ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЕ Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследииа К ЖИЗНИ
Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследии
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Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследии ЖИЗНИ
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Товарищи! Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследии
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«Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследии»
Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследии , символический рассказ, обычно неизвестного происхождения и по крайней мере отчасти традиционный, который якобы связывает фактические события и особенно связан с религиозными убеждениями. Он отличается от символического поведения (культового, ритуального) и символических мест или объектов (храмов, икон). Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследииы - это конкретные рассказы о богах или сверхчеловеческих существах, участвующих в чрезвычайных событиях или обстоятельствах за время, которое неуточнено, но которое понимается как существующее помимо обычного человеческого опыта. Термин « мифология» означает изучение мифа и тела мифов, принадлежащих к определенной религиозной традиции.
Этот фильм 1973 года, выпущенный Encyclopædia Britannica Educational Corporation, исследует греческий миф как первобытную фантастику, как скрытую историю, и как результат доисторического ритуала.
Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследииологическая фигура, возможно, Диониса, верховая езда на пантере, эллинистическая эмблема опус-тесселлату из Дома масок в Делосе, Греция, 2-го века.
Этот фильм 1973 года, выпущенный Encyclopædia Britannica Educational Corporation, исследует греческий ...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследииологическая фигура, возможно, Диониса, верховая езда на пантере, эллинистическая эмблема осессела ...
Димитри Пападимос
Как со всеми религиозными Символизм , есть ... (100 из 24 735 слов) года.
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Искусство обмана - Контроль ума и религия
Найдена еврейская столица Ашкенази
Ашкеназские евреи контролируют 96% западных СМИ
Евреи Ашкенази из Хазарской империи - Нет отношения к Аврааму
Азиатская американская деревня
Объявлен участок убийства Обамы
Убийство, убийство, геноцид, пытки и подрывные действия народов)
Ассамблеи Бога и связь между Великобританией и Израилем
Ассамблеи Бога, Сара Пэйлин, Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Израиля
Ассамблеи Бога; Церковь Божья во Христе - Связь Иллюминатов
AZUSA - Чарльз Пархам, KKK, Ассамблеи Бога, Ротшильд, COGIC, Альберт Пайк
«Израиль потерял право на существование
BABYLON THE GREAT - католик или еврей?
Банкиры - теневое правительство ИЛЛЮМИНАТИ - национализация банков
Банкиры, Иллюминати и Связь Ротшильда
Банковское дело, задолженность, бумажные деньги и рабство
Банки - Уолл-стрит - Главная улица
Банки-спасение - социализм, помогающий капитализму
Банки Национализация - социализм для богатых, капитализм для бедных
Знамя правды
Крещеные огнем - говорящие на языках
Провод новостей Барака Обамы
Барон Эли Роберт де Ротшильд мертв, но династия живет
Б'най Брит, ККК и масонская связь - Основана евреями
Новости BBC Ближнего Востока
BBC Ближний Восток Новости - 2
bbc pics gaza
Блог вероисповедания
Бенни Хинн - разоблачить
Бенни Хинн и оккультизм
Бенни Хинн обнажен
Церковь Бесеев адвентистов седьмого дня
Центр христианских ресурсов Бермудских островов
Остерегайтесь - Ложный сайт пророчества Библии - Остерегайтесь
Остерегайтесь ложных пророчеств и обмана в Теории Восхищения
Остерегайтесь колдовства
Библейская логика - Слева за десантизмом
Библейское пророчество - Книга Даниила
Библейское пророчество - Книга Откровения
Библейское пророчество - Миры Последний шанс
Библейское пророчество - Worlds Last Chance - Видео
Библейское пророчество и история - История Церкви - Реформация
Библейское пророчество и Антихрист
Диаграммы пророчества Библии
Уроки Библейского Пророчества
Истина Библейского пророчества
Истина Библейского пророчества - Второе пришествие Христа
Истина Библейского пророчества Согласно Слову Божьему
Раскрыты секреты Библии - Дуг Батчелор
Изучение Библии
Изучение Библии - Даниил и Откровение
Изучение Библии On-line
Изучение Библии - Иисус - Господь - Откровение Объясните
Изучение Библии для детей
Говоря языком
Переводы Библии на основных языках
Библейская правда
Библия Truth.com
Большие новости
Бильдербергская группа
Билл Клинтон и масонские президенты - Иллюминаты
Билл Клинтон Подключение к иезуитам
Билл Клинтон действительно Билл Рокфеллер, сын Винтропа Рокфеллера и Мэри Блит
Билл Клинтон Реальный отец был губернатором
Билл Маер против религии - «Религиозный»
Интервью Билла Мойерса с Джереми Райтом
Биллборд о седьмой день субботний тянет жалобы
Билли Грэм - Открыт - Ложный Учитель - Масоны
Билли Грэм - Великий обманщик
Билли Грэм - Нечестивый альянс
Билли Грэм, Орал Робертс, Кеннет Коупленд - Масоны - Иллюминаты
Биологическая война с гражданами США - Пластиковые гробы
Движение Birther
Епископ Эдди Лонг - грехи ложных прибылей или пророков
епископ Эдди Лонг »Новости Ch, News Channel, Google Trends
Епископ Эдди Лонг Крупнейший бенефициарий благотворительности, который он основал
Епископ Эдди Лонг сталкивается с неопределенным будущим
Епископ Эдди Лонг выступил за секс с молодыми мальчиками в 2006 году?!?
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Епископ Стивен Арнольд уходит из баптистской церкви Св. Марка
Епископ Стивен Арнольд, отставка Видео
Новости епископа Томаса
Черные Церкви
Черное греческое письмо Братства и братства Иллюминаты: традиция миш-образования
Черная история
Черная магия - Бывший масоны разоблачил культ
Черная магия - Белая магия - Масонские символы - Поклонение сатане
Черная поэзия
Черный папа - иезуиты и ассасины Ватикана
Черный Папа или Белый Папа - Кто контролирует
Черный Папа отказывается от интервью с христианской организацией
Black Talk Radio Host Джеймс Харрис призывает Маккейна усилить атаку Обаму -
Блэкуотер и рыцари Мальты - над законом
Блэкуотер в Ираке - Рыцари Мальты
Блэкуотер в Ираке - ^ Ночи Мальты
Блэкуотер, представляющий христианские крестовые походы: Форум - Является ли Эрик Принс для Бога?
Блэкуотер: рыцари Мальты в Ираке
Ослепленные и обманутые христиане привели к бойне
Blk Christian Experience
Блоги - Джон Маккейн - Политика
Блоги - США сегодня - Религия и политика
Born Again отчеты
Бойкот Израиль за преступления против человечности
Мозговые христиане - вводят в заблуждение и любят его
Дыхание жизни ТВ с Уолтером Пирсоном
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Бристоль Палин Последние новости
Британский империализм и NWO - Милнер, Родос, Ротшильд, - Тайные общества
Британский Израиль - Сесил Роудс, Ротшильд, Мейсон и Белый Расизм
Британский Израиль - Родос, Милнер, Ротшильд, Южная Африка Связь с NWO
Британский Израиль - Сионизм Ротшильдов - Альянсы Бога, COGIC и Foursquare Connection
Британский Израиль - Теология контроля мира - Восхищение
Британский Израиль и еврейская связь
Британский Израиль и Иллюминаты -
БРИТАНСКИЙ ИЗРАИЛИЗМ - Антибиблогическое богословие
Британский-Израиль - Иллюминаты - Сионизм - Белый национализм - Восхищение
Британский-Израиль - Белый национализм - Ассамблеи Бога - Восхищение
Британцы / Израиль - Десять потерянных племен
Британский Израиль Хоакс и Евангельский альянс
Нападение администрации Буша на некоторые основополагающие принципы американской демократии
Буш Семейные связи Эвгеника Расовая гигиена - Рокфеллер - Германия Эксперименты
Кампания ненависти и расизма
Канадская Палестинская Сеть
Капитализм к социализму: ???
Кэрол Маккейн - первая жена Джона Маккейна
Знание Картера - Англия
Знание Картера - Англия
Католические пап
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Католическая служба помощи
Ce Ce Winans - Алебастр Box
Cece Winans - женщина, которую вы рекламируете, - коробка Алебастра
Кельтская церковь Суббота седьмого дня
Оспаривание христианского сионизма
CHARISMATIC CHAOS - беспрецедентный обман - подделка сатаны
Чарльз Блейк - Западная Англия COGIC
Чарльз Сперджен отверг Диспенсационализм и Восхищение
Cheri Peters и True Step для восстановления зависимости.
Новости Chicago Tribune - Политика
Чой «Проповедник счастья» совершает самоубийство
Христианская библейская правда
Христианские новости
Новости христианской почты
Христианский ресурсный центр
Христианские правые часы
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Христианский сионизм: британская перспектива
Христианский сионизм: оправдание расизма во имя Бога
Христианский сионист и евреи вместе
Христианство, захваченное британской израильской доктриной Восстания Ротшильдов и иезуитов
Христианство сегодня
Церковь -Политика - выборы 2008
Церковь и политика - Небеса
церковь и государство
Церковь Pew Forum
Церковные предупреждения - епископ Эдди Лонг
Отчет ЦРУ - Израиль упадет за 20 лет
Город Давид
150-летие гражданской войны
Хроники Клинтона - наркотики, женщины и убийства
Невероятные христиане. Почему они обманываются «Восхитительным обманом»?
Новости CNN - Ближний Восток
политика cnn
Главные новости CNN
COGIC Convocation покидает Мемфис
Главная страница COGIC
Колин Пауэлл Рэппинг и танцы
Члены Комиссии по депопуляции и СПИДу
Центр похвалы сообщества - доктор Генри Райт
Концентрационные лагеря и гражданские трудовые лагеря
Концентрационные лагеря в американском - Пластиковые гробы
Признания бывшего еврея - Доктрина Ротшильда Контролирует наши жизни
Заговор - иллюминаты, Бильдерберг, NWO - слишком чудовищно, чтобы задуматься
Конституция иезуитов - Бык 1540 года - Совет Трента
Спорная кинокомпания и промоутер доктрины ложного увлечения
Совет по внешним связям Главная страница
Доллар Creflo
Новости Крукс и Лжец
Текущие события Youtube - Midsouthblack
Сайрус Скофельд, баптист, сионисты и связь иллюминатов
CYRUS SCOFIELD - Агент Ротшильда - Британский Израиль
Daily Kos - блоги, новости, политика
Daily Kos - Новости, Политика
Ежедневно Кос, Новости, Политика
Опасности Секретного Восхищения -
Темные тайны богемской рощи
Темная правда
Дэйв Хант учит иезуитам и антихристской доктрине
Дэвид Ассерик по эволюции
Дэвид Хокинг
Дэвид Рейган - Волки в овечьей шкуре
День первый - Неблагоприятное продвижение дня Господа - (Знак зверя)
Мертвые знания
Агентство перспективных исследований в области обороны (DARPA)
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Реформаторы научили Восхищению
Разве журнал времени поставил Хорнса на Билли Грэма? Правда только что вышла
Связь Диснея и Иллюминатов
Дисней и обман иллюминатов
Диспенсационализм и иудейство христианских евангелистов (христианский сионизм)
Диспансационализм анализируется политически
Врачи без границ
Существует ли евангельское богословие в твердом фонде?
Всегда ли Бог исцеляет?
Имеет ли Израиль право на существование?
Д-р Чарльз Стэнли - В Тонче
Доктор Генри Гейтс Spot Light Racial Profilling - Блог Джона Ридли
Доктор Генри Райт - Проповеди -1
Д-р Джеремия Райт называет тех, кто считает, что Обама - мусульманские психопаты
Д-р Джереми Райт называет сионизм «белым расизмом»
Д-р Джереми Райт говорит правду - Fox News Lies
Д-р Сэмюэл Пипим
Двойные заветы христиане и сионизм
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Землетрясение в Гаити, сделанное человеком, говорит ученый
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Эдди Лонг
Старейшина Филлип Бриттон Кондоменция Гостевая книга
Выборы 2008 - CNET
Выборы 2008 - Опрос Гэллапа
Технология электронного волшебства и синего луча: инструменты четвертого зверя
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События End-Time
Вечный огонь - подпись Иллюминатов
Вечный огненный оккультный символ
Вечная безопасность - факт или вымысел
Евген - Геноцид - Фонд Рокфеллера
Закон об унификации и депопуляции - Стерилизация силы - Рокфеллеры, Осборнс, Харриман, Карнеги
Основы Eugenics и Rockefeller NWO
Новости Eurweb
Евангельская христианская молитва для Израиля
Евангелисты присоединяются к Антихристу и учат другому Евангелию
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Ложные часы пророчества - с Филиппом Гудманом
Лжепророки - Попробуй дух
Семейные вопросы - Белый дом
Семейные ценности Джона Маккейна = Чит, жена развода, жениться на любовнице, баллотироваться на пост президента
ФБР - Библейский институт веры - Библейская школа любви Люцифера
Заключительные события DVD
Fred Price Ministries
Свободный республиканский форум - Республиканский ужин - Джон Войт
Бесплатная церковь SDA
Управление масоном Израиля
Масоны Израиль Премьер-министры,
Масонство - обмануто и обмануто
Масонство и оккультное возрождение 20-го века
Освобождение масонства
Масонство Люциферианские культы в контроле - Дочери Восточной звезды
Масоны - ведьмы в соответствии с Ex-Illuminati и бывшей ведьмой
однополый брак
Университет Джорджа Фокса нашел сходство Обамы с деревом
Джордж Джеффрис - Движение британского Израиля
Получите Joshua Hodges Home
Глобальные банкиры выставлены - Национальный совет по церквям - Иллюминаты
Глобальные новости BK
Глобальный Центральный Банк и Социалистическая Америка
Закон о Десяти Заповедей Бога против Моисея
Закон Божий
Библия Библии
Бюллетень GOP в «расистском» изображении Обамы
евангельские миниатюры
Грант Джеффри
Грант Джеффри Пейдж
великое отступничество
Большие вещи
Греческие братства связывают с масонством и оккультизмом
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Землетрясение в Гаити - рукотворное?
Гаити EarthQuake HAARP - Видео
Хэл Линдси - сайт ложного пророчества
Отчеты Hal Lindsey
Хэл Линдси, Чак Мислер, - Иллюминати - Группа Феникс
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скрытая правда
Угон христианской церкви Иезуитами и Восхищением
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История современного еврейства
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История династии Ротшидов
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Я ведьма
Иллюминаты - 666 - Масонство и оккультизм
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Иллюминаты и еврейское руководство обнаружили, что Кир Скоуфилд обманывает христиан
Иллюминати Bllodline
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Комитет иллюминатов 300
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Новости Ирака
Ирак, Сионист, Создание Британского Израиля,
Билли Граарх - люцифериан? Кому он поклоняется?
Является ли масонство колдовством?
Сара Пэйлин - настоящая мать Трига?
Является ли Восхищение библейским? Нужен ли мне PH.D, чтобы понять это?
Является ли Восхищение вашим местом для безопасности? Питер Салеми
Суббота только для евреев?
Является ли суббота в пророчестве Библии?
Израиль - марксистское коммунистическое государство?
Израиль - Ротшильд Пайк Рокфеллер - Масонство
Израиль и христианский сионизм не библейские
Израиль и преступления против человечества
Израиль и Обама
Израиль и новый мировой порядок сионистского заговора
Израиль становится фашистом - Ралли против присяги лояльности
Израиль делает для палестинцев то, что сделали немцы с евреями. Другой «Холокост»
Израиль получил НЕФТЬ
Израиль в пророчестве - перспектива иллюминатов
Израиль в пророчестве - Перспектива иллюминатов - 2
Израиль Моссад разрешил Иосифу Менгеле сбежать
Израильская оккупация Палестины является незаконной и расистской
Блог поддержки Израиля
Апартеид Израиля Хуже, чем Южная Африка
Право Израиля или не существовать - факты и правда - Алан Харт
Апартеид Израиля хуже, чем в Южной Африке
Израильские мифы, ложь и обман - Rapture Hoax
Это написано
Джек Хейфорд Дух заполнен Библии
Ян Маркелл
Jay Z, Kanye West & Nas - Illuminati Connection
Свидетели Иеговы - Иллюминати - Связь Ротшильда
Секреты свидетелей Иеговы - Сионизм Связь Ротшильда
Иеремия Каммингс - бывший певец и мусульманин Евангелия, прикрытый христианством
Иеремия Фильмы Основные факты об адвентизме
Иеремия Райт говорит: «Расизм жив и здоров в Америке»
Иеремия Райт говорит: «Черт побери?
Иерусалимский пост
Иезуит Таковер адвентистского обзора / Джей Галлимор, Тед Уилсон
Иезуитская теология и ее влияние на библейское пророчество
Иезуиты и старейшины Сиона Секретная связь
Иезуиты и Новый Орден
Иезуитский заряд, клятва и ссылки
Иезуитская история и интеллектуальная повестка дня
Иезуитские инфильтрации протестантских церквей - Иезуитский священник
Иезуитская присяга
Иезуитская клятва и команда
Страница священников иезуитов - Тим Лахай и Томас Лед
Евреи за справедливость и мир
Речь JFK о тайных обществах, масонах, иллюминатах
Джо Ван Коверинг - Возвращение в Израиль
Джон Ф. Кеннеди «Австрийский» сын - Тони Болер
Джон Хаджи Развод - Он признает мошенничество жене Марте
Министерство Джон Хаджи
Джон Хаджи хочет войны с Ираном
Прелюбодеяние Джона Хаджи и жестокое обращение с молодыми женщинами
Вера Джона Хаджи в отношении евреев и Израиля: слепые и немые
Сценарий Джона Маккейна и Сары Пэйлин
Джон Маккейн совершает прелюбодеяние - развод Первая жена Кэрол для госпожи
Первая семья Джона Маккейна
Джон Маккейн женится на госпоже
Джон Маккейн Недавний секс-скандал с Лоббистом - Youtube
Джон Маккейн Секс-скандал - Национальная книга
Juanita Bynum
Хуанита Бинем и форум Томаса Недели
Новости Juanita Bynum
Новости Juanita Bynum Topix
Хуанита Бинум против Томаса Недели - Семейные беды
Хуанита Бинум против Томаса Недели вниз?
Хуанита Бинум сменил мужа, столкнувшись с финансовыми проблемами
Новости и отчет о часах
Мученические христиане шестнадцатого шестнадцатого периода, антихристианство, ложная доктрина и высшая лига лжеучителя
Каббала (Кабала - Каббала) - с еврейской точки зрения
Каббала - с еврейской точки зрения
Каббала - свет или тьма
Kabbalah Fruits – The Death of a Jewish Mystic
Kabbalah, New Age, and the Occult
Katrina: A Man Made Disaster
KC news
Kenneth Cox Ministries
Kenneth Cox Ministries
Kirk Franklin and The Family
Kirk Franklin and the Family – Silver and Gold
KKK Connection to Pentecostal Movement – AOG, COGIC, Parham, Mason, Seymore
Knights of Malta
Knights of Malta Agenda
Lambert Dolphin – New Age Part 1
Latest News – Huffington Post
Leo Zagami on Illuminati, Vatican a Zionism
Levi Johnston – Bristol Palin Boyfriend News
List og Freemason Israel Prime Ministers, 1948-2008
Little Rock Net Church – Jesuits Priest Dr. James A. Brettell
Lord Balfour of England, Zionism and the Illuminati
Luciferian Rapture Forum – Rapture Hoax
Luciferian Rapture Website – Jesuits Priest Thomas Ice Director
Luciferian Research Publication
Man Shot for Wearing Obama T-Shirt
Mark Finley's Stuggle with the Jesuits for Hope Channel Control
Mark of the Beast
Mark of the Beast – Exposing Satanism
Masonic Inaugural Ball Held for Obama
Masonry is diabolically in league with satan
masonry link to the occult..
Masons – Illuminati Desire to Rebuild Solomon’s Temple
Masory exposed
McCain Family was Slave Owners
McCain Supporter T-Shirt
Merovingian Bloodline and The Black Nobility
Methodists to boycott goods produced in Isreal
Mexico News
Michael Rood: WAY Colleagues, Occult Calendars & False Prophecies
Middle East News
middle east news
Middle East News
Middle East News
Middle East News Topics
Middle East Post
Modern Israel built upon Falsehood – Pretext
Mormon and Jehovah Witness Funded by Rothschild
Mormon Black Membership growing but they can't be leaders
Mormonism – A Satanic Cult
Mormonism – Jewry and Catholicism – Mystery Babylon
Mormonism and Witchcraft -Satanic Child Sacrificing Rituals At LDS Temple In Salt Lake City
Mormonism, Satanism, Zionism and NWO
Mormons and Racism – Do Mormons hate Blacks or just feel that Blacks are inferior?
Mormons and the Black Race
Mt. Rubidoux – God Favors Me
Mt. Rubidoux SDA Choir – How Sweet the Sound – Atlanta
Mt. Rubidoux SDA Choir – In The Presence of the Lord – Atlanta
MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT – Catholic or Jewish?
Nation of Islam Minister Converts to Christianity – Jeremiah Cummings
Native American Village
Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele ‘created twin town in Brazil’
Nazi Germany – A Creation of the Vatican and Jesuits
New Age and the Jesuit Connection
New Age Imagery Popularizes Rapture Theory
New Age Imagery, Rapture, Zionism – The Kabbalah Connection..
New Age Movement
New Age Movement and Channeling the Spirits
New U.S. Embassy in Iraq cloaked in mystery
New World Order and Bible Prophecy
New World Order Secret Agenda
Norman L. Geisler – Jesuits Trained agent to destroy Protestantism
North Africa and Middle East News
North Pacific Union Conference of SDA
NWO controlled companies, like AOL, Microsoft, etc., make us part of the problem?
NWO News
NWO Watch
Oakwood College
Oakwood University Friends and Family
Obama Addresses Henry Gates and Police acting Stupidly
occult/witches mainstream USA
Omega Code
Once Saved, Always Saved is a Doctrine from Hell
Once saved, always saved? Are you so sure? False Religious Teachers
Once Upon a Time – John McCain Adultery
Operation Waco – Was it a cover-up?
Oral Roberts False Vision
Oral Roberts Funeral
Oral Roberts Funeral
Origin of AIDS/HIV – Genocide or Experiment Gone Wrong
Oxfam UK
Palestine Think Tank
Palestinians in Exile Speaks
Pandemic charges against David Rockefeller – de Rothschild
Papacy Admits SDA has Truth – Video
Papal Persecutions – Huguenots (1562 -1598)
Partners in Health
Pastor Doug Batchelor Home Page
Pastor Jeremiah Wright – FOX Lies!! Irresponsible Media! Barack Obama Pastor Wright
Pastor Jeremiah Wright – psychopaths believe Obama is a Muslim
Pastors vs. IRS
Pat Matrisciano – Jeremiah Films in the Spirit of Blackwater against Adventism
Pat Robinson is an Agent of the Jesuits and NWO
Paul Morton
PBS News
PC movement or “name-it-and-claim-it” gospel is a charismatic form of Christian Science.
Pioneer Memorial Church
Plastic Coffins
Polio Vaccines and the Origin of AIDS – WHO – United Nations
Political News
Polls – Realclear Politics
Pope Benedict XVI letter to The Black Pope & His Society
Praise 102.5 Atlanta Ga. Gospel
President Barack Obama Middle East Speech
President Nixon Sign Law (PL-91-213) to Create AIDS
Presidents Bush/Clinton Haiti Relief Fund
Presidents, Kings and World leaders bowing to a dead pope
Professor Resigns Over Jesuit Decision To Let Condoleezza Rice Be Commencement Speaker
Proof of Noah’s Flood
Prophecies of St. Malachy concerning Jewish Popes
Prophecy Code – Doug Batchelor
Prophecy Code – Doug Batchelor – Calgary Ca. 2009
Prosperity Religion – Wealth, Greed and Damnation
Prosperity, Wealth, and Name it and Claim it. False Teaching
pulpit pimps
Racism in the Ozarks – Highway billboard of Obama – KKK
Racist hate flyer threatens Obama
Racist Obama Billboard West Plains MO
Racist Pics of Obama
Racist T-Shirt – N****r Please – It’s A White House (Sarah Palin & John McCain Street Team)
Rapture – New Luciferian Theology
Rapture – SATAN'S PLAN To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things
Rapture Cult Index
Rapture Forum: Erik Prince and the Evangelical Connection
Rapture Hoax Forum
Rapture Hoax Sermon – UCG – Pastor Bill Bradford
Rapture Ready News
Rapture Ready Watch
Rapture Truth
Rapture Truth
Rapture Truth Books
Real Truth Bible Studies
Recovery from Mormonism -Stories of ex-Mormons
Redcross Page
Reformers Identify the anti-christ
Relationship – Sabbath Purpose
religion news
Religion News Blog
Religious News Service – Sung Moon and Pope News
Religious Tolerance News
Reuben Armstrong Is The Author of ” Snakes In The Pulpit” Exposes td Jakes, C. Dollar, Eddie Long, Joel Oltseen
Rev. Dr. Jeremaih A. Wright, Jr. on God Has an answer for your question…Jesus. ..
Rev. Jeremiah Wright says Zionists are keeping him from President Obama
Revelation 13 The Second (2nd) Beast from the Earth – BibleOrTraditions
Revelation 17 Whore Babylon Antichrist – Part 1
Rise of The Righteous Army – CBS Exposed Religious Right
Rivera and Others speak of Jesuits Infiltration
Rockefeller, Rothschild, Rhodes – Eugenics, Force Sterilization and Population Control
Rome Worship the Pope and Not the Creator
Rome Worshipe the Pope and Not the Creator
Ron Graff – False Prophecy Central
Ron Paul – Is he a Hypocrite?
Ron Wyatt Amazing Discoveries
Ron Wyatt Discoveries
Rosicrucian Utopia
Rothschild – Jehovah Witness and Hitler Connection
Rothschild – NWO – Israel and Masonry
Rothschild – Opus Dei Connection To Israel
Rothschild and Jehovah Witness (Illuminati -Russell Bloodline)
Rothschild and the Red Shield – Israel
Rothschild Bloodline
Rothschild family used the Illuminati as a means to achieving their goal of world-wide dominance
Rothschild Occupational Government – Strange facts
Rothschilds and the Holy Grail Bloodline –
Rothschilds have their hands and influence in the Jehovah’s Witness, Mormons, Judaism, the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and Christendom.
Rothschilds, Rockefeller & the Jehovah Witnesses
Sabbath in Prophecy
Sabbath in the 1st Century
Sabbath in the 2nd Century
Sabbath in the 3rd Century
Sabbath in the 4th Century
Sabbath in the 5th Century
Sabbath Keeping Churches and Denominations
Sabbath Truth
Sabbath: God’s Gift to Mankind
Sanctifying Slaughter
Sarah Palin has Women Deserting GOP
Sarah Palin Scandals
Sarah Palin’s Blog Page
Satanism in the US Military – Doc Marguis
Satanism, Freemasonry Witches, Goddess Worshippers, Maitreya Channelers , Theosophists
Savation Army Relief
Scofied and his Satanic partners
scofield mysterious past
SDA Confronts Gay Community
SDA General Conference Session Atlanta Ga. News 2010
Secret History
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
Secret Rapture Hoax Origin
Secret Rapture..Bibical Heresy
Secret Societies
Secret Societies, Satanic Sects, The Prieure du Sion, The Knights Templars and Freemasons
Secrets reveled: Esoteric and hidden knowledge
Self esteem or self destruction
separation of church and state
Separation of Church and State
Serpent Worship and Masonry
Shawn Boonstra — Babylon Rising / It Is Written Star Cracks Down on False Prophets
Shirley Caesar Ministries
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Should Jews build the Third Temple? Jewish perspective
Snakes in the Pulpit
Socialism for Wall Street, Capitalism for Main Street
Sojourner Truth Bust Dedicated in US Capitol
Sola Scriptura – SDA Defense League
spirit, soul, death
Spiritual Warfare
St. Patrick Keep the 7th. Day Sabbath
Sunday sacredness
Sunday Sacredness & The Pope
Sunday to Sabbath
SW Union Record
SW Union Record Home
Swarms of Locust – Jesuits Agents – All Rapture Promoters – TD Jakes, John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Jack Hayford, Joe van Koevering, Tim Lahaye, Dave Hunt,
Sword of Truth
Symbols of Freemasonry and Baphomet
T D Jakes claims Ruth & Naomi and David & Jonathan Were Gay!
TBN founder – Paul-Crouch- accused-of-Homosexual relationships and firing-male-employee-he-dated
TD Jakes and the Sabbath – Youtube
Td Jakes Eddie Long, Creflo Cashflow Dollar, and Joel Osteen have been EXPOSED
TD Jakes Homosexuality – Victim Speaks
TD Jakes repositioning his Homosexual views with Dr. Phil?
Tea parties stir evangelicals' fears
Ten Commandments by Different Religious Groups
The Alpha Project – Mega Church and the Illuminati
The Arab World
The Attempted Change of the Sabbath
The Beast – Its Mark, Number and Identification
The Bible, Peter, Mary, Confession and Mass
The Black Church
The Black Pope
the blog – Huffington
The Candidates on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2007
The Church under Papal Power
The crusades was a series of expeditions, sanctioned by the pope, to get back the Holy Land
The Cult of Christian Zionism
The Dangerous Cult in the World
The Deep Dark Secret of the Secret
The Evil Empire of Jesuit Futurism
The Evil Serpent’s Body Wrapped Firmly Around America And Going In For The Kill
The fake Jews of Khazaria By Hisham Tillawi
THE FLIGHT 93 – Smoking Gun Evidence
The Gift of Tongues
The Gift of Tongues – part 2
The Golden Dawn
The Good News Magazine of False Understanding of the Middle East
The Great Controversy – Doug Batchelor
The Great Deception: Israel/Zionism Fake Jews
The History of Health – AIDS – Vaccines
THE INQUISITION:Study in Catholic Absolute Power
The International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem : A Case Study in Political Christian Zionism
The Jerusalem Temple Was Set A flame – On the 9th of Av,
The Jesuit Connection to Zionism – Let's Roll Forums
The Jesuits and Pantheism Connection
The Jesuits Attact on Righteousness By Faith – Swarms of Locusts –
The Jesuits, Teilhard de Chardin and the Cosmic Consciousness
The Jewish Conspiracy Against Christians
The Jewish World
The Khazaria Empire – Home of the Fake Jews
The Knights Templar, the Assassins, the Johannite Heresy, and Satanism
The Last Disciple vs. Left Behind
The Last Pope? A Look at the St. Malachy Prophecy (REV)
The Luciferian Rapture Cult – Its Power and World-wide Influence
The Most Solemn Warning Found In All Of The Bible!
The Mystics, Masons, and Dallas Theological Seminary
The Mystics, The Masons and Dallas Theological Seminary
The New Jewish Utopia – Beware
The News from the Swamp
The Other Gospel – Truth or Fiction?
The Peoples Voice
The Quest for Genetic Weapons – Israel, de Rothschild, Rockefeller, Jesuits
The Rapture – Is it near? Or, is it wishful thinking?
The Rapture of the Church?
The Rapture Pages
The Rapture Question – Your Questions Answer
The Rapture—A Popular but False Doctrine! – Prophecy on-line
The Real god of Masonry
The Reformation and Counter Reformation
The Sabbath Debate – A Closer Look
The Secret History of the Jesuits
The Secret Order of The Illuminati
The Secrets of Zionism Exposed
The Storm is Over Now – Kirk Franklin
The Structure of Freemasonry and Secret Files
The Temple that Pope Built – Masonry
The Third Temple (Tisha Be'Av) – Will it be Rebuilt?
The Third Temple (Tisha Be’Av) – Will it be Rebuilt?
The Truth about the Third Jerusalem Temple
The Truth about The Vatican – Words of Blasphemy
The Ultimate Conspiracy – Dave Hunt and the Jesuit Attempt to Hijack the Christian Faith
The Ultimate Worldwide Power-
The UN World Conference against Racism – Time table to 911
The Unholy Alliance – Christians and NWO
The Unholy Alliance – Christians and NWO (pt.2)
The US and Freemasonry Connection
The Vatican Agenda
The Zionist-created Scofield “bible” – Rapture source of problem
Third Jewish Temple Progress Report
Thomas Weeks News
Three Schools of Biblical Prophetic Interpretation
Tim Lahaye Masonic Connection
Time line of the Popes and their Activities – Church History
Tisha Be’Av: The Third Temple that wasn’t –
Tongues, Signs, and the Holy Ghost
Tony Evans – Urban Ministries
Top 100 cities weather
top news
Top Secret Files – Vatican
Topix News
Torch of Truth – Rekindling the Flame of the Reformation
Truman and Israel
Truth about Billy Graham
Truth About Israel
UN calls Zionism Racism
UN Draft: Zionism 'a Movement Based On Racial Superiority'
United Nation Central Emergency Response Fund
United Nations
United Nations Food Program
Unity Schools of Christianity – Cult or Occult
Urban Ministry
US Created AIDS – News from UK
US National
US Politics
US Presidents and The Illuminati
US questions its unwavering support for Israel
US Sued for Creation of AIDS
USA a Vatican Corporation? Two US Constitutions. 1st Was Suspended In Favor Of A Vatican Corporation In 1871. Bankers Control.
USA in Bible Prophecy – Warning!
Vatican Council Calls for World Government, Central Bank
Vatican Dedicated to Luciferian World Gov't.
Vatican Slave Trade and the Jesuits
Vatican Temple Mount Connection
Vatican-Israeli tensions flare over wartime pontiff
Viva Palestina – Trip to Gaza
W.VA. News Obama
Walter Pearson – Bad Boys Sermon – Youtube
Was Cindy Hensley John McCain Mistress?
Was the Sabbath Changed to Sunday by God or Man?
Weeks Showed Violence Against Other Women Say Followers
West Memphis Police Officers Killed by members of White Supremacist Church in Ohio
What is behind the Secret
What is God’s Name?
Which day is the Sabbath
Which Day is the Sabbath? TD Jakes Against God’s Word
White House Rural Council -Executive Order 13575 of June 9, 2011
Whitney Houston CeCe Winans and Shirley Caesar Gospel Medley
Who change the Sabbath and why?
Who Control The World Market
Who controls the World Banks: the Illuminati or the Market?
Who is behind the New World Order?
Who is really respondsible for the Iraq war?
Who is Rupert Murdoch?
Whore of Babylon
Whore of Babylon Exposed
Why Keep the Sabbath? Is it only for the people of Israel?
Why The ‘Temple’ Will Never Be Rebuilt…Never Never Never
Will the 3rd Hebrew Temple Be Built? Part 2, bibleortraditions
Will the 3rd Hebrew Temple Be Built? Part 3, bibleortraditions
Will the Church go through the “Tribulation”?
Will There Be a Third Rebuilt Hebrew Temple? Part 1 BibleOrTraditions
Wintley Phipps preaches..God will Restore – Youtube
Women Village
Word-Faith – Positive Confession" Name it and Claim it
wordpress nres
World Empires in Prophecy
World News
Worlds Last Chance Online
Worlds Last Chance Online Home Page
Worship the SUN toward the East – Baal Worship
Yele Haiti Earthquake Relief
Yolanda Adams – I Believe I Can Fly
Zionism and AIPAC a danger to the world
Zionism — the movement that founded Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people — with racism. Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories was also decried as colonialism, a potent political label in much of the world. 911 prelude
Zionism Blue Print – Protocols of the Learn Elders of Zion
Zionism, Catholicism, Nazism = SATANISM!
Black Churches
Gen. Wesley Clark – Rhodes Scholar, Illuminati, – Soldier for NWO
religion news
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RSS Christian Post News
Apple Rolls Out macOS 10.3.2 With System Improvements and Security Patches
'Fixer Upper' Stars Share Thoughts on 'Risky' Decision to End Show
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'Children of the Whales' Episode 10 Spoilers: Is Falaina About to Face a Brand New Threat?
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Christmas 2017: Who is St. Nicholas?
'Player Unknown's Battegrounds' Desert Map Name And Details Revealed
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Matt Lauer, Annette Roque Update: Former 'Today' Host and Wife Seen Without Wedding Rings
Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton Performed 'You Make It Feel Like Christmas' on 'The Voice'
California wildfires have scorched more than 140,000 acres and forced nearly 200,000 people to evacuate December, 8, 2017
These 7 images show why the wildfires are so dangerous
Horses killed as owners race to beat flames December, 8, 2017
As fire nears, museum won't move priceless art December, 7, 2017
Man rescues wild rabbit from blaze December, 8, 2017
How to help victims of the California wildfires December, 7, 2017
Trump rally first test in Democrats' search for payoff from lawmaker purge December, 8, 2017
Analysis: Rep. Franks' bizarre resignation letter December, 8, 2017
Smerconish: I'm not sure this is the end for Franken December, 7, 2017
First on CNN: Hatch hosting re-election fundraiser in January December, 8, 2017
RSS Christianity News
How the Coming of the Son Brings Hope to the Fatherless
Died: ‘God’s Smuggler’ and ‘The Cross and the Switchblade’ Coauthor John Sherrill
Three Biblical Frameworks for Faithfulness in the Post-Christendom West (Part 1)
The Real Story Behind Ray Rice Speaking at Liberty
Welcoming the Prisoner into Your Small Group
Is There a Place at the Table for Leaders with Mental Illness? I Think So.
Evangelical vs. Born Again: A Survey of What Americans Say and Believe Beyond Politics
Evangelical Christians Are Sick
When East Meets West
To More Than a Few Good Men: Don’t Give Up on Working with Women
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RSS Sabbath Sermons
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RSS Religious News
Apple Rolls Out macOS 10.3.2 With System Improvements and Security Patches
'Fixer Upper' Stars Share Thoughts on 'Risky' Decision to End Show
'NBA 2K League' Qualifying Details Announced, Tryouts Scheduled for February
'The Little Mermaid' Live-Action News, Rumors: Disney Offers Directorial Role to Rob Marshall?
'Children of the Whales' Episode 10 Spoilers: Is Falaina About to Face a Brand New Threat?
'Dissidia Final Fantasy NT' News: Battle Lines Are Drawn in the Recently Released Story Trailer
'Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~' Episode 10 Spoilers: Cardia and Company to Face the Final Battle
'Westworld 2' News: Production Halted Due to Wildfires in Southern California
iPhone X Not The Best Smartphone in the Market, According to Consumer Reports
Holiday Gift Ideas for Friends Who Love 'Star Wars'
'Shameless' Season 8 Episode 6 Spoilers: Fiona Gets Wake Up Call From Dead Tenant; Debbie Beats Up a Stranger
'Justice League' Surpasses Success of 'Wonder Woman' in China
'Guardians of the Galaxy' Star Kurt Russell to Play Santa Claus for a Netflix Holiday Film
'Handmaid's Tale' Season 2 Air Date, News: Award-Winning Show Returns in April 2018 as Production Is Well Underway
Ryan Shazier Injury Update: NFL Player Still in Hospital
Christmas 2017: Who is St. Nicholas?
'Player Unknown's Battegrounds' Desert Map Name And Details Revealed
Disney To Kickstart Own Streaming Service Using Hulu
Matt Lauer, Annette Roque Update: Former 'Today' Host and Wife Seen Without Wedding Rings
Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton Performed 'You Make It Feel Like Christmas' on 'The Voice'
RSS CNN Politics
Previously undisclosed emails show follow-up after Trump Tower meeting
Rep. Trent Franks' absolutely bizarre resignation letter
Arizona GOP Rep. Trent Franks to resign following sexual harassment claim
The #metoo movement comes to Washington
Trump's weekend Flynn tweet prompts introspection
First on CNN: Hatch hosting re-election fundraiser in January
GOP Rep. Mia Love: Farenthold should resign
Few policy differences narrowed at Trump meeting with congressional leaders
Manafort says Ukraine op-ed shouldn't impact bail deal
GOP tax plan: Real work happening behind the scenes
RSS Pew Forum
The Growth of Germany’s Muslim Population
Europas wachsende muslimische Bevölkerung
Croissance de la population musulmane en Europe
Appendix A: Methodology
Europe’s Growing Muslim Population
4. Orthodox take socially conservative views on gender issues, homosexuality
3. Orthodox Christians support key church policies, are lukewarm toward reconciling with Roman Catholic Church
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RSS CNN politics
Previously undisclosed emails show follow-up after Trump Tower meeting
Rep. Trent Franks' absolutely bizarre resignation letter
Arizona GOP Rep. Trent Franks to resign following sexual harassment claim
The #metoo movement comes to Washington
Trump's weekend Flynn tweet prompts introspection
First on CNN: Hatch hosting re-election fundraiser in January
GOP Rep. Mia Love: Farenthold should resign
Few policy differences narrowed at Trump meeting with congressional leaders
Manafort says Ukraine op-ed shouldn't impact bail deal
GOP tax plan: Real work happening behind the scenes
RSS Health News
What 'baby talk' sounds like around the world
How the world potty trains
Maternal gatekeeping: Why moms don't let dads help
The risks of crowdsourcing kids' screen decisions
Did President Trump slur his speech?
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Яндекс цитирования
Obama Visit Rothschild’s Israel – Obama Middle East News – Origin of Modern-day Jewry
Posted on March, 23, 2013 by joeland7
Obama’s speech: What young Israelis not only needed but wanted to hear
The U.S. president’s speech in Jerusalem redefines what it means to be a centrist in Israel. We deserve a leader like him.
Bradley Burston
Mar.11 , 2013 - Haaretz.com
For Barack Obama to come to Jerusalem, and speak to Israeli students
and talk persuasively of the possibility of a secure and peaceful
future, for him to do that and garner a roaring ovation of approval, he
would have to have given one hell of a speech.
He did.
was the speech that these young Israelis not only needed but wanted to
hear. A speech that radically redefined centrism in Israel, bringing it
down to extraordinary common denominators in directions Israelis have
learned to think of as diametrically opposed.
spoke of security and peace as inextricably and necessarily linked, not
a narrow choice between options, but a conscious choice for both.
They roared.
This was not the student crowd that Obama
is used to. These students are Israelis. This is a crowd that is
world-weary, hair-trigger volatile. They have come by it honestly. In
comparison to their American counterparts, they are, by and large, older
by several years – some would say, several lifetimes. They enter
college after years in the military, often followed by the escape-valve
rehab of a marathon trek to remote continents.
They roared approval for Obama’s view of security, which was hard-edged
and unapologetic, and they roared approval for his vision of a two-state
solution that allows Palestinians to enjoy the freedoms and
self-determination Israelis know.
Not soon. Perhaps not in many years. But this is one way that change
happens. An event like this, inspiration like this, does not in the end
go to waste. It gives new strength to the world-weary and the habitually
trashed. It changes momentum. It creates momentum. It does good. It
makes way for better.
for nothing did Barack Obama cite Martin Luther King’s address on the
eve of his assassination. The image of the Promised Land as a place
Moses will not be able to reach, but one which his work will allow his
people to eventually enter, clearly resonates with a president beginning
already to see the end of his time in office.
This is not the same country after this speech.
Через четыре
года, когда он отдает Белый дом, Бараку Обаме следует
подумать о смене направления, даже об изменении места проведения.
Пусть он бежит сюда. Речь идет о время мы снова знали , что настоящий лидер был like.This не будет такой же страной после этой речи.
Обама взошел на Израиль, посетил Западный берег
Голос Америки - 4 часа назад
Президент США Барак Обама волнуется перед СМИ, когда он идет с президентом Палестины Махмудом Аббасом. В четверг, выступая перед студентами университетов в Иерусалиме, Обама заверил своих слушателей молодых израильтян, что они «не одиноки» в угрозах безопасности Израиля. Он добавил, что мир с палестинцами - это «единственный путь к подлинной безопасности».
Обама сказал, что израильские лидеры должны признать, что «продолжающаяся деятельность по урегулированию» на земле, заявленная палестинцами в отношении государства, «контрпродуктивна». Обама также сказал, что, по его мнению, у Израиля есть подлинный мирный партнер в палестинском президенте Аббасе.
Президент Обама встретился с Аббасом в Рамаллахе в начале четверга и призвал израильтян и палестинцев начать мирные переговоры по основным вопросам их конфликта, не дожидаясь разрешения этих споров заранее
на президентском собрании Муката в городе Рамаллах на Западном берегу,
Обама поддерживает твердое решение двух государств
ЧИТАЙТЕ БОЛЬШЕ: реализм взвешивает ближневосточные усилия Обамы
Президент попросил израильтян рассмотреть вопрос о праве палестинцев на самоопределение и справедливость, поскольку они направлены на мирное решение.
Израиль извинился перед Турцией за смертельные случаи в флотилии
Обама говорит израильтянам, что палестинцы ведут переговоры
AP PHOTOS: Уход Обамы против палестинцев
Новости ABC - 8 часов назад
В течение восьми лет на работе президент Палестины Махмуд Аббас видел свою долю взлетов и падений. Появление в четверг с визитом президента США Барака Обамы выглядело так, будто это была одна из его самых низких точек. На совместной пресс-конференции Обама выступил .
Обама призывает молодых израильтян в Иерусалиме
Реакция израильской прессы на речь Обамы
Обама посещает Джордан среди красных лиц
Ян Бин на шоу Обамы
ВИДЕО | Израиль планирует строительство новых поселений вблизи Рамаллаха ...
Евреи против сионизма - Что действительно произошло
whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES / евреях _ против _ сионизм .html
Евреи против сионизма
. Список веб-сайтов, выступающих против политики Израиля. В отличие от
пропаганды потушить сторонниками Израиля, Израиль не поддерживается ...
Евреи против сионизма
Исторически сложилось так, что подавляющее большинство евреев были против сионизма и предпочитали ассимилироваться. Однако со времен Второй мировой войны сионисты узурпировали руководство
Новости BBC | Ближний Восток | Картер: израильский апартеид « хуже
TUTU, Десмонд. Анти- апартеид Нобелевский лауреат шлепает израильтян ...
Британский искусствовед, художник и автор культурного бойкота апартеида Израиля : «Положение палестинцев хуже, чем у черных южноафриканцев под апартеидом » .
Израиль, «намного хуже, чем апартеид Южной Африки », говорит председатель АНК ...
@netanyahu @whitehouse Почему это апартеид в Израиле Палестина ...
11 мар, 2013 - Касрилс, южноафриканский министр, однажды сказал о Палестине: «Это гораздо хуже , чем апартеид . Израильские меры, жестокость, делают ...
Факел правды Интернационал: Хазария , оригинальный дом современного ...
Настоящая правда о современном еврейском наследии
Каково их истинное происхождение?
Являются ли они семени Авраама?
Они семитские?
« Тринадцатое племя » Артура Кестлера.
Тринадцатое племя - настоящее еврейское наследие
... но
это не меняет того факта, что подавляющее большинство выживших евреев
в мире относится к восточноевропейским - и, возможно, главным образом из хазарского
происхождения. Если это так, это означало бы, что их предки пришли не из
Иордана, а из Волги, а не из Ханаана, а с Кавказа, когда-то
считавшегося колыбелью арийской расы; и что генетически они
более тесно связаны с гуннами, уйгурами "
В этой
книге прослеживается история древней Хазарской империи, крупной, но
почти забытой силы в Восточной Европе, которая в Темные века
превратилась в иудаизм. Хазария была окончательно уничтожена силами
Чингисхана, но данные свидетельствуют о том, что сами хазары
мигрировали в Польшу и образовали колыбель западных евреев ...
Раскачивания хазар простиралась от Черного до Каспийского моря, от
Кавказа до Волги, и они сыграли важную роль в прекращении мусульманского
натиска против Византии, восточной челюсти гигантского пинцета
движения , которое на Западе прокатилась по всей Северной Африке и в Испания.
второй части этой книги «Наследие» г-н Кестлер размышляет
о конечной вере хазар и их влиянии на расовый
состав и социальное наследие современного еврейства. Он производит большое
количество тщательно детальных исследований в поддержку теории, которая
звучит еще более убедительно для сдержанности, с которой она
продвигается. Однако, если эта теория будет подтверждена, термин «антисемитизм»
станет недействительным, поскольку, как пишет г-н Кестлер, он основан
«на недоразумении, которое разделяют как убийцы, так и их жертвы».
История Хазарского каганата, так как она медленно выходит из прошлого, начинает
выглядеть как самый жестокий обман, история когда - либо совершаемого «.
Тринадцатое Племя :
АртурКестлер документирует кавказскую родословную евреев ашкенази. ... Тринадцатый Tribe . Хазарская империя и ее наследие. АртурКестлер.
Г-н Кестлер размышляет о предельной вере хазар и
их влиянии на расовый состав и социальное наследие современного
еврейства. Он производит большое количество тщательно детальных исследований в
поддержку теории, которая звучит еще более убедительно для
сдержанности, с которой она продвигается. Однако, если эта теория будет
подтверждена, термин «антисемитизм» станет недействительным, поскольку,
как пишет г-н Кестлер, он основан «на недоразумении, которое разделяют
как убийцы, так и их жертвы». История Хазарской империи, как
она медленно выходит из прошлого, начинает выглядеть как самая жестокая мистификация,
которую когда-либо совершала история.
Подавляющее большинство евреев в мире из Восточной Европы - и , таким образом ,
может быть , в основном , из хазар - происхождения. Если это так, это означало бы, что их
предки пришли не из Иордана, а из Волги, а не из Ханаана,
а с Кавказа, когда-то считавшегося колыбелью арийской расы;
и что генетически они более тесно связаны с гуннами, уйгурскими
и мадьярскими племенами, чем с семенем Авраама, Исаака и Иакова. Если
это окажется так, то термин «антисемитизм» станет
лишен смысла, основываясь на недоразумении, которое разделяют как убийцы, так
и их жертвы. Возможно, две мировые войны и Холокост были
предлогом для обмана Новой Хазарии или Израиля.
история Хазарской империи, как она медленно выходит из прошлого, начинает
выглядеть как самая жестокая мистификация, которую когда-либо совершала история. (Артур Кестлер ,
Тринадцатое племя , p. 17).
Старый Хазария существовала от около 500 г. н.э. до около 1000 г. н.э.
Старая Хазария приняла религию талмудического иудаизма около 740 г. н.э.
14 мая 1948 года Хазария возродилась.
Самая жестокая мистификация, которую когда-либо совершал человек.
Новая Хазария.
Пока существует
Отступник Израиль (Новая Хазария) ...
на Ближнем Востоке никогда не будет мира. Современное еврейство относится к восточноевропейскому / арийскому
происхождению, и поэтому они не являются семитскими. Пусть истина будет рассказана везде.
Почему американские солдаты умирают, чтобы защитить Хоакс?
ПРОТОКОЛЫ сионских Сионские
, Посещение «Протоколы»СОДЕРЖАНИЕ
Кто такие старейшины?
Протокол I Базовый Доктрина
Протокол II Экономические войны
Протокол III Методы Conquest
Протокол IV Материализм Заменяет Религия
Протокол V деспотизма и Современной Прогресс
Протокол VI Take-Over Technique
Протокол VII Всемирная войны
Протокол VIII Временное правительство
Протокол IX перевоспитание
Протокол X Подготовка к
Протокол о силе XI Протокол тоталитарного государства
XII Контроль за
протоколом по прессе XIII Отвлечение
Протокол XIV Нападение на
Протокол о религии XV Протокол о беспощадном подавлении
XVI Протокол о злоупотреблении промыслом
XVII Протокол о злоупотреблении полномочиями
XVIII Протокол о просрочке оппонентов
XIX Протокол о правителях и людях
XX Протокол о финансовой программе
XXI Протокол по кредитам и кредитам
XXII Протокол о золоте золота
XXIII Протокол по соблюдению порядка
XXIV Качества Линейка
Кто Избранные люди Бога? Есть ли в Библии пророчество ? »
Подано в: Без рубрики | Tagged: 700 Club , Антихрист Учение , Ассамблей Бога , Барак Обама , епископ Чарльз Блейк , епископ Чарльз Грин , епископ Эдди Лонга , епископ ТД Джейкс , британский Израиль , CBN , Церковь Бога во Христе , COGIC , Creflo Министерств доллар , CUFI , Далласская богословская семинария , масонство , Джеральд Фалуэлл , Грант Джефферис ,Джек Хейфорд , Джек Ван Импе , Джейн Хэнсон - Аглоу Интернэшнл , Джанет Паршалл , Джо Ван Коверинг , Джон Хейге , Майкл Хаджи Сионизм , Хуанита Бинум , Кей Артур , Кеннет Коупленд , Кеннет Хагин , Институт Библии Муди , НВО , Орал Робертс , Пэт -Роберсон , Т. Лахай , TBN | Оставить комментарий "
Черная история Месяц салюта - Обама обнародует статую статуи Розы - Картер Г. Вудсон - Библия и черная история - Настоящие евреи Библии
Опубликовано 8 февраля 2013 г. by joeland7
Статуя Розы Паркс, обнародованная президентом Обамой
KSDK - Дэвид Джексон и Ричард Вольф, США СЕГОДНЯ
Среда на Капитолийском холме сталкивается с более чем полувековой историей гражданских прав.
Президент Обама отправляется в Капитолий США, чтобы помочь открыть статую пионера гражданских прав Роза Паркс - вскоре после этого через улицу Верховный суд проведет слушания по закону, который частично вдохновил Паркс и который сделал возможной политическую карьеру Обамы, голосование 1965 года Закон о правах.
Первый афроамериканский президент страны сказал на прошлой неделе ведущему радиоресивера SiriusXM Джо Мэдисону, что «будет большой честью» отдать дань уважения паркам, чье нарушение законов о сегрегации Алабамы вдохновляет на глобальные движения свободы по сей день.
«Она была источником вдохновения не только для афроамериканцев, но и для всех людей, ищущих справедливость», - сказал Обама.
Парки, которые умерли в 2005 году, отказались от требований белого водителя автобуса в Монтгомери, штат Алабама, чтобы освободить свое место 1 декабря 1955 года. Ее арест вызвал, в конечном счете, успешный бойкот сегрегационных автобусов Монтгомери, частично отвлеченный молодым пастор по имени Мартин Лютер Кинг-младший
Сегодня автобус Парков сидит в Музее Генри Форда недалеко от Детройта, где тысячи посетителей борются с ним и помнят - в том числе в 2012 году президент Обама.
Например, пример парков вдохновил бесчисленное количество сидячих мест, маршей и других протестов против дискриминации, проложив путь к законодательству, регулирующему нацию, как Закон о гражданских правах 1964 года и Закон о правах голоса 1965 года, часть которого рассматривается в среду Верховным судом ,
В случае 3-летнего дела - также из Алабамы - высшему суду предлагается выкинуть Раздел 5, стальной позвоночник Закона об избирательных правах.
Он заставляет девять государств с историей расовой дискриминации - Алабаму, Аляску, Аризону, Грузию, Луизиану, Миссисипи, Южную Каролину, Техас и Виргинию - и муниципалитеты в семи других, чтобы получить федеральное одобрение на любые изменения в процедурах голосования.
Пересмотренный в 1970, 1975, 1982 и 2006 годах, раздел 5 рассматривается как спаситель черного и латиноамериканского права голоса некоторыми и анахроничное алое письмо других. Когда Конгресс в последний раз проголосовал за продление его до 2031 года - подавляющими голосами 390-33 в Доме и 98-0 в Сенате - он привел около 2400 предложенных изменений в голосовании, заблокированных в течение предыдущей четверти века.
Что больше всего беспокоило некоторых судей высших судебных инстанций в последнем вызове закону в 2009 году, была формула Конгресса, используемая для заполнения Раздела 5, которая оставалась практически неизменной на протяжении более 40 лет.
«На юге все изменилось», - писал в то время главный судья Джон Робертс, даже временно сохраняя закон. В своем решении Робертс предупредил, что дни действия могут быть пронумерованы.
«Исторические достижения Закона о правах голоса бесспорны», - написал Робертс для суда, сославшись на регистрацию избирателей и уровни явки и «беспрецедентное» количество избранных представителей меньшинств.
Но он предупредил, что «требования о предварительном оформлении акта и его формула покрытия поднимают серьезные конституционные вопросы».
В честь Парков Обама и другие законодатели будут чествовать пионера, чья работа вдохновила людей по всему миру.
Нельсон Мандела, бывший заключенный, который стал президентом Южной Африки, когда-то обсуждал инцидент 1989 года, когда мужчина в Китае стоял перед правительственным танком - он назвал его «моментом Розы Паркс».
Историк Дуглас Бринкли, биограф Парков, сказал, что церемония статуи дает Обаме шанс связать историю одинокой женщины, которая столкнулась с несправедливостью и всеобщим желанием быть свободными.
«Роза Паркс была связана с борьбой за права людей, - сказал Бринкли. «Основное право - это право голоса».
Бринкли сказал, что возможно, что Обама может ссылаться на Верховный суд во время выступления Розы Паркс.
Обама, безусловно, обсуждал права голоса во время своего недавнего государства Союза, сообщая Конгрессу, что он создал комиссию, чтобы посмотреть, как улучшить результаты голосования в Америке, от длинных линий до разбитых машин.
Говоря, что защита свободы - это не только военная работа, Обама сказал: «Мы все должны сделать все возможное, чтобы наши права, защищенные Богом, были защищены здесь дома. Это включает наше самое фундаментальное право в качестве граждан: право голоса ».
2C_G_WoodsonBlackHistoryMonthPostercartergwoodsonhistoricmarkerСтатуя доктора Картера Вудсона
Картер G . Вудсон - Добро пожаловать в гид Британской энциклопедии ...
Фотография: Картер Г. Вудсон, 1910-е годы. Картер Г. Вудсон, c. 1910 - й гг. Архив Хьютон / Getty Images. Фото: Картер G . Вудсон , статуя в Хантингтоне, W.Va.
rosa parks1
Почтовая служба отличие Роза Паркс С Новой Stamp - ABC News
Д-р Картер Г. Вудсон Отец черной истории
Почтовая служба отличие Роза Паркс С Новой Stamp - ABC News
Никогда не сделал бы это без тебя, Роза Парки
Сообщение отредактировал Анонимный участник · 1 час назад
Я думаю, что это издевается над ее памятью. Мы должны помнить, что Роза Паркс в истории, потому что она активно преследовала социальную справедливость и никогда не переставала бросать вызов нам и никогда не переставала оспаривать проблемы несправедливости.
Черная история и Библия
Сыновья Хам-Куша (эфиопы) & amp; Мизраим (египтяне) & amp; Phut
(древние либийцы) & amp; Ханаан - «Бытие 10: 6»
В течение многих лет ученые, теологи и археологи обсуждали ответ на вопрос: «Как выглядели израильтяне физически?» Хотя Библия и другие исторические документы оставили много доказательств физического облика библейских израильтян, большая часть этой информации еще неизвестной массам. Сегодня среди христиан, ученых и теологов распространено мнение, что люди, известные как «ашкеназские евреи», являются прямыми потомками библейских израильтян. Можно ли это доказать без тени сомнения? Ответ на этот вопрос НЕТ. Библия, которая будет использоваться здесь в качестве основного источника, поддерживаемая историей и археологией, доказывает, что, ашкеназские евреи не являются физическими потомками библейских евреев.кроме того, она показывает, кто такие истинные потомки. Ответ может оставить вас в шоке.Израиль упоминается в Библии более 2500 раз. Священные Писания содержат всю историю Евреев. Фактически, никакие другие люди на Земле не имеют такой обширной истории, даже древних египтян. Все, что нам нужно знать о древних Евреях, содержится в Писании. Итак, давайте рассмотрим эти факты, информацию, которая до сих пор остается неизвестной или скрытой для многих читателей Библии.
Gen.10 : 6 Потомками Хама были Куш, Египет, Путь и Ханаан.
7 Потомками Куша были Себа, Хавила, Сабтана, Раама и Сабтека. Потомками Раамы были Шеба и Дедан.
8 Куш был отцом Нимрода, первого могущественного воина на земле.
9 Он был могучим охотником, которого благословил Господь.
(Перевод Божьего Слова)
10 Первые города в его царстве были Вавилон, Эрех, Аккад и Кальне в Синаре Вавилонии. 11 Он отправился с этой земли в Ассирию и построил Ниневию, Рехофот Ир, Кала,
История израильского народа началась в Египте, стране Хама. Они вошли в Египет 66 (не включая Иосифа, его жену и двух сыновей, которые уже были в Египте), и оставили их более двух миллионов человек. Древний Израиль провел 430 лет в Египте. В течение половины этого времени они наслаждались благосклонностью к египтянам, но в течение оставшихся лет они были порабощены и ужасно плохо обращались с ними.
Один из первых фактов, которые Библия дает нам об Израиле (Ysrayl на еврейском языке), касается их физического облика. На протяжении всего Писания Израиль описывается как похожий на сыновей Хама (Хавм на иврите).
Хэм был одним из трех сыновей Ноя, Симом и Джафетом были два других. Потомки Ноя заселили Землю после Великого Потопа. Потомки Хэма прослеживаются в семьях Африки. Ветчина (Khawm) на иврите означает BLACK, HOT AND BURNT.
У Хэма было четыре сына,
CUSH (эфиопы / кушиты),
MIZRAIM (египтяне / хемет),
PHUT (древние ливийцы или сомалийцы)
и CANAAN (ханаанцы, настоящие жители Земли Израиля) Бытие 10: 6-19. Все четверо сыновей Хэма и их потомки поселились на континенте Африки и вокруг него. Сюда входит так называемый «Ближний Восток», который также является частью континента Африки. Начнем с истории второго младшего сына Иакова Иосифа и его времени в Египте. Иосиф был одним из двенадцати сыновей Иакова (Яакоб на иврите). Иаков просил Иосифа в старости, и он явно был его любимым сыном. Это привело к тому, что братья Иосифа стали ревновать к нему. В конечном итоге их ревность привела к тому, что Иосиф был продан арабскими торговцами в качестве раба для египтян.
Основы древнего Халдеи были заложены еще в Египте. Фактически они были сестринскими колониями родительского государства. Самые ранние цивилизованные жители были шумерами. 5000 г. до н.э. земля была полна городов-государств. Санскритские книги Индии называли Халдею одним из подразделений Куши-Двипы, первым организованным правительством мира. Эти шумеры были изобретателями клинописной системы письма, которая впоследствии была принята их семитскими завоевателями. Северное разделение Вавилона называлось Аккад, осмысливающее Вавилон, южный Шумер, в том числе Эрех и Ур. К северу от Аккада были семитские (хамитские) племена, которые в конце концов так много составляли кровь Ассирии.
Gen.10 : 8 Куш был отцом Нимрода, первого могущественного воина на земле. 9 Он был могучим охотником, которого благословил Господь. (Перевод Божьего Слова)
10 Первые города в его царстве были Вавилон, Эрех, Аккад и Кальне в Синаре Вавилонии. 11 Он отправился с этой земли в Ассирию и построил Ниневию, Рехофот Ир, Кала,
Мы знаем, что Нимрод был сыном Куша. Вначале у Вавилона было два элемента в своем населении. Северные аккады и южные шумеры были и кушитами. Находки недавних исследований в долине Месопотамии показывают, что эти древние жители были черными, с черепным образованием эфиопов.
Искусство, наука и культура ранних несмешанных халдеев были Кушитом.
Роулинсон, говорящий в своих древних монархиях, решил, что руины Халдеи показывают происхождение Кушита. Имена Халдеи и Эфиопии связаны с тем, чтобы сделать невозможным любое другое толкование. Великим городом более раннего периода был Ниффер коррупция Нимрода. Язык руин радикально отличается от семитского языка ассирийской империи.
Роулинсон сказал, что вавилоняне сказали: «Несмотря на то, что халдейцы не обладали многими природными преимуществами, халдейский народ проявил изобилие изобретения, гения энергии, которое ставит их в высшей степени в масштабах наций и особенно в тех, которые происходят из запасов хамитов. »
Халдейский Ной вошел в ковчег со своей женой и детьми. После рецессии вод он три раза трижды отправлял три птицы. Он построил жертвенник и принес жертву.
Жизнь семитских и хамитских рас должна была тесно ассоциироваться после потопа. Настолько близки очевидные отношения, что некоторые власти рассматривали Авраама как хамитов. Авраам пришел от Ура Халдейского. Но он спустился прямолинейным фронтом семитского отца. Его мать, возможно, была хамитской, потому что Авраам упоминался как халдейский.
С течением времени Иосиф стал вице-королем Египта и был вторым по повелению к фараону. Был голод в Ханаане, где жил Иаков и его сыновья. (У фараона был сон, который Иосиф истолковал. Его мечта рассказала о грядущем голоде и дала Египту возможность подготовиться, сохранив еду). Итак, Иаков отправил своих десяти сыновей в Египет, чтобы купить хлеб. Когда десять братьев Иосифа пришли в Египет, они предстали перед ним. Иосиф узнал своих братьев, но они не узнали его (Бытие 42: 1-8).
Поскольку библейские египтяне были чернокожими людьми, Иосиф тоже должен был быть чернокожим. Если бы он был белой кожей, так как сегодня более половины евреев мира, его братья легко узнали бы его среди чернокожих египтян, или им было бы очень любопытно, почему этот белокожий иврит правит в Египте. Но его братья просто подумали, что Джозеф был другим египтянином.
Древние египтяне эпохи Иосифа действительно были тем, что мы знаем сегодня как чернокожие. Это факт, о чем свидетельствуют многие.
Джеральд Месси, английский писатель и автор книги «Египет света мира» писал: «Достоинство настолько древнее, что знаки фараона, очевидно, принадлежали тому времени, когда египтяне носили только нос негра» (стр. 251)
Сэр Ричард Фрэнсис Бертон, английский исследователь XIX века, писатель и лингвист в 1883 году написал Джеральду Масси: «Вы совершенно правы в отношении происхождения« египтян »АФРИКАН. У меня есть 100 человеческих черепов, чтобы доказать это ».
Ученый, Р. Т. Притчетт, утверждает в своей книге «Естественная история человека»: «В их сложном и многообразии и в физических особенностях египтяне были« АФРИКАНСКИМ »расом (стр. 124-125).
Древнегреческий историк Геродот, посетивший Египет в V веке до нашей эры, увидел египтян лицом к лицу и описал их как чернокожие с шерстистыми волосами.
Антрополог граф Константин де Волней (1727-1820) рассказал о расе египтян, которые произвели фараонов. Позднее он отдал должное открытию Геродота, когда сказал:
«Древние египтяне были истинными неграми того же типа, что и все коренные африканцы. Таким образом, мы можем видеть, как их кровь, смешанная в течение нескольких столетий с кровью римлян и греков, должна была потерять интенсивность ее первоначального цвета, сохранив тем самым отпечаток ее первоначальной формы. Мы можем даже заявить, что общий принцип заключается в том, что лицо (со ссылкой на Сфинкса) является своего рода памятником, способным во многих случаях свидетельствовать или проливать свет на исторические свидетельства о происхождении людей ».
Тот факт, что древние египтяне были чернокожими, побудило Волни сделать следующее заявление:
«Какая тема для медитации, просто подумайте, что раса черных мужчин сегодня наших рабов и объект нашего презрения - это та самая раса, которой мы обязаны нашим искусством, наукой и даже использованием нашей речи».
Свидетельства древних, Библии, многих египтологов, наряду с археологией, подтверждают, что египтяне во время библейских времен были ЧЕЛОВЕЧНЫМИ ЛЮДЯМИ. Это важно знать, поскольку мы продолжим, мы увидим, что Библия в нескольких случаях описывает древние евреи как похожие на египтян.
Далее, в главе Бытия, глава 50, стихи 7-11, в Священном Писании будут описаны ВСЕ евреи, похожие на древних египтян.
После того, как Иаков (имя которого было изменено на Исраил - Израиль) умерло в Египте, все евреи и египтяне спустились в землю Ханаан, чтобы похоронить его (Он попросил своего сына похоронить его в земле Ханаан со своими предками Бытие 49: 29-30).
В стихах 7-8 говорится, что все старейшины дома фараона и все старейшины Египетской земли вместе со всеми евреями (за исключением их маленьких детей) спустились вниз.
VERSE 9 говорит: «Это была отличная компания».
В ВЕРСИИ 11 говорится, что Хананеид увидел похороны и сказал: «ЭТО ГРИВНОЕ ПОЕЗДКА В ЕГИПЕТЕ».
Но помните, что это было смешанное множество евреев, и египтяне собирались похоронить HEBREW, и ханаанцы идентифицировали их как египтян. ЗАЧЕМ? Потому что хананеи увидели великую компанию чернокожих людей, которые, вероятно, были одеты в соответствии с обычаями и модой Египта, и все они были любимы родными (черными) египтянами.
Если бы евреи были людьми с белой кожей, как нам верили, ханаанцы, которые были знакомы как с евреями, так и с египтянами, признали бы их обоих, сказав: «ЭТО ТАКОЕ ГРИВОВАЯ ПОДХОДЯЩАЯ НА ЕГИПЕТЫ И ЭНЕРГИИ». В Священном Писании далее говорится, что Хананеи назвали место, где они увидели этот великий траур для HEBREW Авеля Мизрама, что означает луг Египта / Мизраим или Траур Египтян.
Теперь перейдем к самой известной истории, о пребывании евреев в Египте, что будет рассказом о Моисее. Спустя много лет после смерти Иосифа, Его братьев и всего того поколения, которое вошло в Египет в то время, когда он был наместником. Еврейское население в Египте значительно возросло. Из-за этого их больше не рассматривали как дружественных соседей. На самом деле египтяне считали их враждебными врагами и порабощали их. (Другие этнические группы были порабощены египтянами в это время также.)
Из-за роста населения евреев египтяне решили, что они навяжут им собственную форму контроля над рождаемостью. Фараон постановил, что все евреи-мужчины убиты при рождении (Исход 1), это приводит нас непосредственно к истории Моисея.
Моисей родился иврит-израильтянин из племени Леви (Исход 2: 1-3). Он провел 40 лет в Доме фараона (Деяния 7:23), а с того времени, когда он был младенцем, прошел как внук фараона (Исход 2: 6, 10). Это было в то же время, что фараон приказал убить всех ивритцев в возрасте до двух лет. Итак, если фараон был чернокожим потомок Хавма / Хама, то он, конечно же, следовал бы тому, что Моисей тоже был чернокожим.
Многие ученые говорят, что фараон, который был на троне Египта во время рождения Моисея, был фараоном Сети I. Он был отцом Рамсеса II, фараона угнетения, также известного как Рамсес Великий.
Джордж Роулинсон, английский автор, написал книгу под названием «История Египта». На странице 252 он дает описание Сети I. Он утверждает: «ЛИЦО СЕТИ БЫЛО ВТОРИЧНО АФРИКАНОМ. У ХОЛДЫ ХОРОШИЙ ЛИЦО С ДЕФИЦИРОВАННЫМ КРОВАТНЫМ НОСОМ, ТОЛСТЫМИ ЛИПАМИ И ТЯЖЕЛЫМ КИТОМОМ ».
Моисей должен был обладать теми же физическими характеристиками, потому что снова он был поднят в доме фараона, как внук фараона, когда фараон приказал убить всех других еврейских мужчин при рождении. Если бы израильтяне были людьми с белой кожей, как Моисей-иврит выжил (тайно) в доме фараона среди чернокожих египтян в течение 40 лет и не был замечен.
F urthermore, дав указ (сам) , чтобы убить все еврейские мужчина, как бы Фараон лицо и властвовать над своим народом, если он сознательно был один живет в своем доме , со всеми правами и привилегиями своей семьи? Моисей выжил 40 лет во дворце фараона, потому что он был чернокожим человеком, точно так же, как египтяне. Подобно тому, как ханаанцы не могли сказать евреям из Египта. Фараон тоже не мог, или Моисей бы убили мгновенно.
Храм Рисунок Фараона Сети I 1306 г. до н.э. - 1290 г. до н.э.
Это фактический рисунок храма фараона Сети I, взятый из храма в Египте. Это фараон, которого ученые идентифицируют как находящегося на престоле Египта во время рождения Моисея. Считается, что Сети я был «приемным дедом Моисея».
Древняя египетская королева Тие 1391 г. до н.э. - 1353 г. до н.э.
Это бюст древней египетской королевы Тий. Она была женой фараона Аменхотепа III и матерью фараона Аменхотепа IV (Акенатон). Она также была бабушкой мальчика, королем Тутанхамоном, более известной как короля Тута. Ниже его статуя. Так выглядели египтяне в библейские времена.
СТАТЬЯ КОРОЛЕВСКОГО ТОТА 1334 - 1325 г. до нашей эры
Это статуя мальчика-короля (царя Тута), эта статуя была найдена в его могиле среди многих его сокровищ в Египте во время археологических раскопок в 1922 году. Ученые говорят, что царь Тут был на троне Египта, через несколько лет до Исхода Исраила.
Один из недавно восстановленных изображений короля Тута
Выше - одна из картин реконструированного изображения короля Тута. Это изображение происходит с веб-сайта Discovery.com , это из скоро появляющейся в эфир программы под названием «Убийство короля Тута». Изображение было составлено из скелета короля с помощью судебной науки и сложных компьютерных программ. Царь Тут и египтяне библейских времен были чернокожими людьми. Пусть картины расскажут историю. Истина начинает выходить, Хвала Господу.
Писание говорит нам, что Моисей убил египтянина, увидев, что он плохо обращался с ивритом. Поэтому Моисей должен был бежать из Египта за свою жизнь, потому что фараон узнал и пытался убить его (Исход 2: 12-15).
Моисей бежал в землю Мадиам, где помогал семи дочери священника Мадиамской воды их пастве, преследуя некоторых хулиганских пастухов. Девочки отправились домой к отцу, Рейуэлу и сказали ему, что случилось.
Они сказали ему, что ЕГИПЕТЬ спас их и полит их паствой (Исход 2: 16-19). Заметьте, что они не сказали, что иврит в египетской одежде спас нас, и они описали Моисея как чернокожих потомков Хама (египтянина). Дальнейшее доказательство того, что Моисей было чернокожим, можно найти в Исходе 4: 6-7.
В этом отрывке YHWH (Имя Творца на иврите) показывает Моисея чудеса, чтобы он мог доказать сынам Израиля, которые его послали. YHWH или сокращенный Yah говорит Моисею, чтобы он положил руку ему на грудь, что он и сделал. Когда он вытаскивает руку, это ЛЕГКО (белый) как снег. Если бы Моисей уже был одет в белокожий, что было бы чудом в том, чтобы он повернул руку белой?
Но, поскольку Моисей и остальные евреи были чернокожими людьми, это было бы очень мощным чудом, чтобы превратить его руку (кожу) в противоположный цвет остальной части его плоти.
В стихе 7 говорится: «Я сказал Моисею, чтобы он положил руку ему на грудь, и повернулся как другая плоть. Это означает, что остальная часть его тела (кожи) была иной, чем белая или противоположная белой, что является черным.
В книге Числа, глава 12, стих 1, сестра и брат Моисея, Мириам и Аарон выступили против него, потому что он женился на эфиопской женщине (не потому, что она была черной кожей, а потому, что она была другой культуры / нации) их поведение разозлило меня. В стихе 10 говорится, что Он ПЕРЕХОДИЛ МИРИАМ, ЛЕГКО, БЕЛАЯ КАК СНЕГ. Еще раз, если Мириам, который был ивритом, был белым, чтобы начать с того, что было бы проклятием превращения белокожего человека в белый цвет?
Из того, что история научила нас относительно внешнего облика Евреев, очевидно, что голливудское изображение Моисея, по крайней мере, неточно и в лучшем случае может рассматриваться как расистское искажение.
Доннелли утверждает, что Египет, Халдея, Индия, Греция и Рим передавали факел цивилизации от одного к другому. Они ничего не добавили к искусству, которое существовало в самый ранний период египетской истории. Эти искусства продолжались без существенных изменений до двух или трехсот лет назад. За все эти годы люди не улучшались, а увековечивались. Возраст Колумба обладал только печатью, которая была неизвестна египтянам. Египетская цивилизация была наивысшей на своем первом появлении, показав, что они вышли из фонтана выше, чем они сами. В тот день Египет поклонялся только одному высшему существу. Во времена Менеса эта раса давно была архитектором, скульпторами, живописцами, мифологами и богословами. Какой король современных времен
ndevoted себя к медицине и написания медицинских книг в интересах человечества, как и сын Menes? В течение шести тысяч лет люди не продвигались за пределы искусств Египта.
Имхотеп жил во время правления короля Джосера (2630-2611 гг.) И был архитектором ступенчатой пирамиды в Саккаре, первой пирамиде, когда-либо построенной в Египте. Рожденный простолюдином, он быстро поднялся в ряды храма и суда, чтобы стать визирем и первосвященником. Будучи членом суда фараона, он был архитектором, писцом, священником и врачом. Он стал пионером в строительстве пирамид и позднее был обожествлен.
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В Деяниях 21: 37-38 говорится, что Павел, (Шауль на иврите), апостол, вел в замок капитан. Павел говорил с начальником по-гречески, прося разрешения поговорить с ним. Главный капитан был удивлен тем, что Павел мог говорить по-гречески, а в стихе 38, спрашивает Павла: «Разве вы не египтянин?» Павел ответил: «Я человек Израиля (иврит)».
Чтобы этот главный капитан допустил ошибку Павла (иврита) для чернокожих египтян, Павел должен был выглядеть как египтянин, так как в Священном Писании говорится, что весь народ Израиля сделал это. Вот почему в книге Матфея 2:13 Ангел Господень сказал Иосифу, чтобы он встал и взял маленького ребенка Яхшуа (истинное еврейское имя Мессии - Яхшуа) и его мать Мария (Мириам на иврите) и FLEE INTO EGYPT. Ему сказали остаться там, пока он не получил дальнейшее обучение, потому что Ирод хотел бы, чтобы маленький ребенок уничтожил его.
Иосифу, Мириам и Яхшуа сказали бежать в Египет (Африка) не для военной защиты, потому что в это время Египет был римской провинцией под римским контролем. Они бежали в Египет, потому что Египет был все еще «черной» страной, населенной большинством чернокожих людей (египтян). Иосиф, Мириам и Яхшуа были бы просто еще одной чернокожей семьей среди многих. Помните, что они бежали в Египет, чтобы СКРЫТЬ от Ирода, который пытался убить Яхшуа.
Если бы Яхшуа и остальные евреи были похожи на фотографии христианского Христа, ему было бы трудно прятаться в Египте и не быть замеченными. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: вышеупомянутый факт о скрытии Яхшуа в Египте был подтвержден библейским ученым по программе BBC, выпущенной в прошлом году (2001 год).
T он Программа называлась «ПОЛНОЕ ИИСУС». Ученый заявил, что Яхшуа трудно было бы спрятаться среди египтян, если бы он не был похож на египтян, он говорил, что Яхшуа не мог быть белой кожей. Он признался в программе, что Яхшуа был темным / чернокожим мужчиной.
Вернемся к нашему уроку.
Он также упомянул, что израильтяне с первого по третий век носили свои волосы в афро. Это только верхушка айсберга, вы не можете сдержать правду.
Ирод был поставлен на престол Израиля римлянами, а Египет находился под римским владычеством. Все, что должен был сделать Ирод, - это проверить с римскими чиновниками в Египте, чтобы узнать, есть ли у евреев с мальчиками. Но поскольку евреи и египтяне выглядели одинаково физически, было бы трудно выделить еврейскую семью среди египтян.
Древние египтяне
Когда Иосиф, Мириам и Яхшуа бежали в Египет, они были среди людей, которые выглядят как пара на вышеупомянутой картине. Как уже упоминалось, древние египтяне были потомками сына Ноя, Хавма или Хэма на английском языке. Khawm означает черный, горячий и сожженный. Древние египтяне библейских времен называли свою землю и себя Хемет, что на их языке означает «ЗЕМЛЯ ЧЕРНЫХ». Слово Хемет - не что иное, как вариация слова «Хавм» на языке древнего Египта.
В Псалме 78:51 Египет называется «Дом Хама (Хавм)».
Псалом 105: 23,27 называет Египет землей Хавма (Хама),
Библия называет Египет землей Хавма, и помните, что одно из значений Хаума черное, поэтому Библия призывает Египет «Земля Черного», что и означает Хемет. Египет называется землей Хаума, потому что египтяне были потомками сына Ноя Хавма. Это более чем вероятно причина, по которой они называли себя Хемет. Библия поддерживает тот факт, что египтяне были чернокожими людьми.
Статуя фараона Mentuhotep II 2040 г. до н.э.
На снимке изображена статуя Ментухотепа II, найденная в его могиле в Египте. Он объединил Египет / Хемет и переместил Капитолий в Васет (Фивы / Луксор). Он отец принцессы, озаглавленной ниже. К настоящему времени должно быть ясно, какой цвет были египтянами. Не забывайте, это то, о чем говорит Библия, как выглядели дети Израиля.
Гробница Рисунок древней египетской принцессы
Выше изображен гробницы древней египетской принцессы AU-Shead (это может быть неправильное написание, но именно так произносится ее имя). Она была дочерью фараона Ментухотепа II (выше). Эта картина была взята из стены гробницы ее отца.
Когда вы нажмете на ссылку ниже, она приведет вас к:
Черная история из Библии
Многие с удивлением обнаруживают достижения черных людей в Библии, потому что этот аспект африканской истории не очень хорошо известен.
Современный Израиль в пророчестве Библии? Новости Ближнего Востока - Видео
Тринадцатое Племя :
Артур Кестлер документирует кавказскую родословную евреев ашкенази. ... Тринадцатый Tribe . Хазарская империя и ее наследие. Артур Кестлер. Г-н Кестлер размышляет о предельной вере хазар и их влиянии на расовый состав и социальное наследие современного еврейства. Он производит большое количество тщательно детальных исследований в поддержку теории, которая звучит еще более убедительно для сдержанности, с которой она продвигается. Однако, если эта теория будет подтверждена, термин «антисемитизм» станет недействительным, поскольку, как пишет г-н Кестлер, он основан «на недоразумении, которое разделяют как убийцы, так и их жертвы». История Хазарской империи, как она медленно выходит из прошлого, начинает выглядеть как самая жестокая мистификация, которую когда-либо совершала история.
Подавляющее большинство евреев в мире относится к восточноевропейским - и, возможно, преимущественно к хазарскому происхождению. Если это так, это означало бы, что их предки пришли не из Иордана, а из Волги, а не из Ханаана, а с Кавказа, когда-то считавшегося колыбелью арийской расы; и что генетически они более тесно связаны с гуннами, уйгурскими и мадьярскими племенами, чем с семенем Авраама, Исаака и Иакова. Если это окажется так, то термин «антисемитизм» станет лишен смысла, основываясь на недоразумении, которое разделяют как убийцы, так и их жертвы. Возможно, две мировые войны и Холокост были предлогом для обмана Новой Хазарии или Израиля. История Хазарской империи, как она медленно выходит из прошлого, начинает выглядеть как самая жестокая мистификация, которую когда-либо совершала история.(Артур Кестлер , Тринадцатое племя , стр. 17).
Старый Хазария существовала от около 500 г. н.э. до около 1000 г. н.э.
Старая Хазария приняла религию талмудического иудаизма около 740 г. н.э.
14 мая 1948 года Хазария возродилась.
Самая жестокая мистификация, которую когда-либо совершала история.
Новая Хазария.
Пока существует Отступник Израиль (Новая Хазария) ... на Ближнем Востоке никогда не будет мира. Современное еврейство относится к восточноевропейскому / арийскому происхождению, и поэтому они не являются семитскими. Пусть истина будет рассказана везде. Почему американские солдаты умирают, чтобы защитить Хоакс?
Запретное знание - История Хазарской империи ... - YouTube
► 60: 01► 60:01
WWW. youtube .com / watch? v = ZVomYbbb3L0
16 марта 2011 г. - Загружено пользователем TheInfoWarehouse2
Запретное знание - Современные евреи не из семени Авраама - История Хазарской империи [Лекция Джека Отто ]. Видеоролики TheInfoWarehouse2 · 49 ...
Говорящая книга - Каллахан, Аллен Дуайт - Пресс-служба Йельского университета
Библия имеет глубокое влияние на афро - американцев на протяжении всей истории. ... Используя Библию в качестве основы, афроамериканцы поделились религиозными убеждениями,
Черные люди в Библии | О книге
Справедливость Рэндольф Джексон. Его вторая книга « Черные люди в Библии» приводит пример африканского происхождения многих
Африканцы, которые писали Библию
... Darkwah доказывает, что африканцы писали Библию, хотя ваш личный «Царь ...». Древние египтяне были черными людьми и их современными
Рассказы о 8 чернокожих в Библии - не религия вашей мамы
... В то время как Библия в основном фокусируется на различиях между верующими и не-
верующие, иногда это может сделать историю более актуальной, если можно .
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Рубрики: Афро-американская история , Черный месяц истории , COGIC , д-р Картер Г. Вудсон , д-р Мартин Л. Кинг-младший , Председательствующий епископ Чарльз Блейк , Роза Паркс , Без рубрики | Метки: афро-американская история , древний Египет , история древнего Израиля , епископ Чарльз Блейк , епископ Чарльз Грин , епископ Эдди Лонг , епископ Нил Эллис , епископ ТД Джейкс , « Черная история и Библия» , Черный месяц истории, Церковь Бога во Христе , КОЖИ , Долларовые служения в Крэфло , Духовная семинария в Далласе , Дэйв Хант , Д-р Картер Г. Вудсон , Поддельные евреи , Джеральд Фалуэлл , Грант Джеффриес , Джек Хейфорд , Джо Ван Кэвердинг , Джон Хейге , Хуанита Бинем , Кеннет Хейгин , Moody Библейский институт , Oral Roberts University , Real Еврейская история , Рима Библейский учебный центр, Роза Паркс , Статуя Розы Парков, Южный Баптист , Библия как Лучшая книга Черной Истории | Оставить комментарий "
Нейт Гингрич Расист Замечания - Результаты ДНК Гитлера
Отправленный 14 декабря 2011 by joeland7
Ньют Гингрич: «Палестинцы - изобретатели»
Ньют Гингрич защищает призыв палестинцев к придуманным людям »
[10 декабря 2011] ... Ньют Гингрич удвоился в комментарии в субботу, несмотря на то, что его ругают соперники. ... Карты и приложения; Школы; Религия ... расистские или угрожающие комментарии не допускаются.
Гингрич обращает внимание на палестинское заявление - CBS News
Гингрич обращает внимание на палестинское замечание . По ... Ньют Гингрич назвал палестинцев ... Гингрича на палестине - очевидно, что он передозирован IPAC ...
/ ... / gingrich -draws ... over- palestinian- remark
12 декабря 2010 года:
Ведущие палестинские официальные лица включили кандидатуру республиканского кандидата в президенты Ньютона Гингрича за его описание палестинцев как «придуманных» людей и «террористов»,
Палестина - это библейское название региона. (Быт.32: 12). Люди, живущие в этом регионе, назывались палестинцами, а также самаритяне, сирийцы, хананеиты, Эдвард Робинсон определили более 100 библейских географических названий в Палестине, придерживаясь своей убежденности в том, что лингвистический анализ названий мест, используемых араб феллахипокажут сохранившиеся следы своих древних корней. Название Палестина относится к региону восточного побережья Средиземного моря от моря до долины Иордана и от южной пустыни Негев до озерной зоны Галилеи на севере. Само слово происходит от «Плешита», названия, которое часто появляется в Библии и входило на английский язык как «филистимлянин». С пятого века до нашей эры, после историка Геродота, греки называли восточное побережье Средиземного моря «Филистимляной Сирией», используя греческую языковую форму имени. В 135 году н.э., после подавления восстания Бар-Кохбы, второго крупного еврейского восстания против Рима, император Адриан хотел уничтожить имя римской «провинциальной иудеи» и так переименовал его в «провинцию Сирия Палестина», латинская версия греческого названия и первое использование имени в качестве административной единицы. Название «Provincia Syria Palaestina» позднее было сокращено до Palaestina, из которого выведена современная англизированная «Палестина».
Это оставалось до конца четвертого века, когда вслед за общей имперской реорганизацией Палестина стала тремя Палестинами: Первая, Вторая и Третья. Считается, что эта конфигурация сохранилась в седьмом веке, во времена завоеваний в Персидском и Мусульманском.
Христианские крестоносцы использовали слово «Палестина» для обозначения общего региона «трех палестинцев». После падения королевства крестоносцев Палестина перестала быть официальным обозначением. Однако название продолжало использоваться неофициально для земель по обе стороны реки Иордан. Турецкие турки, которые были неарабами, но религиозными мусульманами, управляли этим районом в течение 400 лет (1517-1917). Под властью Османской империи регион Палестины был присоединен административно к провинции Дамаск и правил из Стамбула. Имя Палестина возродилось после падения Османской империи в Первой мировой войне и применительно к территории в этом регионе, которая была помещена под Британский мандат на Палестину .
Многие цитируют в США имена Палестины. Согласно предпосылке, которую использует умный историк Ньют Гингрич, люди, живущие в Палестине, Палестина, Палестина, Палестина, Палестины Огайо, Палестины и Палестины, также придумали людей. У Ньют могут быть написаны книги, но он не умный историк. Он ревизионист.
Израиль находится в еврейской Библии как та же земля, что и Палестина. Бытие 32:28.
Палестина - это просто имя, которое они использовали с тех пор и поныне.
Палестинцы Бристоль в Гингриче Комментарии: NPR
... Кандидат от Республиканской партии Ньют Гингрич ... Арабы критикуют Гингрича . Гингрич «s замечание обратило ...«Если арабский или палестинский чиновник сказал расист ...
WWW. npr.org / 2011/12/12/143590930 / gingrich -comments-angger ... Еще результаты от npr.org » Это происходит раз в четыре года: израильско-палестинский конфликт возникает как проблема в президентской кампании США.
Республиканский фронтмен Ньют Гингрич выдвинул это на первый план в этом году, когда он рассказал «Еврейскому каналу», кабельному каналу, что палестинцы были «придуманными людьми».
Это замечание было центральным пунктом республиканской дискуссии в субботу вечером, в ходе которой Гингрич защищал свои предыдущие комментарии, а также называл палестинцев «террористами». Это также послало искры, летящие между палестинцами, в то время как многие израильтяне видят это больше с точки зрения внутренних чем серьезная дискуссия о внешней политике США.
«Невероятно, что г-н Гингрич, изучавший историю в двух выдающихся американских университетах и даже преподававший историю, мог сделать такой ошибочный комментарий исключительно ради политического потворства».
- Палестинский законодатель Ханан Ашрави
История фантомов Ньютона Гингрича
13 сентября 2010 г. 18:24 ET - 78 Комментарии
История Ньют Гингрича о фанатичных и оскорбительных высказываниях далека от его недавнего заявления о том, что президент Обама притворился «нормальным», но на самом деле, похоже, занимается «кенийским, антиколониальным поведением».
Гингрич по поводу «кенийского, антиколониального поведения Обамы»
Гингрич: Обама занимается «кенийским, антиколониальным поведением» . 12 сентября Гингрич, как сообщается, сказал National Review Online, что Обама притворился «нормальным», но на самом деле, похоже, занимается «кенийским, антиколониальным поведением»:
Ссылаясь на недавнюю статью Forbes Динеш Д'Суза, бывший спикер Палаты представителей Ньютон Гингрич рассказывает National Review Online, что президент Обама может следовать «кенийскому, антиколониальному» мировоззрению.
Гингрич говорит, что D'Souza сделал «потрясающее понимание» поведения Обамы - «самое глубокое понимание, которое я прочитал за последние шесть лет о Бараке Обаме».
«Что, если [Обама] так нарушает наше понимание, что только если вы поймете, что кенийское антиколониальное поведение, вы можете начать собирать свои [свои действия]?» - спрашивает Гингрич. «Это самая точная, прогностическая модель его поведения».
«Это человек, который принципиально не связан с тем, как работает мир, который, как оказалось, сыграл замечательный конфликт, в результате которого он теперь является президентом», - рассказывает нам Гингрих.
«Я думаю, он очень усердно работал над тем, чтобы быть человеком, который нормальный, разумный, умеренный, двупартийный, прозрачный, вмещающий - ни один из которых не был правдой», продолжает Гингрич. «В традиции Алински он был тем человеком, которого ему нужно было, чтобы достичь той позиции, которую ему нужно было достичь. , , Он был подлинно нечестным.
Гингрич имеет историю совершения фанатичных и оскорбительных заявлений
Гингрич сравнивает исламский центр с нацистами, устанавливая знак возле Музея Холокоста и на японском участке вблизи Перл-Харбора. С 16 августа издание Fox News' Fox & Friends , Ньют Гингрич сказал , «нацисты не имеют права ставить табличку рядом с музеем Холокоста в Вашингтоне. Мы бы никогда не согласились с тем, что японцы выставили сайт рядом с Перл-Харбором. У нас нет оснований принимать мечеть рядом со Всемирным торговым центром ».
Гингрич размахивает Сотомайором как «расистом» . Джейк Тэппер и Хума Хан сообщили 27 мая 2009 года, что Гингрич написал в Twitter: «Представьте, что судебный кандидат сказал:« Мой опыт, как белый человек, делает меня лучше, чем женщина-латина », новый расизм не лучше старого расизма », и« кандидат от расизма белого человека был бы вынужден уйти. Латиноамериканский расист также должен уйти. Гингрич позже сказал, что он не знал, была ли сама Сотомайор расистской, но ее цитата о мудрой латине была «явно расистской».
Гингрич: Двуязычное образование учит «языку жизни в гетто» . 1 апреля 2007 года статья Associated Press сообщила, что Гингрич описал двуязычное образование как преподавание «языка жизни в гетто» и издевательствовал требования о том, чтобы бюллетени печатались в нескольких языки:
«Правительство должно прекратить мандат на то, чтобы различные документы печатались на любом из 700 языков, в зависимости от того, кто случайно появляется», чтобы проголосовать, сказал Гингрич. Бывший конгрессмен Грузии, который рассматривает вопрос о выдвижении кандидатуры Республиканской партии в 2008 году, сделал замечания в выступлении в Национальной федерации республиканских женщин.
«Американский народ считает, что английский язык должен быть официальным языком правительства. , , , Мы должны заменить двуязычное образование погружением на английский язык, чтобы люди изучали общий язык страны, и они изучают язык процветания, а не язык жизни в гетто », - сказал Гингрич, вызывая ура из толпы более 100 человек.
«Гражданство требует прохождения теста на американскую историю на английском языке. Если это так, нам не нужно создавать бюллетени на любом языке, кроме английского, - сказал он.
В статье AP также сообщалось, что в 1995 году Гингрич сказал, что двуязычие создает «долгосрочную опасность для ткани нашей нации» и что «возможность двуязычия продолжать расти очень опасно».
Гингрич: Бедные чернокожие не могут получить богатство частично из-за своих «привычек» . 16 июня 1995 года в статье « Вашингтон пост» сообщалось, что Гингрич в беседе с черными журналистами заявил, что неудача бедных чернокожих людей приобретать богатство была частично из-за их «привычек». Из статьи « Сообщение» :
Он признал, что было гораздо труднее приобретать богатство как черный в Америке », но добавил, что больше, чем цвет кожи. «Правда в том, что проповедники и адвокаты были более доминирующими в черной культуре за последние 40 лет, чем бизнесмены», - сказал Гингрич. «Привычки церкви и привычки судебного процесса были более мощными, чем привычки приобретения и привычки создания рабочих мест».
На вопрос о том, что он скажет черному ребенку, выросшему с представлением о Соединенных Штатах, как ослепительной нации, Гингрич сказал, что он ответит: «Мы не бледны. Я бы сказал, что это ложь, чтобы пройти в школу в Америке и сказать: «Это светловолосый мир». И мы не должны лгать детям ».
Нажав на то, что он расскажет детям, которые задавались вопросом, каковы их возможности, Гингрич сказал, что его ответ будет следующим: «Если вы черны, вам нужно больше работать, а если вы черные и бедные, вам приходится работать вдвойне».
Гингричу, который был тесно связан с районными делами, также было предложено ответить на подозрения некоторых жителей в том, что республиканский интерес к городу является частью «заговора, чтобы вытащить правительство черного правительства» и «вытащить» бедных чернокожих ,
«Я понимаю страх, - сказал он. «То, что я хочу сделать, - это превратить Анакосию, чтобы люди, живущие там, могли участвовать в трансформации, чтобы через пять или десять лет у них появились новые привычки. Позвольте мне очень четко сказать об этом: я готов сказать бедным: «Вы должны изучать новые привычки. Привычки быть бедными не работают. Так что да, вы должны измениться. «
Гингрич на женщинах в бою: у женщин будет проблема оставаться в канавах «потому что они заражаются», «мужчины биологически вынуждены выходить на улицу и охотиться на жирафов» . 19 января 1995 года в статье « Нью-Йорк таймс» сообщалось о проблемах женщин в военных которые Гингрич поднял, изучая курс истории в колледже Рейнхардта в Грузии. The Times сообщила, что Гингрич сказал своим ученикам, что «у женщин есть биологические проблемы, которые остаются в канаве в течение 30 дней, потому что они заражаются, и у них нет верхней силы тела», и добавил, что мужчины «в основном маленькие поросят»; вы бросаете их в канаву, они катятся в ней ».
Гингрич, как сообщается, далее сказал, что если быть в бою "означает находиться на крейсере класса Aegis, управляющем компьютерным управлением для 12 кораблей и их ракет, женщина снова может быть значительно лучше, чем мужчина, который очень сильно разочарован, сидя на стуле потому что самцы биологически вынуждены выходить и охотиться на жирафов ».
Гингрич предлагает отказаться от социальных пособий молодым матерям и вместо этого использовать средства для создания детских домов. 11 декабря 1994 года в статье « Нью-Йорк таймс» сообщалось: «Г-н Гингрич ... предложил, чтобы деньги, сэкономленные путем отказа от социальных пособий молодым матерям, были использованы для предоставления услуг детям, включая поощрение усыновлений и создание детских домов или групповых домов ». Предложение Гингрича было включено в его« Договор с Америкой »«В соответствии с« Законом о личной ответственности », который предложил« [d] поощрять незаконность и подростковые беременности, запрещая благосостояние несовершеннолетним матерям и отказывая в увеличении АФДЗ [Помощь семьям с зависимыми детьми] для дополнительных детей в то время как на благосостояние, сократить расходы на благосостояние программ и принять жесткое двухлетнее обязательство с требованиями к работе для поощрения индивидуальной ответственности ».
Согласно описанию Контракта предложения: «Государство будет использовать средства для программ по сокращению внебрачных беременностей, поощрять принятие, создавать и эксплуатировать детские дома, создавать и управлять домами для групповых домов для незамужних матерей или для любая цель, которую государство считает нужным ».
Гингрич: «[T] здесь геев и светский фашизм в этой стране, который хочет навязать свою волю остальным из нас» . 14 ноября 2008 года издание Fox News « The O'Reilly Factor» , Гингрич заявил: Предложение протестующих 8: «Я думаю, что в этой стране есть геев и светский фашизм, который хочет навязать свою волю всем остальным, готов использовать насилие, использовать притеснения. Я думаю, что он готов использовать правительство, если он сможет контролировать его. Я считаю, что это очень опасная угроза для любого, кто верит в традиционную религию ». Гингрич также заявил:« [W], когда радикалы потеряли голос в Калифорнии, они полны решимости навязать свою волю в этой стране независимо от того, что популярно независимо от того, какой закон земли ».
Гингрич: Пришло время «профилировать» и «активно проводить дискриминацию на основе подозрительной террористической информации» . 30 декабря 2009 года HumanEvents.com опубликовал озаглавленную статью «О терроризме - это время, чтобы узнать, профиль и дискриминацию», Гингрич что «наше политически правильное правительство» не «нацелено на источник угроз». Он добавил: «Мы знаем, как идентифицировать этих врагов, но наши элиты отказались это делать». Гингрич позже написал: «Пора знать больше о потенциальных террористах, о профиле террористов и о активной дискриминации на основе подозрительной террористической информации ».
Кандидат в президенты от Республиканской партии, бывший спикер Палаты представителей США Ньют Гингрич, выступает во время дискуссий кандидатов в президенты от Республиканской партии в Университете Дрейка в Де-Мойне, штат Айова.ФОТО: Кандидат в президенты от Республиканской партии, бывший спикер Палаты представителей США Ньют Гингрич, выступает во время обсуждения кандидатами в президенты от Республиканской партии в Университете Дрейка в Де-Мойне, штат Айова.
Был ли Гитлер сионистом? Был Кузен Эдмонда Ротшильда Хильтера?
Гитлеровский еврейский
Гитлеровские евреи - ДНК-тесты показывают, что диктатор «имел еврейские корни»
Связь с Францией
Был ли Гитлер Ротшильдом? Кто давал Хильтеру его приказы?
Этничность Гитлера была еврейской, но он был воспитан римско-католическим. Всегда было стремление Католической Церкви вернуть Иерусалима
«Гитлер не был бы счастлив», - сказал профессор Ронни Декретт в переводе Google на версию веб-версии Knack . Деконте, эксперт по генетике из Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (фламандский исследовательский университет), говорит, что Гитлер, по-видимому, не был «арийским» - то, что нацисты считали бы «чистым».
История Адольфа Гитлера может быть самой извращенной во всей истории. Добавьте еще один поворот.
Responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry.
Several media outlets have reported on results published last week in Knack, a magazine in Belgium.
The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph says that saliva samples were collected from 39 Hitler relatives:
A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews …
Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.
Hitler’s preoccupation with ancestry — including his own — has caused speculation for many years.New York Daily News points out that this research could validate a historic myth:
Hitler’s heritage has been called into question before, with some suggesting his grandfather wasSalomon Mayer von Rothschild founder of the Jewish international banking dynasty. The Rothschild family financially backed Hitler’s
Hitler’s Third Reich.
. Hitler aunt Betty, the sister to Alois, father of Adolph was married to James Mayer de Rothschild and their son Edmond James Rothschild, the Father of Israel was Hitler’s first cousin.
But this is the first claim with any scientific data to support it.
Similar reports have been made against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and said the WWII was a pretext for the Zionist to getPalestineand make it a new Ashkenazi homeland.
An Austrian document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home… where Alois was born.”
Langer’s information came from the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title “Inside the Gestapo”. He writes about the investigations into Hitler’s background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family files of Hitler.
The Rothschilds and the Illuminati produce many offspring out of wedlock in their secret breeding programs and these children are brought up under other names with other parents.
Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly the son of Winthrop Rockefeller produced in the same way, these “ordinary kids from ordinary backgrounds” go on to be extraordinarily successful in their chosen field. Hitler, too, would have produced unofficial children to maintain his strand of the bloodline and there will obviously be people of his bloodline alive today.
So which Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? My thanks to a website correspondent for the additional, updated, information to this article, a man has researched this story in some detail. Alois, Hitler’s father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father.
Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler’s grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer’s senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon:
“…by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls..” and
“He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police.”
And Hitler’s grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon’s desire?
And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschilds, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all “sides” in a conflict?
‘Mein Kampf written by Jesuit Father Staempfle
The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in ‘Mein Kampf were already realized; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For—as so many ignore the fact—it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it. The Secret History of the Jesu
German Elite in Vatican
Photobucket - Хостинг видео и изображений
(Click Book to Read Online)
Pope Benedict XVI
Current Pope when he was in Hitler Youth
His father, Joseph Ratzinger, Sr., was an Ordnungspolizei. The Ordnungspolizei (OrPo) was the name for the uniformed regular German police force that existed in Nazi Germany between the years of 1936 and 1945. After their green uniforms, they were also referred to as Grüne Polizei (green police).
The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The Rothschilds areJesuits
Discussion about The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The … Spanish Empire.” SalvadordeMadariaga, Spanish Statesman: „The Jesuits … as the Order would do with Hitler
Rothschild‘s Servitude to the Vatican – Vatican owed it’s …
Guy de Rothschild was his pen pal eight years … if Pacelli was Hitler’s Pope, and Hitlerwas aRothschild … Former Jesuit Grandmaster and Knights of Malta
High Hitler? – Conspiracy Cafe Home
Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. … Hitler, Himmler, the Jesuit-trained Goebbels, and most of the major Nazis were Catholics and …
Meet the Real Adolf Hitler!! –Hitler was a Rothschild …
Adolf (Rothschild) Hitler (1889-1945).Dictator of Germany from 1933 to … Mein Kampf was ghost-written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle.1 Hitler the dunce was the
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World …
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World … Rockefellers Furnsihed Hitlerwith His Gas and Oil … and Hand with the google Black Pope head of Jesuits …
The Biggest Secret, along with endless other researchers and scholars, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschilds. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschilds who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild‘s Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution.
WAS HITLER A ROTHSCHILD? – The Revelation @ The Forbidden …
... смысл, теперь, когда стало установлено, что Гитлер was a Rothschild … 1978), theRothschild‘s acquired 80% of the land of Israel. Edmond de Rothschild …
Hitler Used Rothschild Banker’s Typewriter
Bloggers Note: To many Ashkenazi Jews, the Holocaust was the darkest event in their history. The average Ashkenazi Jews lost family members, friends, love ones but for the Jewish elite and the practitioners of Kabbalah, the Holocaust (applying the Machiavellian principle the end justify the means ) was a means to an end. The elite can say that the sacrifice of millions of Jews during the Holocaust was the means for the creation of a Zionist state. If there was no Holocaust, there would be no Israel. The Holocaust was a necessary event for the dreams and agenda of the Zionists to be fully realize.
If I was Jewish and the holocaust turn out to be by design by the elite Jewish Zionists, I would using all of my resources and doing everything in my power to make the elite paid for their betrayal of their own people. Can one justify the sacrifice of millions of Jews for the pseudo land of Israel? Does the end justify the means?
Is Modern-day Israel in Bible Prophecy? Middle East News – Video
Тринадцатый Tribe:
Arthur Koestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews. …TheThirteenthTribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage.Arthur Koestler. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
The vast majority of Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar – origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. Maybe the two world wars and the Holocaust were pretext for the New Khazaria or Israel hoax.The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.(Arthur Koestler,The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17).
Old Khazaria existed from about 500 A.D. to about1000 A.D.
Old Khazaria adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaismabout 740 A.D.
Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.
The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
Новая Хазария.
As long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any peace in the Middle East. Modern-day Jewry is of Eastern European/Aryan descent and thus they are not Semitic. Let the truth be told everywhere. Why should American Soldiers die to protect a Hoax?
Who was Albert Pike?
Albert Pike was the oldest of six children of born in the Jewish family of Benjamin and Sarah Chase on December 29, 1809 in Boston Mass. He was an agent of the Illuminati Rothschild family.
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In 1871 Albert Pike envisioned three Word Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster. Pike’s plans have come to fruition, shockingly ‘on target’. Who is Pike and perhaps more importantly who backed Pike?
Pike’s diabolical plans were revealed in letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, the founder of the Italian Mafia and the Masons, the letter was dated August 15, 1871. The Jesuit author Eric Jon Phelps, in his documentary “Vatican Assassins” reveals that Pike was a Jesuit Illuminati plant.
It was founded in Polaski, Tennessee, in 1866 by 6 Confederate officers. One of them, and the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK, was a former Confederate general and Freemason, Nathan Bedford Forrest. … Albert Pike held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, in the Southern Jurisdiction… … the KKK was known as the “Invisible Empire of the South”… in 1869 Forrest ordered the Empire to disband because of the extreme violence.
The Master Piece of Illuminati Theology – The Rapture and British Israel:
There is a theology that will cause millions of families to be lost; this false doctrine is the breeding ground for most of the anger and hatred that most people in the world have toward the US.
It is a theology that is preached from most of the pulpits in America, taught at most of the leading seminaries.
It is a theology that nullifies what Jesus did on the cross in making and end of the bloody sacrifice and give the anti Christ the credit. It is a theology from the pits of hell. This theology has decimated families and people groups and can be link to the deaths of 4500 American soldiers in Iraq, over million Iraqis deaths as well as to the terrorist attacks of 9-11. This theology has shape foreign policy, given birth the new governments and given rebirth to an old government that God did away with almost 500 years before Christ. This theology is directly responsible for the instability and turmoil in the Middle East… The current crises in America and of the Middle East today can be trace to this diabolical theology.
Supporters in the U.S. are applauding Israel’s incursions into Gaza and Lebanon. According to Associated Press, Rev. John Hagee, national chairman of Christians United for Israel, says the Jewish state has “the right to pursue terrorist organizations” that invade its territory, and his group brought thousands of supporters together in Washington and lobbied Congress on Israel’s behalf. The founder of the Olive Tree ministry said… Israel must pursue one policy in dealing with Hezbollah and Hamas, “The only thing that works with Islam is blowing them to kingdom come. It’s time to go in with force,” Mirkel…
Why do we defend the misdeeds of Israel? Could if be because of this diabolical theology?
The theology that I’m speaking of being from Satan is not even in the Bible… It is a theology that was invented as an anti-reformation tool by the Catholic Church…
Although many pre-Reformation writers perceived Papacy as the Man of Sin, the leaders of the sixteenth century Reformation wove this identification into a larger prophetic mosaic. That Martin Luther, the father of the Reformation, recognized the Papacy as the Man of Sin is obvious, “We are convinced that the Papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist.” The Protestant Church of the Reformation saw Papacy as more than the apostate church. Prophecy became the rallying point of the Reformation.
From the first, and throughout, that movement [the Reformation] was energized and guided by the prophetic Word. Luther never felt strong and free to war against the papal apostasy till he recognized the pope as antichrist.
Hundred of thousands of people were leaving the Catholic Church and following the reformers…
In the reaction that followed, all the powers of hell seemed to be let loose upon the adherents of the Reformation. War followed war: tortures, burnings, and massacres were multiplied. Yet the Reformation stood undefeated and unconquerable. God’s word upheld it, and the energies of His Almighty Spirit. It was the work of Christ as truly as the founding of the Church eighteen centuries ago; and the revelation of the future which He gave from heaven—that prophetic book with which the Scripture closes—was one of the mightiest instruments employed in its accomplishment.”3
A Counter-Reformation
In 1545, the Catholic Church convened one of its most famous councils in history, which took place north of Rome in a city called Trent… Thus the Council of Trent became a center for Rome’s Counter-Reformation. Up to this point, Rome’s main method of attack had been largely frontal—the open burning of Bibles and of heretics. Yet this warfare only confirmed in the minds of Protestants the conviction that Papal Rome was indeed the Beast which would “make war with the saints” (Revelation 13:7). Therefore a new tactic was needed, something less obvious. This is where the Jesuits come in.
On August 15, 1534, Ignatius Loyola (in the title picture) founded a secretive Catholic order called the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits
The Rapture theory was first conjure up by Fancisco Ribera as a counter reformation theology… what the church could not do by war, torture, and burning, they done by theology.
Cardinal Bellarmine developed stating that Antichrist to come just before the end of the world and to be accepted by the Jews and enthroned in the temple at Jerusalem—thus endeavoring to dispose of the Protestant exposition which saw Antichrist in the pope. Bellarmine’s interpretation, in modified form, is now accepted by most premillennial dispensationalists.[6]
This theological concept was accepted into the Church of England by Maitland, and adopted into the Pentecostal and charismatic by Edward Irvin…Irvin was follow by an English lawyer, politician, Pastor John Darby… Darby preaching greatly influences the political area in England…
Cyrus Scofield a Kansas lawyer and preacher infected the Baptists with this deadly virus as well as the political landscape in the early 20th century setting the stage for the force eviction of the Palestinians and the reestablishment of a country that has had cease to exist for over 2500 yrs…
Basic teachings of Rapture theory:
1. The rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948.
2. A soon-coming seven years of “Great Tribulation.”
3. The rebuilding of the Jewish temple on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.
4. The Antichrist’s rise during the tribulation; He’ll enter the temple to proclaim Godhood.
5. A final war against Israel, which will result in Armageddon.
Israel must pursue one policy in dealing with Hezbollah and Hamas, the Olive Tree Ministries founder contends. “The only thing that works with Islam is blowing them to kingdom come. It’s time to go in with force,” Mirkel
Yes my friend, The Rapture Theory produces this type of mentality. Is this the attitude that a follower of Christ should have? Was Jesus a war-monger? or did he teach that we should love our enimies? Is the Rapture theory Bibical? What is the truth behind the Rapture? The rapture one of the biggest hoax in modern time created to divert attention away from the truth about the Anti- Christ and Christ True Second Coming and implement a false racist theology called British Israel. This theology is promoted by most mainstream denominations such as Assemblies of God, COGIC, Baptist, most Pentecostal Churches, Full Gospel, and TV Evangelists like John Hagee, TD Jakes, Joe Koevering, Jake Hayford, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Rod Parsley, Chuck Smith, Chuck Missler, Jesse Duplantis, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, and writers Perry Stone, John Walvood, Tim Lahaye, Jerry Jinkins, Dave Hunt, to name only a few. Beware my Friends of False Prophets who promote this diabolical doctrine of the Rapture which is also called British Israel.
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Beware of False Preachers and Teachers.
They promote an Anti-Christ, Anti-protestant and Luciferian Rapture Doctrine –
Beware my Friend Beware – They are not of God, but wolves in Sheep Clothing.
Jesuits Priest Thomas Ice is the Supreme Head of the False Prophet Society. He is the leading authority of the Luciferian Rapture Doctrine. He is leading millions of sincere christians down the road of perdition.
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Filed under: Albert Pike, Anti-Christ Doctrine, British Israel, CABALAH, Christian Zionism Israel, christianity, Chuck Missler, Chuck Smith, CUFI, Dallas Theological Seminary, de Rothschild, Donald Hilliard, Dr. Thomas Ice, Ernest Angley, False Teaching, Foursqure, Freemason, Full Gospel, Futurism, Gary Bauer, Global University, Grant Jefferies, Haaretz, Hank Hanegraaff, Hershel Shanks, Holy Land, Huie Rogers, International Christian Embassy, Israel Hoax, Israel, Palestine, J. Reyes, J.V. Impe, Jack Van Impe, James DeLoach, James Kennedy, James Robinson, Jentezen Franklin, Jerry Jenkins, Jerry Savelle Ministries International, jesse duplantis, Jewish Heritage, jimmy swaggard, John Ankerberg, Lambert Dolpin, Lance Lambert, lester sumrall, Liberty University, Luciferian Rapture, luis palau, Lyle Dukes, Marilyn Hickey, Mark Chironna, Mark DeMoss, Middle East Conflict, Mike Evans, Morning Star Ministries, MYLES MUNROE, National Association of Evangelicals, New Jerusalem, New World Order, Olive Tree Ministries, Palestine, Pastor Paula White, Pastor Tony Smith, Pastorssmith, Paul Billington, Paw Creek Ministries, Perry Stone, Uncategorized, Word of Faith, Yacov Ramsel, ZOA, Zola Levitt | Tagged: 700 Club, Anti-Christ Doctrine, Assemblies of God, Bible Map Palestine, Billy Joe Daugherty, Binny Hinn, Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Neil Ellis, Bishop Silas Johnson, Bishop T.D. Jakes, British Israel, CBN, Church of God In Christ, COGIC, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dave Hunt, Evangelical, Freemason, Gerald Falwell, GOP, Grant Jefferies, Hal Lindsey, happy caldwell, Israel, Jack Hayford, Jane Hanson - Aglow International, Joe Van Koevering, John Hagee Ministries, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Moody Bible Institute, Newt Gingrich, NWO, Oral Roberts University, Palestinian Invented People, Rhema Bible Training Center, T.D. Jakes, TBN, VTN, zionism | Leave a comment »
World AIDS Day – Reformers Reveal Identity of Anti-Christ – AIDS Bio-virus for Depopulation
Posted on December, 1, 2011 by joeland7
World AIDS Day
Torch of Truth International: AIDS/HIV: Bio-Weapon Virus for Depopulation
China Marks World AIDS Day | News | English
World Aids Day 2011: ‘Inside Story: The Science of HIV/AIDS …
World Aids day: 20 years of HIV data mapped | World news …
Reformers Reveled Identity of Anti-Christ
“Reformers Reveal the Beast of Revelation 13 and the Little Horn of Daniel 7.”
Most reformers spoke of the papacy as antichrist. The papacy has since that time, received it’s deadly wound by France in 1798 (Rev. 13:5,10) and is again becoming popular and powerful just as the prophecies predicted! (Rev. 13:3) Martin LutherMartin Luther (1483-1546) [founder of the Lutheran Church] “nothing else than the kingdom of Babylon and of very Antichrist….For who is the man of sin and the son of perdition, but he who by his teaching and his ordinances increases the sin and perdition of souls in the church; while he yet sits in the church as if he were God? All these conditions have now for many ages been fulfilled by the papal tyranny.” Martin Luther, First Principles, pp. 196-197 John CalvinJohn Calvin (1509-1564) [founder of the Presbyterian Church] “I deny him to be the vicar of Christ, who, in furiously persecuting the gospel, demonstrates by his conduct that he is Antichrist–I deny him to be the successor of Peter..I deny him to be the head of the church.” “Some persons think us too severe and censorious when we call the Roman pontiff Antichrist. But those who are of this opinion do not consider that they bring the same charge of presumption against Paul himself, after whom we speak and whose language we adopt…I shall briefly show that (Pauls words in 2 Thessalonians 2) are not capable of any other interpretation than that which applies them to the Papacy” John Calvin, Tracts, Vol. 1, pp. 219,220. John Calvin, Institutes. John Wesley (1703-1791) [founder of the Methodist Church] “He is in an emphatical sense, the Man of Sin, as he increases all manner of sin above measure. And he is, too, properly styled the Son of Perdition, as he has caused the death of numberless multitudes, both of his opposers and followers… He it is…that exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped… claiming the highest power, and highest honor… claiming the prerogatives which belong to God alone.” Albert Close, Antichrist and His Ten Kingdoms, London: Thynne and Co., 1917, p. 110. King James (1566-1625) [Authorized the King James Version of the Bible] “The faithfull praiseth God for the Popes destruction, and their deliverance,” and for “the plagues which are to light on him and his followers.” “The Pope by his Pardons makes merchandise of the soules of men: Heaven and the Saints reioyce at his destruction, albiet the earth and the worldlings lament for the same” James I, Paraphrase, in Workes, pp. 47, 57 John Wycliffe - Learn more about him.John Wyclif (1324-1384) [Completed the 1st English translation of the Bible] “Why is it necessary in unbelief to look for another Antichrist? Hence in the seventh chapter of Daniel Antichrist is forcefully described by a horn arising in the time of the 4th kingdom. For it grew from [among] our powerful ones, more horrible, more cruel, and more greedy, because by reckoning the pagans and our Christians by name, a lesser [greater?] struggle for the temporals is not recorded in any preceding time. Therefore the ten horns are the whole of our temporal rulers, and the horn has arisen from the ten horns, having eyes and a mouth speaking great things against the Lofty One, and wearing out the saints of the Most High, and thinking that he is able to change times and laws.” (Daniel 7:8, 25 quoted) …”For so our clergy foresee the lord pope, as it is said of the eighth blaspheming little head.” Translated from Wyclif’s, De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae, vol. 3 pp. 262, 263 William TyndaleWilliam Tyndale (1484-1536) [1st translator of the Bible from the Greek] “The pope’s forbidding matrimony, and to eat of meats created of God for man’s use, which is devilish doctrine by Paul’s prophecy,… are tokens good enough that he is the right antichrist, and his doctrine sprung of the devil.” 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Tyndale, An Answer to Sir Thomas More’s Dialogue, in Works, vol. 3, p. 171 Visit for more information on William Tyndale. John KnoxJohn Knox (1505-1572) [Scottish Reformer] He preached that Romish traditions and ceremonies should be abolished along with “that tyranny which the Pope himself has for so many ages exercised over the church” and that he should be acknowledged as “the son of perdition, of whom Paul speaks.” In a public challenge he declared: “As for your Roman Church, as it is now corrupted… I no more doubt but that it is the synagogue of Satan, and the head therof, called the Pope, to be the man of sin of whom the apostle speaketh.” Knox, The Zurich Letters, p.199 Philipp MelanchthonPhilipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) [Associate of Martin Luther] “Since it is certain that the pontiffs and the monks have forbidden marriage, it is most manifest, and true without any doubt, that the Roman Pontiff, with his whole order and kingdom, is very Antichrist. Likewise in 2 Thess. II, Paul clearly says that the man of sin will rule in the church exalting himself above the worship of God, etc.” Translated from Melanchthon, Disputationes, No. 56, “De Matrimonio”, in Opera (Corpus Reformatorum), vol. 12 col. 535 Huldreich Zwingli (1484-1531) [great Swiss reformer quoted on Dec. 28, 1524] “I know that in it works the might and power of the Devil, that is, of the Antichrist… the Papacy has to be abolished… But by no other means can it be more thoroughly routed than by the word of God (2 Thessalonians 2), because as soon as the world receives this in the right way, it will turn away from the Pope without compulsion.” Principle Works of Zwingli, Vol. 7, p. 135.
Volume 2.2 The Challenge
The following is an excerpt from Envoy Magazine‘s March/April 98 cover article, Pope Fiction, by Patrick Madrid. The highlighted text is of special interest, and the core of the subsequent discussion. (NOTE: Javascript must be enabled on your browser to see the highlighting).
Fiction 5 The pope is the beast spoken of in Revelation 13. Verse 1 says that he wears crowns and has “blasphemous names” written on his head. Verse 18 says that the numerical value of his name adds up to 666. The pope’s official title in Latin is Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar Son of God). If you add that up using Roman numerals, you get 666. The pope’s tiara is emblazoned with this title, formed by diamonds and other jewels. I wasn’t very good at math in school, but even I can follow this argument and run the numbers well enough to show it’s bogus. (Besides, answering this question is apologetics at its most fun!) The charge that the pope is the beast of Revelation 13, because his title adds up to 666, is especially popular with Seventh-Day Adventists, but it’s also widely repeated in some Protestant circles. Vicarius Filii Dei does have the mathematical value of 666 in Latin. Here’s how it works. Like many ancient languages, such as Greek and Hebrew, some Latin letters are also used for numbers: I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500 and M = 1000. The letter “u” is rendered as V and the letter “w,” which doesn’t exist in the Latin alphabet, would be rendered as VV. So this title would read in Latin as VICARIVS FILII DEI. When calculating the value of a name or word, letters that don’t have a numerical value are ignored. For example, drop out the no-value letters in my name, PATRICK MADRID, and you come up with 2102 — 1 (i) + 100 (c) + 1000 (m) + 500 (d) + 1 (i) + 500 (d) = 2102. By the way, this is one reason why, as far as I know, no one has yet accused me of being in league with the anti-Christ. The numbers just don’t add up. But in the case of VICARIVS FILII DEI, they do add up to 666. Isolate the numbers and this is what you get: 5 (v) + 1 (i) + 100 (c) + 1 (i) + 5 (V) + 1 (i) + 50 (L) + 1 (i) + 1 (i) + 500 (d) + 1 (i) = 666. But there are problems with this. The first is that Vicarius Filii Dei, or “Vicar of the Son of God,” is not now, nor has it ever been, a title of the bishop of Rome. The second problem is that virtually no one, including many unsuspecting lay Catholics, knows that this papal “title” is a fabrication. To an untrained ear, it sounds enough like one of the pope’s real titles, Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ), to pass the test. Unfortunately for those who traffic in this particular piece of pope fiction, the real title, Vicarius Christi, adds up to only a measly 214, not the infernal 666. In fact, none of the pope’s official titles, such as Servus Servorum Dei (Servant of the Servants of God), Pontifex Maximus (Supreme Pontiff), or Successor Petri (Successor of Peter), will add up to 666. That’s why you never see any of them used by anti-Catholics. If the person making this claim disputes these facts, ask him to furnish even one example of a papal decree, ecclesiastical letter, conciliar statement, or any other official Catholic document in which the pope calls himself or is referred to as the “Vicar of the Son of God.” He won’t be able to find one, because none exist. Vicarius Filii Dei has never been a title of the pope. MAY 1, 2009: An official ecclesiastical letter of Pope Leo IX that uses Vicarius Filii Dei has been found! JUNE 25, 2009: Two official Apostolic Constitutions of Pope Paul VI that use Vicarius Filii Dei discovered! See VICARIUS FILII DEI 666. Poof! That part was easy, but some people, especially Seventh-Day Adventists, will ignore the evidence (or lack of it)and hold tenaciously to the notion that “Vicar of the Son of God” is an official papal title and therefore identifies the pope as the Beast of Revelation. What else can be said in response? Using the same math exercise we did above, point out that the name of the woman who started the Seventh-Day Adventist church, Ellen Gould White, also adds up to 666 in Latin. (L + L + V +D + V + V + I = 666). Then ask if this proves that she is the Beast. I can assure you the answer won’t be “yes.” If the answer is “no,” ask how this numbers game could possibly prove the pope or anyone else is the Beast. If you’re answered with silence, it’s a good bet that you’ve made some progress with the person. The main fact to impress on someone who uses this argument is that a papal title had to be invented, one that could produce the magic number, in order to give this argument legs. But we’re not quite finished cutting it off at the knees. The charge that the pope is the Beast because he wears a crown, and Revelation 13:1 says the Beast wears crowns and has “blasphemous names” written on his head, must also be answered. This we can do more quickly. Since about the year 708, many popes have worn at non-liturgical ceremonial events a special papal crown called a tiara, but the stylized beehive-shaped papal crown of three diadems that we have come to know as a tiara emerged only in the early 14th century. Although it was customary for tiaras to be encrusted with jewels and precious ornaments, there is no evidence — no statue, bust, painting, drawing or even written description of any of the many tiaras that were crafted — that any papal tiara ever had the name or title of a pope emblazoned on it.
Wrong. An inscribed tiara of Pius IX recently completed a museum tour of the U. S.
This is significant, because there have been medieval and Renaissance popes whose extravagant vanity prodded them to have lavishly ornamented, jewel-encrusted tiaras made for themselves. And we possess paintings and statues and other representations of them produced during their lifetimes that show these tiaras (we even possess some of the actual tiaras). If any popes in history would have been tempted to succumb to the bad taste of spelling out “Vicarius Filii Dei” in diamonds across the front of their tiaras, these men would have — but they didn’t. No pope did. One particular anti-Catholic tract I’ve seen shows a plain metal tiara with Vicarius Filii Dei written in diamonds across it. But it was a drawing — not a photograph of a museum piece or even a photo of a painting of a tiara. It had to be drawn, of course, because the “666 papal crown”— as with all the other pope fictions—has only ever existed in the minds of those who perpetuate this fantasy.
23 September 98
An open letter to Mr. Patrick Madrid and Envoy Magazine,
In your cover story Pope Fiction, in the March/April 1998 issue, you make the following statement under Fiction 5:
“If the person making this claim disputes these facts, ask him to furnish even one example of a papal decree, ecclesiastical letter, conciliar statement, or any other official Catholic document in which the pope calls himself or is referred to as the ‘Vicar of the Son of God.’ He won’t be able to find one, because none exist. Vicarius Filii Dei has never been a title of the pope.”
I accept your challenge. I would like to offer my article at in response. I personally have Lucius Ferraris’ Prompta Bibliotheca, 1858 Paris edition, a Catholic theological encyclopedia, in which the title VICARIUS FILII DEI appears in volume 5, column 1828, under “PAPA” (Pope), “Article II.” I have scanned the item and it appears in my article. Prompta Bibliotheca, according to the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, is “a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge” and “will ever remain a precious mine of information” and is quoted frequently as an authoritative Catholic source. Vicarius Filii Dei also appeared repeatedly in Catholic canon law for hundreds of years (Anselm’s, Cardinal Deusdedit’s, and Gratian’s Decretum also known as Concordia Discordantium Canonum), in quotes of the Donation of Constantine which contained the title and was considered authentic by the Church for many hundreds of years, having been cited by as many as 10 Popes as proof of their temporal authority. One 1879 edition of Corpus Juris Canonici containing VICARIUS FILII DEI is presented in my article. In “Crossing The Threshold of Hope”, by Pope John Paul II: First Chapter: “The Pope”: A Scandal and a Mystery, page 3, you will find:
“The Pope is considered the man on earth who represents the Son of God, who “takes the place” of the Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity”.
If you directly translate “represents the Son of God” into Latin, the official language of the Church, you get “Vicarius Filii Dei”. In my article I present the above and other evidence to show conclusively that VICARIUS FILII DEI is not a fraud, and that it was indeed used by the Catholic Church for well over 600 years. In fairness, I have included a link to your article from mine so that my readers can see a Catholic viewpoint on the matter. If you are so sure that VICARIUS FILII DEI is a fabrication, then I challenge you, in reciprocal fairness, to include a link to my article from yours to show the historical evidence to your readership. (I have posted this email to you on my initial web index page and will be happy to append any response of yours to it.) Respectfully, Michael Scheifler
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The Seal of God for Last Days Events – TD Jakes Sabbath Sermon – The Cost of Christian Zionism – Is it Christian?
The price of gas is higher than ever, cost of living is at a all time high, profits for wall street is soring and every thing is going up except wages. This economy is about to collapsed.
In the last days one will either have the Seal of God or the Mark of the Beast. We are living in the last day.
What is the Seal of God?
The official seal of any county or official, always contain title, name, and dominion. Ex. official seal of the United States…Title – President; Name – George Bush; Dominion – United States of America. Every law passed will have the
God has an official seal. His seal is imbedded in His Law. It is the 4th commandment which said..
Ex. 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Ex. 20:9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: Ex. 20:10 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God (name): in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: Ex. 20:11 For in six days the LORD made(title – creator) heaven and earth, (dominion)the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Name – Lord thy God; Title – Maker; Dominion – Heaven and earth
It is the 4th commandment that makes the Ten Commandment official… The Sabbath Commandment is Gods seal and signature. Ezek 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them. Ezek 20:20 And hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God. Ex. 31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you. Ex. 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. Ex. 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. The intent of this seal is to establish the authority of God and that no man can change His Law. The seal of God is not a literal seal. It is affixed to, and obtained by, those who worship the one true God on the day he specified in His Law. Those who worship on the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) and believe it to be a continuing testament to the Creator, have the seal of God on the forehead (they know the truth and follow the Law of God). Sabbath (7th day = Saturday) is the Creators Day. (Lords Day). The day He blessed and made Holy before sin enter the world. Gen.2:1-3… Sunday is Lucifer’s day (Baal)… the day he wants mankind to worship on so they will be ultimately destroy. The main symbol of Lucifer is the sun disk. It is Luciferian agenda is to destroy all mankind. Chose you this day who you will serve. Give God the glory and worship Him in spirit and truth.
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Worldwide AIDS & HIV Statistics Including Deaths
– 9:25pm
World HIV & AIDS epidemic statistics, including people infected with HIV and deaths from AIDS. 25 Million Dead
Region Adults & children
living with HIV/AIDS Adults & children
newly infected Adult prevalence* Deaths of
adults & children
Sub-Saharan Africa 22.4 million 1.9 million 5.2% 1.4 million
North Africa & Middle East 310,000 35,000 0.2% 20,000
South and South-East Asia 3.8 million 280,000 0.3% 270,000
East Asia 850,000 75,000 0.1% 59,000
Oceania 59,000 3900 0.3% 2,000
Latin America 2.0 million 170,000 0.6% 77,000
Caribbean 240,000 20,000 1.0% 12,000
Eastern Europe & Central Asia 1.5 million 110,000 0.7% 87,000
North America 1.4 million 55,000 0.4% 25,000
Western & Central Europe 850,000 30,000 0.3% 13,000
Global Total 33.4 million 2.7 million 0.8% 2.0 million
33 million people live with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. 190 countries around the world recognize this day to raise awareness that the battle is not over in the fight against the world’s number one health threat.
An International Conference on AIDs will be held in Africa, December 3 through 7.
In the U.S., the Black AIDS Institute is asking the Obama administration to set up a domestic funding program for HIV/AIDS prevention, according to BET.The institute says this is increasingly a black issue as about half of the over one million Americans living with HIV or AIDS are black.
Increasingly women and girls are finding themselves part of the growing numbers, with about 11 percent of newly reported AIDS cases contracted either through sex with infected men or injected drug use. African American woman accounted for 66 percent of the newly diagnosed cases in 2005, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention.
The New York Times, in an editorial, says that the WHO developed a mathematical model predicting what would happen if most adults and adolescents were tested every year for the AIDS virus, and those who were positive were treated immediately with antiretroviral medications. The policy now is to use the drugs after your immune system is depresse
[TRANSLATED] CNN Covers Elite’s Depopulation Program.
[TRANSLATED] CNN Covers Elite’s Depopulation Program.
Do the Elite, through government and private sector scientists, create and distribute deadly viruses to world populations (more)
1971 Special Virus Flow Chart
Dr Alan Cantwell
“Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.”
Smallpox vaccines triggered AIDS
On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world’s most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.” The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a “dormant” AIDS virus infection on the continent.
An advisor to the WHO admitted, “Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS.” Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, “The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV.” Despite the tremendous importance of this story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and Gallo never spoke of it again.
In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled “W.H.O. Murdered Africa” , he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a passage that stated: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.” According to Douglass, “That’s AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.’”
see in the ‘free world’?
“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “
UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans
MUST READ: The house that AIDS builtin the ‘free world’?
“Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation. The documents give details of all clinical trials in the US and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the ‘safety and tolerance’ of Aids medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects. Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT. “
UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans
MUST READ: The house that AIDS built
Aids, Eugenics, and the Future: The truth about the …
Aids, Eugenics, and the Future … up with two shattering exposes – “The Drug Story”, and “The House of Rockefeller.”
1971 U.S. Special ‘HIV’ Virus Flow Chart Download Link
Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. discovered the United States’ secret 1971 Special Virus FlowChart in 1999 and changed the world forever.
1971 Special Virus Flow Chart
The History of the Development of AIDS
Chapter Excerpt from “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.
AIDS is man-made – Interview with Dr. Boyd Graves
Boyd Graves (BG): The 1971 Flow Chart is the blueprint for the development of AIDS. It is the quintessential missing link document which provides absolute proof of the U …
Rockefeller, Nazis, The UN, & Genocide
The Rockefeller Foundation had long financed the eugenics movement in England … about the Planned Parenthood and Rockefeller connection to AIDS and …
Torch of Truth International -: Chelsea Clinton (Rockefeller …
The Rockefeller Foundation had long financed the eugenics movement in England, apparently … about the Planned Parenthood and Rockefeller connection to AIDS and ..
Eugenics and Depopulation: The Rockefeller Plan – “Tricky …
… decisive role – former New York governor Nelson Rockefeller … AIDS truth exposed: Un-cut exclusive footage from … … NWO Eugenics to Global Depopulation; Oligarchy’s WWF Goal ..
About Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s AIDS Comment ” Think On These ThingsUNCENSORED ” Depopulation Linked Merck Announces African … 1970, President Nixon signed PL91–213 and John D. Rockefeller, III … 95.10.52/racism/pooaa1. …thinkonthesethings.wordpress.com/2008/03/17/about-rev-jeremiah-wrights-aids-comment/ – More from this site
down with murder inc In 1970, President Nixon signedPL91–213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the ” … TheAIDS Debate. The depopulation agenda part 1. Thedepopulation agenda …
World AIDS Day
AIDS/HIV: Bio-Weapon Virus for Depopulation of Africa
AIDS: ‘The Manufactured Virus’
From the Official U.S. Govt. Documents House of Rep.
AIDS as a weapon of war
Thu Jun 28 10:59:13 2001
United States Senate Library
Ninety-First Congress
First Session
Subcommittee on Department of Defense
George H. Mahon, Texas, Chairman
Robert L.F. Sikes, Florida, Glenard P. Lipscomb, California
Jamie D. Whitten, Mississippi William E. Minshall, Ohio
George W. Andrews, Alabama, John J. Rhodes, Arizona
Daniel J. Flood, Pennsylvania Glenn R. Davis, Wisconsin
John M. Slack, West Virginia, Joseph P. Addabbo, New York
Frank E. Evans, Colorado
Temporarily assigned H.B. 15090
Department of the Army
Statement of Director, Advanced Research Project Agency
Statement of Director, Defense Research and Engineering
Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations
There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.
MR. SIKES. Are we doing any work in that field?
DR. MACARTHUR. We are not.
MR. SIKES. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?
DR. MACARTHUR. Certainly not lack of interest.
MR. SIKES. Would you provide for our records information on what would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be. The time and the cost involved?
DR. MACARTHUR. We will be very happy to. The information follows:
The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations:
1. All biological agents up the the present time are representitives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes.
2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.
3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.
4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientisis in the field., almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of sciences – National Research Council (NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made to initiate the program. However decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB program., and our reluctance to involve the NAS NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years.
It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaked lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done. there is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate research program.
4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientisis in the field., almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of sciences – National Research Council (NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made to initiate the program. However decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB program., and our reluctance to involve the NAS NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years.
It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaked lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done. there is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate research program.
“Letter of Transmittal”
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
726 Jackson Place, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20506
March 27, 1972
To the President and Congress of the United States:
I have the honor to transmit for your consideration the Final Report, containing the findings and recommendations, of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, pursuant to Sec. 8, PL 91-213.
After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the Nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the Nation’s ability to solve its problems. We have looked for, and have not found, any convincing economic argument for continued population growth. The health of our country does not depend on it, nor does the vitality of business nor the welfare of the average person.
The recommendations offered by this Commission are directed towards increasing public knowledge of the causes and please=”” acknowledge of population change, facilitating and guiding the processes of population movement, maximizing information about human reproduction and its consequences for the family, and enabling individuals to avoid unwanted fertility.
To these ends we offer this report in the hope that our findings and recommendations will stimulate serious consideration of an issue that is of great consequence to present and future generations.
Respectfully submitted for the Commission,
John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Chairman
The President
The President of the Senate
The Speaker of the House of Representatives
AIDS baby born with heart outside stomach
1971 Special Virus Flow Chart
Population And The American Future
The Report Of The Commission On Population Growth And The American Future
John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Chairman
March 27, 1972
The Commission
John D. Rockefeller 3rd
Vice Chairman
Grace Olivarez
Executive Director, Food for All, Inc.
Vice Chairman
Christian N. Ramsey, Jr., M.D.
President, The Institute for the Study of Health and Society
Joseph D. Beasley, M.D.
The Edward Wisner Professor of Public Health
Tulane University Medical Center
David E. Bell
Executive Vice President, The Ford Foundation
Bernard Berelson
President, The Population Council
Arnita Young Boswell
Associate Field Work Professor
School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago
Margaret Bright
Professor, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences and Dept. of Epidemiology
School of Hygiene and Public Health
The Johns Hopkins University
Marilyn Brant Chandler
Housewife, Volunteer, Student
Paul B. Cornely, M.D.
Professor, Dept. of Community Health Practice, College of Medicine
Howard University
Assistant to the Executive Medical Officer
Welfare and Retirement Fund United Mine Workers of America
Alan Cranston
United States Senator
Lawrence A. Davis
President, Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical & Normal College
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1970 : The funding of the Bio-terrorism AIDS virus
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1970 HEARINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SUBCOMMITTEE ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS H.B. 15090 PART 5 RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION Department of the Army Statement of Director, Advanced Research Project Agency Statement of Director, Defense Research and Engineering Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1969 UNITED STATES SENATE LIBRARY [pg.] 129 TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1969 SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENTS There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. MR. SIKES. Are we doing any work in that field? DR. MACARTHUR. We are not. MR. SIKES. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest? DR. MACARTHUR. Certainly not lack of interest. MR. SIKES. Would you provide for our records information on what would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the time and the cost involved? DR. MACARTHUR. We will be very happy to. (The information follows:) The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations: 1. All biological agents up the the present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes. 2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. 3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million. 4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientists in the field. Almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council (NAS-NRC). The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were plans were made to initiate the program. However decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the past 2 years. It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done, there is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it, there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate research program. Funded for $10,000 000 12/8/69 (306 yes votes 330-no votes 33)
The Medical Mafia: The truth about the Rockefeller drug empire
The Merchants of aids
The Aids Conspiracy
Another Tool of Eugenics: Floride
1969: Department of Defence appropriation HR 15090 to create a virus similar to HIV
1985:The Strecker Memorandum video – Aids was made as a bio weapon
1987: United States Patent 4,647,773: Gallo: for the production of the AIDS virus
1990: Aids is man made- Bill Cooper
Gallo and Litton bionetics contractors for the US Government, creater of AIDS: Video
Graves: Dr. Boyd Graves Web Site
Graves: Letter to Ninth US Circuit Court
Graves: Alex Jones Interview
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Anti-Christ Doctrine, john hagee zionism, Rhema Bible Training Center, Joe Van Koevering, Gerald Falwell, Binny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Evangelical, Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Assemblies of God, Chuck Smith, Bishop Neil Ellis, Billy Graham, Kenneth Copeland, Mason, Billy Joe Daugherty, Juanita Bynum, Jane Hanson – Aglow International, John Hagee Ministries, COGIC, Dallas Theological Seminary, Grant Jefferies, Moody Bible Institute, Bishop Eddie Long, Dave Hunt, T.D. Jakes, British Israel, Freemason, NWO, Hal Lindsey, zionism, Baphomet, Eddie Long, Jack Hayford, Kay Arthur, Oral Roberts University, Jack Van Impe, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Chuck Missler, Church of God In Christ, Rapture Hoax, Bishop Charles E. Blake, The Church of God in Christ, Albert Pike, paganism, T. Lahaye, Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake
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Filed under: Uncategorized | Tagged: Africa Depopulation, AIDS, Anti-Christ Doctrine, Assemblies of God, Barack Obama, Billy Joe Daugherty, Binny Hinn, Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop Charles Green, Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Neil Ellis, Bishop Silas Johnson, Bishop T.D. Jakes, British Israel, Chuck Missler, Chuck Smith, Church of God In Christ, CNB, COGIC, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dave Hunt, Depopulation, Elite Depopulation Program, EUGENICS, Evangelical, foursquare, Freemason, Gerald Falwell, Graves, happy caldwell, Jack Van Impe, Jane Hanson - Aglow International, Janet Parshall, John Hagee Ministries, Juanita Bynum, kenneth-copleland, Moody Bible Institute, Oral Roberts, Oral Roberts University, Rhema Bible Training Center, ROCKEFELLER, Rothschild, T.D. Jakes, TBN, VTN, zionism | Leave a comment »
The Real Truth about Modern-day Israel – Is the Rapture Biblical?
Posted on September, 20, 2011 by joeland7
Palestinians: we are already recognised as a state by two-thirds of the globe
The Real Truth about the Modern-day Jewish Heritage
What is their true Origin?
Are They of Abraham Seed?
Are They Semitic?
“The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler.
The Thirteenth Tribe – The Real Jewish Heritage
Arthur Koestler
…but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European — and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar — origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur “
This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry…
The Khazars’ sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.
In the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”
The ThirteenthTribe:
ArthurKoestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews.…TheThirteenthTribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. ArthurKoestler. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
The vast majority of Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar – origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. Maybe the two world wars and the Holocaust were pretext for the New Khazaria or Israel hoax.The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.(Arthur Koestler,The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17).
Old Khazaria existed from about 500 A.D. to about 1000 A.D.
Old Khazaria adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaism about 740 A.D.
Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.
The most cruel hoax which man has ever perpetrated.
New Khazaria.
As long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any peace in the Middle East. Modern-day Jewry is of Eastern European/Aryan descent and thus they are not Semitic. Let the truth be told everywhere. Why should American Soldiers die to protect a Hoax?
Is Modern-Day Israel in Bible Prophecy? Are Modern-day Jews of Abraham Seed?
Millions expect Israel to play a major role in God’s future plan for earth. Could they all be wrong? Is there a conspiracy to deceive God’s people? What is the Biblical evidence concerning modern day Israel?
Many people today consider the restoration of the Jewish nation in Palestine to be a direct and dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth, a phenomenal best seller of the last few decades, and Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye’s Lift Behind, along with Bishop T.D. Jakes declares that the end of the world will come within the lifetime of the generation that saw the founding of the Israeli state in 1948, hereby applying the words of Jesus: “This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” (Matthew 24:34)
Coupled with this fascination with Israel is a novel teaching regarding the return of Jesus, called the “secret rapture.” These books and many other speaks for many today who expect God secretly to take the “church” to heaven prior to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple on its old site where the sacred Muslim shrine, the Dome of the Rock, now stands. According to this position, after the “church” is “raptured” to heaven, there will be seven years of the worst period of famine, bloodshed, and pestilence ever experienced by man. During this great tribulation the focus will be on God’s dealings with the Jews, who are again given the responsibility for the evangelization of the world.
According to secret-rapture preachers, the battle of Armageddon will climax the end of the seven-year tribulation as the nations of the earth take sides over the future of Israel. When mankind teeters on the brink of incinerating the world, Jesus will return gloriously and save man from self-extinction. At that time Jesus will set up a literal one-thousand-year reign on earth with Jerusalem functioning as the spiritual capital of the world.
Most evangelical periodicals and pulpits teach this view today, and to those who do not know better, it might appear that this prophetic scenario, known as pretribulationism, has been the traditional teaching of the Christian church since New Testament days. Nothing is further from the truth. Be not deceived.. Did the architects of the creation of modern day Israel have any thing to do with the development of the rapture theory? Where did the Rapture theology originate? Is the crisis in the Middle East and the war in the Iraq have anything to do with the erroneous rapture theory?
Is there a master conspiracy at work
According to dispensationalists John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Ken Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, John Walvoord, Grant Jefferies, Tim Lahaye, Benny Hinn, Clarence Larkin, H. Caldwell, TD Jakes and others who teach and preach about the Rapture, Israel has two dispensations, or time periods, in which they functions as God’s special instrument of salvation. Between these two periods of time comes the dispensation of the “church”. The church received a heavenly reward at the time of the rapture, while Israel received an earthly reward at the end of the tribulation.
There is no support in the New Testament for such an erroneous view.
The chief reason why the modern state of Israel has no prophetic significance is that after the Jews as a body rejected Jesus as the Messiah, God gave to the Christian church the special privileges, responsibilities, and prerogatives once assigned to the ancient Jews. No longer were the Jews to be His special people with a prophetic destiny.
Rom.2:28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; vs.29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.
All the promises of a glorious kingdom on earth once given through the Jewish prophets to the Jewish people became void because the Jewish people as a nation did not fulfill the conditions of these prophecies. Failing to receive the glory that could have been Israel’s is probably the saddest story in literature. Placed at the crossroads of the ancient world, God furnished them with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the earth. God wanted to reward Israel with every physical and spiritual blessing as they put into practice the clear-cut principles that He had graciously taught them through His prophets (Deuteronomy 7, 8, 28).
The Old Testament records the sad story of how the vineyard of Israel produced, not the mature fruit of a Christ-like character, but “wild grapes,” a misinterpretation and perversion of what the God of Israel was really like. “What more was there to do for my vineyard, that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?” (Isaiah 5:4 RSV).
Even when the Jewish nation was suffering the bitter consequences of disobedience during the Babylonian captivity, God mercifully promised that a restored Israel was possible and that there was yet time to recover its special role as His representative on earth – if it would honor His law and submit to His principles. Even then the Jews could have become, if faithful, the head and not the tail, in matters physical and spiritual; all nations would have looked upon Jerusalem as not only the center of wisdom but also the spiritual capital of the world (see Isaiah 45:14; 60:1 – 11).
When the Jews returned to Palestine after the Babylonian captivity, the promises given to Abraham and expanded through the writings of Moses and other prophets would have been fulfilled; the whole earth would have been alerted for the first advent of Christ, even as the way is being prepared for His second coming today.
Missed Their Last Opportunity.
These Old Testament prophecies that picture Israel dwelling in peace and prosperity, with all nations beating a path to her doors, could have been fulfilled 2000 years ago if they had indeed prepared the world for the first coming of Jesus (see Zechariah 8:14). But instead of fulfilling their greatest assignment they missed their last opportunity, and Jesus their Lord finally had to pronounce with irrevocable judgement: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not Behold your house is forsaken and desolate” (Matthew 23:37, 38 RSV).
Those who regard the establishment of the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of those Old Testament prophecies overlook the fact that these promises were made either prior to their release from Babylonian captivity or during the rebuilding days soon after their return. God would have fulfilled these promises if Israel had been faithful and obedient to the conditions on which the promises were made.
Although God promised a “second chance” to Israel after their failure leading up to the Babylonian captivity, He promised no “third chance” to them after their final rejection when their Lord Himself “came to his own home, and his own people received him not” (John 1:11 RSV)
But God did not give up, even though Israel as a nation had failed Him. Although corporate Israel no longer was to function as God’s special agent, the individual Jews who received and obeyed Jesus Christ would constitute the new organization through which He would now work.
Paul describes this remarkable transition in Romans 9 to 11, where he appeals to individual Jews (such as himself) to respond to God through Jesus, join those Gentiles who have found in Him the solution to their anxious, sinful condition, and together arouse the world to the simple fact that God wants to make an end to sin and its misery by setting up His eternal kingdom composed of those who have found in Jesus the promised Saviour.
Those who preach and teach this erroneous Rapture doctrine are purposely misleading multitudes. This doctrine was created by the Jesuits as an anti-reformation and anti-protestant tool to divert attention away from the Catholic and the Pope whom the reformers had identify as the anti-Christ in Revelation. Those who teach and preach the rapture theory are proxies and agents for the Kabbalists and those who want to establish a New World Order (NWO). The Rapture theory has more to do with politics than theology, more to do with mans involvement in world affairs than Gods involvement, more about Zionism than the people of Zion.
Visiting “The Protocols”
Who are the Elders?
Protocol I The Basic Doctrine
Protocol II Economic Wars
Protocol III Methods of Conquest
Protocol IV Materialism Replaces Religion
Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress
Protocol VI Take-Over Technique
Protocol VII World-Wide Wars
Protocol VIII Provisional Government
Protocol IX Re-education
Protocol X Preparing for Power
Protocol XI The Totalitarian State
Protocol XII Control of the Press
Protocol XIII Distractions
Protocol XIV Assault on Religion
Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression
Protocol XVI Brainwashing
Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority
Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents
Protocol XIX Rulers and People
Protocol XX Financial Programme
Protocol XXI Loans and Credit
Protocol XXII Power of Gold
Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience
Protocol XXIV Qualities of the Ruler
The Blessed Hope vs. Rapture Hoax
Many books have been written concerning the rapture and it is a billion dollar business. Is the rapture theory Biblical? or is it a mystical Harry Potter like fairy tale? What is Armageddon? Most of the books have little to do with the Second Coming or the truth relating to the events surrounding the second coming.
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Books by Tim Lahaye, John Hagee, Pat Robinson, Jack van Impe, Benny Hinn, Jerry Jenkins,Thomas Ice, Hinson, Hal Lindsey, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, R. Humbard, Grant Jefferies and most of the Armageddon and Last days events books are used to promote an anti-reformation, anti-protestant and Anti-Christ doctrine. The rapture is a Jesuits Luciferian theology used by agents of the Rothschild /Illuminati cabal.
What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second coming?
The Second Coming of Christ is often confused with the Rapture… The word rapture does not appear in the Bible but some people have often used the Greek word harpazo – caught up for the rapture.
Rapture comes from the Latin word RAPIO define as – seize by force, pillage, ravage and rape. When Jesus comes for His people he will not rape them, nor pillage or seize by force.
Jerome mistranslated the GK. word harpazo for rapio when he who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 to make a revision of the old Latin translation the Vulgate. It is unclear weather the mistranslation was a mistake or a deliberate attempt to deceive. Jesuit Priest Dr. Thomas Ice uses Jerome mistranslation to claim that the rapture is Biblical. ( RAPTURE MYTHS – by Thomas Ice – The Term “Rapture”
First of all, the word “rapture” is found in the Bible, if you have the Latin Vulgate produced by Jerome in the early 400s.)
Harpazo – caught up and second coming is the same event. Let me repeat…SAME EVENT…1Thess.4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first, 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (GK. Arpaghsomeqa, harpazO v_ 2Fut Pas Ind 1 Pl SHALL-BE-BEING-SNATCHED) The Bible is clear.. When Jesus returns… He will return the same way as He left. Act 1: 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
Vs.10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel:
Vs.11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Jesus was taken or caught up in a cloud… The Greek word for caught up in Acts 1:11 is analambanO, – one being taken up.
When Jesus returns, He will come in a cloud – Rev.1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Christ return will be not be secret, nor quiet, nor will only a select group see Him… The dead or those who fell asleep in Jesus will be resurrected,
And the righteous living will be caught up with the resurrected saints to meet the Lord in the air.
1 Cor.15: 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
What happens to the wicked when Christ returns?
Rev.6:15 and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 2 Thess. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
The Bible is clear… the wicked living will see Christ Second Coming, they will try to hide, and be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming.
What happens to the wicked dead when Christ returns?
Jn.5:28Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
There are two resurrections. One of life and the other is of damnation (death) The is a period of 1000 yrs that separate the first and second resurrection.
Rev.20:5-6 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years
How long will the righteous be in heaven and what will they be doing?
Rev. 21:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
What happens at the end of the Millennium?
Rev.21: 2 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Rev.20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Rev.21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Rev.16:15-17 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
Armageddon is the place where the Lord will destroy the wicked once and for all. The whole earth will be cleansed with fire, and than it will be made new again.
Rev.21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
Jesus will bring the Temple or the Tabernacle with Him at the end of the 1000 years.
In summary, the events that will take place at the Second Coming of Christ are:
The Dead in Christ will be resurrected;
The Righteous Living will is caught up;
The wicked living will be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming;
Satan will be bound on earth with no one to tempt for 1000 years; (bound by a chain of circumstance – out of business)
The Righteous will live and reign with Christ for a 1000 years in heaven;
At the end of the thousand years,
The wicked will be part of the second resurrection, Satan will convince them to take over the New Jerusalem which they will see as the city come down from heaven;
Fire will destroy Satan, the wicked, and sin. The effects of the fire will be everlasting. Sin and sinners will be forever eradicated from the earth.
The earth will be cleansed and made new;
The Tabernacle of God (Jesus is the Tabernacle) will live with man.
The Righteous will live on the earth with Christ forever.
The Second coming is not the secret rapture, no secret snatch, no second chance, no third earthly Jerusalem temple, no seven year tribulation, no anti-Christ making a new covenant with Israel, no two plans for salvation (one for Jews and the other for non Jews), no eternal torment (the effects of the fire is eternal).
Yes beloved, in the beginning God took chaos and made cosmos… soon He will reverse His creation and take cosmos and make chaos, He will destroy this old sinful world with fire and than He will take chaos and make cosmos…
Rev. 21:4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away..vs.5 Behold I make all things new.
This is the New World Order… not as the man envision it but as God see it.
Study to show thyself approve… Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.
Luciferian Rapture Doctrine Books and Conferences –
Остерегайтесь ложных проповедников, учителей и библейских школ, которые пропагандируют антихристскую, антипротестантную и люциферийскую доктрину доспехов. Остерегайтесь моего друга. Берегитесь. Они не от Бога, а волки в одежде овец.
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The Nazarzine Your Christian Electronic Magazine
Jesuit Priest Thomas is the Head of the False Prophet Society and is the leading authority of the anti-christ, anti-protestant and Luciferian Rapture Doctrine. Ice is leading millions of Christians down the road of perdition.
Study to show thyself
Below is a partial list of Promoters of the Anti-Christ, Anti-Protestant, Anti-Reformation Doctrine as well as Agents and proxies of the Illuminati and NEW World Order
Ignatius Loyola Founder of the Illuminati
Ignatius job was to defeat protestantism as all cost and destroy the Reformation
Francisco Ribera was a deciple of Ignatius originator of the Furturist Doctrine (1537-1591) was a Jesuit doctor of theology, born in Spain, who began writing a lengthy (500 page) commentary in 1585 on the book of Revelation (Apocalypse) titled In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentarij, and published it about the year 1590. He died in 1591 at the age of fifty-four, so he was not able to expand on his work or write any other commentaries. In order to remove the Catholic Church from consideration as the antichrist power, Ribera proposed that the first few chapters of the Apocalypse applied to ancient pagan Rome, and the rest he limited to a yet future period of 3 1/2 literal years, immediately prior to the second coming. During that time, the Roman Catholic Church would have fallen away from the pope into apostasy. Then, he proposed, the antichrist, a single individual, would:
Persecute and blaspheme the saints of God.
Rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
Abolish the Christian religion.
Deny Jesus Christ.
Be received by the Jews.
Pretend to be God.
Kill the two witnesses of God.
Conquer the world.
So, according to Ribera, the 1260 days and 42 months and 3 1/2 times of prophecy were not 1260 years, but a literal 3 1/2 years, and therefore none of the book of Revelation had any application to the middle ages or the papacy, but to the future, to a period immediately prior to the second coming, hence the name Futurism.
Deciples of Ribera and agents of Illuminati
Manuel De Lacunza (1731–1801), a Jesuit from Chile, wrote a manuscript in Spanish titled La Venida del Mesías en Gloria y Magestad (“The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty”), under the pen name of Juan Josafa [Rabbi] Ben-Ezra about 1791. Lacunza wrote under an assumed name to obscure the fact that he was a Catholic, in order to give his book better acceptance in Protestantism. Also an advocate of Futurism, Lacunza’s manuscript was published in London, Spain, Mexico and Paris between 1811 and 1826.
Edward Irving(1792-1834), a Scottish Presbyterian and forerunner of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, translated Lacunza’s work from Spanish into English in a book titled Preliminary Discourse to the Work of Ben Ezra – Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty, published in London in 1827 by L.B. Seeley & Sons, which included Irving’s own 200+ page preface.
Margaret McDonald, a 15 year old Scottish girl, and member of Edward Irving’s congregation, had visions in early 1830 that included a Secret Rapture of believers before the appearance of the Antichrist. She informed Irving of her visions by letter. Irving then attended the prophecy conferences that began in Dublin Ireland in 1830 at Powerscourt Castle, where he promoted both Futurism and a Secret Rapture.
Samuel Roffey Maitland(1792-1866), scholar and librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury, further promoted and established Futurism in England after 1826, as a result of reading the work of Manuel De Lacunza.
John Nelson Darby (1800–1882), a Church of Ireland clergyman, later with the Plymouth Brethren, also promoted Futurism and a secret rapture. Darby attended the series of meetings on Bible Prophecy that began in 1830 at Powerscourt, Ireland, and at these conferences Darby apparently learned about the secret rapture as revealed by vision to Margaret McDonald, and promoted by Edward Irving, and he soon visited Margaret MacDonald at her home in Port Glasgow, Scotland. Darby later visited America several times between 1859 and 1874, where his Futurist theology was readily accepted.
Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843-1921), greatly influenced by the writings of J. N. Darby, incorporated Futurism in the notes of his Scofield Reference Bible. First published by Oxford University Press in 1909, one million copies were printed by 1930. The Scofield Bible was instrumental in firmly establishing the Futurist interpretation in the Protestant Bible schools of the United States in the 20th century.
Dallas Theological Seminary (a nondenominational Protestant school): Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871-1952), a student of Cyrus Scofield, founded Evangelical Theological College (now DTS) in 1924, which is likely the most influential seminary in the United States today. Futurism, and the secret rapture (which they call the blessed hope), are covered in articles 18-20 of the DTS Full Doctrinal Statement.
Some of the more well known alumni and faculty of DTS:
John Walvoord (Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, President of Dallas Theological Seminary from 1952 to 1986, Chancellor of DTS since 1986), author of The Rapture Question (1957), and member of the revision committee for The New Scofield Reference Bible.
Chuck Swindoll (Insight for Living), President of Dallas Theological Seminary since July of 1994.
Charles C. Ryrie (Professor Emeritus Dallas Theological Seminary), author of The Ryrie Study Bible, which has been characterized as the updated Scofield Reference Bible for the end of the twentieth century.
Hal Lindsey, (hallindsey.com – hallindseyoracle.com) author of The Rapture: Truth or Consequences (1983), perhaps the best known prophecy author of the last 30 years. Sole credited Bible authority for Trinity Broadcasting’s recent Futurist antichrist movie Omega Code. A sequel, tentatively titled Meggido (Omega Code II) is now in production by TBN and is due for release in the fall of 2001.
J. Vernon McGee (1904-1988), Through the Bible Radio series.
Kenneth N. Taylor (former director of Moody Press, founder of Tyndale House Publishing), author of The Living Bible. Tyndale House publishes the hugely popular Left Behind Futurist series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.
Thomas Ice(Executive Director of the Pre-trib Research Center), Th.M. from DTS, co-founder of Pre-trib Research Center with Tim LaHaye. The Thomas Ice collection.
Renald Showers, Most High God: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel.
Moody Bible Institute of Chicago: In 1890, C. I. Scofield began a Comprehensive Bible Correspondence Course, later taken over about 1914 by the Moody Bible Institute (Dwight. L. Moody, founder of the Moody Church, had converted Scofield, and Scofield preached and presided at Moody’s funeral in 1899).
Moody Press supplied Sunday School lessons to the Assembly of God churches about 1914, introducing Pentecostals to Futurism and the secret rapture theory.
The Ryrie Study Bible, by Charles C. Ryrie, a graduate Dallas Theological Seminary, boasts 10,000+ study notes and is listed among the best selling books published by Moody Press.
Jerry B. Jenkins, co-author of the Left Behind series, is the former vice president for publishing of Moody Bible Institute, and former editor of Moody Magazine. Currently he is Moody Bible Institute’s writer-at-large.
Western Theological Seminary (Reformed Church in America).
Alma Mater of Tim LaHaye, founder of the Pre-trib Research Center, co-author of the Left Behind series of books, by far the most popular series promoting Futurism and the secret rapture, which has sold 20+ million copies. Published by Tyndale House, at least 12 titles are planned for the series. The film version of the first book in the series has been produced by prophecy authors Peter and Paul Lalonde of Cloud Ten Pictures:
Left Behind – The Film Project
Left Behind – The Movie
Released first on video cassette, and then in theaters in early 2001, people who have seen Left Behind say it is confusing, and lacks a Gospel presentation of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, making it of little (if any) evangelistic value, much like TBN’s Omega Code.
Tim LaHaye says he was impressed by the prophecy conferences of Albury Park and Powerscourt held in Britain in the 1820’s and 1830’s and this led directly to his co-founding the Pre-trib Research Center. Edward Irving and J. N. Darby attended, and apparently greatly influenced, these 19th century British prophecy conferences where the secret rapture and futurism gained in acceptance among Protestant prophecy scholars.
Beloved above are false religious preachers, teachers and Theological Schools as well as publishing houses. Beware my friends and study to show yourself approve.
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911 Ten Years Later – Who was Really Responsible? New DNA Results on Adolf Hitler
Posted on September, 9, 2011 by joeland7
NAPS of Oakwood University at Ground Zero NY – Marvin Joshua Hodges III carries American Flag and give Comfort
September 9,2011
911 Ten Year Anniversary – The Conspirators (Illuminati)
This is the ten year anniversary of 911. There are more questions today than there were ten years ago.
1. Why did the Israeli security firm Huntleigh give the hijackers a freepass or security clearance?
2. Why did the hijackers only came through the airports under Huntleigh controll?
3. Why did Huntleigh allow the hijackers to bring guns on the plane?
4. Why was the Israelis filming the attack from the Jersy side and started dancing in the street when the towers came down?
My Zimbio 911_tribute
The “Mosque” Debate Exposes Bias – Let’s Move Beyond 9/11 as Public Policy
Pilots For 9/11 Truth
Founded in 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation professionals researching and analyzing the events of September 11, 2001
Scholars For 9/11 Truth
Scholars for 9/11 Truth: The 9/11 scholars group has two major websites. Visit either of both of these to learn the truth about 9/11.
911 Conspiracy Truth – NOT Theory: 9/11 Truth
911 Conspiracy Truth – Don’t Be Fooled. Consider The Legal Issues Not The Gossip. 9/11Truth: WTC Towers 1, 2, Attack & Building 7, Pentagon Strike, False Flag …
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice. Welcome! We are a group of scholars and supporters endeavoring to address the unanswered questions of the September 11, 2001 attack …
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth » FF 911 Truth
“Men occasionally stumble on the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” -Winston Churchill
Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Over 1,400 Architects and Engineers Call for a New 9-11 …
9-11 documentary film: 9-11 Blueprint for Truth – Over 1,325 architects and engineers call for a new investigation into 9-11. Learn why in this worldwide-acclaimed …
9/11 truth Switzerland – Osama Bin Laden Killed on Illuminati …
911 truth Switzerland ::::: Open-Source Journalism ::::: Trusting the weight of truth to the acid test ::::: free speech blog :::::
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth – Wikipedia, the free …
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is a U.S.-American tax-exempt non-profit organization that disputes the results of official investigations into the September 11 …
911 Truth Seekers: Seeking truth about events of September …
Seeking truth about events of September 11th, 2001, 911, possible government cover up conspiracy inside job
Fareed Zakaria: America Overreacted To 9/11
September 11 News.com – Attack Images – The 09-11-2001 Attacks on … Archives of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and hijackings at the World Trade Center Towers in New York City and The Pentagon in Washington.
Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. Card Tells Bush in Florida School 7:58 a.m. – United Airlines Flight 175 departs Boston for Los Angeles, carrying 56 passengers, two pilots, and seven flight attendants. The Boeing 767 is hijacked after takeoff and diverted to New York. 7:59 a.m. – American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston for Los Angeles, carrying 81 passengers, two pilots, and nine flight attendants. This Boeing 767 is also hijacked and diverted to New York. 8:01 a.m. – United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 carrying 38 passengers, two pilots, and five flight attendants, leaves Newark, N.J., for San Francisco. 8:10 a.m. – American Airlines Flight 77 departs Washington’s Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles, carrying 58 passengers, two pilots, and four flight attendants. The Boeing 757 is hijacked after takeoff. 8:46 a.m. – American Flight 11 from Boston crashes into the North Tower at the World Trade Center. 9:03 a.m. – United Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the South Tower at the World Trade Center. – U.S. Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all New York area airports. 9:21 a.m. – Bridges and tunnels leading into New York City are closed. 9:25 a.m. – All domestic flights are grounded by U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. 9:45 a.m. – American Flight 77 crashes into The Pentagon. 10:05 a.m. – The South Tower at the World Trade Center collapses. 10:05 a.m. – The White House is evacuated. 10:10 a.m. – A large section of one side of The Pentagon collapses. 10:10 a.m. – United Flight 93 crashes in a wooded area in Pennsylvania, after passengers confront hijackers. 10:28 a.m. – The North Tower at the World Trade Center collapses. See Timeline Graph of the Hijackings Below. Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. WTC Attacked
Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. Pentagon Attacked Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. Fireman WTC Stairs
Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. Fleeing Manhattan Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. Stairwell Escape
Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image.White House Sealed Sept11WTCFirefightersAmidRubble.jpg (24267 bytes)Manhattan Darkness
September 11 News.com – Attack Images – The 09-11-2001Attacks on …
The UN World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination …
Yet the noble goals of the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism were undermined by hateful anti-Jewish rhetoric and anti-Israel political agendas, …
Israel and US walk out of UN conference on racism
The joint US-Israeli walkout from the United Nations conference on … Israeland US walk out of UN conference on racism. By Chris Marsden 6 September2001 …
Online NewsHour: U.N. Conference Against Racism — August 27,2001
Secretary of State Powell decides not to attend the United Nations Conferenceagainst Racism, citing concerns over criticism of Israel. …
Click on the World Trade Center and New York City skyline to order this art image from art.com. The 360-foot television mast atop One World Trade Center supported 10 main television antennas, numerous auxiliary antennas and a master FM antenna. Transmissions from the mast began in June, 1980. Ten television stations in the metropolitan area, including all the major networks, broadcasted from the mast. In addition, six stations broadcasted high-definition, digital television from the World Trade Center. The Tower’s sky lobby elevator systems separated express from local runs. There were 239 elevators and 71 escalators in the four buildings operated by the Port Authority at the complex. The sky lobby express elevators were capable of carrying 55 people, with a 10,000 pound capacity. Express elevators traveled at speeds of up to 27 feet per second. The WTC towers were the best known examples of “tube buildings,” which are strengthened by closely spaced columns and beams in the outer walls. The Twin Towers were completed in 1970, and were the tallest until the Sears Tower was built. About 50,000 people worked in the WTC, with offices of 430 businesses from 26 different countries.
The Impact of Christian Zionism on American Policy and World Policy
Investigative Reporter Breaks Israeli 9/11 Foreknowledge
Dec 7, 2006 … Could this be a reference to the 9/11 hijackers? … Without a guarantee of protection he was unwilling to tell them everything he knew. … Osama (Usama) bin Laden & al-Qaeda. Biography and timeline of Osama bin Laden's life. The Jihad or Holy War decreed against America. Osama (Usama) bin Laden in the media, and 'OBL' photographs. The September 11th 2001 terror attack on America news archive images, pictures, graphs, and photos are copyrighted.
Who Knew? The Unanswered Questions of 9/11
Who Knew? The Unanswered Questions of 9/11. by Seth Ackerman ….. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of …
9/11 Truth: The Collapse of WTC 7 – Who Knew in Advance …
Security Firm gave the terrorist a free pass? Did Israel Play a part in 9/11? What is the Truth
Israel Connection to 9/11 | Wake Up America …Don’t be Duped
CNN TV Breaking News©CNN. Click on the picture for a larger image. CNN TV brings the news of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to the world live on television. CNN TV Breaking News © CNN CNN TV Breaking News©CNN. Click on the picture for a larger image. CNN TV brings the news of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to the world live on television.CNN TV Breaking News © CNN CBC Canada TV Breaking News©CBC. Click on the picture for a larger image. CBC TV brings the news of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to Canadians live on television.CBC TV Breaking News © CBC TV CBC Canada TV Breaking News©CBC. Click on the picture for a larger image. CBC TV brings the news of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to Canadians live on television.CBC TV Breaking News © CBC TV Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. 8:46 A.M. EDT Flight 11 Hits the North Tower of the WTC Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Flight 175 Nears WTC Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City.UA 175 About to Crash into WTC South Tower Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City.9:03 A.M. EDT Flight 175 Hits the South Tower of the WTC Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Flight 175 Approaches the WTC South Tower Photograph © Gulnara Samoilova. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. WTC Towers Ablaze With Heavy Smoke Photograph © Gulnara Samoilova. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Twin Tower Smoke Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Empire State Bldg. in Foreground of Fire Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. North Tower Ablaze Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. 9:03 A.M. EDT News Helicopter Sees UA 175 Hit the South Tower of the WTC Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. UA 175 Hits WTC Tower Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. 9:03 A.M. EDT UA 175 Hits the South Tower of the WTC Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Explosion at the South Tower of the WTC Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City.WTC Towers Ablaze With Brooklyn Bridge in Foreground Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Flight 175 Hits the South Tower of the WTC at 9:03, and at 10:05 A.M. South Tower Collapses Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. At 10:05 A.M. the South Tower Collapses Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. At 10:05 A.M. the South Tower Collapses Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Photo Sequence of the 10:28 A.M. EDT WTC North Tower Collapsing Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Towers Rain Debris on Lower Manhattan- Hundreds of firemen and policemen are killed in the collapse Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. New Yorkers Run to Escape the Massive Debris Storm From the 110-Storey WTC Twin Towers Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Firemen and Fire Trucks Caught in Falling Debris Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. North Tower Collapses Photos and Images are © James Nachtwey & Time. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Towers Collapse Near A Church © J. Nachtwey & Time Click on the September 11th photos and pictures of the 9/11/2001 attack on America for a larger image. Injured NYC Fireman Evacuated From WTC Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. New York Street Terror Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. New Yorkers Escape the Falling Debris Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Hundreds of Brave NYC Firemen Lose their Lives Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Out From the Ashes Photograph © Gulnara Samoilova. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. World Trade Center Survivors Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. World Trade Center Survivor Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Manhattan Smoke Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City.New York Survivor Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Running For Your Life Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Escape From New York Photograph © Gulnara Samoilova. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City.New Yorkers Flee Photograph © Gulnara Samoilova. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Looking Back in Horror Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Onlookers are Horrified Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City.Sunny Day Goes Dark Photos and Images are © James Nachtwey & Time. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Survivor in Disbelief Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. New York City Skyline on the Afternoon of September 11, 2001. Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. New York City Skyline on the Afternoon of September 11, 2001. Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. New York City Skyline on the Afternoon of September 11, 2001. Pictures, photos, or images are © AP or Reuters. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack the World Trade Center towers in New York City. New York City Skyline on the Evening of September 11, 2001.
News Images of the September 11, 2001 Attack on The Pentagon in Washington, D.C. At 9:45 A.M. EDT, exactly one hour after Flight 11 hits the WTC North Tower, Flight 77 crashes into The Pentagon. Twenty-minutes later, at 10:05 A.M. , the White House, and other important Washington buildings are evacuated. Twenty- five minutes later, at 10:10 A.M., one side of The Pentagon collapses. Unless noted otherwise all images below are © US Army or CNN.
Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. CBC Canada TV Breaking News©CBC. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. © CBC TV Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. CBC Canada TV Breaking News©CBC. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. © CBC TV Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C.. Photos and Images are © US ARMY and/or CNN. Click on the pictures for a larger image. On September 11, 2001 terrorists attack The Pentagon in Washington D.C..
The Knight’s Templar Crusader Kills Teens in Norway – Hitler’s DNA Results – Is the Famine in Africa Man Made? Middle East News
Hitler Jewish African
Hitler Jewish – DNA Tests Show Dictator ‘Had Jewish Roots
The France Connection
Was Hitler a Rothschild? Who was giving Hilter his orders?
Hitler’s ethnicity was Jewish but he was raised Roman Catholic. It has always been the quest of the Catholic Church to reclaim Jerusalam
“Hitler would not have been happy,” said Professor Ronny Decorte in a Google translationof theKnack‘s web-version of the story. Decorte, a genetics expert from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (a Flemish research university), says that Hitler apparently wasn’t “Aryan” — what the Nazi would have considered “pure.
The story of Adolf Hitler could be the most twisted in all of history. Add one more twist.
Responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry.
Several media outlets have reported on results published last week in Knack, a magazine in Belgium.
The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph says that saliva samples were collected from 39 Hitler relatives:
A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews …
Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.
Hitler’s preoccupation with ancestry — including his own — has caused speculation for many years.New York Daily News points out that this research could validate a historic myth:
Hitler’s heritage has been called into question before, with some suggesting his grandfather wasSalomonMayer von Rothschild founder of the Jewish international banking dynasty. The Rothschild family financially backed Hitler’s
Hitler’s Third Reich.
. Hitler aunt Betty, the sister to Alois, father of Adolph was married to James Mayer de Rothschild and their son Edmond James Rothschild, the Father of Israel was Hitler’s first cousin. But this is the first claim with any scientific data to support it.
Similar reports have been made against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and said the WWII was a pretext for the Zionist to get Palestineand make it a new Ashkenazi homeland.
An Austrian document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home… where Alois was born.”
Langer’s information came from the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title “Inside the Gestapo“. He writes about the investigations into Hitler’s background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family files of Hitler.
The Rothschilds and the Illuminati produce many offspring out of wedlock in their secret breeding programs and these children are brought up under other names with other parents.
Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly the son of Winthrop Rockefeller produced in the same way, these “ordinary kids from ordinary backgrounds” go on to be extraordinarily successful in their chosen field. Hitler, too, would have produced unofficial children to maintain his strand of the bloodline and there will obviously be people of his bloodline alive today.
So which Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? My thanks to a website correspondent for the additional, updated, information to this article, a man has researched this story in some detail. Alois, Hitler’s father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father.
Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler’s grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer’s senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon:
“…by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls..” and
“He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police.”
And Hitler’s grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon’s desire?
And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschilds, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all “sides” in a conflict?
‘Mein Kampf written by Jesuit Father Staempfle
The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in ‘Mein Kampf were already realized; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For—as so many ignore the fact—it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it. The Secret History of the Jesu
German Elite in Vatican
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(Click Book to Read Online)
Pope Benedict XVI
Current Pope when he was in Hitler Youth
His father, Joseph Ratzinger, Sr., was an Ordnungspolizei. The Ordnungspolizei (OrPo) was the name for the uniformed regular German police force that existed in Nazi Germany between the years of 1936 and 1945. After their green uniforms, they were also referred to as Grüne Polizei (green police).
The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The Rothschilds are Jesuits
Discussion about The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The … Spanish Empire.” Salvadorde Madariaga, Spanish Statesman: „The Jesuits … as the Order would do with Hitler
Rothschild‘s Servitude to the Vatican – Vatican owed it’s …
Guy de Rothschild was his pen pal eight years … if Pacelli was Hitler’s Pope, and Hitlerwas a Rothschild … Former Jesuit Grandmaster and Knights of Malta
High Hitler? – Conspiracy Cafe Home
Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. … Hitler, Himmler, the Jesuit-trained Goebbels, and most of the major Nazis were Catholics and …
Meet the Real Adolf Hitler!! –Hitler was a Rothschild …
Adolf (Rothschild) Hitler (1889-1945).Dictator of Germany from 1933 to … Mein Kampf was ghost-written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle.1 Hitler the dunce was the
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World …
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World … Rockefellers Furnsihed Hitlerwith His Gas and Oil … and Hand with the google Black Pope head of Jesuits …
The Biggest Secret, along with endless other researchers and scholars, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschilds. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschilds who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild‘s Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution.
WASHITLERAROTHSCHILD? – TheRevelation @ The Forbidden …
… sense, now that it has become established thatHitlerwas aRothschild… 1978), theRothschild‘s acquired 80% of the land ofIsrael. EdmonddeRothschild…
www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/hitler_was_ Hitler Used Rothschild Banker’s Typewriter Bloggers Note: To many Ashkenazi Jews, the Holocaust was the darkest event in their history. The average Ashkenazi Jews lost family members, friends, love ones but for the Jewish elite and the practitioners of Kabbalah, the Holocaust (applying the Machiavellian principle the end justify the means ) was a means to an end. The elite can say that the sacrifice of millions of Jews during the Holocaust was the means for the creation of a Zionist state. If there was no Holocaust, there would be no Israel. The Holocaust was a necessary event for the dreams and agenda of the Zionists to be fully realize. If I was Jewish and the holocaust turn out to be by design by the elite Jewish Zionists, I would using all of my resources and doing everything in my power to make the elite paid for their betrayal of their own people. Can one justify the sacrifice of millions of Jews for the pseudo land of Israel? Does the end justify the means?
The Inquisition – A Pictorial History..
Historical Overview Of The Inquisition – Part 1
Superior General (Black Pope) On His Relationship With His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
“At this moment, my relationship with Benedict XVI is quite open; it is a relationship of trust but not of political change.
Many people think that is there a shift in power from Opus Dei to the Society of Jesus.
History Of The Roman Catholic Inquisition – Part 2 The Spanish Inquisition – An Overiew
THE SECRET TERRORISTS “A secret terrorist organization has been working within to destroy America, its Constitution, and everything for which she stands”..(Click on pic)
The Enemy Unmasked
The Enemy Unmasked As one looks at the history of nations, from Babylon to Rome to America, it is evident that a Divine hand was protecting and guiding America..(Click on pic)
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
Foxe's Book of Martyrs This book by John Foxe (1517 – 1587) is beyond doubt one of the great Christian classics in English- Read it on line (Click on Picture)
Fifty Years in The Church of Rome
Fifty Years in The Church of Rome The life story of Charles Chiniquy, who was a priest in the Roman Catholic Church for 25 years.
Earth’s Final Hours
Earth's Final Hours Click on image to read this book.
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Obama 9/11 Anniversary Speech, Obama 9/11 Anniversary, Barack Obama, September 11th Anniversary, Obama 9/11, 9/11 Anniversary, Obama 9/11 Pentagon Speech, Obama 9/11 Speech, Politics News
Filed under: 911 Remembered, Bible Prophecy, Dave Hunt, de Rothschild, end-time-events, Ernest Angley, Jacob Boehme, Jerry Jenkins, Jerry Savelle Ministries International, Luciferian Rapture Doctrine, Marilyn Hickey, Mark Chironna, Mark DeMoss, MEMBI, Middle East Conflict, Mike Evans, Morning Star Ministries, MYLES MUNROE, National Association of Evangelicals, Rothschild's Israel, zionist, ZOA | Tagged: 700 Club, 911, 911 Memorial, Adolf Hitler DNA, Anti-Christ Doctrine, Assemblies of God, BIBLE TALK, Binny Hinn, Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop Charles Green, Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Neil Ellis, Bishop T.D. Jakes, British Israel, Church of God In Christ, COGIC, Creflo Dollar, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Crusade, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dave Hunt, Dick Cheney, Evangelical, Freemason, Gerald Falwell, Grant Jefferies, Hal Lindsey, Iraq War, Jack Hayford, Jack Van Impe, Jane Hanson - Aglow International, Janet Parshall, Jesuits, Joe Van Koevering, John Hagee Ministries, Juanita Bynum, Kay Arthur, Kenneth Hagin, kenneth-copleland, Koch Brothers, Marvin Joshua Hodges III, Moody Bible Institute, NAPS, NWO, Oakwood University, Oral Roberts University, Pat-Robertson, President George Bush, Rhema Bible Training Center, T. Lahaye, TBN, The Conspirators, Twin Towers, VTN, What Really happened on 911, WTC, zionism | Leave a comment »
Masonic Templar Murders 84 Teens in Norway – The Blessed Hope vs. Rapture Hoax – Middle-East News – DNA Test Reveals Hitler was Jewish was Hitler also a Rothschild?
Posted on July, 16, 2011 by joeland7
You all must die: Anders Behring Breivik called us all together …
Norway killer was a FREEMASON!!! (Knights Templar Terrorist …
3 days ago – Norway killer was a FREEMASON!!! (Knights Templar Terrorist) ….Added to queue Norwegian gunman broadcast massacre plan on You…by
The Knights Templar – Zimbio
Oslo Gunman claims he is a leading member of a … Templar Cited In Norway Killings : Knights Templar Cited In Norway … Grand Turk : Masonic Lodge .
Norway massacre suspect driven by Knights Templar “crusade“
Read ‘Norway massacre suspect driven by “crusade“‘ on Yahoo! News. OSLO (Reuters) – The man suspected of Norway‘s gun and bomb massacre had belonged to an anti …
Norway Attacks: Utøya (Christian Fundamentalist Freemason) Gunman …
3 days ago – Norway gunman claims a London connection and links to the EDL ….. the killer in Masonic garb and references to the Knights Templar and the …
Norway massacre suspect aired anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views
Anders Behring Breivik: Norwegian Islamophobe, Zionist, anti-communist, anti-multiculturist (i.e., whitesupremacist) [This article on the No
Norway suspect member of Nazi web group
… that killed at least 92 people in Norway was a member of a Swedish neo–Nazi … Survivors of Norwaymassacre speak of horror ; Norway suspect member of Nazi web group
Norway suspect seeks anti-Muslim crusade in Europe
OSLO, Norway — The man blamed for killing at least 93 … Norway suspect seeks anti-Muslim crusade in Europe … many survivors described during the 90-minute massacre.
Norway massacre Suspect Anders Behring Breivik Crusade Leads to Bloody Acts
OSLO ( Reuters ) – The man suspected of Norway‘s gun and bomb massacre had belonged to an anti-immigration party and opposed multi-culturalism, Islam and the “cultural Marxists” of the establishment, web postings, acquaintances and officials said on Saturday. Anders Behring Breivik was accused of gunning down 85 people at a youth camp and killing another seven in a bomb attack on Friday
Glenn Beck likens Norwegian dead to Hitler youth
Glenn Beck
26 Jul 2011: Glenn Beck likens the young people massacred on the Norwegian island of Utøya to the Nazi party’s youth wing Link to this video
Glenn Beck, the rightwing US broadcaster and Tea Party favourite, has compared those who were massacred on the Norwegian island of Utøya to the Nazi party’s youth wing.
“There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like the Hitler youth, or, whatever. I mean, who does a camp for kids that’s all about politics. Disturbing,” said Beck on his syndicated radio show.
The comments were condemned by Torbjørn Eriksen, a former press secretary to Jens Stoltenberg,Norway‘s prime minister. Beck recently returned from a trip to Israel where he was invited by MK Danny Danon (Likud) to speak to the Zionist Knesset.
Knights Templar: Norway + Mexico
Norway Utoya Island Survivors Treated
Norway massacre suspect driven by Knights Templar “crusade“
Read ‘Norway massacre suspect driven by “crusade“‘ on Yahoo! News. OSLO (Reuters) – The man suspected of Norway‘s gun and bomb massacre had belonged to an anti …
Norway massacre suspect aired anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views
Anders Behring Breivik: Norwegian Islamophobe, Zionist, anti-communist, anti-multiculturist (i.e., whitesupremacist) [This article on the No
Norway suspect member of Nazi web group
… that killed at least 92 people in Norway was a member of a Swedish neo–Nazi … Survivors of Norwaymassacre speak of horror ; Norway suspect member of Nazi web group
Norway suspect seeks anti-Muslim crusade in Europe
OSLO, Norway — The man blamed for killing at least 93 … Norway suspect seeks anti-Muslim crusade in Europe … many survivors described during the 90-minute massacre.
Norway massacre Suspect Anders Behring Breivik Crusade Leads to Bloody Acts
OSLO ( Reuters ) – The man suspected of Norway‘s gun and bomb massacre had belonged to an anti-immigration party and opposed multi-culturalism, Islam and the “cultural Marxists” of the establishment, web postings, acquaintances and officials said on Saturday. Anders Behring Breivik was accused of gunning down 85 people at a youth camp and killing another seven in a bomb attack on Friday
‘The Knights Templar’: Mexico’s newest drug cartel
Pictures of the latest objects seized by the police in the Mexican state of Michoacan, revealed that the mysterious ‘Knights Templar” drug cartel is more bizarre than most people imagine.
There were four hooded tunics, with a red cross, a metal helmet, and a pamphlet or Templar rule book. This drug cartel claims to draw inspiration from the medieval Christian warriors who fought to protect Jerusalem and the Holy Grail.No one knows if its founder, Servando Gomez, a school teacher, was a history entuthiast or simply read the Da Vinci Code.
The rules in the modern day ‘templar bible’ call for observance of ‘gentleman’ like behaviour and respect for women – but also state that any disclosure of knights templar activities will result in the death of the person and his whole family, and confiscation by the cartel of the snitch’s property.
Many books have been written concerning the rapture and it is a billion dollar business. Is the rapture theory Biblical? or is it a mystical Harry Potter like fairy tale? What is Armageddon? Most of the books have little to do with the Second Coming or the truth relating to the events surrounding the second coming.
Books by Tim Lahaye, John Hagee, Pat Robinson, Jack van Impe, Benny Hinn, Jerry Jenkins,Thomas Ice, Hinson, Hal Lindsey, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, R. Humbard, Grant Jefferies and most of the Armageddon and Last days events books are used to promote an anti-reformation, anti-protestant and Anti-Christ doctrine. The rapture is a Jesuits Luciferian theology used by agents of the Rothschild /Illuminati cabal.
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What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second coming?
The Second Coming of Christ is often confused with the Rapture… The word rapture does not appear in the Bible but some people have often used the Greek word harpazo – caught up for the rapture.
Rapture comes from the Latin word RAPIO define as – seize by force, pillage, ravage and rape. When Jesus comes for His people he will not rape them, nor pillage or seize by force.
Jerome mistranslated the GK. word harpazo for rapio when hewho was commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 to make a revision of the old Latin translationthe Vulgate. It is unclear weather the mistranslation was a mistake or a deliberate attempt to deceive. Jesuit Priest Dr. Thomas Ice uses Jerome mistranslation to claim that the rapture is Biblical. (RAPTURE MYTHS – by Thomas Ice – The Term “Rapture”
First of all, the word “rapture” is found in the Bible, if you have the Latin Vulgate produced by Jerome in the early 400s.)
Harpazo – caught up and second coming is the same event. Let me repeat…SAME EVENT…1Thess.4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first, 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (GK. Arpaghsomeqa, harpazO v_ 2Fut Pas Ind 1 Pl SHALL-BE-BEING-SNATCHED) The Bible is clear.. When Jesus returns… He will return the same way as He left. Act 1: 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
Vs.10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel:
Vs.11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Jesus was taken or caught up in a cloud… The Greek word for caught up in Acts 1:11 is analambanO, – one being taken up.
When Jesus returns, He will come in a cloud –Rev.1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Christ return will be not be secret, nor quiet, nor will only a select group see Him… The dead or those who fell asleep in Jesus will be resurrected,
And the righteous living will be caught up with the resurrected saints to meet the Lord in the air.
1 Cor.15: 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
What happens to the wicked when Christ returns?
Rev.6:15 and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 2 Thess. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
The Bible is clear… the wicked living will see Christ Second Coming, they will try to hide, and be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming.
What happens to the wicked dead when Christ returns?
Jn.5:28Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
There are two resurrections. One of life and the other is of damnation (death) The is a period of 1000 yrs that separate the first and second resurrection.
Rev.20:5-6 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years
How long will the righteous be in heaven and what will they be doing?
Rev. 21:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
What happens at the end of the Millennium?
Rev.21: 2 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Rev.20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
2 Peter 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Rev.21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Rev.16:15-17 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
Armageddon is the place where the Lord will destroy the wicked once and for all. The whole earth will be cleansed with fire, and than it will be made new again.
Rev.21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
Jesus will bring the Temple or the Tabernacle with Him at the end of the 1000 years.
In summary, the events that will take place at the Second Coming of Christ are:
The Dead in Christ will be resurrected;
The Righteous Living will is caught up;
The wicked living will be destroy with the brightness of the Second Coming;
Satan will be bound on earth with no one to tempt for 1000 years; (bound by a chain of circumstance – out of business)
The Righteous will live and reign with Christ for a 1000 years in heaven;
At the end of the thousand years,
The wicked will be part of the second resurrection, Satan will convince them to take over the New Jerusalem which they will see as the city come down from heaven;
Fire will destroy Satan, the wicked, and sin. The effects of the fire will be everlasting. Sin and sinners will be forever eradicated from the earth.
The earth will be cleansed and made new;
The Tabernacle of God (Jesus is the Tabernacle) will live with man.
The Righteous will live on the earth with Christ forever.
The Second coming is not the secret rapture, no secret snatch, no second chance, no third earthly Jerusalem temple, no seven year tribulation, no anti-Christ making a new covenant with Israel, no two plans for salvation (one for Jews and the other for non Jews), no eternal torment (the effects of the fire is eternal).
Yes beloved, in the beginning God took chaos and made cosmos… soon He will reverse His creation and take cosmos and make chaos, He will destroy this old sinful world with fire and than He will take chaos and make cosmos…
Rev. 21:4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away..vs.5 Behold I make all things new.
This is the New World Order… not as the man envision it but as God see it.
Study to show thyself approve… Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.
UN Security Council to discuss Palestinian bid for statehood in JulySecurity Council to hold open debate on Middle East on July 26, according to provisional calendar.
UN: Israel used unnecessary force against protesters on Nakba DayIsrael furious over critical UN report that IDF used live fire against unarmed Lebanese protesters, cuts contact with Lebanon
Who was Albert Pike?
Albert Pike was the oldest of six children of born in the Jewish family of Benjamin and Sarah Chase on December 29, 1809 in Boston Mass. He was an agent of the Illuminati Rothschild family.
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In 1871 Albert Pike envisioned three Word Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster. Pike’s plans have come to fruition, shockingly ‘on target’. Who is Pike and perhaps more importantly who backed Pike?
Pike’s diabolical plans were revealed in letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, the founder of the Italian Mafia and the Masons, the letter was dated August 15, 1871. The Jesuit author Eric Jon Phelps, in his documentary “Vatican Assassins” reveals that Pike was a Jesuit Illuminati plant.
It was founded in Polaski, Tennessee, in 1866 by 6 Confederate officers. One of them, and the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK, was a former Confederate general and Freemason, Nathan Bedford Forrest. … Albert Pike held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, in the Southern Jurisdiction… … the KKK was known as the “Invisible Empire of the South”… in 1869 Forrest ordered the Empire to disband because of the extreme violence.
Hitler Jewish African
Hitler Jewish – DNA Tests Show Dictator ‘Had Jewish Roots
Was Hitler a Rothschild? Who was giving Hilter his orders?
Hitler’s ethnicity was Jewish but he was raised Roman Catholic. It has always been the quest of the Catholic Church to reclaim Jerusalam.
Pope Benedict XVI
Current Pope when he was in Hitler Youth
His father, Joseph Ratzinger, Sr., was an Ordnungspolizei. The Ordnungspolizei (OrPo) was the name for the uniformed regular German police force that existed in Nazi Germany between the years of 1936 and 1945. After their green uniforms, they were also referred to as Grüne Polizei (green police).
“Hitler would not have been happy,” said Professor Ronny Decorte in a Google translationof theKnack‘s web-version of the story. Decorte, a genetics expert from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (a Flemish research university), says that Hitler apparently wasn’t “Aryan” — what the Nazi would have considered “pure.
The story of Adolf Hitler could be the most twisted in all of history. Add one more twist.
Responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry.
Several media outlets have reported on results published last week in Knack, a magazine in Belgium.
The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph says thatsaliva samples were collected from 39 Hitler relatives:
A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews …
Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.
‘Mein Kampf written by Jesuit Father Staempfle
The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in ‘Mein Kampf were already realized; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For—as so many ignore the fact—it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it. The Secret History of the Jesu
Hitler’s preoccupation with ancestry — including his own — has caused speculation for many years.New York Daily Newspoints out that this researchcould validate a historic myth:
Hitler’s heritage has been called into question before, with some suggesting his grandfather was Salomon Mayer vonRothschild founder of the Jewish international banking dynasty. The Rothschild family financially backed Hitler’s Hitler’s Third Reich.
Hitler’s fathers sister was Betty Salomon Rothschild, who was married to James Mayer de Rothschild and their son was Edmond James Rothschild, the Father of Israel. Edmond was Adoph Hitler’s first cousin.
But this is the first claim with any scientific data to support it.
Similar reports have been made against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and said the WWII was a pretext for the Zionist to get Palestineand make it a new Ashkenazi homeland.
An Austrian document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home… where Alois was born.”
Langer’s information came from the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title “Inside the Gestapo”. He writes about the investigations into Hitler’s background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family files of Hitler.
The Rothschilds and the Illuminati produce many offspring out of wedlock in their secret breeding programs and these children are brought up under other names with other parents.
Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly the son of Winthrop Rockefeller produced in the same way, these “ordinary kids from ordinary backgrounds” go on to be extraordinarily successful in their chosen field. Hitler, too, would have produced unofficial children to maintain his strand of the bloodline and there will obviously be people of his bloodline alive today.
So which Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? My thanks to a website correspondent for the additional, updated, information to this article, a man has researched this story in some detail. Alois, Hitler’s father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father.
Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler’s grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer’s senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon:
“…by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls..” and
“He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police.”
And Hitler’s grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon’s desire?
And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschilds, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all “sides” in a conflict?
German Elite in Vatican
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The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The Rothschilds are Jesuits
Discussion about The Rothschild Dynasty is Jesuit – The … Spanish Empire.” Salvadorde Madariaga, Spanish Statesman: „The Jesuits … as the Order would do with Hitler
Rothschild‘s Servitude to the Vatican – Vatican owed it’s …
Guy de Rothschild was his pen pal eight years … if Pacelli was Hitler’s Pope, and Hitlerwas a Rothschild … Former Jesuit Grandmaster and Knights of Malta
High Hitler? – Conspiracy Cafe Home
Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. … Hitler, Himmler, the Jesuit-trained Goebbels, and most of the major Nazis were Catholics and …
Meet the Real Adolf Hitler!! —Hitler was a Rothschild …
Adolf (Rothschild) Hitler (1889-1945).Dictator of Germany from 1933 to … Mein Kampf was ghost-written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle.1 Hitler the dunce was the
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World …
Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, The Richest Man In The World … Rockefellers Furnsihed Hitlerwith His Gas and Oil … and Hand with the google Black Pope head of Jesuits …
Hitler Used Rothschild Banker’s Typewriter
Hitler Used Rothschild Banker’s Typewriter … Masons, Bilderbergs, Jesuits and Zionists are all … MyWeb Del.icio.us Digg Reddi
Blogger’s Note:
To many Ashkenazi Jews, the Holocaust was the darkest event in their history. The ordinary Jews lost family members, friends love ones but for the Jewish elite and the practitioners of Kabbalah, the Holocaust (applying the Machiavellian principle the end justify the means ) was a means to an end.
The elite can say that the sacrifice of millions of Jews during the Holocaust was the means for the creation of a Zionist state. If there was no Holocaust, there would be no Israel. The Holocaust was a necessary event for the dreams and agenda of the Zionists to be fully realize.
If I was Jewish and lost love one during the holocaust, and the holocaust turn out to be by design by the elite Jewish Zionist, I would using all of my resources and doing everything in my power to make the elite paid for their betrayal of their own people. Can one justify the sacrifice of millions of Jews for the pseudo land of Israel? Does the end justify the means?
The Jesuits, in control of Adolph Hitler’s Roman Catholic Third Reich installed puppet dictators throughout Europe. They were:
* Bavarian Germany and the Third Reich – [Adolph] Hitler [born-died: 1889-1945]
* Italy – [Benito] Mussolini [born-died: 1883-1945]
* ‘Vichy’ France – [Henri Philippe] Petain [born-died: 1856-1951]
* Spain – [Francisco] Franco
* Austria – Seyss-Inquart and Cardinal Initzer
* Poland – Frank
* Slovakia – [Jesuit] Priest Tiso
* Croatia – [Ante] Pavelic
* Belgium – Degrelle.
The Inquisition – A Pictorial History..
Man suspected as ‘Flint serial killer‘ tried to settle in …The man arrested Wednesday and accused of being the “Flint serial killer” is a Christian from Israel who tried unsuccessfully to put down roots in Northern Virginia
Historical Overview Of The Inquisition – Part 1
Superior General (Black Pope) On His Relationship With His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
“At this moment, my relationship with Benedict XVI is quite open; it is a relationship of trust but not of political change.
Many people think that is there a shift in power from Opus Dei to theSociety of Jesus.
History Of The Roman Catholic Inquisition – Part 2
The Spanish Inquisition – An Overiew
“council of trent” …here is a selection taken from that meeting
The Truth Of Antichrist
666 Mark of the Beast
Besieging Israel’s siege
Christian Zionists do not accept the statements of Christ and other early Christian leaders that criticize Old Testament practices. ( an Anti-Christ Doctrine) Instead, they project Old Testament practices and prophesies into today’s world. Consequently, they revere the Jews as God’s chosen people with a divine right to all lands promised the Jews in the Old Testament. If British politicians had not taken up the cause of restoring the Jews to Palestine. Lord Shaftsbury promoted the cause in the nineteenth century, followed by Lord Palmerston, David Lloyd George, and finally Lord Balfour, who provided an official basis for Jewish immigration to their ancestral homeland with the famous Balfour Declaration of 1917. A brand of idealism mixed easily with practical politics in the activities of these statesmen.
The Hidden Hand Behind “the Kingdom on Earth Deception”… Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell, Paul; Jan Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting , Jesse Duplantis,KennethCopeland, Rod Parsley, Fred Price, Kim Clement, John Hagee, andKenneth Hagin among others. …
The Master Piece of Illuminati Theology – The Rapture and British Israel:
There is a theology that will cause millions of families to be lost; this false doctrine is the breeding ground for most of the anger and hatred that most people in the world have toward the US.It is a theology that is preached from most of the pulpits in America, taught at most of the leading seminaries.It is a theology that nullifies what Jesus did on the cross in making and end of the bloody sacrifice and give the anti Christ the credit. It is a theology from the pits of hell. This theology has decimated families and people groups and can be link to the deaths of 4500 American soldiers in Iraq, over million Iraqis deaths as well as to the terrorist attacks of 9-11. This theology has shape foreign policy, given birth the new governments and given rebirth to an old government that God did away with almost 500 years before Christ. This theology is directly responsible for the instability and turmoil in the Middle East… The current crises in America and of the Middle East today can be trace to this diabolical theology.Supporters in the U.S. are applauding Israel’s incursions into Gaza and Lebanon. According to Associated Press, Rev. John Hagee, national chairman of Christians United for Israel, says the Jewish state has “the right to pursue terrorist organizations” that invade its territory, and his group brought thousands of supporters together in Washington and lobbied Congress on Israel’s behalf. The founder of the Olive Tree ministry said… Israel must pursue one policy in dealing with Hezbollah and Hamas, “The only thing that works with Islam is blowing them to kingdom come. It’s time to go in with force,” Mirkel…Why do we defend the misdeeds of Israel? Could if be because of this diabolical theology?
The theology that I’m speaking of being from Satan is not even in the Bible… It is a theology that was invented as an anti-reformation tool by the Catholic Church…Although many pre-Reformation writers perceived Papacy as the Man of Sin, the leaders of the sixteenth century Reformation wove this identification into a larger prophetic mosaic. That Martin Luther, the father of the Reformation, recognized the Papacy as the Man of Sin is obvious, “We are convinced that the Papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist.” The Protestant Church of the Reformation saw Papacy as more than the apostate church. Prophecy became the rallying point of the Reformation.From the first, and throughout, that movement [the Reformation] was energized and guided by the prophetic Word. Luther never felt strong and free to war against the papal apostasy till he recognized the pope as antichrist.Hundred of thousands of people were leaving the Catholic Church and following the reformers…
In the reaction that followed, all the powers of hell seemed to be let loose upon the adherents of the Reformation. War followed war: tortures, burnings, and massacres were multiplied. Yet the Reformation stood undefeated and unconquerable. God’s word upheld it, and the energies of His Almighty Spirit. It was the work of Christ as truly as the founding of the Church eighteen centuries ago; and the revelation of the future which He gave from heaven—that prophetic book with which the Scripture closes—was one of the mightiest instruments employed in its accomplishment.”3
A Counter-Reformation
In 1545, the Catholic Church convened one of its most famous councils in history, which took place north of Rome in a city called Trent… Thus the Council of Trent became a center for Rome’s Counter-Reformation. Up to this point, Rome’s main method of attack had been largely frontal—the open burning of Bibles and of heretics. Yet this warfare only confirmed in the minds of Protestants the conviction that Papal Rome was indeed the Beast which would “make war with the saints” (Revelation 13:7). Therefore a new tactic was needed, something less obvious. This is where the Jesuits come in.
On August 15, 1534, Ignatius Loyola (in the title picture) founded a secretive Catholic order called the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits
The Rapture theory was first conjure up by Fancisco Ribera as a counter reformation theology… what the church could not do by war, torture, and burning, they done by theology.
Cardinal Bellarmine developed stating that Antichrist to come just before the end of the world and to be accepted by the Jews and enthroned in the temple at Jerusalem—thus endeavoring to dispose of the Protestant exposition which saw Antichrist in the pope. Bellarmine’s interpretation, in modified form, is now accepted by most premillennial dispensationalists.[6]
This theological concept was accepted into the Church of England by Maitland, and adopted into the Pentecostal and charismatic by Edward Irvin…Irvin was follow by an English lawyer, politician, Pastor John Darby… Darby preaching greatly influences the political area in England…
Cyrus Scofield a Kansas lawyer and preacher infected the Baptists with this deadly virus as well as the political landscape in the early 20th century setting the stage for the force eviction of the Palestinians and the reestablishment of a country that has had cease to exist for over 2500 yrs…
Basic teachings of Rapture theory:
1. The rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948.
2. A soon-coming seven years of “Great Tribulation.”
3. The rebuilding of the Jewish temple on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.
4. The Antichrist’s rise during the tribulation; He’ll enter the temple to proclaim Godhood.
5. A final war against Israel, which will result in Armageddon.
Israel must pursue one policy in dealing with Hezbollah and Hamas, the Olive Tree Ministries founder contends. “The only thing that works with Islam is blowing them to kingdom come. It’s time to go in with force,” Mirkel
Yes my friend, The Rapture Theory produces this type of mentality. Is this the attitude that a follower of Christ should have? Was Jesus a war-monger? or did he teach that we should love our enimies? Is the Rapture theory Bibical? What is the truth behind the Rapture? The rapture one of the biggest hoax in modern time created to divert attention away from the truth about the Anti- Christ and Christ True Second Coming and implement a false racist theology called British Israel. This theology is promoted by most mainstream denominations such as Assemblies of God, COGIC, Baptist, most Pentecostal Churches, Full Gospel, and TV Evangelists like John Hagee, TD Jakes, Joe Koevering, Jake Hayford, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Rod Parsley, Chuck Smith, Chuck Missler, Jesse Duplantis, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, and writers Perry Stone, John Walvood, Tim Lahaye, Jerry Jinkins, Dave Hunt, to name only a few. Beware my Friends of False Prophets who promote this diabolical doctrine of the Rapture which is also called British Israel.
Libya Rebels
U.S. Recognizes Libyan Rebels As its Shadow Legitimate Government
Could the weather modification weapon HARRP that was built during the Clinton administration be the cause for the famine in East Africa?
Is the drought part of the depopulation program of the Illuminati NWO?
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) director for Somalia, speaking at a recent news conference in London, explained. “Somalia is at a dire crossroads. If sufficient food and other humanitarian assistance cannot be scaled up in the coming months, parts of the country could well be in the grips of a disaster similar to the 1992-1993 famine, when hundreds of thousands of people perished.”An article in the Guardian, August 1, stated that Ethiopia is suffering most in the current crisis. In June the Ethiopian government has said around four and a half million people faced food shortages but now, “official estimates from donor agencies following recent nationwide assessments put the figure closer to 8-10 million people.”The article continued: “The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Ethiopia warns that the country is facing ‘critical challenges’… those living in drought-affected areas are resorting to extreme measures including slaughtering animals, eating seeds meant for planting and migrating from their homes.”
H ARRP Lecture:
In a lecture on April 27, 1997 at the University of Georgia former Secretary of Defense, William Cohen spoke on weapons of mass destruction. At that lecture Cohen asserted that “electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions and the like”. Secretary of Defense Cohen also stated that this is being used in an ecotype of terrorism. Can we take Cohen’s assertions to be factual? As Secretary of Defense, Cohen would have had first hand technical knowldge of the existence of such a weapon of mass destruction. So if what he was saying is true who is using this weapon of mass destruction and ecotype of terrorism? Since Cohen worked for the United States government the only plausible answer would be the United States government.
Former US Secretary of Defense, William Cohen was actually warning us in 1997 that the United States government has developed and is now actively using a weapon that is capable of causing mass destruction by triggering earthquakes, weather modification (inducing heavy rainfall that causes floods or no rainfall which causes droughts), volcanic eruptions and the like. Cohen was warning us about the existence of HAARP. HAARP was developed by the Bill Clinton / Al Gore administration as a United States weapon of mass destruction.
HAARP was ordered built by Bill Clinton and Al Gore to beam electromagnetic waves into the Earth’s inosphere to trigger geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate modification (change), volcanic eruptions and the like. Congressional Hearing records during the Clinton administration and HAARP patents disclose that HAARP beaming heats the inosphere. As we all know heat causes things to expand. We also know that heat rises. As HAARP heats one part of the ionosphere the ionosphere expands and gets pushed higher. This HAARP ionosphere heating can cause a controlled diverting or altering of the natural path of jet streams.
YouTube – Worst Drought In Eastern Africa In 60 Years
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6puImpSK3mk3 min – 4 days ago – Uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tCOM
@InCMPunkWeTrust HAARP…DUH! BubbaGump332 3 days ago …. Added to queue Drought, Famine Plaguing East Africaby
AmazingFacts:The USA in BibleProphecypart1
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(1) Amazing Prophecy | First Beast of Revelation 13!
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The Remnant
Second Coming of Jesus
Did The Reformers Teach the Rapture?
BBC – Middle East News
Obama vs. Netanyahu – Big Showdown
Viva Palestinia – Tour of Gaza Today
Jeremiah Films- Promoter of Luciferian Rapture DVD’s and Films
Iranian Revolution – Truth behind the story
AIDS – Dr. Boyd Graves Cure for AIDS
End Times Prophetic Truth
Rapture Exposed – End Times Prophecies
Three Schools of Biblical Prophetic Interpretation
Catholic Origin of Luciferian Rapture of Doctrine
The Secret Rapture Hoax
Left Behind by The Jesuits
The Reformation and Counter Reformation
The Anti-Christ
Truth Behind Left Behind Rapture
Obama Meet of Zionist Groups
John Hagee and AIPAC –
John Hagee False Prophet and NWO agent
Pope US Visit Addresses Priests Sex Abuse of Children
Sabbath vs. Lord’s Day – Truth About Sun-day Worsh…
Is Modern-day Israel in Bible Prophecy? Middle East News – Video
The Thirteenth Tribe:
Arthur Koestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews.…TheThirteenthTribe. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. Arthur Koestler. Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
The vast majority of Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar – origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. Maybe the two world wars and the Holocaust were pretext for the New Khazaria or Israel hoax.The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.(Arthur Koestler,The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17).
Old Khazaria existed fromabout 500 A.D. to about1000 A.D.
Old Khazaria adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaismabout 740 A.D.
Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.
The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
New Khazaria.
As long as Apostate Israel (New Khazaria) exist…there will never be any peace in the Middle East. Modern-day Jewry is of Eastern European/Aryan descent and thus they are not Semitic. Let the truth be told everywhere. Why should American Soldiers die to protect a Hoax?
BBC News – Middle East crisis
Israeli Soldiers Testify: We Used Gazans as Human Shields!
Besieging Israel’s siege
Omar Barghouti: In just a few years the Palestinian campaign to boycott Israeli goods has become truly global
As one looks at the history of nations, from Babylon to Rome to America, it is evident that a Divine hand was protecting and guiding America..(Click on pic)
“A secret terrorist organization has been working within to destroy America, its Constitution, and everything for which she stands”..(Click on pic)
This book by John Foxe (1517 – 1587) is beyond doubt one of the great Christian classics in English- Read it on line (Click on Picture)
The book “Too Long in the Sun”, traces pagan sun worship from the time of the Chaldeans, through the civilizations of the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians, the Grecians, the Romans and right on through present day, documenting its influence upon modern day “Christianity.”
Click on image to read this book.
JOHN HAGEE BY STEVE LUMBLEY OF APOSTASY WATCH One of the credibility gaps with John Hagee are his associations within the Word of Faith Movement as seen in one of our photographs as he is featured along with Jesse Duplantis and Benny Hinn. In this post Steve Lumbley brings you even …
John Hagee’s Dual Covenant Duplicity Part Three If John Hagee really loved the Jewish people he would tell then that the savior they seek was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. He would tell them that their adherence to the Torah is worthless without a sacrifice.…
Jewwatch Critiques John Hagee’s Heresy Frank Weltner discusses John Hagee’s heresy. Will Christian Zionists listen? Not if they’ve chosen to worship Jews rather than Christ.
Click on image to read this book.
Adventist 4 Truth
ALARM in AMERICA and the WORLD (Bill Hughes)
Amazing Discoveries
Avles Beluskes Exposed
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Bible Gateway
Call To Repent
Christian Resource Centre – Bermuda
Concordat Watch
Continuing Counter Reformation
Earth’s Final Warning
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Mountain Media Ministry
Pacific Institute
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Project Restore
Prophesy Again
Religious Counterfeits
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Sabbath Sermons
Steps To Life Ministry
The Arctic Beacon
The Gilead Institute of America
The Last Crisis
The Truth And The Truth Alone
The Unhived Mind
AIDS and Secret Knowledge Exposed
The AIDS cure: Patent #5676977 (Part 1 of 4)
Dr. Boyd Graves discusses the origin of AIDS as well as the United States’ patented
Boyd E. Graves, J.D. Research Archives
“In the 1950s, the Rockefellers reorganized the U.S. eugenics movement in their own family offices, with spinoff world population control and abortion groups. The Eugenics Society changed its name to the Society for the Study of Social Biology, its current name. “The Rockefeller Foundation had long financed the eugenics movement in England, apparently repaying Britain for the fact that British capital and an Englishman-partner had started old John D. Rockefeller out in his Oil Trust. “In the 1960s, the Eugenics Society of England adopted what they called Crypto-eugenics, stating in their official reports that they would do eugenics through means and instruments not labeled as eugenics. “With support from the Rockefellers, the Eugenics Society (England) set up a sub-committee called the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which for 12 years had no other address than the Eugenics Society. This, then, is the private, international apparatus which has set the world up for a global holocaust, under the UN flag.” –Rockefeller and Mass Murder
Investigate the AIDS, world population control connection… “July 1, 1970—Senate Appropriations hearings are held for the Department of Defense and refer to eminent biologists who believe that within 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent (infective micro-organism), an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. “Hearings in the British House of Commons from April 8 to May 13, 1987 regarding AIDS will include the following: “Every biological scientist who has dispassionately studied the virus and the epidemic knows that the origins of the virus could lie in the developments of modern biology….Some who know perfectly well what has happened are deliberately fudging scientific data to keep the heat off them and fellow members of their molecular biological ‘club’.” –
Dialectics, Rockefellers, and Population Control
“In fact, it (the HIV virus) is created by a scientist for biological warfare at an Army research facility in MD. Why has there been so much secrecy about AIDS? When you ask where did the virus come from, it raises a lot of flags. That makes me suspicious.” – Wangari Maatha of Kenya, first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize
Reprint of Andrew Hitchcock Article Rothschilds Timeline:
Hitchcock also wrote a history for thebankers:DarylBradfordSmith_Bankers.htm
One of our listeners added images and photos and turned this Rothschild document into aPowerPoint presentation. It is very large; 67 megabytes:RothschildsTimeline.ppt
If you don’t have PowerPoint, get a free PowerPoint viewer from Microsofthere.
Hitchcock has this Rothschild history available as apaper bookin the UK:
Definition of Zionism:
an organization of Jews whose goal is to create a nation for Jews.
Definition of Judaism:
Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.
The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be.
The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied byGeorgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land ofIsrael is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away inGeorgia.
So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:
“I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I knowthe blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, butare the synagogue of Satan.”
The most wealthy bloodline in the world bar none and the leader of the Ashkenazi Jews in the world today is the Rothschild family. As you will see in the timeline, the Rothschilds have obtained this position through lies, manipulation and murder. Their bloodline also extends into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn.
However, these are not the only bloodlines to worry about. You are probably aware of the centuries old pratice undertaken by many Ashkenazi Jews whereby they would change their name, in order for them to appear part of the dominant race of the country in which they lived, so as they could obtain influential positions in that country, which they would then exploit to serve their real masters elsewhere. There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition.
Furthermore the Rothschilds are known to sire many children secretly that they can put into positions of power when required. This started with the very first man who took the name Rothschild, who had a secret sixth son. Finally, remember the world is a diverse place, I could if I wanted change my name to Rothschild, or any of the names listed above, and that would not make me part of this family anymore than converting to Judaism in 740 A.D. will make these Ashkenazis Jewish.
Please, therefore, do not automatically assume someone you see with the name Rothschild or any of the names listed above are part of the Rothschild criminal network. Furthermore and most importantly, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are innocent and not part of this network. Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network.
1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born inFrankfurt,Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house.
Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house. This sign is a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.
1753: Gutle Schnaper, an Ashkenazi Jew (future wife of Mayer Amschel Bauer), born to respected merchant, Wolf Salomon Schnaper.
1760: During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers’ inHanover, Germany. He is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.
Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurtto take over his father’s business. Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”).
Now Mayer Amschel Rothschild, he discovers that General von Estorff is now attached to the court of Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, one of the richest royal houses in Europe, which gained its’ wealth by the hiring out of Hessian soldiers to foreign countries for vast profits (a practice that continues today in the form of exporting, “peacekeeping,” troops throughout the world).
He therefore makes the General’s re-acquaintance on the pretext of selling him valuable coins and trinkets at discounted prices. As he plans, Rothschild is subsequently introduced to Prince William himself who is more than pleased with discounted prices he charges for his rare coins and trinkets, and Rothschild offers him a bonus for any other business the Prince can direct his way.
Rothschild subsequently becomes close associates with Prince William, and ends up doing business with him and members of the court. He soon discovers that loaning money to governments and royalty is more profitable than loaning to individuals, as the loans are bigger and are secured by the nation’s taxes.
1769: Mayer Amschel Rothschild is given permission by Prince William to hang a sign on the front of his business premises declaring that he is, “M. A. Rothschild, by appointment court factor to his serene highness, Prince William of Hanau.”
1770: Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts Ashkenazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew who was outwardly Roman Catholic, with its organization and development. The Illuminati is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. It was to be called the Illuminati as this is a Luciferian term which means, keepers of the light.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild marries Gutle Schnaper.
1773: Amschel Mayer Rothschild born, the first of Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s sons. He like all his brothers who follow him, will enter the family business at the age of 12.
1774: Salomon Mayer Rothschild born.
1776: Adam Weishaupt officially completes his organisation of the Illuminati on May 1 of this year. The purpose of the Illuminati is to divide the goyim (all non-Jews) through political, economic, social, and religious means. The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst themselves; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other.
Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all under the orders and finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has spread and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day.
Weishaupt also recruits 2,000 paid followers including the most intelligent men in the field of arts and letters, education, science, finance,and industry. They were instructed to follow the following methods in order to control people.
1) Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places, in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavour. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.
2) The faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in internationalism, or rather the notion that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminati.
3) All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. This was so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long-run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.
4) To obtain absolute-control of the press, at that time the only mass-communications media which distributed information to the public, so that all news and information could be slanted in order to make the masses believe that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems.
1777: Nathan Mayer Rothschild born.
1784: Adam Weishaupt issues his order for the French Revolution to be started by by Maximilien Robespierre in book form. This book was written by one of Weishaupt’s associates, Xavier Zwack, and sent by courier from Frankfurt to Paris. However en route there, the courier is struck by lightning, the book detailing this plan discovered by the police, and handed over to the Bavarian authorities.
As a consequence, the Bavarian government orders the police to raid Weishaupt’s masonic lodges of the Grand Orient, and the homes of his most influential associates. Clearly, the Bavarian authorities were convinced that the book that was discovered was a very real threat by a private group of influential people, to use wars and revolutions to achieve their political ends.
1785: The Bavarian government outlaw the Illuminati and close all the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild moves his family home to a five storey house inFrankfurt which he shares with the Schiff family.
1786: The Bavarian government publish the details of the Illuminati plot in a document entitled, “The Original Writings of The Order and Sect of The Illuminati.” They then send this document to all the heads of church and state throughoutEurope, but sadly their warning is ignored.
1788: Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild Born.
1789: Due to the European ignorance of the Bavarian government’s warning, the Illuminati’s plan for a French Revolution succeeded from this year to 1793. This revolution was a bankers’ dream, it established a new constitution and passed laws that forbade the Roman Church from levying tithes (taxes) and also removed its exemption from taxation.
1790: Mayer Amschel Rothschild states,
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”
1791: The Rothschilds get, “control of a nation’s money,” through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) when they set up a central bank in theUSAcalled the First Bank of theUnited States. This is established with a 20 year charter.
1792: Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild born.
1796: Amschel Mayer Rothschild marries Eva Hanau.
1798: John Robison publishes a book entitled, “Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies.” In this book, Professor Robison of the University ofEdinburgh, one of the leading intellects of his time, who in 1783 was elected general secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, gave details of the whole Rothschild Illuminati plot.
He advised how he had been a high degree mason in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and had been invited by Adam Weishaupt to Europe, where he had been given a revised copy of Weishaupt’s conspiracy. However, although he pretended to go along with it, Professor Robison did not agree with it and therefore published his aforementioned book. The book included details of the Bavarian government’s investigation into the Illuminati and the French Revolution.
That same year on July 19th, David Pappen, President of Harvard University, lectured the graduating class on the influence illuminism was having on American politics and religion.
At the age of 21, Nathan Mayer Rothschild leaves Frankfurt for England, where with a large sum of money given to him by his father, he sets up a banking house in London.
1800: Salomon Mayer Rothschild marries Caroline Stern.
1806: Napolean states that it is his,
“object to remove the house of Hess-Cassel from rulership and to strike it out of the list of powers.”
On hearing this, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, fleesGermany, goes toDenmark and entrusts his fortune valued at $3,000,000 at that time to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild marries Hannah Barent Cohen the daughter of a wealthy London merchant.
1808: Nathan Mayer Rothschild has his first son born Lionel Nathan de Rothschild.
1810: Sir Francis Baring and Abraham Goldsmid die. This leaves Nathan Mayer Rothschild as the remaining major banker inEngland.
Salomon Mayer Rothschild goes to Vienna, Austria and sets up the bank, M. von Rothschild und Söhne.
1811: The charter for the Rothschilds Bank of theUnited States runs out and Congress votes against its renewal. Nathan Mayer Rothschild is not amused and he states,
“Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.”
However the United Statesstands firm and the Charter is not renewed, which causes Nathan Mayer Rothschild to issue another threat,
“Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status.”
1812: Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s orders, the British declare war on theUnited States. The Rothschilds plan was to cause the United States to build up such a debt in fighting this war that they would have to surrender to the Rothschilds and allow the charter for the Rothschild owned First Bank of the United Statesto be renewed.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild dies. In his will he lays out specific laws that the House of Rothschild were to follow: all key positions in the family business were only to be held by family members; only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the family business, this included a reported sixth secret bastard son (It is important to note that Mayer Amschel Rothschild also has five daughters, so today the spread of the Rothschild Zionist dynasty without the Rothschild name is far and wide, and Jews believe the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is solely Jewish); the family was to intermarry with it’s first and second cousins to preserve the family fortune (of the 18 marriages by Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren, 16 were between first cousins – a practice known today as inbreeding); no public inventory of his estate was to be published; no legal action was to be taken with regard to the value of the inheritance; the eldest son of the eldest son was to become the head of the family (this condition could only be overturned when the majority of the family agreed otherwise).
This was straightaway the case and Nathan Mayer Rothschild was elected head of the family following his father, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s death.
Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild goes to Paris,France to set up the bank, de Rothschild Frères.
Nathaniel de Rothschild, the son in law of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild, born.
1814: With regard to the $3,000,000 Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau had entrusted to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping, for an account of what happened next we turn to the Jewish Encyclopaedia, 1905 edition, Volume 10, page 494, which states,
“According to legend this money was hidden away in wine casks, and, escaping the search of Napoleon’s soldiers when they entered Frankfurt, was restored intact in the same casks in 1814, when the elector (Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau) returned to the electorate (Germany). The facts are somewhat less romantic, and more businesslike.”
This last line indicates the money was never returned by Rothschild to Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. The encyclopaedia goes on to state,
“Nathan Mayer Rothschild invested this $3,000,000 in, gold from the East India Company knowing that it would be needed forWellington’s peninsula campaign.”
On the stolen money Nathan made,
“no less than four profits:
i) On the sale of Wellington’s paper which he bought at 50 cents on the dollar and collected at par;
ii) on the sale of gold to Wellington;
iii) on its repurchase; and
iv) on forwarding it to Portugal.”
1815: The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to bothWellington’s army (through Nathan inEngland) and Napoleon’s army (through Jacob inFrance), and begin their policy of funding both sides in wars. The Rothschilds love wars because they are massive generators of risk free debt.
This is because they are guaranteed by the government of a country, and therefore the efforts of the population of that country, and it doesn’t matter if that country loses the war because the loans are given on the guarantee that the victor will honour the debts of the vanquished.
Whilst the Rothschilds are funding both sides in this war, they use the banks they have spread out across Europe to give them the opportunity to set up an unrivalled postal service network of secret routes and fast couriers. The post these couriers carried was to be opened up by these couriers and their details given to the Rothschilds so they always were one step ahead of current events.
Furthermore, these Rothschild couriers were the only merchants allowed to pass through the English and French blockades. It was these couriers who also kept Nathan Mayer Rothschild up to date with how the war was going so he could use that intelligence to buy and sell from his position on the stock exchange in accordance with that intelligence.
One of Rothschild’s couriers was a man named Rothworth. When the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo was won by the British, Rothworth took off for the Channel and was able to deliver this news to Nathan Mayer Rothschild, a full 24 hours beforeWellington’s own courier.
At that time British bonds were called consuls and they were traded on the floor of the stock exchange. Nathan Mayer Rothschild instructed all his workers on the floor to start selling consuls. The made all the other traders believe that the British had lost the war so they started selling frantically.
Therefore the consuls plummeted in value which was when Nathan Mayer Rothschild discreetly instructed his workers to purchase all the consuls they could lay their hands on.
When news came through that the British had actually won the war, the consuls went up to a level even higher than before the war ended leaving Nathan Mayer Rothschild with a return of approximately 20 to 1 on his investment.
This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy, now the financial centre of the world following Napolean’s defeat, and forced Englandto set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Mayer Rothschild controlled.
Interestingly 100 years later the New York Times would run a story stating that Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s grandson had attempted to secure a court order to suppress publication of a book which had this insider trading story in it. The Rothschild family claimed the story was untrue and libellous, but the court denied the Rothschilds request and ordered the family to pay all court costs.
Back to 1815, this is the year Nathan Mayer Rothschild makes his famous statement,
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne ofEnglandto rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controlsBritain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
He would go onto brag that in the 17 years he had been inEngland he had increased the £20,000 stake given to him by his father, 2500 times to £50 million.
The Rothschilds also use their control of the Bank of England to replace the method of shipping gold from country to country and instead used their five banks spread acrossEurope to set up a system of paper debits and credits, the banking system of today.
By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, “Age of the Rothschilds,” it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.
However something that did not go well for the Rothschilds this year was the Congress of Vienna, which started in September, 1814 and concluded in June of this year. The reason for this Congress of Vienna, was for the Rothschilds to create a form of world government, to give them complete political control over much of the civilized world.
Many of the European governments were in debt to the Rothschilds, so they figured they could use that as a bargaining tool. However the Tsar Alexander I of Russia, who had not succumbed to a Rothschild central bank, would not go along with the plan, so the Rothschild world government plan failed.
Enraged by this, Nathan Mayer Rothschild swore that some day he or his descendants would destroy the Tsar Alexander I’s entire family and descendants. Unfortunately he was true to his word and 102 years later Rothschild funded Bolsheviks would act upon that promise.
Interestingly, world government fanatic and Ashkenazi Jew, Henry Kissinger, did his doctoral dissertation on the Congress of Vienna.
1816: The American Congress passes a bill permitting yet another Rothschild dominated central bank, which gives the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again. This is called the Second Bank of theUnited States and is given a twenty year charter. The British war against theAmerica therefore ends with the deaths of thousands of British and American soldiers, but the Rothschilds get their bank.
1818: Following the French securing massive loans in 1817 in order to help rebuild after their disastrous defeat atWaterloo, Rothschild agents bought vast amounts of French government bonds causing their value to increase.
On November 5th they dumped the lot on the open market causing their value to plummet and France to go into a financial panic. The Rothschilds then stepped in to take control of the French money supply. This was the same year the Rothschilds were able to loan £5,000,000 to the Prussian government.
1821: Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild was sent toNaples,Italy. He would end up doing a lot of business with theVatican and Pope Gregory XVI subsequently conferred upon him the Order of St. George.
Also, whenever the Pope received Kalmann, he would give him his hand rather than the customary toe to kiss, which showed the extent of Kalmann’s power over the Vatican.
1822: The emperor ofAustria made the five Rothschild brothers Barons. Nathan Mayer Rothschild chose not to take up the title.
1823: The Rothschilds take over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide.
1827: Sir Walter Scott publishes his nine volume set, The life of Napolean and in volume two he states that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) and was financed by the money changers ofEurope (The Rothschilds).
THE CIVIL WAR and the Role of the Illuminati
… the war (1857)Rothschild decided his Paris bank would support the … Under his administration aRothschildcentral-banking system would not be tolerated.
Rothschilds and the Grail Bloodline | David Livingstone
Beware of Illuminati Luciferian Rapture Doctrine Books and Conferences – Beware of False Preachers and Teachers. They promote an Anti-Christ, Anti-protestant and Luciferian Rapture Doctrine – Beware my Friend Beware – They are not of God, but wolves in Sheep Clothing.
When Will the Messiah Return?
Twilight's Last Gleaming -DVDGo to fullsize imageGo to fullsize image
The Fifth Seal in Sharp Focus
Go to fullsize imageGo to fullsize imageGo to fullsize image
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
BIBLE C. Dollar Randy White Paula White EvangelicalKABBALLAH Ron Wyatt Sky Angel Donald Hilliard Derek Prince Vatican Catholicism David Pawson Lance Lambert Walter Riggans Mike Evans Basilea Schlink Anglican Church AMF CCJ British Israel theology Charles BlakeCharles Stanly church Eddie LongPolitics benny hinn Billy Graham Charles Greenconspiracycurrent events Jack Van Impe John HageeKenneth CopelandMason Pentecostalqabalah rod parsleySteve Keohane T.D. Jakes Billy Joe Daugherty Bishop T.D. JakesCABALAH Floyd Flake happy caldwell Harold RayKenneth Hagin Pat Robinson Paul Morton Pope Pope Benedict XVI Richard Roberts Richard Shakarian SwindolT.LahayeTRUTH TV evangelist VaticanWORDapostasy jesse duplantis Mark Chironnaministry Pope John Paul IIFreemason joel olsteenrobert Schuller Russell BeanS. LukensbabylonBULLINGER IlluminatiMUNROE NWO true worshipWOODROW clarence larkincliff ford daniel bohlerdrosnin michael Fredick Price J. Reyes jack van impe ministries john hagee zionismMURDOCK Russell Bean,Joseph Reyes,S. LukensTim Lahaye Anti-Christ Doctrine H.Lindsey Jane Hanson – Aglow InternationalJesuits John Hagee Ministries Kenneth copeland ministrieskenneth hagin ministries lighthouse production lighthouse world ministries Christian Sciencehinson Knight of ColumbusKnight of Malta worship Frank Wright knights templarThomas Ice Bishop Charles Blake end-time-eventsmunroe,murdock,woodrow,bullinger,meyerRoberta Combs Christian Coalition Assemblies of Godbranch of david Christian Word Ministries Doug Kreigerfrontier research publicationsGolden Dawn ice & demy jan markelljimmy swaggard Jonah Immanu Morning Star MinistriesNRB Olive Tree Ministries saints harvest ministries TBNCatholicismChristian COGIC Dallas Theological Seminarygarth coonch GJCN Global University God Grant JefferiesGrant JefferyhistoryInTouch j.vernon mcgeeJames DeLoach James Kennedy Jeruselam john macternan john walvoord lawlogos publishing National Association of EvangelicalsOral Roberts Southwestern Assemblies of God UniversitySouthwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryStephen Smith Terry RisenhooverTony Smithtruthnet van kampen blackie gonzalez charles phillipsDaVinci CodeGOSPEL Israeljerry rose Jesus Jews for Jesus lambert dolphin Liberty University Messianic MinistryMoody Bible Institutemormanism New World Orderprophecy Regent University Rick Warren Robert TiltonCabbalaDISPENSATIONDruidsFuturism hilton sutton John Nelson DarbylivingoccultPriory SionReformation Rex Humbardroberth de’andrea Rosicruciansusan minotZOA Armageddon bookscult false-doctrineOmega Code rapture readyTempleBarack ObamaGravel Harpazo Hillery ClintonJeruselam Temple Joe BidenJohn Edwards John MccainMiddle East Conflict Mike Huckabee mind control Mitt Romey mystical rapturerapture Ron Paul Sam Brownback Tommy ThompsonArmageddon cult rapture end-times HaaretzHope of the World Left Behind new thought prophecy onlineSECRET RAPTURE The-Word truth about rapture last days events news Revelationribera Ten CommandmentsThe-Popetribulation True IsraelYouTube Presidentsherlock bally tal brooke ray brubaker robert campbell noah hutchings j.r.church john cionci robert gundry alex reese john noe, arnold murray salem kirban c.s. lovett charles ryrie perry stone lester sumrall woody young larry wilson True Israel, sherman gordon art evans eric fooks franklin bell torrance jacko darrow perkins george mckinney bruce malone russ miller don perkins todd strandberg pat smith randy thomas ron graff ross taylor richard vizzutti keith burgin jason hommel jimmy deyoung herbert page george gunn frank mcmanus art evans lee gaymon Baal worship Lords Day megiddo post tribulationpre-tribulation scientologySecond Coming AIPAC Anti-Protestant Blessed HopebookChristian Zionism Dwight L Moody Franklin Graham Gary Bauer Haram al-Sharif Janet Parshall Luther Oxford University Press Southern BaptistAmerica Values Anti-Reformation Ignatius PressIgnitius Loyola International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Millennium pagan Ralph Reed rapture cultReturn of Jesus Ten Commandment Commission The RaptureWilliam Blackstone Bridges for Peace Holy Land International Christian Embassy Israel Christian Advocacy CouncilJerry Savelle Ministries International Joyer Meyer Ministries Life mormonismTemple Mount Cyrus ScofieldJuanita Bynum Ministry Larry Huch Ministries Lord Northampton Marilyn HickeyMEMBI secrets ron paulSunday Creflo Dollar World Changers MinistriesJINSAJoseph A SeissJoseph Chambers Mystical religious order Paw Creek MinistriesSabbath the-Bible Wm. E. Blackstone zionism Arno Froese grace new age prayerpresidential debate second advent Bishop Eddie LongDan Bohler sunday-day of restapostacy BnaiBrithNapolian Hill Norman vincent Peale Secret Knowledgedeath Al-Aqsa MosqueDave Hunt John Chambers SecretDan Kohler Lords Day Alliance Matthew Henry Rick Joyner Baphomet Bob JonesDwright L. Moody end-times events immortality meditationMuslem justification re-incarnation Adam Clark Anti-Christ Islam Oprah prosperitySelf Improvement spirit third temple Frinklin Grahamprosperity,wealth,moneysoul Sunday sacredness Third Jerusalem Temple salvationthe Secret law of attractionLuciferian MONEYwealth Dr. Quimbys
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tagged: 3ABN, 7 year tribulation, Anders Breivik, Anti-Christ Doctrine, Assemblies of God, BIBLE TALK, Billy Joe Daugherty, Binny Hinn, Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop Charles Green, Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Neil Ellis, Bishop Salis Johnson, Bishop T.D. Jakes, British Israel, CBN, Church of God In Christ, COGIC, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dave Hunt, de Rothschild, DISPENSATION, Eddie Long, Evangelical, Freemason, Gerald Falwell, Glenn Beck, Grant Jefferies, Hal Lindsey, Happy Cadlwell, Jack Hayford, Jack Van Impe, Jane Hanson - Aglow International, Janet Parshall, Joe Van Koevering, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, рыцари-темплар , конфликт на Ближнем Востоке , Институт библейских богослужений , неонацисты , резня в Норвегии , NWO , Университет Орала Робертса , Палестина , восторг , Rhema Bible Training Center , TBN , Холокост , VTN | 1 Комментарий "
Декабрь 2017 года
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Пожертвование в размере 1 000 000 долларов от Пастора
00 - Кэрол Маккейн - Жена, которую Джон Маккейн бросил
00 - Результаты ДНК Гитлера - Гитлер был евреем - был ли Гитлер кузеном Эдмонду де Ротшильду?
0001. Политический тикер CNN
0002. ТД Джейкс, проповедуя о Божьем Законе и Субботе - Отступничество
001 - Современные евреи не из Палестины, ни из семитского происхождения.
001 ... Волки в овечьей одежде - Остерегайтесь ложных религиозных учителей
0013 - Ротшильды - NWO - Деньги, власть и политика
0021- Бильдерберг, Оксфордский университет, Ученые Родса, Иллюминаты, Ротшильд, NWO
00234- Евангелисты, пятидесятники, баптисты - Ротшильд и Новый Мир
0024 - Сара Палин Новости
0025- Теневое правительство - история NWO
Ученые 0041-Rhodes и одно всемирное правительство - элита возглавляют план одного Всемирного правительства
0061 - Сионизм - Ротшильд - Соединение Свидетелей Иеговы
0094-Христианский сионизм не
01 - Кто такие евреи, которые занимают Израиль? Тринадцатое племя
01- Роль Соединенных Штатов в создании плана борьбы со СПИДом и геноцидом
010 - Иллюминати Datase
010. - Книга Моисея Закона против Десяти Заповедей Бога Закон Каменного
0101 - СПИД, депопуляция, геноцид, экстремальный расизм, Ротшильд
0101 - Extra Extra прочитал все об этом - Доказательство того, что в настоящее время ведется работа по строительству Иерусалимского храма
01062 - Месторасположение концентрационных лагерей - состояние штата
011 - Определено NWO
0110 - Worlds Last Chance Videos
013 - Тайное значение символов масонства
0134. ТД Джейкс и Эндрю Мерритт связаны с движением геев
015. Десять самых опасных ложных учителей в Америке
01776 - Cyrus Scofieldism - тоже Ротшильдизм; Сюжет, чтобы уничтожить христианство, выставило иллюминатов
0234 - Сионистско-коммунистический захват США - Заговор
06- История иезуитов
0616 - «Мастер / рабское общество». Проект - Общество Джона Берча, Сесил Роудс, масонство, KKK
066 - Сионизм обнажен
066- Официальная клятва иезуитов
0666 - избран новый черный папа - Адольфо Николас
0666 - Кто есть реальная сила мира?
06666 - «IHS» (Isis, Horus, Seb) - Сатанинские корни римско-католического учреждения
10 - евроазиатские харзарцы обращаются в иудаизм
1000 лет мира
10011 - Временная шкала династии Ротшильдов - Возьми мир
10034 - ЕВАНГЕЛИКИ И ГЛОБАЛИСТЫ ВМЕСТЕ - Новый мировой порядок
100777 - Truthseeker - NWO - Бильдерберг - Сионизм - 911 - Заговор - Скрытие
101 факт о субботних или воскресных дебатах
11 - Открытые секретные общества
113 - Президенты США и структура иллюминатов / масонской энергетики
118 - Семинары евангелистов, захваченные иезуитами Антипротестантской доктрины
123 - Какова цель этого третьего храма и кому он будет служить?
131. Нечестивый альянс - христианин (ложный), Phophets и NWO
14 Дом Ротшильда - NWO - Израиль и масонство
15 - Альберт Пайк, Иллюминати, NWO, Сатанизм
1545 - Теология, которая убила протестантизм - кто сегодня протестанты?
1563 - Злая империя иезуитского футуризма - Дарби, Скофилд, Джеффрис, Ассамблеи Бога, пятидесятники, британский Израиль
1563 - Иезуиты и истоки футуризма - Иллюминаты, Британский Израиль, NWO, Ложный протестантизм, Восхищение, Ротшильд Израиль
16 Иллюминаты и Дом Ротшильдов
1666 - Общий список иезуитов
33 класса Масонов Список - ТВ-евангелист - Билли Грэм, Орал Робертс, Бенни Хинн, Кеннет Коупленд, Кеннет Хагин
50 очков О Иллюминатах - Иллюминат-
661 - Происхождение современного сионизма
666 - Знак зверя
666 - Откровение
666 против 777
7-й день - ТД Джейкс - Вступление в Божье поколение - Пт. 3
7-й день - TD Jakes God's Rest - Pt. 2
7-й день отдыха - TD Jakes и суббота - Youtube
7-я работа в Гане
911 - Открытый форум - Кто действительно был за атакой 911?
911 - Исследование истины
911: участие Израиля
911 и соединение Rapture
911 - Заговор?
A - История Стэнфордского университета - (Университет Иллюминати)
A - Вы решаете выборы 2008 года
Концепция мирового господства - NWO - Иллюминаты - Иезуиты - Католический - Сионизм
Случай против лжепророков, апостолов и проповедников - Остерегайтесь
Критика лжи в фильмах Иеремии Видео о адвентизме
День в Газе
Домашняя страница ложного пророка / проповедника
Ложный пророк / Проповедник
Историческая критика диспенсационализма, сионизма,
История войны между английским и французским масонством - Bloodline
Секретный завет иллюминатов - не обманывайтесь
Кампания мазка - как намазать Обаму - Политика ненависти и страха
Болотный пузырь -Новости Политика Религия
Голос из Палестины - американский раненный израильтянами
AA - Антихристская доктрина
AA - Зверь Откровения 13
Код АА - Да Винчи
Код AA - Da Vinci pt1
AA - Хорошие новости об аде - Видео
AA - Знак зверя
AA - прибыль Маккейна от работорговли и были владельцами рабов
AA - Пророчество века pt.1
AA - Пророчество века pt.2
AA - Правда о смерти - Видео
AA - Zeitgeist | Ответ (1)
AA - Zeitgeist | Ответ (2)
AA - Zeitgeist | Ответ (3)
AA0 - Расистский сионизм и угрозы терроризма в Израиле для Австралии и человечества
AA666 - Иезуиты (Общество Иисуса) Дьявольский план
AAA - Уитни Хьюстон - один момент во времени (Grammy Awards Live)
AAA - Сионизм - предлог для геноцида
AAA5 - Донни МакКлюркин, BeBe и CeCe Winans - Стенд
АААА - Палестинский геноцид от расистского сионизма - террор, голод и травма в Газе
AAAd -Shirley Caesar, Yolanda Adams, & Donnie McClurkin-Medley
AAB - Сионизм - Южный центр борьбы с нищетой, Палестина и определение геноцида
AAB - Страница данных сионизма
AAC-сионизм и искусство отрицания геноцида
AACD - Donnie McClurkin - Великое ваше милосердие (в прямом эфире)
AAD - сионизм - это белое превосходство и европейский колониализм. «Израиль» был основан на сионизме и поэтому является несправедливым и незаконным государством.
АБА-ционизм - это расизм, который оправдывает оккупацию и геноцид на палестинских землях.
ABC - «Это хорошо с моей душой» Уинтли Фиппс - Видео
ABC - 1 "The Creation" by Wintley Phipps - Видео
ABC 3 - Wintley Phipps: исцелить нашу землю
ABC Якорь и актриса в «W» Attac
Новости ABC
Новости Конвенции ABC
ABC-2 - Он Able - Wintley Phipps Video
ABC4 - Создание Wintley Phipps (Reedited)
ABCD - «Спуститесь, смерть» с Wintley Phipps
Отвращение к опустошению
О компании - Вавилон - Иллюминаты - 666
Выше совершенно секретно - Федеральная резервная система
Злоупотребление властью - Сара Пэйлин и доклад Троогиггейта -Guilty
Согласно пророчеству Люциферианского Восхищения с Доном Перкинсом
Обвинения против Эрика Князя и Блэкуотера - Убийства, Контрабанда оружия, Перевозка жены - Обвинения против Эрика Князя и Блэкуотера
Закон 1871 года - Уточнил Конституцию США 1776 года
Адам Вайшаупт и Фриманесноры
Адамс, Йоланда - О, Мэри, ты не плачешь
Адамс, Йоланда - В тумане всего
Адамс, Йоланда - Откройте мое сердце
Адамс, Йоланда - Кто-то смотрит на тебя
Адамс, Йоланда - все еще я поднимаюсь
Адамс, Йоланда - Это пройдет
Адамс, Йоланда - Победа
ADF - Церковь против IRS - Политика
Адвентизм против фильмов Иеремии Ложные высказывания
Сеть новостей адвентистов GC Session 2010
Адвентист сегодня Маг
Новости Африки
Африканская американская деревня
Повестка дня иллюминатов - Новое видеовидео зрителей
Повествование иллюминатов
Повествование иллюминатов
Повестка дня оккультной связи - Викка и масонство
СПИД - евгеника: секретная повестка дня -DR. LEN HOROWITZ
СПИД - Геноцид - евгеника - Депопуляция - План Рокфеллера
СПИД - Иеремия Райт поручил правительству США изготовить вирус СПИДа
СПИД - Лоуренс А. Дэвис - Члены Комиссии по депопуляции -
СПИД - Человек - Париж и д-р Кваме Нантамбу
СПИД - Проект MK-Naomi - Убить всех Nig ****
СПИД - Происхождение и развитие доктора Бойда Грейвса
СПИД - Рокфеллер, нацисты, ООН и геноцид
СПИД - Рокфеллер, нацисты, ООН и геноцид, стр.2
СПИД - История развития СПИДа - Доктор Бойд Грейвз
СПИД - Секретный геноцид против СПИДа - Алан Кантуэлл младший, MD
СПИД и секретные знания
СПИДом и британской Eugenics Est. Pt2
СПИДа и Совета национальной политики
AIDS Rothschilds / Rockefeller Eugenics Agenda
СПИД, Геноцид - UMOJA
СПИД / ВИЧ: вирус био-оружия для депопуляции Африки
СПИД: промышленный вирус
Альберт Пайк - агент Ротшильда - письмо Мадзини и Иллюминати
Альберто Ривера говорит о иезуите (иезуитах) Инфильтрации ...
Все о Truth - United мы контролируем Христианство: The Knights of St. John
Все Израиль будет сохранен?
Вся Истина Иллюминатов и мировой контроль
Все лучшие религиозные новости из Интернета
Аллей Сын Джона Ф. Кеннеди - Тони Болер
Alumbrados - Rapture Hoax через историю -
Удивительные открытия
Удивительные факты
Удивительные факты - The Rapture pt.1
Удивительные факты - The Rapture pt.2
Удивительные факты - The Rapture pt.3
Удивительные факты - правда об Израиле pt.1
Удивительные факты - Правда об Израиле pt.2 Видео
Удивительные факты - Правда об Израиле pt.3
Amazing Grace - Йоланда Адамс -
Удивительная история Грейс / «Удивительная благодать» Уинтли Фиппс
Америка в Библии Пророчество
Американская еврейская помощь
Пробуждение Америки - время бежит - Внимание!
Скрытый враг Америки
Американские эвангилические пни для иллюминатов и Израиля
Американец - Религия и политика
Соединенные Штаты Америки за отделение церкви и государства
Америка - Совет новостей Северной и Южной Америки
Американское общество - Новости из Мексики и Южной Америки
Ангелы и драконы - Ассасины, манипуляции и обман иезуитов - масонство
Ангелы и драконы - США в Библии Пророчество
Англо-саксонские британцы - Боги Избранные люди - Ассамблеи Бога
Институт теологических исследований Анкерберга
Антиреформация - Совет Трент и Иллюминатов
Антихрист 666 Идентичность, вызванная журналом «Посланник»
Антихристская хроника
Anti-Christ Define - ТРУДНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ Облицовка христиан
Антихрист, идентифицированный реформаторами
Анти-Протестантский и Люциферианский Институт Библейских Восхищений
Антисемитизм - сионизм - Израиль и его лобби США
Антивоенное, антисионистское движение - мировой контроль
Антисионистские евреи
Главная страница антисионистских евреев
Антисионистские котировки
Апартеид в Израиле
Апартеид, расизм и геноцид в Палестине Израилем
Акварианский контроль сознания - общество элиты
Арабские новости - конфликт на Ближнем Востоке - арабы не глупы
Архив для «сионизма расизма»
Христиане восстали перед Скорбью?
Армагеддон - битва
Обман Армагеддона
Искусство обмана - Контроль ума и религия
Найдена еврейская столица Ашкенази
Ашкеназские евреи контролируют 96% западных СМИ
Евреи Ашкенази из Хазарской империи - Нет отношения к Аврааму
Азиатская американская деревня
Объявлен участок убийства Обамы
Убийство, убийство, геноцид, пытки и подрывные действия народов)
Ассамблеи Бога и связь между Великобританией и Израилем
Ассамблеи Бога, Сара Пэйлин, Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Израиля
Ассамблеи Бога; Церковь Божья во Христе - Связь Иллюминатов
AZUSA - Чарльз Пархам, KKK, Ассамблеи Бога, Ротшильд, COGIC, Альберт Пайк
«Израиль потерял право на существование
BABYLON THE GREAT - католик или еврей?
Банкиры - теневое правительство ИЛЛЮМИНАТИ - национализация банков
Банкиры, Иллюминати и Связь Ротшильда
Банковское дело, задолженность, бумажные деньги и рабство
Банки - Уолл-стрит - Главная улица
Банки-спасение - социализм, помогающий капитализму
Банки Национализация - социализм для богатых, капитализм для бедных
Знамя правды
Крещеные огнем - говорящие на языках
Провод новостей Барака Обамы
Барон Эли Роберт де Ротшильд мертв, но династия живет
Б'най Брит, ККК и масонская связь - Основана евреями
Новости BBC Ближнего Востока
BBC Ближний Восток Новости - 2
bbc pics gaza
Блог вероисповедания
Бенни Хинн - разоблачить
Бенни Хинн и оккультизм
Бенни Хинн обнажен
Церковь Бесеев адвентистов седьмого дня
Центр христианских ресурсов Бермудских островов
Остерегайтесь - Ложный сайт пророчества Библии - Остерегайтесь
Остерегайтесь ложных пророчеств и обмана в Теории Восхищения
Остерегайтесь колдовства
Библейская логика - Слева за десантизмом
Библейское пророчество - Книга Даниила
Библейское пророчество - Книга Откровения
Библейское пророчество - Миры Последний шанс
Библейское пророчество - Worlds Last Chance - Видео
Библейское пророчество и история - История Церкви - Реформация
Библейское пророчество и Антихрист
Диаграммы пророчества Библии
Уроки Библейского Пророчества
Истина Библейского пророчества
Истина Библейского пророчества - Второе пришествие Христа
Истина Библейского пророчества Согласно Слову Божьему
Раскрыты секреты Библии - Дуг Батчелор
Изучение Библии
Изучение Библии - Даниил и Откровение
Изучение Библии On-line
Изучение Библии - Иисус - Господь - Откровение Объясните
Изучение Библии для детей
Говоря языком
Переводы Библии на основных языках
Библейская правда
Библия Truth.com
Большие новости
Бильдербергская группа
Билл Клинтон и масонские президенты - Иллюминаты
Билл Клинтон Подключение к иезуитам
Билл Клинтон действительно Билл Рокфеллер, сын Винтропа Рокфеллера и Мэри Блит
Билл Клинтон Реальный отец был губернатором
Билл Маер против религии - «Религиозный»
Интервью Билла Мойерса с Джереми Райтом
Биллборд о седьмой день субботний тянет жалобы
Билли Грэм - Открыт - Ложный Учитель - Масоны
Билли Грэм - Великий обманщик
Билли Грэм - Нечестивый альянс
Билли Грэм, Орал Робертс, Кеннет Коупленд - Масоны - Иллюминаты
Биологическая война с гражданами США - Пластиковые гробы
Движение Birther
Епископ Эдди Лонг - грехи ложных прибылей или пророков
епископ Эдди Лонг »Новости Ch, News Channel, Google Trends
Епископ Эдди Лонг Крупнейший бенефициарий благотворительности, который он основал
Епископ Эдди Лонг сталкивается с неопределенным будущим
Епископ Эдди Лонг выступил за секс с молодыми мальчиками в 2006 году?!?
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Епископ Стивен Арнольд уходит из баптистской церкви Св. Марка
Епископ Стивен Арнольд, отставка Видео
Новости епископа Томаса
Черные Церкви
Черное греческое письмо Братства и братства Иллюминаты: традиция миш-образования
Черная история
Черная магия - Бывший масоны разоблачил культ
Черная магия - Белая магия - Масонские символы - Поклонение сатане
Черная поэзия
Черный папа - иезуиты и ассасины Ватикана
Черный Папа или Белый Папа - Кто контролирует
Черный Папа отказывается от интервью с христианской организацией
Black Talk Radio Host Джеймс Харрис призывает Маккейна усилить атаку Обаму -
Блэкуотер и рыцари Мальты - над законом
Блэкуотер в Ираке - Рыцари Мальты
Блэкуотер в Ираке - ^ Ночи Мальты
Блэкуотер, представляющий христианские крестовые походы: Форум - Является ли Эрик Принс для Бога?
Блэкуотер: рыцари Мальты в Ираке
Ослепленные и обманутые христиане привели к бойне
Blk Christian Experience
Блоги - Джон Маккейн - Политика
Блоги - США сегодня - Религия и политика
Born Again отчеты
Бойкот Израиль за преступления против человечности
Мозговые христиане - вводят в заблуждение и любят его
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Бристоль Палин Последние новости
Британский империализм и NWO - Милнер, Родос, Ротшильд, - Тайные общества
Британский Израиль - Сесил Роудс, Ротшильд, Мейсон и Белый Расизм
Британский Израиль - Родос, Милнер, Ротшильд, Южная Африка Связь с NWO
Британский Израиль - Сионизм Ротшильдов - Альянсы Бога, COGIC и Foursquare Connection
Британский Израиль - Теология контроля мира - Восхищение
Британский Израиль и еврейская связь
Британский Израиль и Иллюминаты -
БРИТАНСКИЙ ИЗРАИЛИЗМ - Антибиблогическое богословие
Британский-Израиль - Иллюминаты - Сионизм - Белый национализм - Восхищение
Британский-Израиль - Белый национализм - Ассамблеи Бога - Восхищение
Британцы / Израиль - Десять потерянных племен
Британский Израиль Хоакс и Евангельский альянс
Нападение администрации Буша на некоторые основополагающие принципы американской демократии
Буш Семейные связи Эвгеника Расовая гигиена - Рокфеллер - Германия Эксперименты
Кампания ненависти и расизма
Канадская Палестинская Сеть
Капитализм к социализму: ???
Кэрол Маккейн - первая жена Джона Маккейна
Знание Картера - Англия
Знание Картера - Англия
Католические пап
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Католическая служба помощи
Ce Ce Winans - Алебастр Box
Cece Winans - женщина, которую вы рекламируете, - коробка Алебастра
Кельтская церковь Суббота седьмого дня
Оспаривание христианского сионизма
CHARISMATIC CHAOS - беспрецедентный обман - подделка сатаны
Чарльз Блейк - Западная Англия COGIC
Чарльз Сперджен отверг Диспенсационализм и Восхищение
Cheri Peters и True Step для восстановления зависимости.
Новости Chicago Tribune - Политика
Чой «Проповедник счастья» совершает самоубийство
Христианская библейская правда
Христианские новости
Новости христианской почты
Христианский ресурсный центр
Христианские правые часы
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Христианский сионизм: британская перспектива
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Христианский сионист и евреи вместе
Христианство, захваченное британской израильской доктриной Восстания Ротшильдов и иезуитов
Христианство сегодня
Церковь -Политика - выборы 2008
Церковь и политика - Небеса
церковь и государство
Церковь Pew Forum
Церковные предупреждения - епископ Эдди Лонг
Отчет ЦРУ - Израиль упадет за 20 лет
Город Давид
150-летие гражданской войны
Хроники Клинтона - наркотики, женщины и убийства
Невероятные христиане. Почему они обманываются «Восхитительным обманом»?
Новости CNN - Ближний Восток
политика cnn
Главные новости CNN
COGIC Convocation покидает Мемфис
Главная страница COGIC
Колин Пауэлл Рэппинг и танцы
Члены Комиссии по депопуляции и СПИДу
Центр похвалы сообщества - доктор Генри Райт
Концентрационные лагеря и гражданские трудовые лагеря
Концентрационные лагеря в американском - Пластиковые гробы
Признания бывшего еврея - Доктрина Ротшильда Контролирует наши жизни
Заговор - иллюминаты, Бильдерберг, NWO - слишком чудовищно, чтобы задуматься
Конституция иезуитов - Бык 1540 года - Совет Трента
Спорная кинокомпания и промоутер доктрины ложного увлечения
Совет по внешним связям Главная страница
Доллар Creflo
Новости Крукс и Лжец
Текущие события Youtube - Midsouthblack
Сайрус Скофельд, баптист, сионисты и связь иллюминатов
CYRUS SCOFIELD - Агент Ротшильда - Британский Израиль
Daily Kos - блоги, новости, политика
Daily Kos - Новости, Политика
Ежедневно Кос, Новости, Политика
Опасности Секретного Восхищения -
Темные тайны богемской рощи
Темная правда
Дэйв Хант учит иезуитам и антихристской доктрине
Дэвид Ассерик по эволюции
Дэвид Хокинг
Дэвид Рейган - Волки в овечьей шкуре
День первый - Неблагоприятное продвижение дня Господа - (Знак зверя)
Мертвые знания
Агентство перспективных исследований в области обороны (DARPA)
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Связь Диснея и Иллюминатов
Дисней и обман иллюминатов
Диспенсационализм и иудейство христианских евангелистов (христианский сионизм)
Диспансационализм анализируется политически
Врачи без границ
Существует ли евангельское богословие в твердом фонде?
Всегда ли Бог исцеляет?
Имеет ли Израиль право на существование?
Д-р Чарльз Стэнли - В Тонче
Доктор Генри Гейтс Spot Light Racial Profilling - Блог Джона Ридли
Доктор Генри Райт - Проповеди -1
Д-р Джеремия Райт называет тех, кто считает, что Обама - мусульманские психопаты
Д-р Джереми Райт называет сионизм «белым расизмом»
Д-р Джереми Райт говорит правду - Fox News Lies
Д-р Сэмюэл Пипим
Двойные заветы христиане и сионизм
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Землетрясение в Гаити, сделанное человеком, говорит ученый
Новости Ebony
Эдди Лонг
Старейшина Филлип Бриттон Кондоменция Гостевая книга
Выборы 2008 - CNET
Выборы 2008 - Опрос Гэллапа
Технология электронного волшебства и синего луча: инструменты четвертого зверя
События конечного времени
События End-Time
Вечный огонь - подпись Иллюминатов
Вечный огненный оккультный символ
Вечная безопасность - факт или вымысел
Евген - Геноцид - Фонд Рокфеллера
Закон об унификации и депопуляции - Стерилизация силы - Рокфеллеры, Осборнс, Харриман, Карнеги
Основы Eugenics и Rockefeller NWO
Новости Eurweb
Евангельская христианская молитва для Израиля
Евангелисты присоединяются к Антихристу и учат другому Евангелию
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Ложные часы пророчества - с Филиппом Гудманом
Лжепророки - Попробуй дух
Семейные вопросы - Белый дом
Семейные ценности Джона Маккейна = Чит, жена развода, жениться на любовнице, баллотироваться на пост президента
ФБР - Библейский институт веры - Библейская школа любви Люцифера
Заключительные события DVD
Fred Price Ministries
Свободный республиканский форум - Республиканский ужин - Джон Войт
Бесплатная церковь SDA
Управление масоном Израиля
Масоны Израиль Премьер-министры,
Масонство - обмануто и обмануто
Масонство и оккультное возрождение 20-го века
Освобождение масонства
Масонство Люциферианские культы в контроле - Дочери Восточной звезды
Масоны - ведьмы в соответствии с Ex-Illuminati и бывшей ведьмой
однополый брак
Университет Джорджа Фокса нашел сходство Обамы с деревом
Джордж Джеффрис - Движение британского Израиля
Получите Joshua Hodges Home
Глобальные банкиры выставлены - Национальный совет по церквям - Иллюминаты
Глобальные новости BK
Глобальный Центральный Банк и Социалистическая Америка
Закон о Десяти Заповедей Бога против Моисея
Закон Божий
Библия Библии
Бюллетень GOP в «расистском» изображении Обамы
евангельские миниатюры
Грант Джеффри
Грант Джеффри Пейдж
великое отступничество
Большие вещи
Греческие братства связывают с масонством и оккультизмом
Новости Haaretz - Новости Израиля
Землетрясение в Гаити - рукотворное?
Гаити EarthQuake HAARP - Видео
Хэл Линдси - сайт ложного пророчества
Отчеты Hal Lindsey
Хэл Линдси, Чак Мислер, - Иллюминати - Группа Феникс
Генри Финч - Восхищение - это разрыв с библейской правдой
скрытая правда
Угон христианской церкви Иезуитами и Восхищением
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сторонник историзма
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История современного еврейства
История Восхищения Хоакса в Далласской духовной семинарии
История династии Ротшидов
Гитлер и Белое Братство - Орден Тевтонов - Масоны - Розенкрейцы - Соединение
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Я ведьма
Иллюминаты - 666 - Масонство и оккультизм
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Подписчики иллюминатов / масонов
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Иллюминаты и еврейское руководство обнаружили, что Кир Скоуфилд обманывает христиан
Иллюминати Bllodline
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Комитет иллюминатов 300
Иллюминати Евангелическая и Мега Церковь
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Международное спасение
Исследование еврейского масонского влияния и повестка дня мирового контроля
Новости Ирака
Ирак, Сионист, Создание Британского Израиля,
Билли Граарх - люцифериан? Кому он поклоняется?
Является ли масонство колдовством?
Сара Пэйлин - настоящая мать Трига?
Является ли Восхищение библейским? Нужен ли мне PH.D, чтобы понять это?
Является ли Восхищение вашим местом для безопасности? Питер Салеми
Суббота только для евреев?
Является ли суббота в пророчестве Библии?
Израиль - марксистское коммунистическое государство?
Израиль - Ротшильд Пайк Рокфеллер - Масонство
Израиль и христианский сионизм не библейские
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Израиль и Обама
Израиль и новый мировой порядок сионистского заговора
Израиль становится фашистом - Ралли против присяги лояльности
Израиль делает для палестинцев то, что сделали немцы с евреями. Другой «Холокост»
Израиль получил НЕФТЬ
Израиль в пророчестве - перспектива иллюминатов
Израиль в пророчестве - Перспектива иллюминатов - 2
Израиль Моссад разрешил Иосифу Менгеле сбежать
Израильская оккупация Палестины является незаконной и расистской
Блог поддержки Израиля
Апартеид Израиля Хуже, чем Южная Африка
Право Израиля или не существовать - факты и правда - Алан Харт
Апартеид Израиля хуже, чем в Южной Африке
Израильские мифы, ложь и обман - Rapture Hoax
Это написано
Джек Хейфорд Дух заполнен Библии
Ян Маркелл
Jay Z, Kanye West & Nas - Illuminati Connection
Свидетели Иеговы - Иллюминати - Связь Ротшильда
Секреты свидетелей Иеговы - Сионизм Связь Ротшильда
Иеремия Каммингс - бывший певец и мусульманин Евангелия, прикрытый христианством
Иеремия Фильмы Основные факты об адвентизме
Иеремия Райт говорит: «Расизм жив и здоров в Америке»
Иеремия Райт говорит: «Черт побери?
Иерусалимский пост
Иезуит Таковер адвентистского обзора / Джей Галлимор, Тед Уилсон
Иезуитская теология и ее влияние на библейское пророчество
Иезуиты и старейшины Сиона Секретная связь
Иезуиты и Новый Орден
Иезуитский заряд, клятва и ссылки
Иезуитская история и интеллектуальная повестка дня
Иезуитские инфильтрации протестантских церквей - Иезуитский священник
Иезуитская присяга
Иезуитская клятва и команда
Страница священников иезуитов - Тим Лахай и Томас Лед
Евреи за справедливость и мир
Речь JFK о тайных обществах, масонах, иллюминатах
Джо Ван Коверинг - Возвращение в Израиль
Джон Ф. Кеннеди «Австрийский» сын - Тони Болер
Джон Хаджи Развод - Он признает мошенничество жене Марте
Министерство Джон Хаджи
Джон Хаджи хочет войны с Ираном
Прелюбодеяние Джона Хаджи и жестокое обращение с молодыми женщинами
Вера Джона Хаджи в отношении евреев и Израиля: слепые и немые
Сценарий Джона Маккейна и Сары Пэйлин
Джон Маккейн совершает прелюбодеяние - развод Первая жена Кэрол для госпожи
Первая семья Джона Маккейна
Джон Маккейн женится на госпоже
Джон Маккейн Недавний секс-скандал с Лоббистом - Youtube
Джон Маккейн Секс-скандал - Национальная книга
Juanita Bynum
Хуанита Бинем и форум Томаса Недели
Новости Juanita Bynum
Новости Juanita Bynum Topix
Хуанита Бинум против Томаса Недели - Семейные беды
Хуанита Бинум против Томаса Недели вниз?
Хуанита Бинум сменил мужа, столкнувшись с финансовыми проблемами
Новости и отчет о часах
Мученические христиане шестнадцатого шестнадцатого периода, антихристианство, ложная доктрина и высшая лига лжеучителя
Каббала (Кабала - Каббала) - с еврейской точки зрения
Каббала - с еврейской точки зрения
Каббала - свет или тьма
Каббала Фрукты - Смерть еврейского мистика
Каббала, Новый век и оккультизм
Катрина: человеческая катастрофа
Новости KC
Службы Кеннета Кокса
Службы Кеннета Кокса
Кирк Франклин и семья
Кирк Франклин и семья - серебро и золото
Связь KKK с движением пятидесятников - AOG, COGIC, Parham, Mason, Seymore
Рыцари Мальты
Рыцари Мальты
Ламберт Дельфин - Новый век Часть 1
Последние новости - Huffington Post
Лео Загами на Иллюминати, Ватиканский сионизм
Леви Джонстон - Бристоль Пэлин
Список масонов Израиль Премьер-министры, 1948-2008
Little Rock Net Church - Иезуитский священник д-р Джеймс А. Бреттелл
Лорд Бэлфур из Англии, сионизм и иллюминаты
Форум о строительстве, ремонте и дизайне интерьера
Веб-сайт Luciferian Rapture - Иезуитский священник Томас Лед
Люциферская исследовательская публикация
Человек выстрелил для ношения футболки Обамы
Марк Берн Марк Финли с иезуитами для контроля канала Хоуп
Знак зверя
Знак зверя - разоблачение сатанизма
Масонский вступительный бал для Обамы
Масонство дьявольски в лиге с сатаной
кладочная ссылка на оккультизм ..
Масоны - Иллюминаты хотят восстановить храм Соломона
Семья Маккейн была рабовладельцем
Футболка McCain Supporter
Родословная Меровингов и Черное Дворянство
Методисты бойкотировать товары, произведенные в Isreal
Новости Мексики
Майкл Руд: ПУТЬ Коллеги, оккультные календари и ложные пророчества
Новости Ближнего Востока
новости среднего востока
Новости Ближнего Востока
Новости Ближнего Востока
Новости Ближнего Востока
Ближневосточная почта
Современный Израиль построил на Ложь - Предлог
Современные евреи не являются семитскими - ХАЗАРЫ, КОММУНИСТЫ, СИОНИСТЫ И ЭТИ СОЕДИНЕННЫЕ ШТАТЫ -
Мормон и свидетель Иеговы, финансируемый Ротшильдом
Мормонское Черное Членство растет, но они не могут быть лидерами
Мормонизм - сатанинский культ
Мормонизм - еврейство и католицизм - тайна Вавилон
Mormonism and Witchcraft -Satanic Child Sacrificing Rituals At LDS Temple In Salt Lake City
Mormonism, Satanism, Zionism and NWO
Mormons and Racism – Do Mormons hate Blacks or just feel that Blacks are inferior?
Mormons and the Black Race
Mt. Rubidoux – God Favors Me
Mt. Rubidoux SDA Choir – How Sweet the Sound – Atlanta
Mt. Rubidoux SDA Choir – In The Presence of the Lord – Atlanta
MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT – Catholic or Jewish?
Nation of Islam Minister Converts to Christianity – Jeremiah Cummings
Native American Village
Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele ‘created twin town in Brazil’
Nazi Germany – A Creation of the Vatican and Jesuits
New Age and the Jesuit Connection
New Age Imagery Popularizes Rapture Theory
New Age Imagery, Rapture, Zionism – The Kabbalah Connection..
New Age Movement
New Age Movement and Channeling the Spirits
New U.S. Embassy in Iraq cloaked in mystery
New World Order and Bible Prophecy
New World Order Secret Agenda
Norman L. Geisler – Jesuits Trained agent to destroy Protestantism
North Africa and Middle East News
North Pacific Union Conference of SDA
NWO controlled companies, like AOL, Microsoft, etc., make us part of the problem?
NWO News
NWO Watch
Oakwood College
Oakwood University Friends and Family
Obama Addresses Henry Gates and Police acting Stupidly
occult/witches mainstream USA
Omega Code
Once Saved, Always Saved is a Doctrine from Hell
Once saved, always saved? Are you so sure? False Religious Teachers
Once Upon a Time – John McCain Adultery
Operation Waco – Was it a cover-up?
Oral Roberts False Vision
Oral Roberts Funeral
Oral Roberts Funeral
Origin of AIDS/HIV – Genocide or Experiment Gone Wrong
Oxfam UK
Palestine Think Tank
Palestinians in Exile Speaks
Pandemic charges against David Rockefeller – de Rothschild
Papacy Admits SDA has Truth – Video
Papal Persecutions – Huguenots (1562 -1598)
Partners in Health
Pastor Doug Batchelor Home Page
Pastor Jeremiah Wright – FOX Lies!! Irresponsible Media! Barack Obama Pastor Wright
Pastor Jeremiah Wright – psychopaths believe Obama is a Muslim
Pastors vs. IRS
Pat Matrisciano – Jeremiah Films in the Spirit of Blackwater against Adventism
Pat Robinson is an Agent of the Jesuits and NWO
Paul Morton
PBS News
PC movement or “name-it-and-claim-it” gospel is a charismatic form of Christian Science.
Pioneer Memorial Church
Plastic Coffins
Polio Vaccines and the Origin of AIDS – WHO – United Nations
Political News
Polls – Realclear Politics
Pope Benedict XVI letter to The Black Pope & His Society
Praise 102.5 Atlanta Ga. Gospel
President Barack Obama Middle East Speech
President Nixon Sign Law (PL-91-213) to Create AIDS
Presidents Bush/Clinton Haiti Relief Fund
Presidents, Kings and World leaders bowing to a dead pope
Professor Resigns Over Jesuit Decision To Let Condoleezza Rice Be Commencement Speaker
Proof of Noah’s Flood
Prophecies of St. Malachy concerning Jewish Popes
Prophecy Code – Doug Batchelor
Prophecy Code – Doug Batchelor – Calgary Ca. 2009
Prosperity Religion – Wealth, Greed and Damnation
Prosperity, Wealth, and Name it and Claim it. False Teaching
pulpit pimps
Racism in the Ozarks – Highway billboard of Obama – KKK
Racist hate flyer threatens Obama
Racist Obama Billboard West Plains MO
Racist Pics of Obama
Racist T-Shirt – N****r Please – It’s A White House (Sarah Palin & John McCain Street Team)
Rapture – New Luciferian Theology
Rapture – SATAN'S PLAN To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things
Rapture Cult Index
Rapture Forum: Erik Prince and the Evangelical Connection
Rapture Hoax Forum
Rapture Hoax Sermon – UCG – Pastor Bill Bradford
Rapture Ready News
Rapture Ready Watch
Rapture Truth
Rapture Truth
Rapture Truth Books
Real Truth Bible Studies
Recovery from Mormonism -Stories of ex-Mormons
Redcross Page
Reformers Identify the anti-christ
Relationship – Sabbath Purpose
religion news
Religion News Blog
Religious News Service – Sung Moon and Pope News
Religious Tolerance News
Reuben Armstrong Is The Author of ” Snakes In The Pulpit” Exposes td Jakes, C. Dollar, Eddie Long, Joel Oltseen
Rev. Dr. Jeremaih A. Wright, Jr. on God Has an answer for your question…Jesus. ..
Rev. Jeremiah Wright says Zionists are keeping him from President Obama
Revelation 13 The Second (2nd) Beast from the Earth – BibleOrTraditions
Revelation 17 Whore Babylon Antichrist – Part 1
Rise of The Righteous Army – CBS Exposed Religious Right
Rivera and Others speak of Jesuits Infiltration
Rockefeller, Rothschild, Rhodes – Eugenics, Force Sterilization and Population Control
Rome Worship the Pope and Not the Creator
Rome Worshipe the Pope and Not the Creator
Ron Graff – False Prophecy Central
Ron Paul – Is he a Hypocrite?
Ron Wyatt Amazing Discoveries
Ron Wyatt Discoveries
Rosicrucian Utopia
Rothschild – Jehovah Witness and Hitler Connection
Rothschild – NWO – Israel and Masonry
Rothschild – Opus Dei Connection To Israel
Rothschild and Jehovah Witness (Illuminati -Russell Bloodline)
Rothschild and the Red Shield – Israel
Rothschild Bloodline
Rothschild family used the Illuminati as a means to achieving their goal of world-wide dominance
Rothschild Occupational Government – Strange facts
Rothschilds and the Holy Grail Bloodline –
Rothschilds have their hands and influence in the Jehovah’s Witness, Mormons, Judaism, the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and Christendom.
Rothschilds, Rockefeller & the Jehovah Witnesses
Sabbath in Prophecy
Sabbath in the 1st Century
Sabbath in the 2nd Century
Sabbath in the 3rd Century
Sabbath in the 4th Century
Sabbath in the 5th Century
Sabbath Keeping Churches and Denominations
Sabbath Truth
Sabbath: God’s Gift to Mankind
Sanctifying Slaughter
Sarah Palin has Women Deserting GOP
Sarah Palin Scandals
Sarah Palin’s Blog Page
Satanism in the US Military – Doc Marguis
Satanism, Freemasonry Witches, Goddess Worshippers, Maitreya Channelers , Theosophists
Savation Army Relief
Scofied and his Satanic partners
scofield mysterious past
SDA Confronts Gay Community
SDA General Conference Session Atlanta Ga. News 2010
Secret History
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
Secret Rapture Hoax Origin
Secret Rapture..Bibical Heresy
Secret Societies
Secret Societies, Satanic Sects, The Prieure du Sion, The Knights Templars and Freemasons
Secrets reveled: Esoteric and hidden knowledge
Self esteem or self destruction
separation of church and state
Separation of Church and State
Serpent Worship and Masonry
Shawn Boonstra — Babylon Rising / It Is Written Star Cracks Down on False Prophets
Shirley Caesar Ministries
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Should Jews build the Third Temple? Jewish perspective
Snakes in the Pulpit
Socialism for Wall Street, Capitalism for Main Street
Sojourner Truth Bust Dedicated in US Capitol
Sola Scriptura – SDA Defense League
spirit, soul, death
Spiritual Warfare
St. Patrick Keep the 7th. Day Sabbath
Sunday sacredness
Sunday Sacredness & The Pope
Sunday to Sabbath
SW Union Record
SW Union Record Home
Swarms of Locust – Jesuits Agents – All Rapture Promoters – TD Jakes, John Hagee, Jack van Impe, Jack Hayford, Joe van Koevering, Tim Lahaye, Dave Hunt,
Sword of Truth
Symbols of Freemasonry and Baphomet
T D Jakes claims Ruth & Naomi and David & Jonathan Were Gay!
TBN founder – Paul-Crouch- accused-of-Homosexual relationships and firing-male-employee-he-dated
TD Jakes and the Sabbath – Youtube
Td Jakes Eddie Long, Creflo Cashflow Dollar, and Joel Osteen have been EXPOSED
TD Jakes Homosexuality – Victim Speaks
TD Jakes repositioning his Homosexual views with Dr. Phil?
Tea parties stir evangelicals' fears
Ten Commandments by Different Religious Groups
The Alpha Project – Mega Church and the Illuminati
The Arab World
The Attempted Change of the Sabbath
The Beast – Its Mark, Number and Identification
The Bible, Peter, Mary, Confession and Mass
The Black Church
The Black Pope
the blog – Huffington
The Candidates on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2007
The Church under Papal Power
The crusades was a series of expeditions, sanctioned by the pope, to get back the Holy Land
The Cult of Christian Zionism
The Dangerous Cult in the World
The Deep Dark Secret of the Secret
The Evil Empire of Jesuit Futurism
The Evil Serpent’s Body Wrapped Firmly Around America And Going In For The Kill
The fake Jews of Khazaria By Hisham Tillawi
THE FLIGHT 93 – Smoking Gun Evidence
The Gift of Tongues
The Gift of Tongues – part 2
The Golden Dawn
The Good News Magazine of False Understanding of the Middle East
The Great Controversy – Doug Batchelor
The Great Deception: Israel/Zionism Fake Jews
The History of Health – AIDS – Vaccines
THE INQUISITION:Study in Catholic Absolute Power
The International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem : A Case Study in Political Christian Zionism
The Jerusalem Temple Was Set A flame – On the 9th of Av,
The Jesuit Connection to Zionism – Let's Roll Forums
The Jesuits and Pantheism Connection
The Jesuits Attact on Righteousness By Faith – Swarms of Locusts –
The Jesuits, Teilhard de Chardin and the Cosmic Consciousness
The Jewish Conspiracy Against Christians
The Jewish World
The Khazaria Empire – Home of the Fake Jews
The Knights Templar, the Assassins, the Johannite Heresy, and Satanism
The Last Disciple vs. Left Behind
The Last Pope? A Look at the St. Malachy Prophecy (REV)
The Luciferian Rapture Cult – Its Power and World-wide Influence
The Most Solemn Warning Found In All Of The Bible!
The Mystics, Masons, and Dallas Theological Seminary
The Mystics, The Masons and Dallas Theological Seminary
The New Jewish Utopia – Beware
The News from the Swamp
The Other Gospel – Truth or Fiction?
The Peoples Voice
The Quest for Genetic Weapons – Israel, de Rothschild, Rockefeller, Jesuits
The Rapture – Is it near? Or, is it wishful thinking?
The Rapture of the Church?
The Rapture Pages
The Rapture Question – Your Questions Answer
The Rapture—A Popular but False Doctrine! – Prophecy on-line
The Real god of Masonry
The Reformation and Counter Reformation
The Sabbath Debate – A Closer Look
The Secret History of the Jesuits
The Secret Order of The Illuminati
The Secrets of Zionism Exposed
The Storm is Over Now – Kirk Franklin
The Structure of Freemasonry and Secret Files
The Temple that Pope Built – Masonry
The Third Temple (Tisha Be'Av) – Will it be Rebuilt?
The Third Temple (Tisha Be’Av) – Will it be Rebuilt?
The Truth about the Third Jerusalem Temple
The Truth about The Vatican – Words of Blasphemy
The Ultimate Conspiracy – Dave Hunt and the Jesuit Attempt to Hijack the Christian Faith
The Ultimate Worldwide Power-
The UN World Conference against Racism – Time table to 911
The Unholy Alliance – Christians and NWO
The Unholy Alliance – Christians and NWO (pt.2)
The US and Freemasonry Connection
The Vatican Agenda
The Zionist-created Scofield “bible” – Rapture source of problem
Third Jewish Temple Progress Report
Thomas Weeks News
Three Schools of Biblical Prophetic Interpretation
Tim Lahaye Masonic Connection
Time line of the Popes and their Activities – Church History
Tisha Be’Av: The Third Temple that wasn’t –
Tongues, Signs, and the Holy Ghost
Tony Evans – Urban Ministries
Top 100 cities weather
top news
Top Secret Files – Vatican
Topix News
Torch of Truth – Rekindling the Flame of the Reformation
Truman and Israel
Truth about Billy Graham
Truth About Israel
UN calls Zionism Racism
UN Draft: Zionism 'a Movement Based On Racial Superiority'
United Nation Central Emergency Response Fund
United Nations
United Nations Food Program
Unity Schools of Christianity – Cult or Occult
Urban Ministry
US Created AIDS – News from UK
US National
US Politics
US Presidents and The Illuminati
US questions its unwavering support for Israel
US Sued for Creation of AIDS
USA a Vatican Corporation? Two US Constitutions. 1st Was Suspended In Favor Of A Vatican Corporation In 1871. Bankers Control.
USA in Bible Prophecy – Warning!
Vatican Council Calls for World Government, Central Bank
Vatican Dedicated to Luciferian World Gov't.
Vatican Slave Trade and the Jesuits
Vatican Temple Mount Connection
Vatican-Israeli tensions flare over wartime pontiff
Viva Palestina – Trip to Gaza
W.VA. News Obama
Walter Pearson – Bad Boys Sermon – Youtube
Was Cindy Hensley John McCain Mistress?
Was the Sabbath Changed to Sunday by God or Man?
Weeks Showed Violence Against Other Women Say Followers
West Memphis Police Officers Killed by members of White Supremacist Church in Ohio
What is behind the Secret
What is God’s Name?
Which day is the Sabbath
Which Day is the Sabbath? TD Jakes Against God’s Word
White House Rural Council -Executive Order 13575 of June 9, 2011
Whitney Houston CeCe Winans and Shirley Caesar Gospel Medley
Who change the Sabbath and why?
Who Control The World Market
Who controls the World Banks: the Illuminati or the Market?
Who is behind the New World Order?
Who is really respondsible for the Iraq war?
Who is Rupert Murdoch?
Whore of Babylon
Whore of Babylon Exposed
Why Keep the Sabbath? Is it only for the people of Israel?
Why The ‘Temple’ Will Never Be Rebuilt…Never Never Never
Will the 3rd Hebrew Temple Be Built? Part 2, bibleortraditions
Will the 3rd Hebrew Temple Be Built? Part 3, bibleortraditions
Will the Church go through the “Tribulation”?
Will There Be a Third Rebuilt Hebrew Temple? Part 1 BibleOrTraditions
Wintley Phipps preaches..God will Restore – Youtube
Women Village
Word-Faith – Positive Confession" Name it and Claim it
wordpress nres
World Empires in Prophecy
World News
Worlds Last Chance Online
Worlds Last Chance Online Home Page
Worship the SUN toward the East – Baal Worship
Yele Haiti Earthquake Relief
Yolanda Adams – I Believe I Can Fly
Zionism and AIPAC a danger to the world
Сионизм - движение, которое основало Израиль как родину для еврейского народа - с расизмом. Захват Израилем палестинских территорий также осуждался как колониализм, мощный политический ярлык во многих странах мира. Презентация 911
Сионизм Синяя печать - Протоколы изучения старейшин Сиона
Сионизм, католицизм, нацизм = САТАНИЗМ!
Черные Церкви
Генерал Уэсли Кларк - ученый Родса, Иллюминати, - Солдат для NWO
новости религии
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