Независимо от того, надеваете ли вы изящные ожерелья, добавляете эффектные серьги или набрасываете шарф, часто аксессуары необходимы для того, чтобы вывести наряд на новый уровень. Узнайте, как улучшить свой внешний вид с помощью некоторых ключевых предметов, и узнайте, где приобрести одобренные знаменитостями обручи, сумки и многое другое со скидкой.
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Аксессуары в моде: обзор 30 самых важных аксессуаров
Updated on September 5, 2022 by Sarina
Говорят, что люди смотрят на ваши туфли и ваши часы, а затем судят вас в первые 3 секунды, которые вы встречаете – Если это то, сколько времени вы получите, чтобы произвести хорошее впечатление, есть достаточная причина, чтобы усердно работать над вашими аксессуарами для того благоприятного впечатления, которое вы хотите. Вот список самых важных аксессуаров, которые я могу рассчитывать, и на это можно рассчитывать на то, чтобы взять свой модный стиль в другое измерение
Можно сказать, что аксессуар - это все, что вы носите или носите, кроме своей одежды.
Известный модельер Оскар де ла Рента сказал: «Женщина делает наряд своим собственным с аксессуарами ”. Важность аксессуаров не может быть лучше суммирована, чем таким образом, но это верно для мужчин и женщин. Аксессуары стремятся усилить эффект одежды, которую вы носите- независимо от того, преуспевает ли они или нет, зависит от вашего чувства стиля, тенденции в моде в это конкретное время и контекст.
30 Main accessories in Fashion
1. Anklets
Неклет - это орнамент, который носят вокруг лодыжки. Также называется цепочкой голеностопного сустава, браслетом голеностопного сустава или на лодыжке. Это не повсеместно популярный аксессуар, но в мире есть много стран, где очень популярны штуки.
Some people like to wear the anklet loose so that it hangs way below the ankle but some like to wear it tighter around the ankle
2. Belts
A belt is an accessory you wear around your waist; it helps to tighten the waistband of the garment you are wearing along with it and keep it in place, almost holding it up. Here is a post outlining the 20 different types of belts you can have at your disposal if you choose to use this accessory.
3. Bangles and Bracelets
Bangles and Bracelets are fashion accessories worn around the wrist. The difference between a bangle and a bracelet is that a bangle is more rigid than a bracelet and is more circular in shape. You can also count bands around the wrist like friendship bands.
Brooches and pins are traditionally used as fastenings, holding folds of fabric together. Brooches are decorative pins. Pins when attached with an ornament on top it becomes a brooch. Brooches can also be worn as a decorative accessory.
A boutonnière is a spray of flowers worn on the lapel of a suit with a pin.
5. Cuff Links and Studs
Cufflinks and studs are accessories that are used to secure the cuffs of dress shirts – they fasten the buttonholes on both sides of the shirt cuff. It is worn by both men and women along with dress shirts (with formal wear especially tuxedo shirts).
6. Earrings
An earring is a fashion accessory worn on the earlobe, usually through an ear piercing.
7. Eyeglasses
Also called Spectacles, Eyeglasses are the most common type of eyewear worn to correct eye vision problems – it consists of a frame that holds two pieces of glass or plastic. Other than its functional use, it also serves as an accessory that decorates a face. If you go to a shop you will find thousands of different types of frames for your glasses. As something that covers a major part of your face, attending to the choice of this accessory with a little more deliberation makes style sense.
8. Facemask
Facemask has emerged as a fashion accessory which you cannot avoid. Custom-made high-end leather/fabric masks to those makeshift masks made out of old socks and kerchiefs, there is no one who is wearing them. Learn to make your own facemasks here.
9. Gloves
A glove is an accessory used to cover the hand, fully or partially – it has the purpose of protecting the hand from contamination injury cold, etc. In wedding attire ( and other ceremonies) gloves serve a very decorative purpose.
10. Handbags
If you ask a woman to choose her number one accessory her bag would come on top or at least among the top three. There are so many different types of bags – here is a post counting 30 of the different kinds of bags – and so many variations of these types, it is mind-boggling.
11. Headdresses and headwraps
A headdress is a covering for the head. This is an accessory that may have religious or cultural meanings like a Turban for Indians, Keffiyeh for Arab men, Hijab for Muslim women, Gele for Nigerian women.
12. Hats
A hat is a head covering which is worn for various reasons, including protection against weather conditions, ceremonial reasons such as university graduation, religious reasons, safety, or as a fashion accessory.Wikipedia
Hair accessories are functional or ornamental objects wrapped, tied, twisted, inserted, or otherwise attached to the hair. Encyclopedia.com. These include hairbands, hairbows, tic tac clips, bobby pins, hair barrettes, scrunchies. To know more, checkout this post on 25 different types of hair accessories
14. Helmets
These are gear you wear on your head to protect your brain from injury in case of accidents, especially when riding a bike. Ceremonial or symbolic helmets aside, helmets are worn by almost all bikers, cyclists; it can be counted as an accessory and you get to choose the color and shape of it to complement your attire or your style.
15. Handkerchiefs and pocket squares
A pocket square is a handkerchief kept inside a jacket breast pocket, partially visible to the outside. As there are many ways to decorate handkerchiefs to personalize them, there are many ways to fold and keep the pocket square that changes its looks and makes it a unique accessory.
16. Luggage
Luggage refers to suitcases and trunks and cases used to carry ones belonging when traveling. Luggage can be coordinated and customized to suit one’s personality and preference and can enhance your style. Luggage sets come in a variety of sizes and they can be as good an accessory as any other.
17. Necklaces and Pendants
Necklaces are accessories worn around the neck. Necklaces can be short or long; they can be paired with pendants and lockets. Necklaces could be a simple chain with a lone pendant or studded fully with pearls and beads; minimalist or statement; made of plastic or metal. They are one of the most important accessories that can enhance the face and body of men and women.
A fragrant scent that is applied/sprayed on our body – Perfumes are supposed to be the finishing accessory – the thing that compliments everything else as a final touch. Eau de toilette, cologne, body spray are all alternative names given to the perfumes that we use to mask our body odour or make ourselves more attractive scent wise.
20. Phones & peripherals
You may not yet think of your constant companion as an accessory – but it sure is, in my opinion. Buying the latest phone for its looks rather than its features is a thing that we see everywhere. Phones are being launched on the same venue as Chanel’s runway show in Paris. Most of us brag about the latest phone we have and flaunt them with the most enticing covers. Mobile accessories are an industry in themselves.
21. Purses (Wallets)
A purse is a small pouch for carrying small items and is carried by hand. A wallet is a flat purse with separate slots for keeping money and a number of cards. Simple leather wallets are considered to be a very stylish accessory by both men and women.
22. Rings
The plain wedding ring is worn on the left hand on the fourth-finger for women; Men wear the wedding ring on the right hand. On the wedding day, the engagement ring is shifted to the third-finger on the right hand.
23. Sashes
A sash is a piece of fabric stitched as a band or a ribbon worn around the waist or across the shoulders. The sashes are worn across shoulders as part of ceremonies. Sashes worn as a belt around the waist can be an accessory that can transform a dress. Check out the post on making sashes here.
24. Scarves
A scarf is a piece of fabric worn around the neck for warmth, sun protection, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons.(Wikipedia) Check out the post on the different dimensions for scarves, stole wrap and shawls
25. Footwear
A well-fitting well-made shoe is said to be an investment – your shoe size remains almost constant once you are an adult and classic good looking shoes are always in fashion.
Once worn only to protect feet from cold and injuries, a comfortable and trendy shoe is now regarded as an integral part of a well-dressed look – some might even claim that shoes are the best accessory of all. Running shoes, formal shoes, sneakers, boots – there is any number of shoes a man or woman can have in the wardrobe.
Sandals are footwear for the summers – the open type of shoes come with straps tied around the arch of the feet or around the ankles. Sandals may be embellished with beads, sequins tassels, etc.
Flip flops are open-toed sandals with the straps going between the toe and the rest of the fingers and lend a very casual aura – just ready for a beach look. Mules are another variety of sandals. Learn more about the 35 different types of footwear for women here.
26. Socks and Stockings
These come under hosiery and they are used for many purposes like comfort, attractive appeal, support.
Socks are worn to protect the feet. When worn inside running shoes many will swear that their socks prevented many a blister from forming on the feet – but that does not explain why people choose the prettiest socks in startling and beautiful colors – they peek from inside the shoes and can be counted as an accessory that can enhance your looks. The thigh-high socks are, well, thigh high and keep your leg warm. Pantyhose, tights, stockings all have their own space in the world of accessories.
Sunglasses are protective eyewear meant to shield eyes from ultraviolet (UV) rays. Other than its highly functional use, sunglass (shades) is a great accessory that can change the way you look – here is an article which explains why everyone looks hotter in sunglasses.
28. Umbrella
It is a useful accessory that protects you from rain or sun’s harmful rays. As something that many use on a daily basis, it has its own place as an accessory.
29. Veils
A veil is a piece of cloth used to cover the head or face, either fully or partially.
Other than for religious purposes, the veils are used nowadays as a wedding accessory. It is supposed to shield the bride from evil spirits.
The most expensive watch in the world will set you back by about 55 Million dollars – if I am wearing it I will insure my hand and go around with security men. A basic watch costs very little but no one buys them anymore – and for a reason. People spend a lot of money on watches because as an accessory it has no parallel. From the functional use of a time keeping device, watch has ascended far into superstardom among other accessories.
The accessories you choose to wear are as important as your clothes. Which accessory would you count as the most important among these?