Soviet sculptor Sergey Dmitrievich Merkurov. The monument stands in front of the building of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Federation (previously, the M.V. Frunze Academy).
Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze entered the history of the country as a talented commander who held the posts of People%#39;s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chief of Staff of the Red Army. After his death in 1925, the Academy of the Red Army was named after him. At the same time, the sculptor Merkurov, one of the few who was trusted by the image of state men of all ranks, received an order for the manufacture of the monument.
The monument is made in the form of a bust mounted on a high pedestal with a facing of gray marble. Frunze is depicted in military uniform with two Orders of the Red Banner on his chest. On his head - budenovka, the famous symbol of the revolutionary era and civil war. The sculpture with its simplicity and conciseness is fully consistent with the time of creation.
Address: Maiden Field Ave, 2
Monument to F. F. Erisman in Moscow
The monument to Fyodor Fedorovich Erisman - the founder of scientific hygiene in Russia was opened in 1937 opposite the building of the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Sculptor: N. S. Shevkunov. Repair and restoration work of the monument was carried out in 2001.
The monument to Erisman is a small bronze bust with a ceremonial - official portrait image. The bust is installed on a granite pedestal with a memorable inscription: %ldquo;F. F. Erisman 1842 - 1915. %%%%. The monument looks like a three-level rectangular pedestal in terms of the pylon mounted on a small platform %nbsp;with a low fence. The monument to Erisman is located in the courtyard of the academy among trees and bushes.
Fedor Fedorovich Erisman was one of the largest hygienists of the second half of the XIX century, Swiss by birth. In Moscow, he participated in the sanitary inspection of factories of the province, one of the first sanitary doctors of the Moscow provincial zemstvo, professor of the hygiene department of Moscow University. In 1889%ndash;90, at the initiative of Erisman, the Hygienic Institute was organized, on the basis of which the Moscow Sanitary Station was established. He was also an active participant in the construction of university clinics on the Maiden%#39;s Field. He created the scientific school of hygienists, the founder of professional hygiene and the reformer of its teaching in Russia. He worked on issues of water supply and sanitation in Moscow, problems of school hygiene. An eminent scientist, author of hundreds of scientific works, F. F. Erisman always strived for practical activity. His work in the field of water supply, sewage, irrigation of the fields was the beginning of a widely ramified system of preventive sanitary and hygienic measures, which have not lost their significance even today.
Address: Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street 2C2
Monument-bust of N.F. Gamaley in Moscow
The monument to the bust microbiologist and epidemiologist Nikolai Fyodorovich Gamaley was opened in 1956 in front of the building of the Scientific and Clinical Center for Outpatient Diagnosis and Treatment of Tumor and Pretumor Diseases. The authors of the monument N.F. Gamaley are: sculptors S. Ya. Kovner and N. A. Maksimchenko, architect E. P. Vulykh.
Monument to N.F. Gamaley is a small bronze bust of a scientist, made in an official - ceremonial performance with a characteristic portrait likeness, with awards on his jacket. A bust was installed on a beautiful granite pedestal with a commemorative inscription in gold letters: %%%%Nikolai Fedorovich Gamaley 1859 - 1949%%%%. Monument to N.F. Gamaley stands in the courtyard of the clinical center among the vegetation.
Gamaleya Nikolai Fedorovich was a doctor, one of the founders of Russian microbiology and epidemiology, corresponding member, honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Throughout his long, bright life, Nikolai Fyodorovich was engaged in the development of many theoretical questions, aided by the vast experimental material he received and the inquiring analytical mind.
Printed heritage of the scientist is enormous - books and several hundred articles. His major works - textbooks, monographs - have survived more than one edition; a number of them have been translated into foreign languages. N.F. Gamaleya was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, elected an honorary academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. A tireless worker, a great experimenter and theorist, he devoted his life to science.
Address: Pogodinskaya, 1
Monument to S. Korsakov in Moscow
The monument - bust of the psychiatrist Sergey Sergeevich Korsakov was opened on October 28, 1949 in the courtyard of the S. Korsakov Psychiatric Clinic of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. The authors of the monument: sculptor S. D. Merkurov and architect I. A. Frantsuz, created a monument of red granite with unusual shape and content, with a memorable inscription: %%%%Professor Sergey Sergeevich Korsakov - a scientist and thinker psychiatrist humanist 1854 - 1900%%%%.
Monument to S.S. Korsakov is a portrait bust with bright psychological expressiveness and careful plastic processing, carved out of blocks of red granite, part of which is left untreated, and mounted on a pedestal made of massive stone blocks. The image of Korsakov is characterized by deep intelligence, high simplicity and democracy.
S. Korsakov was an outstanding physician and scientist, one of the founders of domestic psychiatry, did much to improve the mental health care of the population, the organization of new hospitals in the province. His scientific work made a great contribution to psychiatry. He wrote the classic work %ldquo;The Course of Psychiatry%rdquo;, where he developed thoughts about the humane attitude towards the sick, stressed that the state should take care of mentally ill people and take measures to prevent mental illness. The life credo of Korsakov was determined by the selfless service to Russia, the help of the suffering, the preservation of public health.
Address: Rossolimo St., 11
Monument to Alexei Abrikosov in Moscow
Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov is an outstanding Soviet medical scientist in the field of pathologic anatomy. Hero of Socialist Labor. Author of more than 100 scientific papers on medicine. Aleksey Ivanovich is widely known for doing the first embalming of the body of V. I. Lenin and made a conclusion about his death.
The monument-bust of academician Abrikosov is installed on the Maiden%#39;s Field in front of the building of the Department of Operative Surgery and Pathological Anatomy of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov. The lane in which the monument is located is also named after the scientist - Abrikosovsky.
The monument is a bronze bust on a polished column of dark granite with a memorable inscription: %%%%Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov. 1875 -1955. Academician, Hero of Socialist Labor, founder of Soviet pathological anatomy, educator of many generations of students and doctors.%%%% The image of a medical scientist is made with a portrait likeness. Academician is depicted in a suit with a medal of the Hero of Socialist Labor on his chest.
Address: Abrikosovsky lane, 1s1
Bust of B. V. Petrovsky in Moscow
The bust of V.I. Petrovsky is located on Apricot Lane, near the main entrance of the Russian Scientific Center of Surgery Boris Vasilyevich. Sculptor Sergey Sergeevich Shcherbakov, architect V. Perfilyev worked on the monument.
B.V. Petrovsky was the founder and specialist in the field of reconstructive surgery, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Address: Abrikosovsky lane, 2
Monument to V.F. Snegirev in Moscow
The monument to Snegirev Vladimir Fedorovich - the founder of gynecology - was solemnly opened in 1967 at the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the central administrative district of Moscow. The author of the monument is an outstanding Russian sculptor S.T. Konenkov.
Monument to V.F. Snegirev is a sculpture of an elderly doctor, in a natural and relaxed position, sitting on a chair. We see a kind and cheerful person, whose face, eyes sparkle with good nature, warmth and satisfaction, as if after a just completed successful operation. Portrait similarity is generalized - at the level of characteristic features; however, the nature, spiritual essence, style of behavior of the hero is transmitted by the sculptor extremely brightly and eloquently. A low pedestal of the monument to V.F. Snegirev, with beveled ends, as it settles under the weight of a massive armchair and a heavy figure. But in this massiveness, the monumentality of the plastic volume does not have a burden, on the contrary, despite it, the image of the monument of V.F. Snegirev seems surprisingly expressive, dynamic, as if radiating a tremendous creative energy of good.
Vladimir Fedorovich Snegirev was a highly gifted, comprehensively educated scientist, an outstanding clinician, a brilliant surgeon and an exceptionally talented teacher. He created his school, as well as the Moscow Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Vladimir Fedorovich left 70 scientific papers; he is the author of the classic monograph %ldquo;Uterine Hemorrhages%rdquo;, which received worldwide recognition. He was the director of the gynecological clinic, which now bears his name. He founded the first Russian Institute of Advanced Training of Gynecologists. He personally performed over 2000 operations.
Address: Elansky street 2, 1
Monument to the Russian intelligentsia in Moscow
The monument is a Pegasus %%%%symbol of the arts%%%%, soaring into the sky. Arrows pierce his obstacles that arise in the way of a creative personality.
The monument to the Russian intelligentsia, which suffered during the period of totalitarianism, was erected on June 29, 2004 in the public garden near the Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center in Moscow. The composition authors are Moscow sculptors Daniel Mitlyansky and Galina Shilina, architect Grigory Saevich and metal master Sergei Ivanov.
The organizers and sponsors of the creation and installation were Alfa-Bank, the Political Party %%%%Union of Right Forces%%%% and the Andrei Sakharov Foundation.
The copper horse in a very tense posture, with a muzzle, distorted by pain, flies over the %%%%explosion%%%% - a bouquet of rusty steel strips. Three especially nasty stripes are raised vertically upwards, they pierce, but at the same time they support the horse in the air.
Address: st. Zemlyanoy Val, 57
Monument to the Soviet family in Moscow
This monument of the Brezhnev era, hardly anyone remembers in more detail. It symbolizes a strong Soviet family, but if you take a closer look, you can see all three of the scars on the face. What is it - leprosy, or the waste of a foundry? Maybe that%#39;s why they pushed the monument away, into the courtyards of Sretensky lanes.
However, the artists like it; there is a reproduction of the picture, which depicts this monument.
Address: Pushkaryov Pereulok, 15
Alley of Russian rulers in Moscow
Alley of the Russian rulers is a sculptural composition, located in Moscow. It consists of a set of identical steles, on which are installed the busts of all the rulers of Russia, starting with the half-legendary Prince Rurik. The space where the busts are located is a small square, inside the local area at the address - Petroverigsky Lane, 4, p. 1, the square near the Museum of military uniforms RVIO. In front of the entrance to the alley stands a monument to Ivan the Terrible.
The opening of the avenue took place on May 26, 2017. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation and the RVIO Chairman Vladimir Medinsky and the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. On September 22, 2017, the opening of the busts of Soviet leaders took place, and on April 23, 2018 the opening of the bust of the first President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin took place.
The sculptor who made all the busts is Zurab Tsereteli.
Address: Petroverigsky Lane, 4, 2
Monument Friendship Forever in Moscow
The forty-two meter symbol of eternal friendship between the Russian and Georgian peoples is a column assembled from letters of the Russian and Georgian alphabets. The letters of the alphabets are formed into words: unity, peace, fraternity, work. The column is crowned with a large, gilded wreath of interlaced vines with wheat ears, symbolizing the strong friendship of peoples.
On a wide flat pedestal there are unfolded scrolls with quotations of famous Russian and Georgian writers and poets. With its monumentality, the Monument symbolizes a strong centuries-old friendship between the fraternal peoples of Russia and Georgia. The monument has the second unofficial name %ldquo;Shashlik%rdquo;.
The monument was created by the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli in 1983 in honor of the bicentenary of the signing of the St. George tract between Russia and Georgia on friendship and patronage and the supreme power of Russia with the Georgian kingdom. The monument was erected on Tishinskaya Square. Until 1991, the monument was a double; the second monument was named %ldquo;Bond of friendship%rdquo; and was installed in Tbilisi. In 1991, by order of Zviad Gamsakhurdia, the monument was blown up.
Address: Tishinskaya Square
Monument to the Beskudnikovsky railway line in Moscow
The Beskudnikovsky railway branch (the Beskudnikovo-Losinoostrovskaya branch) was a railroad that existed in 1900-1987, connecting the Yaroslavl and Savyolovsky directions of the Moscow Railway. It passed through the present territory of the northern regions of Moscow (Beskudnikovo, Otradnoe, Sviblovo).
In the 1940s, passenger traffic was opened along the branch; in total, 6 passenger platforms operated. The line was closed in 1987, when construction began on the northern radius of the Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya metro line. Multi-storey buildings were built at the site of the tracks, and the metro station Otradnoe was located at the intersection with them. Interestingly, even after the road was closed and the way was parsed, the Beskudnikovskaya branch often appeared on new maps of the city until the 2000s.
The preserved support of the contact network on Dekabristov Street became part of the monument erected in 2005. The composition of the monument consists of a lantern on the support console, a wheelset on a small fragment of the rail-sleeper grid and a children%#39;s train. The arrangement of the monument did not take into account the true location of the path, and the rails lie perpendicular to the real direction of the branch. At the same time, the engine is directed correctly, towards the platform Otradnoe.
Address: Dekabristov st., 20, block 3
Monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow
Monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov is a work of sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov, dedicated to the creator of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is located in the Armory Square at the intersection of the Armory Lane and Dolgorukovskaya Street in Moscow.
Soviet and Russian designer of small arms, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Mikhail Kalashnikov, primarily known for his Kalashnikov assault rifle, died on December 23, 2013 in Izhevsk at the 95th year of life. As indicated on the website of the Kalashnikov concern, %ldquo;the Kalashnikov assault rifle, produced by the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant of the State Corporation Russian Technologies, participated in all armed conflicts of the second half of the last century. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Kalashnikov assault rifle remains the most sought-after small arms in the world. In 55 states there are more than 100 million AK units. In Egypt, he has a monument, in Afghanistan, the silhouette of a weapon is embroidered on carpets, and in some African countries newborn boys are called Kalash. %rdquo;
The monument is a figure of Mikhail Kalashnikov with a gun in his hands. As the author of the monument, Salavat Shcherbakov, said, %ldquo;many wanted Kalashnikov to be without weapons, but we made sure that the author looks at his machine gun as a work of art, for example, as a Stradivarius violin%rdquo;. The statue is 5 meters high and stands on a 2-meter pedestal, since, according to Shcherbakov, Kalashnikov is %ldquo;the main figure here%rdquo; and %ldquo;a man of great modesty%rdquo;, he %nbsp;%ldquo;was close to the people and was flesh of the people%rdquo;.
Address: Oruzheyny lane, 39
Monument to V.V. Kuibyshev in Moscow
The monument to the revolutionary and party leader Valerian Kuybyshev is installed in a public garden near Preobrazhenskaya Square, opposite the building where the Soviet Union located the Kuybyshevsky District of the CPSU (now Prefecture of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow) was located in Soviet times.
The monument is a figure of a man in military uniform, whose left hand with a clenched fist raised to chest level, the right is lowered. Kuibyshev%#39;s sculpture is installed on a stone pedestal, resembling a tribune, with a laconic inscription: Kuibyshev V.V.
In the 1990s, the district committees were abolished, the Kuibyshev district was renamed, and the monument remained standing. By the way, this is one of the few monuments of revolutionary figures, which was not dismantled at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century.
Address: Preobrazhenskaya Square, 9
Monument to the surgeon A.V. Vishnevsky in Moscow
The monument to Alexander Vasilyevich Vishnevsky is located in front of the clinic building of Kazan Medical University. The monument was erected in 1973, on the centenary of the birth of the world famous surgeon. The sculptor of the monument is V.I. Rogozhin, and the architect is A.A. Sporius. The bust of A. V. Vishnevsky and a rectangular pedestal are carved out of a single granite block. The face of A.V. Vishnevsky is made in a generalized plastic form. The sculptor reliably conveyed the portrait features and expressed the inner content of the scientist and Doctor A.V. Vishnevsky. An important compositional point of the sculpture is the expressive hands of the surgeon.
On the pedestal of the monument, on its frontal part, there is an inscription: %%%%Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Vishnevsky Alexander Vasilyevich.%%%% The total height of the monument is 3 meters and 90 centimeters. The monument to A.V. Vishnevsky is located on the background of a stone wall located on the corner of A. Butlerov and L. Tolstoy streets. The wall is lined with slabs and is part of the ensemble of the monument.
Alexander Vishnevsky was born in 1874 in Dagestan. He was an outstanding surgeon, founder of the Kazan and Moscow surgical school, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, honored scientist of the RSFSR. In 1899 A.V. Vishnevsky graduated from Kazan University. In the same year, A. V. Vishnevsky went to work there. In 1912 he became a professor of surgery. In Moscow A.V. Vishnevsky headed the Institute of Experimental Medicine (VIEM) and the Central Institute of Advanced Medical Studies (CIU) from 1934 to 1944. In 1947, he became director of the Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery. In 1936, the clinic of the Kazan Medical University was named after him. In 1948, his name was given to the Institute of Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.
Address: Serebryany Lane, 4
Monument to directors V. Shukshin, A. Tarkovsky, G. Shpalikov in Moscow
The sculptural composition dedicated to three famous VGIK - screenwriter Gennady Shpalikov, actor Vasily Shukshin and director Andrei Tarkovsky was installed on September 1, 2009 on the steps at the entrance to the famous forge of domestic cinema - VGIK. The monument was erected on the initiative of students and timed to the 90th anniversary of the university.
At the opening of the monument, one of the guests of honor, Sergei Solviev, who himself graduated from the VGIK directing department, commented on the monument: %%%%These figures have never been professors of VGIK, have not been leaders of VGIK and members of academic councils, but they fully determined the artistic face of the national and world cinema of the second half of the 20th century.%%%% According to the director, the initiators of the creation of the monument were, among others, students of the institute, and the sculptor was Alexey Blagovestnov, also known for the monument to Viktor Tsoi, who sits on a motorcycle.
The sculptural composition is a figure of three people. Two of them are standing (these are Gennady Shpalikov and Andrey Tarkovsky), and Vasily Shukshin is sitting on the steps next to them.
Address: V. Pika ul., 3
Sculpture Pencil with Blot in Moscow
The monument to Mikhail Rumyantsev, who was called the Pencil on the stage, and his dog, which became true legends of the Soviet circus, was installed at the initiative of the Union of Circus Figures in 2008. The author of the project, Vyacheslav Dolgov, as if portrayed a famous clown at the time of the performance %mdash; there is a familiar hat on the artist%#39;s head, a cane in his hands, and his faithful companion, Blot dog, at his feet. Interestingly, the first clown%#39;s pet was called quite differently, but one day someone compared the little black terrier running around the stage to a blot, and since then this name has been firmly established for all subsequent four-legged colleagues in the scene, even if they officially had other nicknames.
The monument is located at the House of the Union of Circus Workers of Russia not by chance - it was there that the famous artist lived and worked for many years. During its existence, the sculpture has acquired a legend - if you hold on to the clown%#39;s thumb raised up, then success in your life will not keep you waiting long.
Address: st. Efremova, 12, 2